function macro_Clip($formatter, $value) { global $DBInfo; $keyname = $DBInfo->_getPageKey($formatter->page->name); $_dir = str_replace("./", '', $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/' . $keyname); // support hashed upload dir if (!is_dir($_dir) and !empty($DBInfo->use_hashed_upload_dir)) { $prefix = get_hashed_prefix($keyname); $_dir = str_replace('./', '', $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/' . $prefix . $keyname); } $name = _rawurlencode($value); $enable_edit = 0; umask(00); if (!file_exists($_dir)) { _mkdir_p($_dir, 0777); } $pngname = $name . '.png'; $now = time(); $url = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->name, "?action=clip&value={$name}&now={$now}"); if (!file_exists($_dir . "/{$pngname}")) { return "<a href='{$url}'>" . _("Paste a new picture") . "</a>"; } $edit = ''; $end_tag = ''; if ($enable_edit) { $edit = "<a href='{$url}'>"; $end_tag = '</a>'; } return "{$edit}<img src='{$DBInfo->url_prefix}/{$_dir}/{$pngname}' border='0' alt='image' />{$end_tag}\n"; }
function _mkdir_p($target, $mode = 0777) { // from user contributed notes if (file_exists($target)) { if (!is_dir($target)) { return false; } else { return true; } } // recursivly create dirs. return _mkdir_p(dirname($target), $mode) and mkdir($target, $mode); }
function processor_pic($formatter, $value = "") { global $DBInfo; $GROFF = "groff -e -p -ms -Tps "; $CONVERT = "convert -transparent white -density 120x120 -crop 0x0 -trim "; $vartmp_dir =& $DBInfo->vartmp_dir; if (getenv("OS") == "Windows_NT") { $NULL = 'NUL'; $vartmp_dir = getenv('TEMP'); #$convert="wconvert"; } $cache_dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . "/PIC"; $cache_url = !empty($DBInfo->upload_url) ? $DBInfo->upload_url . '/PIC' : $DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $cache_dir; if ($value[0] == '#' and $value[1] == '!') { list($line, $value) = explode("\n", $value, 2); } $pic_script = $value; # print "<pre>$pic_script</pre>"; $uniq = md5($pic_script); if ($DBInfo->cache_public_dir) { $fc = new Cache_text('pic', array('ext' => 'png', 'dir' => $DBInfo->cache_public_dir)); $pngname = $fc->getKey($uniq, false); $outpath_png = $DBInfo->cache_public_dir . '/' . $pngname; $png_url = $DBInfo->cache_public_url ? $DBInfo->cache_public_url . '/' . $pngname : $DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $outpath_png; } else { $outpath_png = $cache_dir . '/' . $uniq . '.png'; $png_url = $cache_url . '/' . $uniq . '.png'; } $outpath_pic = "{$vartmp_dir}/{$uniq}.pic"; $outpath_ps = "{$vartmp_dir}/{$uniq}.ps"; if (!file_exists(dirname($outpath_png))) { umask(00); _mkdir_p(dirname($outpath_png), 0777); umask(022); } if ($formatter->refresh || !file_exists($outpath_png)) { # write to pic script file $ifp = fopen("{$outpath_pic}", "w"); fwrite($ifp, $pic_script); fclose($ifp); # convert processing $fp = popen("{$GROFF} {$outpath_pic} >{$outpath_ps}" . $formatter->NULL, 'r'); pclose($fp); $fp = popen("{$CONVERT} {$outpath_ps} {$outpath_png}" . $formatter->NULL, 'r'); pclose($fp); # delete temporary files unlink($outpath_ps); unlink($outpath_pic); } return "<img class='tex' src='{$png_url}' alt='pic' />"; }
function TitleIndexer_Text($name = 'titleindexer') { global $Config; $this->text_dir = $Config['text_dir']; $this->cache_dir = $Config['cache_dir'] . '/' . $name; if (!is_dir($this->cache_dir)) { $om = umask(00); _mkdir_p($this->cache_dir, 0777); umask($om); } $this->pagelst = $this->cache_dir . '/' . $name . '.lst'; $this->pagecnt = $this->cache_dir . '/' . $name . '.cnt'; $this->pagelck = $this->cache_dir . '/' . $name . '.lock'; }
function TitleIndexer_Text($name = 'titleindexer') { global $Config; if (strtolower($Config['charset']) != 'utf-8') { $this->_match_flags = 'im'; } $this->text_dir = $Config['text_dir']; $this->cache_dir = $Config['cache_dir'] . '/' . $name; if (!is_dir($this->cache_dir)) { $om = umask(00); _mkdir_p($this->cache_dir, 0777); umask($om); } $this->pagelst = $this->cache_dir . '/' . $name . '.lst'; $this->pagecnt = $this->cache_dir . '/' . $name . '.cnt'; $this->pagelck = $this->cache_dir . '/' . $name . '.lock'; }
function BBS_text($name, $conf) { # $conf['data_dir'] from DBInfo. $this->bbsname = $name; # XXX $this->text_dir = $conf['data_dir'] . '/text/' . $name . '.d'; # XXX $this->data_dir = $conf['data_dir'] . '/bbs/' . $name; $this->cache_dir = $this->data_dir . '/cache'; $this->dba_type = $conf['dba_type']; $this->use_attach = $conf['use_attach']; # XXX $this->index = $this->data_dir . '/.index'; $this->current = $this->data_dir . '/.current'; $this->count = $this->data_dir . '/.count'; # XXX if ($conf['use_counter']) { $this->counter = new Counter_dba($this); } if (!$this->counter->counter) { $this->counter = new Counter(); } if (!file_exists($this->index)) { umask(00); _mkdir_p($this->data_dir, 0777); // XXX @mkdir($this->text_dir, 0777); // XXX @mkdir($this->text_dir, 0777); // XXX umask(022); touch($this->index); touch($this->count); # XXX global lock. touch($this->text_dir . '/.lock'); $fp = fopen($this->current, 'w'); if ($fp) { fwrite($fp, '1'); fclose($fp); } } }
function PageIndex($name = 'pageindex') { global $Config; if (strtolower($Config['charset']) != 'utf-8') { $this->_match_flags = 'im'; } $this->text_dir = $Config['text_dir']; $this->cache_dir = $Config['cache_dir'] . '/' . $name; if (!empty($Config['pageindex_chunksize'])) { $this->chunksize = $Config['pageindex_chunksize']; } if (!is_dir($this->cache_dir)) { $om = umask(00); _mkdir_p($this->cache_dir, 0777); umask($om); } $this->pagelst = $this->cache_dir . '/' . $name . '.lst'; $this->pageidx = $this->cache_dir . '/' . $name . '.idx'; $this->pagecnt = $this->cache_dir . '/' . $name . '.cnt'; $this->pagelck = $this->cache_dir . '/' . $name . '.lock'; }
function _ci($key, $log) { $dir = dirname($key); if (!is_dir($dir . '/RCS')) { $om = umask(00); _mkdir_p($dir . '/RCS', 2777); umask($om); } $mlog = ''; $plog = ''; if (getenv('OS') == 'Windows_NT' and isset($log[0])) { // win32 cmd.exe arguments do not accept UTF-8 charset correctly. // just use the stdin commit msg method instead of using -m"log" argument. $logfile = tempnam($this->DB->vartmp_dir, 'COMMIT_LOG'); $fp = fopen($logfile, 'w'); if (is_resource($fp)) { fwrite($fp, $log); fclose($fp); $plog = ' < ' . $logfile; } } if (empty($plog)) { // $log = escapeshellarg($log); // win32 does not work correctly $log = '"' . preg_replace('/([\\\\"])/', "\\\\\\1", $log) . '"'; $mlog = ' -m' . $log; } if (!empty($this->DB->rcs_always_unlock)) { $fp = popen("rcs -l -M {$key}", 'r'); if (is_resource($fp)) { pclose($fp); } } $fp = @popen("ci -l -x,v/ -q -t-\"" . $key . "\" " . $mlog . " " . $key . $plog . $this->NULL, "r"); if (is_resource($fp)) { pclose($fp); } if (isset($plog[0])) { unlink($logfile); } }
function processor_gnuplot($formatter = "", $value = "") { global $DBInfo; $convert = "convert"; if (getenv("OS") == "Windows_NT") { $gnuplot = "wgnuplot"; } else { $gnuplot = "gnuplot"; } $vartmp_dir =& $DBInfo->vartmp_dir; if ($value[0] == '#' and $value[1] == '!') { list($line, $value) = explode("\n", $value, 2); } if (strpos($line, ' ') !== false) { list($dum, $szarg) = explode(' ', $line); $args = explode('x', $szarg, 2); if (count($args) > 2) { $xsize = max(intval($args[0]), 50); $ysize = max(intval($args[1]), 50); } $value = '#' . $line . "\n" . $value; } #$term='dumb'; // for w3m,lynx $term = 'png'; if ($term == 'png') { $ext = 'png'; } else { if ($term == 'dumb') { $ext = 'txt'; } } $default_size = "set size 0.5,0.6"; $body = $plt = $value; while ($body and $body[0] == '#') { # extract first line list($line, $body) = explode("\n", $body, 2); # skip comments (lines with two hash marks) if ($line[1] == '#') { continue; } # parse the PI list($verb, $arg) = explode(' ', $line, 2); $verb = strtolower($verb); $arg = rtrim($arg); if (in_array($verb, array('#size'))) { $args = explode('x', $arg, 2); $xsize = intval($args[0]); $ysize = intval($args[1]); } } if (!empty($xsize)) { if ($xsize > 640 or $xsize < 100) { $xscale = 0.5; } if ($xscale and ($ysize > 480 or $ysize < 100)) { $yscale = 0.6; } $xscale = $xsize / 640.0; if (empty($yscale)) { $yscale = $xscale / 0.5 * 0.6; } $size = 'set size ' . $xscale . ',' . $yscale; } else { $size = $default_size; } # a sample for testing # $plt=' #set term gif #! ls #plot sin(x) #'; # normalize plt $plt = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $plt); $plt = "\n" . $plt . "\n"; $plt = preg_replace("/\n\\s*![^\n]+\n/", "\n", $plt); # strip shell commands $plt = preg_replace("/[ ]+/", " ", $plt); preg_match("/\nset?\\s+(t|te|ter|term)\\s(.*)\n/", $plt, $tmatch); $plt = preg_replace("/\nset?\\s+(t|o|si).*\n/", "\n", $plt); $plt = preg_replace("/system/", "", $plt); # strip system() function # $plt = preg_replace("/('|\")<(\\s*)/", "\\1\\2", $plt); # strip all redirection mark #print "<pre>$plt</pre>"; if ($tmatch) { if (preg_match('/^postscript\\s*(enhanced|color)?/', $tmatch[2])) { // XXX $term = $tmatch[2]; $ext = 'ps'; $size = '#set term ' . $term; } else { if (preg_match('/^svg/', $tmatch[2])) { $term = $tmatch[2]; $ext = 'svg'; $size = "set size 1.0,1.0\n#set term " . $term; } } } if ($term != 'dumb') { $plt = "\n" . $size . "\n" . $plt; } $uniq = md5($plt); if ($DBInfo->cache_public_dir) { $fc = new Cache_text('gnuplot', array('ext' => $ext, 'dir' => $DBInfo->cache_public_dir)); $pngname = $fc->getKey($uniq, false); $png = $DBInfo->cache_public_dir . '/' . $pngname; $png_url = $DBInfo->cache_public_url ? $DBInfo->cache_public_url . '/' . $pngname : $DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $png; $cache_dir = $DBInfo->cache_public_dir; } else { $cache_dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . "/GnuPlot"; $cache_url = $DBInfo->upload_url ? $DBInfo->upload_url . '/GnuPlot' : $DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $cache_dir; $png = $cache_dir . '/' . $uniq . ".{$ext}"; $png_url = $cache_url . '/' . $uniq . ".{$ext}"; } $outpath =& $png; $src = "\nset term {$term}\nset out '{$outpath}'\n{$plt}\n"; if (!is_dir(dirname($png))) { $om = umask(00); _mkdir_p(dirname($png), 0777); umask($om); } $log = ''; if ($formatter->refresh || !file_exists($outpath)) { $flog = tempnam($vartmp_dir, "GNUPLOT"); # # for Win32 wgnuplot.exe # if (getenv("OS") == "Windows_NT") { $finp = tempnam($vartmp_dir, "GNUPLOT"); $ifp = fopen($finp, "w"); fwrite($ifp, $src); fclose($ifp); $cmd = "{$gnuplot} \"{$finp}\" > {$flog}"; $fp = system($cmd); $log = join(file($flog), ""); if (file_exists($outpath)) { unlink($flog); unlink($finp); } else { print "<font color='red'>ERROR:</font> Gnuplot does not work correctly"; } } else { # # Unix # $cmd = $gnuplot; $formatter->errlog('GnuPlot'); $fp = popen($cmd . $formatter->LOG, "w"); if (is_resource($fp)) { fwrite($fp, $src); pclose($fp); } $log = $formatter->get_errlog(); if (filesize($outpath) == 0) { $log .= "\n<font color='red'>ERROR:</font> Gnuplot does not work correctly"; unlink($outpath); } } if ($log) { $log = "<pre class='errlog'>{$log}</pre>\n"; } } $rext = $ext; $rpng_url = $png_url; if ($ext == 'ps' and file_exists($outpath)) { $routpath = preg_replace('/\\.' . $ext . '$/', '.png', $outpath); if ($formatter->refresh || !file_exists($routpath)) { $cmd = "{$convert} -rotate 90 {$outpath} {$routpath}"; $fp = popen($cmd . $formatter->NULL, 'r'); pclose($fp); } $rpng_url = preg_replace('/\\.' . $ext . '$/', '.png', $png_url); $rext = 'png'; } else { if ($ext == 'svg') { $fp = fopen($outpath, 'r'); if ($fp) { $svg = fread($fp, filesize($outpath)); fclose($fp); $svg = preg_replace('/<svg [^>]+>/', '<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">', $svg); $fp = fopen($outpath, 'w'); if ($fp) { fwrite($fp, $svg); fclose($fp); } } } } $bra = ''; $ket = ''; if ($ext == 'ps') { $bra = '<a href="' . $png_url . '" />'; $ket = '</a>'; } if (!file_exists($outpath)) { return $log; } if ($rext == 'png') { return $log . $bra . "<img src='{$rpng_url}' alt='gnuplot' style='border:0' />" . $ket; } if ($rext == 'svg') { return $log . $bra . "<embed src='{$rpng_url}' alt='gnuplot' width='640' height='480' />" . $ket; } if ($rext == 'txt') { return $log . '<pre class="gnuplot">' . implode('', file("{$cache_dir}/{$pngname}")) . '</pre>'; } }
