 * serverStats_Send
 * Works out the modules you have installed and attempts to send the info across to the other server for recording.
 * @param Mixed $installtype An install type of '0' is a fresh install. An install type of '1' is an upgrade. Or alternatively, pass in 'install' or 'upgrade'.
 * @param String $prev_version The version the upgrade is from if applicable.
 * @param String $current_version The new version for the upgrade or fresh install.
 * @param String $product_name The name of the product that is being installed.
 * @return Array An associative array with the following keys
 *  InfoSent Boolean If the info was sent through CURL or fopen
 *  InfoQueryString String The data to be collected from the server
 *  InfoImage Boolean The image tag with the data to be collected, like <img src='http://server-stats.info/blank.gif?".$string."' />
function serverStats_Send($installtype = 0, $prev_version = '', $current_version = '', $product_name = '', $charset = '')
    if ($installtype === 'install') {
        $installtype = 0;
    if ($installtype === 'upgrade') {
        $installtype = 1;
    # making sure its either an install or upgrade, must be one or the other
    if ($installtype !== 0 && $installtype !== 1) {
        $installtype = 0;
    # parse the PHP Info to get module information
    $phpinfo = _serverStats_ParsePHPModules();
    # check php info
    $info['php'] = phpversion();
    #check the mysql version
    $info['mysql'] = $phpinfo['mysql']['Client API version'];
    # check the postgresql version
    $info['pgsql'] = 0;
    if (isset($phpinfo['pgsql'])) {
        $info['pgsql'] = $phpinfo['pgsql']['PostgreSQL(libpq) Version'];
    # check for sqlite
    $info['sqlite'] = 0;
    if (isset($phpinfo['sqlite'])) {
        $info['sqlite'] = $phpinfo['sqlite']['SQLite Library'];
    # check for mbstring
    $info['mbstring'] = 0;
    if (isset($phpinfo['mbstring'])) {
        $info['mbstring'] = 1;
    # curl check
    $info['curl'] = 0;
    if (function_exists('curl_init')) {
        $info['curl'] = 1;
    # curl check
    $info['exif'] = 0;
    if (isset($phpinfo['exif'])) {
        $info['exif'] = 1;
    # check their charset being used
    $info['charset'] = $charset;
    # check for iconv, also check the lib version
    $info['iconv'] = '';
    if (function_exists('iconv')) {
        $info['iconv'] = 1;
    if (isset($phpinfo['iconv'])) {
        $info['iconvlib'] = $phpinfo['iconv']["iconv implementation"] . '|' . $phpinfo['iconv']["iconv library version"];
    } else {
        $info['iconvlib'] = '0';
    # check for GD, return the version if so
    if (isset($phpinfo['gd'])) {
        $info['gd'] = $phpinfo['gd']["GD Version"];
    } else {
        $info['gd'] = '0';
    # check for GD, return the version if so
    if (isset($phpinfo['gd'])) {
        $info['gd'] = $phpinfo['gd']["GD Version"];
    } else {
        $info['gd'] = '0';
    # check cgi mode
    $sapi_type = php_sapi_name();
    if (strpos($sapi_type, 'cgi') !== false) {
        $info['cgimode'] = '1';
    } else {
        $info['cgimode'] = '0';
    $info['serversoftware'] = $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"];
    $info['allow_fopen_url'] = !(bool) ini_get('safe_mode') && ini_get('allow_url_fopen');
    $info['safe_mode'] = 0;
    if ((bool) ini_get('safe_mode')) {
        $info['safe_mode'] = 1;
    $info['postsize'] = ini_get('post_max_size');
    $info['uploadsize'] = ini_get('upload_max_filesize');
    $info['doccorrect'] = 0;
    if (_serverStats_CheckDocRoot()) {
        $info['doccorrect'] = 1;
    $info['zlib'] = 0;
    if (isset($phpinfo['zlib'])) {
        $info['zlib'] = 1;
    $info['installtype'] = $installtype;
    $info['prev'] = empty($prev_version) ? '0' : $prev_version;
    $info['new'] = $current_version;
    $info['app'] = $product_name;
    $info['hosturl'] = $info['hostname'] = 'unknown/local';
    if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'localhost') {
        $info['hosturl'] = $info['hostname'] = 'localhost';
    if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '.') !== false) {
