/** * A function to test if an ad may or may not be delivered, based on that ad's * ad blocking, ad capping, campaign blocking and campaign capping rules. * * Returns true if the ad is blocked or capped (and hence cannot be delivered), * false otherwise (in which case the ad can be delivered). * * Always returns true if the viewer does not allow cookies to be set, so that * blocking and capping cannot be circumvented by disabling cookies. * * @param array $aAd An array with the values of 'block_ad', 'cap_ad', * 'session_cap_ad', 'block_campaign', 'cap_campaign' and * 'session_cap_campaign' defined. * @return boolean True if the ad is blocked or capped, false otherwise. */ function MAX_limitationsIsAdForbidden($aAd) { $adId = $aAd['ad_id']; $campaignId = $aAd['placement_id']; $showCappedNoCookie = (bool) $aAd['show_capped_no_cookie']; return _limitationsIsAdCapped($adId, $aAd['cap_ad'], $aAd['session_cap_ad'], $aAd['block_ad'], $showCappedNoCookie) || _limitationsIsCampaignCapped($campaignId, $aAd['cap_campaign'], $aAd['session_cap_campaign'], $aAd['block_campaign'], $showCappedNoCookie); }
function MAX_limitationsIsAdForbidden($aAd) { $adId = $aAd['ad_id']; $campaignId = $aAd['placement_id']; return _limitationsIsAdCapped($adId, $aAd['cap_ad'], $aAd['session_cap_ad'], $aAd['block_ad']) || _limitationsIsCampaignCapped($campaignId, $aAd['cap_campaign'], $aAd['session_cap_campaign'], $aAd['block_campaign']); }