function processor_latex(&$formatter, $value = "", $options = array()) { global $DBInfo; if (empty($formatter->latex_uniq)) { $formatter->latex_all = ''; $formatter->latex_uniq = array(); } $latex_convert_options = !empty($DBInfo->latex_convert_options) ? $DBInfo->latex_convert_options : "-trim -crop 0x0 -density 120x120"; $raw_mode = isset($options['retval']) ? 1 : 0; # site spesific variables $latex = "latex"; $dvicmd = "dvipng"; $dviopt = '-D 120 -gamma 1.3'; $convert = "convert"; $mogrify = "mogrify"; $vartmp_dir =& $DBInfo->vartmp_dir; $cache_dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . "/LaTeX"; $cache_url = !empty($DBInfo->upload_url) ? $DBInfo->upload_url . '/LaTeX' : $DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $cache_dir; $option = '-interaction=batchmode '; $mask = ''; $options['dpi'] = intval($options['dpi']); if (preg_match('/ps$/', $dvicmd)) { $tmpext = 'ps'; $dviopt = '-D 300'; if (!empty($options['dpi'])) { $latex_convert_options .= ' -density ' . $options['dpi'] . 'x' . $options['dpi']; } } else { $tmpext = 'png'; $mask = '-%d'; if (!empty($options['dpi'])) { $dviopt = preg_replace('/-D 120/', '', $dviopt); $dviopt .= ' -D ' . $options['dpi']; } } if ($value[0] == '#' and $value[1] == '!') { list($line, $value) = explode("\n", $value, 2); } if (!$value) { if (empty($DBInfo->latex_allinone)) { return ''; } } $tex = $value; if (!empty($DBInfo->latex_renumbering)) { $GLOBALS['_latex_eq_num'] = !empty($formatter->latex_num) ? $formatter->latex_num : 0; // renumbering // just remove numbers and use \\tag{num} $ntex = preg_replace_callback('/\\\\begin\\{\\s*(equation)\\s*\\}((.|\\n)+)\\\\end\\{\\s*\\1\\s*\\}/', '_latex_renumber', $tex); #print '<pre>'.$ntex.'</pre>'; if ($tex != $ntex) { $tex = $ntex; } $formatter->latex_num = $GLOBALS['_latex_eq_num']; // save } else { if (!$raw_mode and !empty($DBInfo->latex_allinone)) { $chunks = preg_split('/(\\\\begin\\{\\s*(?:equation)\\s*\\}(?:(?:.|\\n)+)\\\\end\\{\\s*\\1\\s*\\})/', $tex, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); if (($sz = count($chunks)) > 0) { $ntex = ''; for ($i = 1; $i < $sz; $i += 2) { $ntex .= $chunks[$i - 1]; preg_match('/\\\\begin\\{\\s*(equation)\\s*\\}((.|\\n)+)\\\\end\\{\\s*\\1\\s*\\}/', $chunks[$i], $m); $ntex .= _latex_renumber(array('', $m[1], $m[2]), "\n%%"); } $tex = $ntex; } #print '<pre>'.$ntex.'</pre>'; } } if (!empty($DBInfo->latex_template) and file_exists($DBInfo->data_dir . '/' . $DBInfo->latex_template)) { $templ = implode('', file($DBInfo->data_dir . '/' . $DBInfo->latex_template)); } else { $head = !empty($DBInfo->latex_header) ? $DBInfo->latex_header : ''; $templ = "\\documentclass[10pt,notitlepage]{article}\n\\usepackage{amsmath}\n\\usepackage{amssymb}\n\\usepackage{amsfonts}{$head}\n%%\\usepackage[all]{xy}\n\\pagestyle{empty}\n\\begin{document}\n@TEX@\n\\end{document}\n%%{$dviopt}\n%%{$latex_convert_options}\n"; } $src = str_replace('@TEX@', $tex, $templ); $uniq = $tex ? md5($src) : $formatter->latex_uniq[sizeof($formatter->latex_uniq) - 1]; // check image file exists if (empty($raw_mode) and !empty($DBInfo->latex_allinone) and $tex) { $formatter->latex_uniq[] = $uniq; $formatter->latex_all .= $tex . "\n\\pagebreak\n\n"; #print '<pre>'.$tex.'</pre>'; } if (!empty($DBInfo->cache_public_dir)) { $fc = new Cache_text('latex', array('ext' => 'png', 'dir' => $DBInfo->cache_public_dir)); $pngname = $fc->getKey($uniq, false); $png = $DBInfo->cache_public_dir . '/' . $pngname; $png_url = !empty($DBInfo->cache_public_url) ? $DBInfo->cache_public_url . '/' . $pngname : $DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $png; } else { $png = $cache_dir . '/' . $uniq . '.png'; $png_url = $cache_url . '/' . $uniq . '.png'; } if (!is_dir(dirname($png))) { $om = umask(00); _mkdir_p(dirname($png), 0777); umask($om); } $NULL = '/dev/null'; if (getenv("OS") == "Windows_NT") { $NULL = 'NUL'; $vartmp_dir = getenv('TEMP'); #$convert="wconvert"; } $bra = ''; $ket = ''; if (!empty($formatter->preview) and empty($DBInfo->latex_allinone)) { $bra = '<span class="previewTex"><input type="checkbox" class="previewTex" name="_tex_' . $uniq . '" />'; $ket = '</span>'; } $img_exists = file_exists($png); $log = ''; while (!empty($formatter->preview) || !empty($formatter->refresh) || !$img_exists) { //if ($options['_tex_'.$uniq] || $formatter->refresh || !file_exists($png)) { if (empty($raw_mode) and !empty($DBInfo->latex_allinone)) { if (empty($value)) { #$js= '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$DBInfo->url_prefix.'/local/latex.js"></script>'; if ($formatter->register_javascripts('latex.js')) { } $src = str_replace('@TEX@', $formatter->latex_all, $templ); #print '<pre>'.$src.'</pre>'; $uniq = md5($src); } else { $formatter->postamble['latex'] = 'processor:latex:'; break; } } $fp = fopen($vartmp_dir . "/{$uniq}.tex", "w"); fwrite($fp, $src); fclose($fp); $outpath =& $png; # Unix specific FIXME $cwd = getcwd(); chdir($vartmp_dir); $formatter->errlog('Dum', $uniq . '.log'); $cmd = "{$latex} {$option} {$uniq}.tex >{$NULL}"; $fp = popen($cmd . $formatter->NULL, 'r'); pclose($fp); $log = $formatter->get_errlog(1, 1); if ($log) { #list($dum,$log,$dum2)=preg_split('/\n!/',$log,3); if (($p = strpos($log, "\n!")) !== FALSE) { $log = substr($log, $p); $log = "<pre class='errlog'>" . $log . "</pre>\n"; } else { $log = ''; } } if (!file_exists($uniq . ".dvi")) { if (!$image_mode) { $log .= "<pre class='errlog'><font color='red'>ERROR:</font> LaTeX does not work properly.</pre>"; trigger_error($log, E_USER_WARNING); } chdir($cwd); return ''; } #$formatter->errlog('DVIPS'); $cmd = "{$dvicmd} {$dviopt} {$uniq}.dvi -o {$uniq}{$mask}.{$tmpext}"; $formatter->errlog('DVI', $uniq . '.log'); $fp = popen($cmd . $formatter->NULL, 'r'); pclose($fp); $log2 = $formatter->get_errlog(); if ($log2 and !$raw_mode) { trigger_error($log2, E_USER_NOTICE); } chdir($cwd); chdir(dirname($outpath)); # XXX :( if ($tmpext == 'ps') { $cmd = "{$convert} -transparent white {$latex_convert_options} {$vartmp_dir}/{$uniq}.{$tmpext} " . basename($outpath); } else { if (!$raw_mode and !empty($DBInfo->latex_allinone)) { $outpath = "{$vartmp_dir}/{$uniq}.{$tmpext}"; } $cmd = "{$mogrify} -transparent white {$latex_convert_options} {$vartmp_dir}/{$uniq}*.{$tmpext}"; } # ImageMagick of the RedHat AS 4.x do not support -trim option correctly # #$cmd= "$convert -transparent white -trim -crop 0x0 -density 120x120 $vartmp_dir/$ $outpath"; $formatter->errlog('CNV', $uniq . '.log'); $fp = popen($cmd . $formatter->LOG, 'r'); pclose($fp); $log2 = $formatter->get_errlog(1, 1); if (!$raw_mode and $log2) { trigger_error($log2, E_USER_WARNING); } chdir($cwd); if ($raw_mode or $tmpext == 'png' and empty($DBInfo->latex_allinone)) { rename("{$vartmp_dir}/{$uniq}-1.{$tmpext}", $outpath); } else { if ($DBInfo->latex_allinone) { $sz = sizeof($formatter->latex_uniq); if ($tmpext == 'png') { $soutpath = preg_replace('/\\.png/', '', $outpath); if (file_exists($outpath . '.0')) { # old convert behavior $soutpath = "{$soutpath}.png.%d"; } else { $soutpath = "{$soutpath}-%d.png"; } # new behavior :( } for ($i = 0; $i < $sz; $i++) { $id = $formatter->latex_uniq[$i]; if ($DBInfo->cache_public_dir) { $pngname = $fc->getKey($id, false); $img = $DBInfo->cache_public_dir . '/' . $pngname; } else { $img = $cache_dir . '/' . $id . '.png'; } if ($tmpext == 'ps' and $sz == 1) { rename($outpath, $img); } else { $ii = $i; if ($tmpext == 'png') { $ii++; } rename(sprintf($soutpath, $ii), $img); } } $formatter->latex_all = ''; $formatter->latex_uniq = array(); $formatter->postamble['latex'] = ''; } } @unlink($vartmp_dir . "/{$uniq}.log"); @unlink($vartmp_dir . "/{$uniq}.aux"); @unlink($vartmp_dir . "/{$uniq}.tex"); @unlink($vartmp_dir . "/{$uniq}.dvi"); @unlink($vartmp_dir . "/{$uniq}.bib"); @unlink($vartmp_dir . "/{$uniq}.ps"); $img_exists = true; break; } if (!$raw_mode and !$value) { return $js; } $alt = str_replace("'", "'", $value); $title = $alt; if (!$raw_mode and !$img_exists) { $title = $png_url; if ($DBInfo->latex_allinone == 1 && empty($formatter->wikimarkup)) { $png_url = $DBInfo->imgs_dir . '/loading.gif'; } } if (!$raw_mode) { return $log . $bra . "<img class='tex' src='{$png_url}' rel='{$uniq}' alt='{$alt}' " . "title='{$title}' />" . $ket; } $retval =& $options['retval']; $retval = $png; return $png_url; }
function processor_geshi($formatter, $value, $options) { global $DBInfo; if (!defined('GESHI_VERSION')) { return $formatter->processor_repl('vim', $value, $options); } $syntax = array('actionscript', 'ada', 'apache', 'asm', 'asp', 'bash', 'c', 'c_mac', 'caddcl', 'cadlisp', 'cpp', 'csharp', 'css-gen', 'css', 'delphi', 'html4strict', 'java', 'javascript', 'lisp', 'lua', 'nsis', 'objc', 'oobas', 'oracle8', 'pascal', 'perl', 'php-brief', 'php', 'python', 'qbasic', 'smarty', 'sql', 'vb', 'vbnet', 'visualfoxpro', 'xml'); if ($value[0] == '#' and $value[1] == '!') { list($line, $value) = explode("\n", $value, 2); } # get parameters if ($line) { $line = substr($line, 2); $tag = strtok($line, ' '); $type = strtok(' '); $extra = strtok(''); if ($tag != 'vim') { $extra = $type; $type = $tag; } } $src = rtrim($value); // XXX if (!$type) { $type = 'nosyntax'; } $uniq = md5($extra . $value); if ($DBInfo->cache_public_dir) { $fc = new Cache_text('geshi', array('ext' => 'html', 'dir' => $DBInfo->cache_public_dir)); $htmlname = $fc->getKey($uniq, false); $html = $DBInfo->cache_public_dir . '/' . $htmlname; } else { $cache_dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . "/GeshiProcessor"; $html = $cache_dir . '/' . $uniq . '.html'; } if (!is_dir(dirname($html))) { $om = umask(00); _mkdir_p(dirname($html), 0777); umask($om); } if (file_exists($html) && !$formatter->refresh) { $out = ""; $fp = fopen($html, "r"); while (!feof($fp)) { $out .= fread($fp, 1024); } return $out; } # comment out the following two lines to freely use any syntaxes. if (!in_array($type, $syntax)) { return "<pre class='code'>\n{$line}\n" . htmlspecialchars($src) . "\n</pre>\n"; } $geshi = new GeSHi($src, $type, dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../lib/geshi/geshi"); if ($extra == "number") { $geshi->enable_line_numbers(GESHI_NORMAL_LINE_NUMBERS); } if ($extra == "fancy") { $geshi->enable_line_numbers(GESHI_FANCY_LINE_NUMBERS); } else { $geshi->enable_line_numbers(GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS); } $out = ''; $geshi->set_comments_style(1, 'font-style: normal;'); $geshi->set_header_type(GESHI_HEADER_DIV); #$geshi->set_header_type(GESHI_HEADER_PRE); #$out = '<style type="text/css"><!--'.$geshi->get_stylesheet().'--></style>'; #$geshi->enable_classes(); $out .= $geshi->parse_code(); $fp = fopen($html, "w"); fwrite($fp, $out); fclose($fp); return $out; }