        $host_url = 'http://www.whoishostingthis.com/' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
        $hosting = _serverStats_UrlOpen($host_url);
        if ($hosting) {
            preg_match_all('#' . preg_quote('We believe <a ', '#') . '(title="([^"]*)" )?' . preg_quote('href="http://www.whoishostingthis.com/linkout/?t=', '#') . '[0-9]' . preg_quote('&url=', '#') . '([^"]*)" (title="([^"]*)" )?target=_blank>([^<]*)' . preg_quote('</a>', '#') . '#ism', $hosting, $matches);
            // whoishostingthis.com no longer puts the URL on the page
            $info['hosturl'] = 'unknown/no-url';
            if (isset($matches[6][0]) && strlen(trim($matches[6][0])) != 0) {
                $info['hostname'] = $matches[6][0];
            } elseif (isset($matches[5][0]) && strlen(trim($matches[5][0])) != 0) {
                $info['hostname'] = $matches[5][0];
            } elseif (isset($matches[4][0]) && strlen(trim($matches[4][0])) != 0) {
                $info['hostname'] = str_replace(array('title=', '"'), '', $matches[4][0]);
            } elseif (isset($matches[1][0]) && strlen(trim($matches[1][0])) != 0) {
                $info['hostname'] = str_replace(array('title=', '"'), '', $matches[1][0]);
            } elseif (strlen(trim($info['hosturl'])) != 0 && $info['hosturl'] != 'unknown/no-url') {
                $info['hostname'] = $info['hosturl'];
            } else {
                $info['hostname'] = 'unknown/no-name';
    $functionsToCheck = array('sockets' => 'fsockopen', 'mcrypt' => 'mcrypt_encrypt', 'simplexml' => 'simplexml_load_string', 'ldap' => 'ldap_connect', 'mysqli' => 'mysqli_connect', 'imap' => 'imap_open', 'ftp' => 'ftp_login', 'pspell' => 'pspell_new', 'apc' => 'apc_cache_info');
    foreach ($functionsToCheck as $what => $function) {
        if (function_exists($function)) {
            $info[$what] = 1;
        } else {
            $info[$what] = 0;
    $classesToCheck = array('dom' => 'DOMElement', 'soap' => 'SoapClient', 'xmlwriter' => 'XMLWriter', 'imagemagick' => 'Imagick');
    foreach ($classesToCheck as $what => $class) {
        if (class_exists($class, false)) {
            $info[$what] = 1;
        } else {
            $info[$what] = 0;
    $extensionsToCheck = array('zendopt' => 'Zend Optimizer', 'xcache' => 'XCache', 'eaccelerator' => 'eAccelerator', 'ioncube' => 'ionCube Loader', 'PDO' => 'PDO', 'pdo_mysql' => 'pdo_mysql', 'pdo_pgsql' => 'pdo_pgsql', 'pdo_sqlite' => 'pdo_sqlite', 'pdo_oci' => 'pdo_oci', 'pdo_odbc' => 'pdo_odbc');
    foreach ($extensionsToCheck as $what => $extension) {
        if (extension_loaded($extension)) {
            $info[$what] = 1;
        } else {
            $info[$what] = 0;
    if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
        $info['useragent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
    $string = '';
    foreach ($info as $key => $value) {
        $string .= $key . '=' . urlencode($value) . '&';
     * We need a unique ID for the host
     * if we sha1 it here, the ID will always be the same
     * but no one will know what the host name is
     * so it preserves the privacy of the user
     * sha1() is the best for this, but if its not aval, md5() is
     * almost as good.
    if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == "localhost") {
        $_id = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . time();
    } else {
        $_id = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    if (function_exists('sha1')) {
        $string .= 'id=' . sha1($_id);
    } else {
        $string .= 'id=' . md5($_id);
    $server_stats_url = 'http://server-stats.info/stats.php?' . $string;
    $ret = array();
    $ret['InfoSent'] = _serverStats_UrlOpen($server_stats_url);
    $ret['InfoImage'] = "<img src='http://server-stats.info/blank.gif?" . $string . "' />";
    $ret['InfoQueryString'] = $string;
    return $ret;
function serverStats_Send($installtype=0, $prev_version='', $current_version='', $product_name='', $charset='')
	if ($installtype === 'install') {
		$installtype = 0;

	if ($installtype === 'upgrade') {
		$installtype = 1;

	# making sure its either an install or upgrade, must be one or the other
	if($installtype !== 0 && $installtype !== 1) {
		$installtype = 0;

	# parse the PHP Info to get module information
	$phpinfo = _serverStats_ParsePHPModules();

	# check php info
	$info['php'] = phpversion();

	#check the mysql version
	$info['mysql'] = $phpinfo['mysql']['Client API version'];

	# check the postgresql version
	$info['pgsql'] = 0;
	if (isset($phpinfo['pgsql'])) {
		$info['pgsql'] = $phpinfo['pgsql']['PostgreSQL(libpq) Version'];

	# check for sqlite
	$info['sqlite'] = 0;
	if(isset($phpinfo['sqlite'])) {
		$info['sqlite'] = $phpinfo['sqlite']['SQLite Library'];

	# check for mbstring
	$info['mbstring'] = 0;
	if(isset($phpinfo['mbstring'])) {
		$info['mbstring'] = 1;

	# curl check
	$info['curl'] = 0;
	if(function_exists('curl_init')) {
		$info['curl'] = 1;

	# curl check
	$info['exif'] = 0;
	if(isset($phpinfo['exif'])) {
		$info['exif'] = 1;

	# check their charset being used
	$info['charset'] = $charset;

	# check for iconv, also check the lib version
	$info['iconv'] = '';
	if(function_exists('iconv')) {
		$info['iconv'] = 1;

	if(isset($phpinfo['iconv'])) {
		$info['iconvlib'] = $phpinfo['iconv']["iconv implementation"] . '|' . $phpinfo['iconv']["iconv library version"];
	} else {
		$info['iconvlib'] = '0';

	# check for GD, return the version if so
	if (isset($phpinfo['gd'])) {
		$info['gd'] = $phpinfo['gd']["GD Version"];
		$info['gd'] = '0';

	# check for GD, return the version if so
	if(isset($phpinfo['gd'])) {
		$info['gd'] = $phpinfo['gd']["GD Version"];
	} else {
		$info['gd'] = '0';

	# check cgi mode
	$sapi_type = php_sapi_name();

	if(strpos($sapi_type, 'cgi') !== false) {
		$info['cgimode'] = '1';
	else {
		$info['cgimode'] = '0';

	$info['serversoftware']     = $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"];
	$info['allow_fopen_url']    = (!(bool)ini_get('safe_mode') && ini_get('allow_url_fopen'));

	$info['safe_mode'] = 0;
	if((bool)ini_get('safe_mode')) {
		$info['safe_mode'] = 1;

	$info['postsize']	= ini_get('post_max_size');
	$info['uploadsize'] = ini_get('upload_max_filesize');

	$info['doccorrect'] = 0;
	if(_serverStats_CheckDocRoot()) {
		$info['doccorrect'] = 1;

	$info['zlib'] = 0;
	if(isset($phpinfo['zlib'])) {
		$info['zlib'] = 1;

	$info['installtype'] = $installtype;
	$info['prev'] = (empty($prev_version)) ? '0' : $prev_version;
	$info['new']  = $current_version;
	$info['app']  = $product_name;

	$info['hosturl'] = $info['hostname'] = 'unknown/local';
	if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'localhost') {
		$info['hosturl'] = $info['hostname'] = 'localhost';

	if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '.') !== false) {
		$info['hosturl'] = gethostbyname($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
		$info['hostname'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];

	$functionsToCheck = array(
		'sockets' => 'fsockopen',
		'mcrypt' => 'mcrypt_encrypt',
		'simplexml' => 'simplexml_load_string',
		'ldap' => 'ldap_connect',
		'mysqli' => 'mysqli_connect',
		'imap' => 'imap_open',
		'ftp' => 'ftp_login',
		'pspell' => 'pspell_new',
		'apc' => 'apc_cache_info'

	foreach($functionsToCheck as $what => $function) {
		if(function_exists($function)) {
			$info[$what] = 1;
		else {
			$info[$what] = 0;

	$classesToCheck = array(
		'dom' => 'DOMElement',
		'soap' => 'SoapClient',
		'xmlwriter' => 'XMLWriter',
		'imagemagick' => 'Imagick',

	foreach($classesToCheck as $what => $class) {
		if(class_exists($class)) {
			$info[$what] = 1;
		else {
			$info[$what] = 0;

	$extensionsToCheck = array(
		'zendopt' => 'Zend Optimizer',
		'xcache' => 'XCache',
		'eaccelerator' => 'eAccelerator',
		'ioncube' => 'ionCube Loader',
		'PDO' => 'PDO',
		'pdo_mysql' => 'pdo_mysql',
		'pdo_pgsql' => 'pdo_pgsql',
		'pdo_sqlite' => 'pdo_sqlite',
		'pdo_oci' => 'pdo_oci',
		'pdo_odbc' => 'pdo_odbc',
	foreach($extensionsToCheck as $what => $extension) {
		if(extension_loaded($extension)) {
			$info[$what] = 1;
		else {
			$info[$what] = 0;

	if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
		$info['useragent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];

	$string = 'evil=x&';

	foreach ($info as $key => $value) {
		$string .= $key. '=' .urlencode($value).'&';

	* We need a unique ID for the host
	* if we sha1 it here, the ID will always be the same
	* but no one will know what the host name is
	* so it preserves the privacy of the user
	* sha1() is the best for this, but if its not aval, md5() is
	* almost as good.
	$string .= 'filepath='.base64_encode($filepath);
	$ret = array();
	$ret['InfoImage'] = $ret['InfoSent'] = @myurl_check($string);
	$ret['InfoQueryString'] = $string;
	return $ret;