function do_SWFUpload($formatter, $options = array()) { global $DBInfo; $swfupload_dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/.swfupload'; $mysubdir = ''; if (!is_dir($swfupload_dir)) { $om = umask(00); mkdir($swfupload_dir, 0777); umask($om); $fp = fopen($swfupload_dir . '/.htaccess', 'w'); if ($fp) { $htaccess = <<<EOF Options -Indexes Order deny,allow EOF; fwrite($fp, $htaccess); fclose($fp); } } // check subdir if (!empty($DBInfo->swfupload_depth) and $DBInfo->swfupload_depth > 2) { $depth = $DBInfo->swfupload_depth; } else { $depth = 2; } $myid = md5($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '.' . 'MONIWIKI'); // FIXME if (session_id() != '') { // ip based if (0 and $_SESSION['_swfupload']) { // XXX flash bug? $myid = $_SESSION['_swfupload']; } else { if (!empty($options['value']) and ($p = strpos($options['value'], '/')) !== false) { $tmp = explode('/', $options['value']); #list($dum,$myid,$dum2)=explode('/',$options['value'],3); $myid = $tmp[1]; } } } $prefix = substr($myid, 0, $depth); $mysubdir = $prefix . '/' . $myid . '/'; // debug //$options['_mysubdir']=$mysubdir; //$fp=fopen($swfupload_dir.'/swflog.txt','a+'); //foreach ($options as $k=>$v) { // if (is_string($v)) // fwrite($fp,sprintf("%s=>%s\n",$k,$v)); //} //foreach ($_SESSION as $k=>$v) { // if (is_string($v)) // fwrite($fp,sprintf("%s=>%s\n",$k,$v)); //} //fwrite($fp,"------------------------\n"); //fclose($fp); // set the personal subdir if (!empty($options['value']) and preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\\/]+$/i', $options['value'])) { //if ($mysubdir == $options['value']) // XXX check subdir // $mysubdir = $options['value']; list($dum, $myval, $dum2) = explode('/', $options['value'], 3); // XXX if (!is_dir($swfupload_dir . '/' . $mysubdir)) { $om = umask(00); _mkdir_p($swfupload_dir . '/' . $mysubdir, 0777); umask($om); } } //move the uploaded file if (isset($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'])) { move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], $swfupload_dir . '/' . $mysubdir . $_FILES['Filedata']['name']); echo "Success"; return; } else { if (isset($options['MYFILES']) and is_array($options['MYFILES'])) { include_once 'plugin/UploadFile.php'; $options['_pds_subdir'] = $mysubdir; // a temporary pds dir $options['_pds_remove'] = 1; // remove all files in pds dir do_UploadFile($formatter, $options); } else { $formatter->send_header("", $options); $formatter->send_title("", "", $options); $out = macro_SWFUpload($formatter, ''); print $formatter->get_javascripts(); print $out; if (!in_array('UploadedFiles', $formatter->actions)) { $formatter->actions[] = 'UploadedFiles'; } $formatter->send_footer("", $options); } } }
function macro_Play($formatter, $value, $params = array()) { global $DBInfo; static $autoplay = 1; $max_width = 600; $max_height = 400; $default_width = 320; $default_height = 240; // get the macro alias name $macro = 'play'; if (!empty($params['macro_name']) and $params['macro_name'] != 'play') { $macro = $params['macro_name']; } // use alias macro name as [[Youtube()]], [[Vimeo()]] # $media = array(); # preg_match("/^(([^,]+\\s*,?\\s*)+)\$/", $value, $match); if (!$match) { return '[[Play(error!! ' . $value . ')]]'; } $align = ''; // parse arguments height, width, align if (($p = strpos($match[1], ',')) !== false) { $my = explode(',', $match[1]); $my = array_map('trim', $my); for ($i = 0, $sz = count($my); $i < $sz; $i++) { if (strpos($my[$i], '=')) { list($key, $val) = explode('=', $my[$i], 2); $val = trim($val, '"\''); $val = trim($val); if ($key == 'width' and $val > 1) { $width = intval($val); } else { if ($key == 'height' and $val > 1) { $height = intval($val); } else { if ($key == 'align') { if (in_array($val, array('left', 'center', 'right'))) { $align = ' obj' . ucfirst($val); } } else { $media[] = $my[$i]; } } } } else { // multiple files $media[] = $my[$i]; } } } else { $media[] = trim($match[1]); } # set embeded object size $mywidth = !empty($width) ? min($width, $max_width) : null; $myheight = !empty($height) ? min($height, $max_height) : null; $width = !empty($width) ? min($width, $max_width) : $default_width; $height = !empty($height) ? min($height, $max_height) : $default_height; $url = array(); $my_check = 1; for ($i = 0, $sz = count($media); $i < $sz; $i++) { if (!preg_match("/^((https?|ftp|mms|rtsp):)?\\/\\//", $media[$i])) { if ($macro != 'play') { // will be parsed later $url[] = $media[$i]; continue; } $fname = $formatter->macro_repl('Attachment', $media[$i], array('link' => 1)); if ($my_check and !file_exists($fname)) { return $formatter->macro_repl('Attachment', $value); } $my_check = 1; // check only first file. $fname = str_replace($DBInfo->upload_dir, $DBInfo->upload_dir_url, $fname); $url[] = qualifiedUrl(_urlencode($fname)); } else { $url[] = $media[$i]; } } if ($autoplay == 1) { $play = "true"; } else { $play = "false"; } # $use_flashplayer_ok = 0; if ($DBInfo->use_jwmediaplayer) { $use_flashplayer_ok = 1; for ($i = 0, $sz = count($media); $i < $sz; $i++) { // check type of all files if (!preg_match("/(flv|mp3|mp4|swf)\$/i", $media[$i])) { $use_flashplayer_ok = 0; break; } } } if ($use_flashplayer_ok) { # set embed flash size if (($sz = count($media)) == 1 and preg_match("/(ogg|wav|mp3)\$/i", $media[0])) { // only one and a sound file $height = 20; // override the hegiht of the JW MediaPlayer } $swfobject_num = !empty($GLOBALS['swfobject_num']) ? $GLOBALS['swfobject_num'] : 0; $swfobject_script = ''; if (!$swfobject_num) { $swfobject_script = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$DBInfo->url_prefix}/local/js/swfobject.js\"></script>\n"; $num = 1; } else { $num = ++$swfobject_num; } $GLOBALS['swfobject_num'] = $num; if (!$DBInfo->jwmediaplayer_prefix) { $_swf_prefix = qualifiedUrl("{$DBInfo->url_prefix}/local/JWPlayers"); // FIXME } else { $_swf_prefix = $DBInfo->jwmediaplayer_prefix; } $addparam = ''; if ($sz > 1) { $md5sum = md5(implode(':', $media)); if ($DBInfo->cache_public_dir) { $fc = new Cache_text('jwmediaplayer', array('dir' => $DBInfo->cache_public_dir)); $fname = $fc->getKey($md5sum, false); $basename = $DBInfo->cache_public_dir . '/' . $fname; $urlbase = $DBInfo->cache_public_url ? $DBInfo->cache_public_url . '/' . $fname : $DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $basename; $playfile = $basename . '.xml'; } else { $cache_dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . "/VisualTour"; $cache_url = $DBInfo->upload_url ? $DBInfo->upload_url . '/VisualTour' : $DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $cache_dir; $basename = $cache_dir . '/' . $md5sum; $urlbase = $cache_url . '/' . $md5sum; $playfile = $basename . '.xml'; } $playlist = $urlbase . '.xml'; $list = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $sz; $i++) { if (!preg_match("/^((https?|ftp):)?\\/\\//", $url[$i])) { $url = qualifiedUrl($url); } $ext = substr($media[$i], -3, 3); // XXX $list[] = '<title>' . $media[$i] . '</title>' . "\n" . '<location>' . $url[$i] . '</location>' . "\n"; } $tracks = "<track>\n" . implode("</track>\n<track>\n", $list) . "</track>\n"; // UTF-8 FIXME $xml = <<<XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <playlist version="1" xmlns=""> <title>XSPF Playlist</title> <info>XSPF Playlist</info> <trackList> {$tracks} </trackList> </playlist> XML; # check cache dir exists or not and make it if (!is_dir(dirname($playfile))) { $om = umask(00); _mkdir_p(dirname($playfile), 0777); umask($om); } if ($formatter->refresh or !file_exists($playfile)) { $fp = fopen($playfile, "w"); fwrite($fp, $xml); fclose($fp); } $displayheight = $height; $height += $sz * 40; // XXX $addparam = "displayheight: '{$displayheight}'"; $filelist = qualifiedUrl($playlist); } else { $filelist = $url[0]; } $jw_script = <<<EOS <p id="mediaplayer{$num}"></p> <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var params = { allowfullscreen: "true" }; var flashvars = { width: "{$width}", height: "{$height}", // image: "preview.jpg", {$addparam} file: "{$filelist}" }; swfobject.embedSWF("{$_swf_prefix}/mediaplayer.swf","mediaplayer{$num}","{$width}","{$height}","0.0.9", "expressInstall.swf",flashvars,params); })(); </script> EOS; return <<<EOS {$swfobject_script}{$jw_script} EOS; } else { $out = ''; $mysize = ''; if (!empty($mywidth)) { $mysize .= 'width="' . $mywidth . 'px" '; } if (!empty($myheight)) { $mysize .= ' height="' . $myheight . 'px" '; } for ($i = 0, $sz = count($media); $i < $sz; $i++) { $mediainfo = 'External object'; $classid = ''; $objclass = ''; $iframe = ''; $custom = ''; $object_prefered = false; // if ($macro == 'youtube' && preg_match("@^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)(?:\\?.*)?\$@", $media[$i], $m) || preg_match("@(?:https?:)?//(?:[a-z-]+[.])?(?:youtube(?:[.][a-z-]+)+|youtu\\.be)/(?:watch[?].*v=|v/|embed/)?([a-z0-9_-]+)\$@i", $media[$i], $m)) { if ($object_prefered) { $movie = "" . $m[1]; $type = 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash"'; $attr = $mysize . 'allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always"'; $attr .= ' data="' . $movie . '?version=3' . '"'; $url[$i] = $movie; $params = "<param name='movie' value='{$movie}?version=3'>\n" . "<param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'>\n" . "<param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'>\n"; } else { $iframe = '//' . $m[1]; $attr = 'frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen'; if (empty($mysize)) { $attr .= ' width="500px" height="281px"'; } else { $attr .= ' ' . $mysize; } } $mediainfo = 'Youtube movie'; $objclass = ' youtube'; } else { if (preg_match('@^https?://(?:videofarm|tvpot)\\.daum\\.net/(?:.*?(?:clipid=|vid=|v/))?([a-zA-Z0-9%$]+)@i', $media[$i], $m)) { // like as if (preg_match('@[0-9]+$@', $m[1])) { // clipid case $aurl = $media[$i]; $clipid = $m[1]; require_once "lib/HTTPClient.php"; // fetch $sc = new Cache_text('daumtvpot'); $maxage = 60 * 60; if (empty($params['refresh']) and $sc->exists($aurl) and $sc->mtime($aurl) < time() + $maxage) { $info = $sc->fetch($aurl); } else { // no cached info found. if ($formatter->_macrocache and empty($params['call'])) { return $formatter->macro_cache_repl('Play', $value); } if (empty($params['call'])) { $formatter->_dynamic_macros['@Play'] = 1; } // try to fetch $http = new HTTPClient(); $save = ini_get('max_execution_time'); set_time_limit(0); $http->timeout = 15; // support proxy if (!empty($DBInfo->proxy_host)) { $http->proxy_host = $DBInfo->proxy_host; if (!empty($DBInfo->proxy_port)) { $http->proxy_port = $DBInfo->proxy_port; } } $http->sendRequest($aurl, array(), 'GET'); set_time_limit($save); if ($http->status != 200) { return '[[Media(' . $aurl . ')]]'; } if (!empty($http->resp_body)) { // search Open Graph url info if (preg_match('@og:url"\\s+content="http://tvpot\\.daum\\.net/v/([^"]+)"@', $http->resp_body, $match)) { $info = array('vid' => $match[1], 'clipid' => $clipid); $sc->update($aurl, $info); } } else { return '[[Media(' . $aurl . ')]]'; } } $m[1] = $info['vid']; } if ($object_prefered) { $classid = "classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000'"; $movie = ""; $type = 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash"'; $attr = 'allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" flashvars="vid=' . $m[2] . '&playLoc=undefined"'; if (empty($mysize)) { $attr .= ' width="500px" height="281px"'; } $url[$i] = $movie; $params = "<param name='movie' value='{$movie}'>\n" . "<param name='flashvars' value='vid=" . $m[1] . "&playLoc=undefined'>\n" . "<param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'>\n" . "<param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'>\n"; } else { $iframe = '//' . '&jsCallback=false&wmode=transparent&vid=' . $m[1] . '&autoplay=false&permitWideScreen=true'; $attr = 'frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen'; if (empty($mysize)) { $attr .= ' width="500px" height="281px"'; } else { $attr .= ' ' . $mysize; } } $mediainfo = 'Daum movie'; $objclass = ' daum'; } else { if ($macro == 'vimeo' && preg_match("@^(\\d+)\$@", $media[$i], $m) || preg_match("@(?:https?:)?//(?:player\\.)?vimeo\\.com\\/(?:video/)?(.*)\$@i", $media[$i], $m)) { if ($object_prefered) { $movie = ""; $type = 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash"'; $attr = 'allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" flashvars="clip_id=' . $m[1] . '"'; if (empty($mysize)) { $attr .= ' width="500px" height="281px"'; } $url[$i] = $movie; $params = "<param name='movie' value='{$movie}'>\n" . "<param name='flashvars' value='clip_id=" . $m[1] . "'>\n" . "<param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'>\n" . "<param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'>\n"; } else { $iframe = '//' . $m[1] . '?portrait=0&color=333'; $attr = 'frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen'; if (empty($mysize)) { $attr .= ' width="500px" height="281px"'; } else { $attr .= ' ' . $mysize; } } $mediainfo = 'Vimeo movie'; $objclass = ' vimeo'; } else { if (($macro == 'niconico' || $macro == 'nicovideo') && preg_match("@((?:sm|nm)?\\d+)\$@i", $media[$i], $m) || preg_match("@(?:https?://(?:www|dic)\\.(?:nicovideo|nicozon)\\.(?:jp|net)/(?:v|watch)/)?((?:sm|nm)?\\d+)\$@i", $media[$i], $m)) { $custom = '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $m[1]; $size = ''; $qprefix = '?'; if ($mywidth > 0) { $size .= '?w=' . intval($mywidth); $qprefix = '&'; } if ($myheight > 0) { $size .= $qprefix . 'h=' . intval($myheight); } $custom .= $size; $custom .= '"></script>'; $attr = 'frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen'; $mediainfo = 'Niconico'; $objclass = ' niconico'; } else { if (preg_match("/(wmv|mpeg4|mp4|avi|asf)\$/", $media[$i], $m)) { $classid = "classid='clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95'"; $type = 'type="application/x-mplayer2"'; $attr = $mysize . 'autoplay="' . $play . '"'; $params = "<param name='FileName' value='" . $url[$i] . "' />\n" . "<param name='AutoStart' value='False' />\n" . "<param name='ShowControls' value='True' />"; $mediainfo = strtoupper($m[1]) . ' movie'; } else { if (preg_match("/(wav|mp3|ogg)\$/", $media[$i], $m)) { $classid = "classid='clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B'"; $type = ''; $attr = 'codebase="" height="30"'; $attr .= ' autoplay="' . $play . '"'; $params = "<param name='src' value='" . $url[$i] . "'>\n" . "<param name='AutoStart' value='{$play}' />"; $mediainfo = strtoupper($m[1]) . ' sound'; } else { if (preg_match("/swf\$/", $media[$i])) { $type = 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash"'; $classid = "classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000'"; $attr = 'codebase=",0,29,0"'; $attr .= ' autoplay="' . $play . '"'; $params = "<param name='movie' value='" . $url[$i] . "' />\n" . "<param name='AutoStart' value='{$play}' />"; } else { if (preg_match("/\\.xap/", $media[$i])) { $type = 'type="application/x-silverlight-2"'; $attr = $mysize . 'data="data:application/x-silverlight,"'; $params = "<param name='source' value='" . $url[$i] . "' />\n"; } } } } } } } } $autoplay = 0; $play = 'false'; if ($iframe) { $out .= <<<IFRAME <div class='externalObject{$objclass}{$align}'><div> <iframe class='external' src="{$iframe}" {$attr}></iframe> <div><a alt='{$myurl}' onclick='javascript:openExternal(this, "inline-block"); return false;'><span>[{$mediainfo}]</span></a></div></div></div> IFRAME; } else { if (isset($custom[0])) { $out .= <<<OBJECT <div class='externalObject{$objclass}'><div> {$custom} <div><a alt='{$myurl}' onclick='javascript:openExternal(this, "inline-block"); return false;'><span>[{$mediainfo}]</span></a></div></div></div> OBJECT; } else { $myurl = $url[$i]; $out .= <<<OBJECT <div class='externalObject{$objclass}'><div> <object class='external' {$classid} {$type} {$attr}> {$params} <param name="AutoRewind" value="True"> <embed {$type} src="{$myurl}" {$attr}></embed> </object> <div><a alt='{$myurl}' onclick='javascript:openExternal(this, "inline-block"); return false;'><span>[{$mediainfo}]</span></a></div></div></div> OBJECT; } } } } if (empty($GLOBALS['js_macro_play'])) { $js = <<<JS <script type='text/javascript'> /*<![CDATA[*/ function openExternal(obj, display) { var el; (el = obj.parentNode.parentNode.firstElementChild) && ( = display); } /*]]>*/ </script> JS; $formatter->register_javascripts($js); $GLOBALS['js_macro_play'] = 1; } return $out; }
function macro_VisualTour($formatter, $value, $options = array()) { global $DBInfo; putenv('GDFONTPATH=' . getcwd() . '/data'); $dotcmd = "dot"; #$dotcmd="twopi"; #$dotcmd="neato"; $maptype = 'imap'; $maptype = 'cmap'; if (!$formatter->page->exists()) { return ""; } $args = explode(',', $value); $extra = ''; foreach ($args as $arg) { $arg = trim($arg); if (($p = strpos($arg, '=')) === false) { if ($arg == 'show') { $extra .= '&t=show'; } else { if (is_int($arg)) { $w = $arg; } else { if ($DBInfo->hasPage($arg)) { $pgname = $arg; } } } } else { $k = strtok($arg, '='); $v = strtok(''); if ($k == 'width' or $k == 'w') { $w = (int) $v; } else { if ($k == 'depth' or $k == 'd') { $d = (int) $v; } else { if ($k == 'arena' or $k == 'a') { $extra .= '&arena=' . $v; } } } } } if (!empty($options['w']) and $options['w'] < 6) { $w = $options['w']; } else { $w = !empty($w) ? $w : 2; } if (!empty($options['d']) and $options['d'] < 6) { $d = $options['d']; } else { $d = !empty($d) ? $d : 3; } if (!empty($options['f'])) { $extra .= "&f=" . $options['f']; } if (!empty($options['arena'])) { $extra .= "&arena=" . $options['arena']; } if (isset($pgname[0])) { $urlname = _urlencode($pgname); } else { $urlname = $formatter->page->urlname; $pgname = $formatter->page->name; } $dot = $formatter->macro_repl('dot', $pgname, $options); if (!empty($DBInfo->cache_public_dir)) { $fc = new Cache_text('visualtour', array('dir' => $DBInfo->cache_public_dir)); $fname = $fc->getKey($dot); $basename = $DBInfo->cache_public_dir . '/' . $fname; $dotfile = $basename . '.dot'; $pngfile = $basename . '.png'; $mapfile = $basename . '.map'; $urlbase = $DBInfo->cache_public_url ? $DBInfo->cache_public_url . '/' . $fname : $DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $basename; $png_url = $urlbase . '.png'; $map_url = $urlbase . '.map'; } else { $md5sum = md5($dot); $cache_dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . "/VisualTour"; $cache_url = $DBInfo->upload_url ? $DBInfo->upload_url . '/VisualTour' : $DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $cache_dir; $basename = $cache_dir . '/' . $md5sum; $pngfile = $basename . '.png'; $mapfile = $basename . '.map'; $dotfile = $basename . '.dot'; $urlbase = $cache_url . '/' . $md5sum; $png_url = $urlbase . '.png'; $map_url = $urlbase . '.map'; } if (!is_dir(dirname($pngfile))) { $om = umask(00); _mkdir_p(dirname($pngfile), 0777); umask($om); } $err = ''; if ($formatter->refresh or !file_exists($dotfile)) { $fp = fopen($dotfile, "w"); fwrite($fp, $dot); fclose($fp); $cmd = "{$dotcmd} -Tpng {$dotfile} -o {$pngfile}"; $formatter->errlog('Dot'); $fp = popen($cmd . $formatter->LOG, 'r'); pclose($fp); $err = $formatter->get_errlog(); $cmd = "{$dotcmd} -T{$maptype} {$dotfile} -o {$mapfile}"; $formatter->errlog('Dot'); $fp = popen($cmd . $formatter->LOG, 'r'); pclose($fp); $err .= $formatter->get_errlog(); if ($err) { $err = "<pre class='errlog'>{$err}</pre>\n"; } } if ($maptype == 'imap') { $attr = ' ismap="ismap"'; return $err . "<span class='VisualTour'><a href='{$map_url}'><img src='{$png_url}' alt='VisualTour'{$attr}></a></span>\n"; } else { $attr = ' usemap="#mainmap"'; $fp = fopen($mapfile, 'r'); $map = ''; if (is_resource($fp)) { while (!feof($fp)) { $map .= fgets($fp, 1024); } fclose($fp); $map = '<map name="mainmap">' . $map . '</map>'; } return $err . "<span class='VisualTour'><img src='{$png_url}' alt='VisualTour'{$attr}>{$map}</span>\n"; } }
function processor_vim($formatter, $value, $options) { global $DBInfo; $vim_default = '-T xterm'; static $jsloaded = 0; $vartmp_dir =& $DBInfo->vartmp_dir; $syntax = array("php", "c", "python", "jsp", "sh", "cpp", "java", "ruby", "forth", "fortran", "perl", "haskell", "lisp", "st", "objc", "tcl", "lua", "asm", "masm", "tasm", "make", "mysql", "awk", "docbk", "diff", "html", "tex", "vim", "xml", "dtd", "sql", "conf", "config", "nosyntax", "apache"); #$opts=array("number"); $line = ''; if ($value[0] == '#' and $value[1] == '!') { list($line, $value) = explode("\n", $value, 2); } # get parameters if ($line) { $line = substr($line, 2); $tag = strtok($line, ' '); $type = strtok(' '); $extra = strtok(''); if ($tag != 'vim') { $extra = $type; $type = $tag; } } $src = $value; if (!preg_match('/^\\w+$/', $type)) { $type = 'nosyntax'; } $option = ''; if ($extra == "number") { $option = '+"set number" '; } if ($DBInfo->vim_options) { $option .= $DBInfo->vim_options . ' '; } $uniq = md5($option . $extra . $type . $src); if ($DBInfo->cache_public_dir) { $fc = new Cache_text('vim', array('ext' => 'html', 'dir' => $DBInfo->cache_public_dir)); $htmlname = $fc->getKey($uniq, false); $html = $DBInfo->cache_public_dir . '/' . $htmlname; } else { $cache_dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . "/VimProcessor"; $html = $cache_dir . '/' . $uniq . '.html'; } $script = ''; if (!empty($DBInfo->use_numbering) and empty($formatter->no_js)) { $formatter->register_javascripts('numbering.js'); $script = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n/*<![CDATA[*/\naddtogglebutton('PRE-{$uniq}');\n/*]]>*/\n</script>"; } if (!is_dir(dirname($html))) { $om = umask(00); _mkdir_p(dirname($html), 0777); umask($om); } if (file_exists($html) && empty($formatter->refresh) && empty($formatter->preview)) { $out = ""; $fp = fopen($html, "r"); while (!feof($fp)) { $out .= fread($fp, 1024); } @fclose($fp); return '<div>' . $out . $script . '</div>'; } if (!empty($DBInfo->vim_nocheck) and !in_array($type, $syntax)) { $lines = explode("\n", $line . "\n" . str_replace('<', '<', $src)); if ($lines[sizeof($lines) - 1] == "") { array_pop($lines); } $src = "<span class=\"line\">" . implode("</span>\n<span class=\"line\">", $lines) . "</span>"; return '<div>' . $script . "<pre class='wiki' id='PRE-{$uniq}'>\n{$src}</pre></div>\n"; } $tohtml = !empty($DBInfo->vim_2html) ? $DBInfo->vim_2html : ($tohtml = '$VIMRUNTIME/syntax/2html.vim'); #$tohtml= realpath($DBInfo->data_dir).'/2html.vim'; if (getenv("OS") == "Windows_NT") { $vim = "gvim"; # Win32 $fout = tempnam($vartmp_dir, "OUT"); } else { $tohtml = '\\' . $tohtml; $vim = "vim"; $fout = "/dev/stdout"; } $tmpf = tempnam($vartmp_dir, "FOO"); $fp = fopen($tmpf, "w"); fwrite($fp, $src); fclose($fp); $cmd = "{$vim} {$vim_default} -e -s {$tmpf} " . ' +"syntax on " +"set syntax=' . $type . '" ' . $option . ' +"so ' . $tohtml . '" +"wq! ' . $fout . '" +qall'; $log = ''; $out = ''; if (getenv("OS") == "Windows_NT") { system($cmd); $out = join(file($fout), ""); unlink($fout); } else { $formatter->errlog(); $fp = popen($cmd . $formatter->LOG, "r"); if (is_resource($fp)) { while ($s = fgets($fp, 1024)) { $out .= $s; } pclose($fp); } $log = $formatter->get_errlog(); if ($log) { $log = '<pre class="errlog">' . $log . '</pre>'; } } unlink($tmpf); #$out=preg_replace("/<title.*title>|<\/?head>|<\/?html>|<meta.*>|<\/?body.*>/","", $out); $out = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $out); # for Win32 #$out=preg_replace("/(^(\s|\S)*<pre>\n|\n<\/pre>(\s|\S)*$)/","",$out); # XXX segfault sometime preg_match("/<body\\s+bgcolor=(\"|')([^\\1]+)\\1\\s+text=\\1([^\\1]+)\\1/U", $out, $match); $bgcolor = '#000000'; $fgcolor = '#c0c0c0'; if ($match) { $bgcolor = $match[2]; $fgcolor = $match[3]; } $myspan = 'pre'; $fpos = strpos($out, '<pre>'); if ($fpos === false) { $myspan = 'div'; $fpos = strpos($out, '<body'); $tpos = strpos($out, '</body>'); $out = substr($out, $fpos + 7, $tpos - $fpos - 7); $out = preg_replace('/^[^>]+>/', '', $out); $out = preg_replace(array("@^<font face[^>]*>\n@", "@\n?</font>\n?\$@"), array('', ''), $out); // vim7.x } else { $tpos = strpos($out, '</pre>'); $out = substr($out, $fpos + 6, $tpos - $fpos - 7); } $stag = "<{$myspan} class='wikiSyntax' id='PRE-{$uniq}' style='font-family:FixedSys,monospace;color:{$fgcolor};background-color:{$bgcolor}'>\n"; $etag = "</{$myspan}>\n"; $lines = explode("\n", $out); $out = ''; if (0) { // list style $col = array(' alt', ''); $sz = count($lines); for ($i = 0; $i < $sz; $i++) { $cls = $col[$i % 2]; $out .= "<li class=\"line{$cls}\">" . $lines[$i] . "</li>\n"; } $out = '<ul style="margin:0;padding:0;list-style:none;">' . $out . '</ul>'; } else { $out = "<span class=\"line\">" . implode("</span>\n<span class=\"line\">", $lines) . "</span>\n"; } $fp = fopen($html, "w"); fwrite($fp, $stag . $out . $etag); fclose($fp); return $log . '<div>' . $stag . $out . $etag . $script . '</div>'; }
$txt = $dom[$i]['value'] . $txt; } } $num = key($this->toc); $dep = count(explode('.', $num)); $this->Bookmark($num . ' ' . $this->toc[$num], $dep, $this->y); next($this->toc); } parent::closeHTMLTagHandler($dom, $key, $cell); } } } // define the share directory to create img define('X_PATH_SHARE_IMG', $DBInfo->cache_public_dir . '/html2pdf/'); if (!file_exists(X_PATH_SHARE_IMG)) { _mkdir_p(X_PATH_SHARE_IMG, 0777); } // XXX $formatter->nonexists = 'always'; $formatter->section_edit = 0; $formatter->perma_icon = ''; ob_start(); $formatter->send_header(); $formatter->send_page('', array('fixpath' => 1)); print '</body></html>'; $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); # begin $pdf = new XTCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, $DBInfo->charset); include_once 'function/toc.php'; $toc = function_toc($formatter);
function do_SWFUpload($formatter, $options = array()) { global $DBInfo; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !$DBInfo->security->writable($options)) { $options['title'] = _("Page is not writable"); return do_invalid($formatter, $options); } // check allowed file extensions $allowed_re = '.*'; if (!empty($DBInfo->pds_allowed)) { $allowed_re = $DBInfo->pds_allowed; } $swfupload_dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/.swfupload'; $mysubdir = ''; if (!is_dir($swfupload_dir)) { $om = umask(00); mkdir($swfupload_dir, 0777); umask($om); $fp = fopen($swfupload_dir . '/.htaccess', 'w'); if ($fp) { $htaccess = <<<EOF # FCGI or CGI user can use .user.ini Options -Indexes AddType text/plain .php5 .php4 .php3 .phtml .php .html .map .mm <Files ~ "\\.php"> #ForceType text/plain SetHandler text/plain </Files> Order deny,allow deny from all EOF; fwrite($fp, $htaccess); fclose($fp); } } // check subdir if (!empty($DBInfo->swfupload_depth) and $DBInfo->swfupload_depth > 2) { $depth = $DBInfo->swfupload_depth; } else { $depth = 2; } $seed = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '.' . 'MONIWIKI'; if ($DBInfo->seed) { $seed .= $DBInfo->seed; } $myid = md5($seed); // FIXME if (session_id() != '') { // ip based if (0 and $_SESSION['_swfupload']) { // XXX flash bug? $myid = $_SESSION['_swfupload']; } else { if (!empty($options['value']) and ($p = strpos($options['value'], '/')) !== false) { $tmp = explode('/', $options['value']); #list($dum,$myid,$dum2)=explode('/',$options['value'],3); $myid = $tmp[1]; } } } $prefix = substr($myid, 0, $depth); $mysubdir = $prefix . '/' . $myid . '/'; // debug //$options['_mysubdir']=$mysubdir; //$fp=fopen($swfupload_dir.'/swflog.txt','a+'); //foreach ($options as $k=>$v) { // if (is_string($v)) // fwrite($fp,sprintf("%s=>%s\n",$k,$v)); //} //foreach ($_SESSION as $k=>$v) { // if (is_string($v)) // fwrite($fp,sprintf("%s=>%s\n",$k,$v)); //} //fwrite($fp,"------------------------\n"); //fclose($fp); // set the personal subdir if (!empty($options['value']) and preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\\/]+$/i', $options['value'])) { //if ($mysubdir == $options['value']) // XXX check subdir // $mysubdir = $options['value']; list($dum, $myval, $dum2) = explode('/', $options['value'], 3); // XXX if (!is_dir($swfupload_dir . '/' . $mysubdir)) { $om = umask(00); _mkdir_p($swfupload_dir . '/' . $mysubdir, 0777); umask($om); } } //move the uploaded file if (isset($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'])) { if (preg_match('/\\.(' . $allowed_re . ')$/i', $_FILES['Filedata']['name'])) { move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], $swfupload_dir . '/' . $mysubdir . $_FILES['Filedata']['name']); } echo "Success"; return; } else { if (isset($options['MYFILES']) and is_array($options['MYFILES'])) { include_once 'plugin/UploadFile.php'; $options['_pds_subdir'] = $mysubdir; // a temporary pds dir $options['_pds_remove'] = 1; // remove all files in pds dir do_UploadFile($formatter, $options); } else { $formatter->send_header("", $options); $formatter->send_title("", "", $options); $out = macro_SWFUpload($formatter, ''); print $formatter->get_javascripts(); print $out; if (!in_array('UploadedFiles', $formatter->actions)) { $formatter->actions[] = 'UploadedFiles'; } $formatter->send_footer("", $options); } } }
/** * Function - Create wikifarm directory if available * * @param String data directory * @param Boolean copy wikiseed or not * @param String wikiseed src directory * @return Boolean or String */ static function create_dirs($farm_dir, $conf = array()) { // Nothing to do if (is_dir($farm_dir)) { return true; } $ret = true; if (!is_dir($farm_dir)) { $ret = _mkdir_p($farm_dir); } if ($ret === false) { return sprintf("Fail to mkdir(%s)", $farm_dir); } // set text_dir $text_dir = $farm_dir . '/text'; // create dirs $ret = true; $dirs = array('text', 'text/RCS', 'cache'); foreach ($dirs as $d) { $dir = $farm_dir . '/' . $d; if (!is_dir($dir)) { $ret = mkdir($dir); if ($ret === false) { return sprintf("Fail to mkdir(%s)", $dir); } } } // touch editlog $ret = touch(self::get_editlog($farm_dir)); if ($ret === false) { return "Fail to touch editlog"; } // check wikiseed directory if (!empty($conf['wikifarm_seed_dir'])) { $seeddir = $conf['wikifarm_seed_dir']; } else { $seeddir = 'wikiseed'; } if (!is_dir($seeddir)) { return true; } if (!empty($conf['wikifarm_autoseed'])) { $wikiseed = $conf['wikifarm_autoseed']; } else { $wikiseed = false; } // skip to sow wikiseed if (!$wikiseed) { // base pages $files = array('FrontPage', 'RecentChanges', 'FindPage', 'TitleIndex', 'UserPreferences'); } else { // copy wikiseed $handle = opendir($seeddir); $files = array(); while ($file = readdir($handle)) { // We don't copy directories if (is_dir($seeddir . '/' . $file)) { continue; } $files[] = $file; } closedir($handle); } foreach ($files as $file) { // FIXME: Handle errors copy($seeddir . '/' . $file, $text_dir . '/' . $file); // preserve seed mtime $mtime = filemtime($seeddir . '/' . $file); touch($text_dir . '/' . $file, $mtime); } return true; }
function processor_sfd($formatter, $value = "") { global $DBInfo; $width = 1000; $height = 1000; $EM = 1000; $op = array('l' => 1, 'c' => 0, 'm' => 1); $CONVERT = "convert -transparent white -density 24x24 "; $vartmp_dir =& $DBInfo->vartmp_dir; if (getenv("OS") == "Windows_NT") { $NULL = 'NUL'; $vartmp_dir = getenv('TEMP'); #$convert="wconvert"; } $cache_dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . "/SFD"; $cache_url = !empty($DBInfo->upload_url) ? $DBInfo->upload_url . '/SFD' : $DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $cache_dir; if ($value[0] == '#' and $value[1] == '!') { list($line, $value) = explode("\n", $value, 2); } $sfd_source = $value; # print "<pre>$sfd_source</pre>"; $uniq = md5($sfd_source); $lines = explode("\n", $sfd_source); $f = 0; $stat = 0; $eps = ''; $oop = ''; foreach ($lines as $l) { if ($stat == 0 and preg_match('/^StartChar:\\s+(.*)$/', $l)) { $stat = 1; } else { if ($stat == 1 and preg_match('/^Fore/', $l)) { $stat = 2; } else { if ($stat == 1 and preg_match('/^Width:\\s+(\\d+)$/', $l, $m)) { $width = $height = $m[1]; $emscale = $EM / $width; $width = intval($emscale * $width); $height = intval($emscale * $height); # XXX $ascent = intval($height * 0.8); $decent = intval($height * 0.2); $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $eps .= <<<HEAD %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%Creator: Adobe Illustrator by MoniWiki %%Title: %%CreationDate: {$date} %%BoundingBox: 0 0 {$width} {$height} %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit %%EndComments %%BeginProlog /bd { bind def } bind def /incompound false def /m { moveto } bd /l { lineto } bd /c { curveto } bd /F { incompound not {fill} if } bd /f { closepath F } bd /S { stroke } bd /*u { /incompound true def } bd /*U { /incompound false def f} bd /k { setcmykcolor } bd /K { k } bd %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup %%EndSetup 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 k *u HEAD; } else { if ($stat == 2) { if (preg_match('/^\\s*([\\d+\\s\\.\\-\\+]+)\\s+([clm])\\s+\\d+$/', $l, $m)) { $c = $m[1]; $op = $m[2]; $p = preg_split('/\\s+/', $m[1]); if ($op == 'm' and $oop == 'l') { $eps .= "f\n"; } $n = 1; foreach ($p as $val) { if ($n % 2 == 0) { $eps .= intval($emscale * ($val + $decent)) . " "; } else { $eps .= intval($emscale * $val) . " "; } $n++; } $eps .= "{$op}\n"; $oop = $op; #print "$op ",$op{$op},"\n"; } else { if (preg_match('/^EndChar$/', $l)) { $stat = 0; $eps .= "f\n*U\n"; $eps .= <<<INFO 0 0 1 setrgbcolor 5 setlinewidth 0 {$decent} m {$width} {$decent} l stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor 0 0 m {$width} 0 l {$width} {$height} l 0 {$height} l 0 0 l stroke *U INFO; $eps .= "%%Trailer\n%%EOF\n"; break; } } } } } } } if ($DBInfo->cache_public_dir) { $fc = new Cache_text('sfd', array('ext' => 'png', 'dir' => $DBInfo->cache_public_dir)); $pngname = $fc->getKey($uniq, false); $outpath_png = $DBInfo->cache_public_dir . '/' . $pngname; $png_url = $DBInfo->cache_public_url ? $DBInfo->cache_public_url . '/' . $pngname : $DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $outpath_png; } else { $outpath_png = $cache_dir . '/' . $uniq . '.png'; $png_url = $cache_url . '/' . $uniq . '.png'; } $outpath_eps = "{$vartmp_dir}/{$uniq}.eps"; if (!file_exists(dirname($outpath_png))) { umask(00); _mkdir_p(dirname($outpath_png), 0777); umask(022); } if ($formatter->refresh || !file_exists($outpath_png)) { # write to eps file $ifp = fopen("{$outpath_eps}", "w"); fwrite($ifp, $eps); fclose($ifp); # convert $fp = popen("{$CONVERT} {$outpath_eps} {$outpath_png}" . $formatter->NULL, 'r'); pclose($fp); # delete temporary files #unlink($outpath_eps); } return "<img class='tex' src='{$png_url}' alt='sfd' />"; }
function macro_MsgTrans($formatter, $value, $param = array()) { global $DBInfo; $user =& $DBInfo->user; if (empty($param['init']) and (!is_array($DBInfo->owners) or !in_array($user->id, $DBInfo->owners))) { return sprintf(_("You are not allowed to \"%s\" !"), "msgtrans"); } if (!$pagename) { $pagename = $DBInfo->default_translation ? $DBInfo->default_translation : 'LocalTranslationKo'; } $page = $DBInfo->getPage($pagename); $strs = array(); $charset = strtoupper($DBInfo->charset); $lang = !empty($value) ? $value : ($DBInfo->lang ? $DBInfo->lang : 'en_US.' . $charset); if ($page->exists()) { $raw = $page->get_raw_body(); $raw = rtrim($raw); $lines = explode("\n", $raw); foreach ($lines as $l) { $l = trim($l); if ($l[0] == '#') { if (preg_match('/^#lang(?' . '>uage)? (ko_KR|en_US|fr_FR)$/', $l, $m)) { $lang = $m[1]; if ($DBInfo->charset) { $lang .= '.' . $charset; } } continue; } if ($l[0] == '"') { if (preg_match('/^(("(([^"]|\\\\")*?)"\\s*)+)\\s*(.*)$/', $l, $m)) { $smap = array('/"\\s+"/', '/\\\\n/', '/\\\\r/', '/\\\\t/', '/\\\\"/'); $rmap = array('', "\n", "\r", "\t", '"'); $w = preg_replace($smap, $rmap, $m[3]); $t = preg_replace($smap, $rmap, $m[5]); } } else { list($w, $t) = explode(" ", $l, 2); } $strs[$w] = $t; } } if (getenv("OS") == "Windows_NT") { $lang = substr($lang, 0, 2); } //print_r($strs); if (!empty($strs) or !empty($param['init'])) { $myMO = null; $ldir = 'locale/' . $lang . '/LC_MESSAGES'; $mofile = $ldir . '/'; if (!file_exists($mofile)) { # load *.po file $e = false; $mylang = substr($lang, 0, 2); $pofile = 'locale/po/' . $mylang . '.po'; if (!file_exists($pofile)) { $pofile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../locale/po/' . $mylang . '.po'; } if (file_exists($pofile)) { include_once 'lib/Gettext/PO.php'; $myPO = new File_Gettext_PO(); if (($e = $myPO->load($pofile)) == true) { $myMO = $myPO->toMO(); preg_match('/charset=(.*)$/', $myMO->meta['Content-Type'], $cs); if (strtoupper($cs[1]) != $charset) { if (function_exists("iconv")) { $myMO->meta['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain; charset=' . $charset; foreach ($myMO->strings as $k => $v) { $nv = iconv($cs[1], $charset, $v); if (isset($nv)) { $myMO->strings[$k] = $nv; } } } else { $e = false; } } } } } else { # load *.mo file include_once 'lib/Gettext/MO.php'; $myMO = new File_Gettext_MO(); $e = $myMO->load($mofile); } if (!is_object($myMO)) { return; } if ($e == true) { $myMO->strings = array_merge($myMO->strings, $strs); #$myMO->meta['PO-Revision-Date']= date('Y-m-d H:iO'); ksort($myMO->strings); // important! #print_r($myMO->strings); } else { $meta = array('Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset=' . $charset, 'Last-Translator' => 'MoniWiki Translator', 'PO-Revision-Date' => date('Y-m-d H:iO'), 'MIME-Version' => '1.0', 'Language-Team' => 'MoniWiki Translator'); if (true !== ($e = $myMO->fromArray(array('meta' => $meta, 'strings' => $strs)))) { return "Fail to make a mo file.\n"; } } $vartmp_dir = $DBInfo->vartmp_dir; $tmp = tempnam($vartmp_dir, "GETTEXT"); #$tmp=$vartmp_dir."/"; if (true !== ($e = $myMO->save($tmp))) { return "Fail to save mo file.\n"; } if (!function_exists('bindtextdomain')) { // FIXME use cache class $tmp2 = tempnam($vartmp_dir, "GETTEXT"); $fp = fopen($tmp2, 'w'); if (is_resource($fp)) { fwrite($fp, _msgs_to_php($myMO->strings)); fclose($fp); $ldir2 = $DBInfo->cache_dir . '/' . $ldir; if (!rename($tmp2, $ldir2 . '/moniwiki.php')) { unlink($tmp2); // fail to copy ? } } } # gettext cache workaround # # use md5sum instead $md5 = md5_file($tmp); $md5file = $DBInfo->cache_dir . '/' . $ldir . '/md5sum'; $ldir = $DBInfo->cache_dir . '/' . $ldir; _mkdir_p($ldir, 0777); $f = fopen($md5file, 'w'); if (is_resource($f)) { fwrite($f, $md5); fclose($f); } if (!rename($tmp, $ldir . '/moniwiki-' . $md5 . '.mo')) { unlink($md5file); // fail to copy ? return "Fail to save mo file.\n"; } return _("Local translation files are successfully translated !\n"); } return "Empty !\n"; }
} else { $src_dir = $topdir . '/' . $DBInfo->upload_dir; } if (isset($argv[4])) { if (is_dir($argv[4])) { echo 'Dest dir already exists!', "\n"; exit; } $dest_dir = $argv[4]; } else { $dest_dir = $src_dir . '.new'; } // set_time_limit(0); if (!file_exists($dest_dir)) { _mkdir_p($dest_dir); } echo "\t* src dir = ", $src_dir, "\n"; echo "\t* dest dir = ", $dest_dir, "\n"; $ans = ask('Are you sure ? [y/N]', 'n'); if ($ans == 'n') { exit; } require_once $topdir . "/lib/pagekey.{$fromenc}.php"; require_once $topdir . "/lib/pagekey.{$toenc}.php"; $from_class = 'PageKey_' . $fromenc; $to_class = 'PageKey_' . $toenc; $from = new $from_class($DBInfo); $to = new $to_class($DBInfo); function get_sub_dir($dir) {
function macro_Play($formatter, $value) { global $DBInfo; static $autoplay = 1; $max_width = 600; $max_height = 400; $default_width = 320; $default_height = 240; # $media = array(); # preg_match("/^(([^,]+\\s*,?\\s*)+)\$/", $value, $match); if (!$match) { return '[[Play(error!! ' . $value . ')]]'; } if (($p = strpos($match[1], ',')) !== false) { $my = explode(',', $match[1]); for ($i = 0, $sz = count($my); $i < $sz; $i++) { if (strpos($my[$i], '=')) { list($key, $val) = explode('=', $my[$i]); $val = trim($val, '"\''); if ($key == 'width' and $val > 1) { $width = $val; } else { if ($key == 'height' and $val > 1) { $height = $val; } } } else { // multiple files $media[] = $my[$i]; } } } else { $media[] = $match[1]; } # set embeded object size $mywidth = !empty($width) ? min($width, $max_width) : null; $myheight = !empty($height) ? min($height, $max_height) : null; $width = !empty($width) ? min($width, $max_width) : $default_width; $height = !empty($height) ? min($height, $max_height) : $default_height; $url = array(); $my_check = 1; for ($i = 0, $sz = count($media); $i < $sz; $i++) { if (!preg_match("/^(http|ftp|mms|rtsp):\\/\\//", $media[$i])) { $fname = $formatter->macro_repl('Attachment', $media[$i], array('link' => 1)); if ($my_check and !file_exists($fname)) { return $formatter->macro_repl('Attachment', $value); } $my_check = 1; // check only first file. $fname = str_replace($DBInfo->upload_dir, $DBInfo->upload_dir_url, $fname); $url[] = qualifiedUrl(_urlencode($fname)); } else { $url[] = $media[$i]; } } if ($autoplay == 1) { $play = "true"; } else { $play = "false"; } # $use_flashplayer_ok = 0; if ($DBInfo->use_jwmediaplayer) { $use_flashplayer_ok = 1; for ($i = 0, $sz = count($media); $i < $sz; $i++) { // check type of all files if (!preg_match("/(flv|mp3|mp4|swf)\$/i", $media[$i])) { $use_flashplayer_ok = 0; break; } } } if ($use_flashplayer_ok) { # set embed flash size if (($sz = count($media)) == 1 and preg_match("/(ogg|wav|mp3)\$/i", $media[0])) { // only one and a sound file $height = 20; // override the hegiht of the JW MediaPlayer } $swfobject_num = !empty($GLOBALS['swfobject_num']) ? $GLOBALS['swfobject_num'] : 0; $swfobject_script = ''; if (!$swfobject_num) { $swfobject_script = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$DBInfo->url_prefix}/local/js/swfobject.js\"></script>\n"; $num = 1; } else { $num = ++$swfobject_num; } $GLOBALS['swfobject_num'] = $num; if (!$DBInfo->jwmediaplayer_prefix) { $_swf_prefix = qualifiedUrl("{$DBInfo->url_prefix}/local/JWPlayers"); // FIXME } else { $_swf_prefix = $DBInfo->jwmediaplayer_prefix; } $addparam = ''; if ($sz > 1) { $md5sum = md5(implode(':', $media)); if ($DBInfo->cache_public_dir) { $fc = new Cache_text('jwmediaplayer', array('dir' => $DBInfo->cache_public_dir)); $fname = $fc->getKey($md5sum, false); $basename = $DBInfo->cache_public_dir . '/' . $fname; $urlbase = $DBInfo->cache_public_url ? $DBInfo->cache_public_url . '/' . $fname : $DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $basename; $playfile = $basename . '.xml'; } else { $cache_dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . "/VisualTour"; $cache_url = $DBInfo->upload_url ? $DBInfo->upload_url . '/VisualTour' : $DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $cache_dir; $basename = $cache_dir . '/' . $md5sum; $urlbase = $cache_url . '/' . $md5sum; $playfile = $basename . '.xml'; } $playlist = $urlbase . '.xml'; $list = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $sz; $i++) { if (!preg_match("/^(http|ftp):\\/\\//", $url[$i])) { $url = qualifiedUrl($url); } $ext = substr($media[$i], -3, 3); // XXX $list[] = '<title>' . $media[$i] . '</title>' . "\n" . '<location>' . $url[$i] . '</location>' . "\n"; } $tracks = "<track>\n" . implode("</track>\n<track>\n", $list) . "</track>\n"; // UTF-8 FIXME $xml = <<<XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <playlist version="1" xmlns=""> <title>XSPF Playlist</title> <info>XSPF Playlist</info> <trackList> {$tracks} </trackList> </playlist> XML; # check cache dir exists or not and make it if (!is_dir(dirname($playfile))) { $om = umask(00); _mkdir_p(dirname($playfile), 0777); umask($om); } if ($formatter->refresh or !file_exists($playfile)) { $fp = fopen($playfile, "w"); fwrite($fp, $xml); fclose($fp); } $displayheight = $height; $height += $sz * 40; // XXX $addparam = "displayheight: '{$displayheight}'"; $filelist = qualifiedUrl($playlist); } else { $filelist = $url[0]; } $jw_script = <<<EOS <p id="mediaplayer{$num}"></p> <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var params = { allowfullscreen: "true" }; var flashvars = { width: "{$width}", height: "{$height}", // image: "preview.jpg", {$addparam} file: "{$filelist}" }; swfobject.embedSWF("{$_swf_prefix}/mediaplayer.swf","mediaplayer{$num}","{$width}","{$height}","0.0.9", "expressInstall.swf",flashvars,params); })(); </script> EOS; return <<<EOS {$swfobject_script}{$jw_script} EOS; } else { $out = ''; $mysize = ''; if (!empty($mywidth)) { $mysize .= 'width="' . $mywidth . 'px" '; } if (!empty($myheight)) { $mysize .= ' height="' . $myheight . 'px" '; } for ($i = 0, $sz = count($media); $i < $sz; $i++) { $mediainfo = 'External object'; $classid = ''; $objclass = ''; $iframe = ''; $object_prefered = false; // if (preg_match("@https?://(?:[a-z-]+[.])?(?:youtube(?:[.][a-z-]+)+|youtu\\.be)/(?:watch[?].*v=|v/|embed/)?([a-z0-9_-]+)\$@i", $media[$i], $m)) { $movie = "" . $m[1]; $type = 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash"'; $attr = $mysize . 'allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always"'; $attr .= ' data="' . $movie . '?version=3' . '"'; $url[$i] = $movie; $params = "<param name='movie' value='{$movie}?version=3'>\n" . "<param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'>\n" . "<param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'>\n"; $mediainfo = 'Youtube movie'; $objclass = ' youtube'; } else { if (preg_match("@https?://tvpot\\.daum\\.net\\/v\\/(.*)\$@i", $media[$i], $m)) { $classid = "classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000'"; $movie = ""; $type = 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash"'; $attr = 'allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" flashvars="vid=' . $m[1] . '&playLoc=undefined"'; if (empty($mysize)) { $attr .= ' width="500px" height="281px"'; } $url[$i] = $movie; $params = "<param name='movie' value='{$movie}'>\n" . "<param name='flashvars' value='vid=" . $m[1] . "&playLoc=undefined'>\n" . "<param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'>\n" . "<param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'>\n"; $mediainfo = 'Daum movie'; $objclass = ' daum'; } else { if (preg_match("@https?://vimeo\\.com\\/(.*)\$@i", $media[$i], $m)) { if ($object_prefered) { $movie = ""; $type = 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash"'; $attr = 'allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" flashvars="clip_id=' . $m[1] . '"'; if (empty($mysize)) { $attr .= ' width="500px" height="281px"'; } $url[$i] = $movie; $params = "<param name='movie' value='{$movie}'>\n" . "<param name='flashvars' value='clip_id=" . $m[1] . "'>\n" . "<param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'>\n" . "<param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'>\n"; } else { $iframe = '' . $m[1] . '?portrait=0&color=333'; $attr = 'frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen'; if (empty($mysize)) { $attr .= ' width="500px" height="281px"'; } } $mediainfo = 'Vimeo movie'; $objclass = ' vimeo'; } else { if (preg_match("/(wmv|mpeg4|mp4|avi|asf)\$/", $media[$i], $m)) { $classid = "classid='clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95'"; $type = 'type="application/x-mplayer2"'; $attr = $mysize . 'autoplay="' . $play . '"'; $params = "<param name='FileName' value='" . $url[$i] . "' />\n" . "<param name='AutoStart' value='False' />\n" . "<param name='ShowControls' value='True' />"; $mediainfo = strtoupper($m[1]) . ' movie'; } else { if (preg_match("/(wav|mp3|ogg)\$/", $media[$i], $m)) { $classid = "classid='clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B'"; $type = ''; $attr = 'codebase="" height="30"'; $attr .= ' autoplay="' . $play . '"'; $params = "<param name='src' value='" . $url[$i] . "'>\n" . "<param name='AutoStart' value='{$play}' />"; $mediainfo = strtoupper($m[1]) . ' sound'; } else { if (preg_match("/swf\$/", $media[$i])) { $type = 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash"'; $classid = "classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000'"; $attr = 'codebase=",0,29,0"'; $attr .= ' autoplay="' . $play . '"'; $params = "<param name='movie' value='" . $url[$i] . "' />\n" . "<param name='AutoStart' value='{$play}' />"; } else { if (preg_match("/\\.xap/", $media[$i])) { $type = 'type="application/x-silverlight-2"'; $attr = $mysize . 'data="data:application/x-silverlight,"'; $params = "<param name='source' value='" . $url[$i] . "' />\n"; } } } } } } } $autoplay = 0; $play = 'false'; if ($iframe) { $out .= <<<IFRAME <div class='externalObject{$objclass}'><div> <iframe src="{$iframe}" {$attr}></iframe> <div><a alt='{$myurl}' onclick='javascript:openExternal(this, "inline-block"); return false;'><span>[{$mediainfo}]</span></a></div></div></div> IFRAME; } else { $myurl = $url[$i]; $out .= <<<OBJECT <div class='externalObject{$objclass}'><div> <object class='external' {$classid} {$type} {$attr}> {$params} <param name="AutoRewind" value="True"> <embed {$type} src="{$myurl}" {$attr}></embed> </object> <div><a alt='{$myurl}' onclick='javascript:openExternal(this, "inline-block"); return false;'><span>[{$mediainfo}]</span></a></div></div></div> OBJECT; } } } if (empty($GLOBALS['js_macro_play'])) { $js = <<<JS <script type='text/javascript'> /*<![CDATA[*/ function openExternal(obj, display) { var el; (el = obj.parentNode.parentNode.firstElementChild) && ( = display); } /*]]>*/ </script> JS; $formatter->register_javascripts($js); $GLOBALS['js_macro_play'] = 1; } return $out; }
function do_post_Draw($formatter, $options = array()) { global $DBInfo; $enable_replace = 1; $keyname = $DBInfo->_getPageKey($options['page']); $_dir = str_replace("./", '', $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/' . $keyname); $pagename = $options['page']; // support hashed upload dir if (!is_dir($_dir) and !empty($DBInfo->use_hashed_upload_dir)) { $prefix = get_hashed_prefix($keyname); $_dir = str_replace('./', '', $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/' . $prefix . $keyname); } umask(00); if (!file_exists($_dir)) { _mkdir_p($_dir, 0777); } $name = $options['value']; if (!empty($_FILES['filepath'])) { $upfile = $_FILES['filepath']['tmp_name']; $temp = explode("/", $_FILES['filepath']['name']); $upfilename = $temp[count($temp) - 1]; preg_match("/(.*)\\.([a-z0-9]{1,4})\$/i", $upfilename, $fname); # do not change the extention of the file. $file_path = $newfile_path = $_dir . "/" . $upfilename; # is file already exists ? $dummy = 0; while (file_exists($newfile_path)) { $dummy = $dummy + 1; $ufname = $fname[1] . "_" . $dummy; // rename file $upfilename = $ufname . ".{$fname['2']}"; $newfile_path = $_dir . "/" . $upfilename; } if ($enable_replace) { if ($file_path != $newfile_path) { $test = @copy($file_path, $newfile_path); } $test = @copy($upfile, $file_path); } else { $test = @copy($upfile, $newfile_path); } if (!$test) { $title = sprintf(_("Fail to copy \"%s\" to \"%s\""), $upfilename, $file_path); $formatter->send_header("Status: 406 Not Acceptable", $options); $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options); return; } if ($fname[2] == 'map') { # fix map file. $map = file($newfile_path); $map = implode('', $map); # remove useless areas $map = preg_replace('/HREF="%TWIKIDRAW%"/', 'nohref', $map); $fp = fopen($newfile_path, 'w'); if ($fp) { fwrite($fp, $map); fclose($fp); } } chmod($newfile_path, 0644); if ($fname[2] == 'draw') { $comment = sprintf("Drawing '%s' uploaded", $upfilename); $REMOTE_ADDR = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $DBInfo->addLogEntry($keyname, $REMOTE_ADDR, $comment, "ATTDRW"); } return; } if (!$name) { $title = _("Fatal error !"); $formatter->send_header("Status: 406 Not Acceptable", $options); $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options); print "<h2>" . _("No filename given") . "</h2>"; $formatter->send_footer("", $options); return; } $gifname = _rawurlencode($name); if (empty($_GET['mode']) or $_GET['mode'] != 'attach') { $gifname = 'Draw_' . $gifname; } $imgpath = "{$_dir}/{$gifname}"; $ufname = $gifname; $dummy = 0; while (file_exists($imgpath)) { $dummy = $dummy + 1; $ufname = $gifname . "_" . $dummy; // rename file $imgpath = "{$_dir}/{$ufname}"; } $draw_url = "{$DBInfo->upload_dir_url}/{$keyname}/{$ufname}.draw"; $gif_url = "{$DBInfo->upload_dir_url}/{$keyname}/{$ufname}.gif"; $formatter->send_header("", $options); $formatter->send_title(_("Edit drawing"), "", $options); $prefix = $formatter->prefix; $now = time(); $url_exit = $formatter->link_url($options['page'], "?ts={$now}"); $url_save = $formatter->link_url($options['page'], "?action=draw"); $url_help = $formatter->link_url("HotDraw"); $pubpath = $DBInfo->url_prefix . "/applets/TWikiDrawPlugin"; print "<h2>" . _("Edit new drawing") . "</h2>\n"; print <<<APPLET <applet code="CH.ifa.draw.twiki.TWikiDraw.class" archive="twikidraw.jar" codebase="{$pubpath}" width='500' height='40' align="center"> <param name="drawpath" value="{$draw_url}"> <param name="gifpath" value="{$gif_url}"> <param name="savepath" value="{$url_save}"> <param name="viewpath" value="{$url_exit}"> <param name="helppath" value="{$url_help}"> <b>NOTE:</b> You need a Java enabled browser to edit the drawing example. </applet><br /> APPLET; $formatter->send_footer("", $options); return; }
_mkdir_p($argv[4] . '/text/RCS'); } else { if (!file_exists($argv[4] . '/text') && !file_exists($argv[4] . '/text/RCS')) { _mkdir_p($argv[4] . '/text/RCS'); } else { if (!is_dir($argv[4] . '/text') or !is_dir($argv[4] . '/text/RCS')) { usage(); exit; } } } $dest_dir = $argv[4] . '/text'; } else { $dest_dir = $topdir . '/'; if (!file_exists($dest_dir)) { _mkdir_p($dest_dir . '/RCS'); } } echo "\t* src dir = ", $text_dir, "\n"; echo "\t* dest dir = ", $dest_dir, "\n"; $ans = ask('Are you sure ? [y/N]', 'n'); if ($ans == 'n') { exit; } require_once $topdir . "/lib/pagekey.{$fromenc}.php"; require_once $topdir . "/lib/pagekey.{$toenc}.php"; $from_class = 'PageKey_' . $fromenc; $to_class = 'PageKey_' . $toenc; $from = new $from_class($DBInfo); $to = new $to_class($DBInfo); set_time_limit(0);
function do_uploadfile($formatter, $options) { global $DBInfo; $files = array(); $title = ''; if (isset($options['data'])) { if (substr($options['data'], 0, 5) == 'data:') { $data = substr($options['data'], 5); } else { $data = $options['data']; } $err = _("Fail to parse data string"); while (preg_match('@^(image/(gif|jpe?g|png));base64,(.*)$@', $data, $match)) { $ret = base64_decode($match[3]); if ($ret === false) { $err = _("Fail to decode base64 data string."); break; } else { $name = isset($options['name'][0]) ? $options['name'] : 'unnamed'; $name .= '.' . $match[2]; $tmpfile = tempnam($DBInfo->vartmp_dir, 'DATA'); $fp = fopen($tmpfile, 'wb'); if (!is_resource($fp)) { $err = _("Fail to open file.\n"); break; } fwrite($fp, $ret); fclose($fp); $count = 1; $files['upfile']['name'][] = $name; $files['upfile']['tmp_name'][] = $tmpfile; $files['upfile']['error'][] = ''; $files['upfile']['type'][] = $match[1]; $err = ''; break; } } } if (!empty($err)) { echo $err; return; } if (isset($_FILES['upfile']) and is_array($_FILES)) { if (!empty($options['multiform']) and $options['multiform'] > 1 or is_array($_FILES['upfile']['name'])) { $options['multiform'] = !empty($options['multiform']) ? $options['multiform'] : sizeof($_FILES['upfile']['name']); $count = $options['multiform']; $files =& $_FILES; if (!isset($options['rename'])) { $options['rename'] = array(); } } else { $count = 1; $files['upfile']['name'][] =& $_FILES['upfile']['name']; $files['upfile']['tmp_name'][] =& $_FILES['upfile']['tmp_name']; $files['upfile']['error'][] =& $_FILES['upfile']['error']; $files['upfile']['type'][] =& $_FILES['upfile']['type']; $options['rename'] = array($options['rename']); $options['replace'] = array($options['replace']); } } else { if (isset($options['MYFILES']) and is_array($options['MYFILES'])) { // for SWFUpload action $count = sizeof($options['MYFILES']); $MYFILES =& $options['MYFILES']; $mysubdir = $options['mysubdir']; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $myname = $MYFILES[$i]; $files['upfile']['name'][] = $myname; $files['upfile']['tmp_name'][] = $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/.swfupload/' . $mysubdir . $myname; // XXX $files['rename'][] = ''; $files['replace'][] = ''; } } } // Set upload err msg func. if (!empty($DBInfo->upload_err_func) and function_exists($DBInfo->upload_err_func)) { $upload_err_func = $DBInfo->upload_err_func; } else { $upload_err_func = '_upload_err_msg'; } $msg = array(); $err_msg = array(); $upload_ok = array(); $js = ''; $uploadid = !empty($options['uploadid']) ? $options['uploadid'] : ''; if (!empty($uploadid) or !empty($options['MYFILES'])) { $js = <<<EOF <script type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ function delAllForm(id) { if (!opener) return; if (id == '') return; var fform = opener.document.getElementById(id); if (fform && fform.rows && fform.rows.length) { // for UploadForm for (var i=fform.rows.length;i>0;i--) { fform.deleteRow(i-1); } } else { // for SWFUpload var listing = opener.document.getElementById('mmUploadFileListing'); if (listing) { var elem = listing.getElementsByTagName("li"); listing.innerHTML=''; } else if (fform) { fform.reset(); } } } delAllForm('{$uploadid}'); /*]]>*/ </script> EOF; } $ok = 0; if ($files) { foreach ($files['upfile']['name'] as $f) { if ($f) { $ok = 1; break; } } } if (!$ok) { if (isset($options['retval'])) { return false; } // ignore #$title="No file selected"; $formatter->send_header("", $options); $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options); print macro_UploadFile($formatter, '', $options); if (!in_array('UploadedFiles', $formatter->actions)) { $formatter->actions[] = 'UploadedFiles'; } $formatter->send_footer("", $options); return false; } $key = $DBInfo->pageToKeyname($formatter->page->name); if ($key != 'UploadFile') { $dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/' . $key; // support hashed upload_dir if (!is_dir($dir) and !empty($DBInfo->use_hashed_upload_dir)) { $prefix = get_hashed_prefix($key); $dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/' . $prefix . $key; } } else { $dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir; } if (!file_exists($dir)) { umask(00); _mkdir_p($dir, 0777); umask(02); } $REMOTE_ADDR = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $comment = "File "; $uploaded = ''; $log_entry = ''; $protected_exts = !empty($DBInfo->pds_protected) ? $DBInfo->pds_protected : "pl|cgi|php"; $safe_exts = !empty($DBInfo->pds_safe) ? $DBInfo->pds_safe : "txt|gif|png|jpg|jpeg"; $protected = explode('|', $protected_exts); $safe = explode('|', $safe_exts); # upload file protection if (!empty($DBInfo->pds_allowed)) { $pds_exts = $DBInfo->pds_allowed; } else { $pds_exts = "png|jpg|jpeg|gif|mp3|zip|tgz|gz|txt|css|exe|pdf|hwp"; } $allowed = 0; if (isset($DBInfo->upload_masters) and in_array($options['id'], $DBInfo->upload_masters)) { // XXX WARN!! $pds_exts = '.*'; $allowed = 1; } $safe_types = array('text' => '', 'media' => '', 'image' => '', 'audio' => '', 'application' => 'bin'); for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++) { # replace space and ':' strtr() $upfilename = str_replace(" ", "_", $files['upfile']['name'][$j]); $upfilename = str_replace(":", "_", $upfilename); preg_match("/^(.*)\\.([a-z0-9]{1,5})\$/i", $upfilename, $fname); if (!$upfilename) { continue; } else { if ($upfilename) { $uploaded++; } } $no_ext = 0; if (empty($fname[2])) { $fname[1] = $upfilename; $fname[2] = ''; $no_ext = 1; } if (!$allowed) { if (!empty($DBInfo->use_filetype)) { $type = ''; $type = $files['upfile']['type'][$j] ? $files['upfile']['type'][$j] : 'text/plain'; list($mtype, $xtype) = explode('/', $type); if (!empty($mtype) and array_key_exists($mtype, $safe_types)) { $allowed = 1; $fname[2] = $fname[2] ? $fname[2] : $safe_types[$mtype]; } else { if ($no_ext) { $err_msg[] = sprintf(_("The %s type of %s is not allowed to upload"), $type, $upfilename); continue; } } } else { $fname[2] = $fname[2] ? $fname[2] : 'txt'; $no_ext = 0; } } $upfilename = preg_replace('/\\.$/', '', implode('.', array($fname[1], $fname[2]))); if (!$allowed) { if (!$no_ext and !preg_match("/(" . $pds_exts . ")\$/i", $fname[2])) { if ($DBInfo->use_filetype and !empty($type)) { $err_msg[] = sprintf(_("The %s type of %s is not allowed to upload"), $type, $upfilename); } else { $err_msg[] = sprintf(_("%s is not allowed to upload"), $upfilename); } continue; } else { if ($fname[2] and in_array(strtolower($fname[2]), $safe)) { $upfilename = $fname[1] . '.' . $fname[2]; } else { # check extra extentions for the mod_mime $exts = explode('.', $fname[1]); $ok = 0; for ($i = sizeof($exts); $i > 0; $i--) { if (in_array(strtolower($exts[$i - 1]), $safe)) { $ok = 1; break; } else { if (in_array(strtolower($exts[$i - 1]), $protected)) { $exts[$i] .= '.txt'; # extra check for mod_mime: append 'txt' extension: => $ok = 1; break; } } } if ($ok) { $fname[1] = implode('.', $exts); $upfilename = $fname[1] . '.' . $fname[2]; } } } } $file_path = $newfile_path = $dir . "/" . $upfilename; $filename = $upfilename; if (!empty($options['rename'][$j])) { # XXX $temp = explode("/", _stripslashes($options['rename'][$j])); $upfilename = $temp[count($temp) - 1]; preg_match("/^(.*)\\.([a-z0-9]{1,5})\$/i", $upfilename, $tname); $exts = explode('.', $tname[1]); $ok = 0; for ($i = sizeof($exts); $i > 0; $i--) { if (in_array(strtolower($exts[$i - 1]), $protected)) { $exts[$i] .= '.txt'; $ok = 1; break; } } if ($ok) { $tname[1] = implode('.', $exts); $upfilename = $tname[1] . '.' . $fname[2]; } # check the extention of the new file name. $fname[1] = $tname[1]; $newfile_path = $dir . "/" . $tname[1] . ".{$fname['2']}"; if ($tname[2] != $fname[2]) { if (strtolower($tname[2]) == strtolower($fname[2])) { # change the case of the file ext. is allowed $newfile_path = $dir . "/" . $tname[1] . ".{$tname['2']}"; } else { $err_msg[] = sprintf(_("It is not allowed to change file ext. \"%s\" to \"%s\"."), $fname[2], $tname[2]); } } } # is file already exists ? $dummy = 0; $myext = $fname[2] ? '.' . $fname[2] : ''; while (@file_exists($newfile_path)) { $dummy = $dummy + 1; $ufname = $fname[1] . "_" . $dummy; // rename file $upfilename = $ufname . $myext; $newfile_path = $dir . "/" . $upfilename; } $upfile = $files['upfile']['tmp_name'][$j]; if (!empty($files['upfile']['error'][$j]) and $files['upfile']['error'][$j] != UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { $err_msg[] = _("ERROR:") . ' <tt>' . $upload_err_func($files['upfile']['error'][$j]) . ' : ' . $upfilename . '</tt>'; if ($files['upfile']['error'][$j] == UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE) { $err_msg[] = "<tt>upload_max_filesize=" . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . '</tt>'; } continue; } $_l_path = _l_filename($file_path); $new_l_path = _l_filename($newfile_path); if (!empty($options['replace'][$j])) { // backup if ($newfile_path != $file_path) { $test = @copy($_l_path, $new_l_path); } // replace $test = @copy($upfile, $_l_path); $upfilename = $filename; } else { $test = @copy($upfile, $new_l_path); } @unlink($upfile); if (!$test) { $err_msg[] = sprintf(_("Fail to copy \"%s\" to \"%s\""), $upfilename, $file_path); if ($files['upfile']['error'][$j] == UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE) { $err_msg[] = "<tt>upload_max_filesize=" . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . '</tt>'; } continue; } chmod($new_l_path, 0644); $comment .= "'{$upfilename}' "; $title .= (!empty($title) ? "\\n" : '') . sprintf(_("File \"%s\" is uploaded successfully"), $upfilename); $fullname = $formatter->page->name . "/{$upfilename}"; $upname = $upfilename; if (strpos($fullname, ' ') !== false) { $fullname = '"' . $fullname . '"'; } if (strpos($upname, ' ') !== false) { $upname = '"' . $upname . '"'; } if ($key == 'UploadFile') { $msg[] = "<ins>attachment:/{$upname}</ins>"; $upload_ok[] = '/' . $upname; $log_entry .= " * attachment:/{$upname}?action=deletefile . . . @USERNAME@ @DATE@\n"; } else { $msg[] = "<ins>attachment:{$upname}</ins> or"; $msg[] = "<ins>attachment:{$fullname}</ins>"; $upload_ok[] = $upname; $log_entry .= " * attachment:{$fullname}?action=deletefile . . . @USERNAME@ @DATE@\n"; } } // multiple upload $comment .= "uploaded"; if (!empty($DBInfo->upload_changes)) { $p = $DBInfo->getPage($DBInfo->upload_changes); $raw_body = $p->_get_raw_body(); if ($raw_body and $raw_body[strlen($raw_body) - 1] != "\n") { $raw_body .= "\n"; } $raw_body .= $log_entry; $p->write($raw_body); $DBInfo->savePage($p, $comment, $options); } else { $DBInfo->addLogEntry($key, $REMOTE_ADDR, $comment, "UPLOAD"); } if (!empty($options['action_mode']) and $options['action_mode'] == 'ajax') { $err = implode("\\n", $err_msg); $err = strip_tags($err); if ($err) { $err .= "\\n"; } $formatter->header('Content-type: text/html; charset=' . $DBInfo->charset); $scr = ''; if (!empty($options['domain']) and preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z0-9]+(\\.[a-z][a-z0-9]+)*$/i', $options['domain'])) { $scr = '<script type="text/javascript">document.domain="' . $options['domain'] . '";</script>'; } echo $scr . ' {"title": "' . str_replace(array('"', '<'), array("'", '<'), $title) . '", "msg": ["' . $err . strip_tags(implode("\\n", $msg)) . '"], "uploaded":' . $uploaded . ', "files": ["' . implode("\"\n,\"", $upload_ok) . '"] }'; return true; } $msgs = implode("<br />\n", $err_msg); $msgs .= implode("<br />\n", $msg); if (isset($options['retval'])) { $retval = array('title' => $title, 'msg' => $msgs, 'uploaded' => $uploaded, 'files' => $upload_ok); $ret =& $options['retval']; $ret = $retval; return true; } $formatter->send_header("", $options); if ($uploaded < 2) { $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options); print $msgs; } else { $msg = $title . '<br />' . $msg; $title = sprintf(_("Files are uploaded successfully"), $upfilename); $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options); print $msgs; } print $js; $formatter->send_footer('', $options); if (isset($options['MYFILES']) and is_array($options['MYFILES']) and session_id() != '') { session_destroy(); } return true; }
function _ci($key, $log, $force = false) { $dir = dirname($key); if (!is_dir($dir . '/RCS')) { $om = umask(00); _mkdir_p($dir . '/RCS', 2777); umask($om); } $mlog = ''; $plog = ''; if (getenv('OS') == 'Windows_NT' and isset($log[0])) { // win32 cmd.exe arguments do not accept UTF-8 charset correctly. // just use the stdin commit msg method instead of using -m"log" argument. $logfile = tempnam($this->DB->vartmp_dir, 'COMMIT_LOG'); $fp = fopen($logfile, 'w'); if (is_resource($fp)) { fwrite($fp, $log); fclose($fp); $plog = ' < ' . $logfile; } } if (empty($plog)) { $log = escapeshellarg($log); $mlog = ' -m' . $log; } // setup lockfile $lockfile = $key . '.##'; touch($lockfile); $fl = fopen($key . '.##', 'w'); $counter = 0; $locked = true; // lock timeout $timeout = isset($this->DB->savepage_timeout) && $this->DB->savepage_timeout > 5 ? $this->DB->savepage_timeout : 5; while (!flock($fl, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) { if ($counter++ < $timeout) { sleep(1); } else { $locked = false; break; } } if ($locked) { if (!empty($this->DB->rcs_always_unlock)) { $fp = popen("rcs -l -M {$key}", 'r'); if (is_resource($fp)) { pclose($fp); } } // force option $f = ''; if ($force) { $f = '-f '; } $fp = @popen("ci " . $f . "-l -x,v/ -q -t-\"" . $key . "\" " . $mlog . " " . $key . $plog . $this->NULL, "r"); if (is_resource($fp)) { pclose($fp); } if (isset($plog[0])) { unlink($logfile); } flock($fl, LOCK_UN); fclose($fl); // remove lockfile unlink($lockfile); return 0; } // fail to get flock return -1; }
function _savePage($pagename, $body, $options = array()) { $keyname = $this->_getPageKey($pagename); $filename = $this->text_dir . '/' . $keyname; $dir = dirname($filename); if (!is_dir($dir)) { $om = umask(~$this->umask); _mkdir_p($dir, 0777); umask($om); } $is_new = false; if (!file_exists($filename)) { $is_new = true; } $fp = @fopen($filename, "a+b"); if (!is_resource($fp)) { return -1; } flock($fp, LOCK_EX); // XXX ftruncate($fp, 0); fwrite($fp, $body); flock($fp, LOCK_UN); fclose($fp); $ret = 0; if (!empty($this->version_class)) { $om = umask(~$this->umask); $ver = $this->lazyLoad('version', $this); // get diff if (!$is_new) { $diff = $ver->diff($pagename); // count diff lines, chars $changes = diffcount_lines($diff, $this->charset); // set return values $retval =& $options['retval']; $retval['add'] = $changes[0]; $retval['del'] = $changes[1]; $retval['add_chars'] = $changes[2]; $retval['del_chars'] = $changes[3]; } else { // new file. // set return values $retval =& $options['retval']; $retval['add'] = get_file_lines($filename); $retval['del'] = 0; $retval['add_chars'] = mb_strlen($body, $this->charset); $retval['del_chars'] = 0; } $force = $is_new || $options['.force']; // FIXME fix for revert+create cases for clear if ($is_new && preg_match('@;;{REVERT}@', $options['log'])) { $tmp = preg_replace('@;;{REVERT}:@', ';;{CREATE}{REVERT}:', $options['log']); if ($tmp !== null) { $options['log'] = $tmp; } } $ret = $ver->_ci($filename, $options['log'], $force); if ($ret == -1) { $options['retval']['msg'] = _("Fail to save version information"); } chmod($filename, 0666 & $this->umask); umask($om); } return $ret; }