* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * WEIPDCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with WEIPDCRM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ $_customct = true; require_once 'system/common.inc.php'; if (!empty($_GET['request']) and (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_UNIQUE_ID']) or DCRM_DIRECT_DOWN == 1)) { $lastip = DB::fetch_first("SELECT `IP` FROM `" . DCRM_CON_PREFIX . "UDID` WHERE `UDID` = '" . $_SERVER['HTTP_X_UNIQUE_ID'] . "'"); $nowip = _ip2long(getIp()); if (!empty($lastip) && $lastip['IP'] != $nowip) { DB::update(DCRM_CON_PREFIX . 'UDID', array('IP' => $nowip), array('UDID' => $_SERVER['HTTP_X_UNIQUE_ID'])); } $r_path = $_GET['request']; $list_text = array('Release', 'Release.gpg', 'Packages', 'Packages.gz', 'Packages.bz2'); if (in_array($r_path, $list_text)) { if (file_exists($r_path)) { downFile($r_path, $r_path); } else { httpinfo(404); } } else { httpinfo(405); } } else {
function db_add_ap($row, $cmtid, $uid) { global $checkexist; global $db; global $aps; // Отбираем только валидные точки доступа $addr = $row[0]; $port = $row[1]; if ($addr == 'IP Address' && $port == 'Port') { return 1; } $bssid = $row[8]; $essid = $row[9]; if (strlen($essid) > 32) { $essid = substr($essid, 0, 32); } $sec = $row[10]; $key = $row[11]; if (strlen($key) > 64) { $key = substr($key, 0, 64); } $wps = preg_replace('~\\D+~', '', $row[12]); // Оставляем только цифры if ($bssid == '<no wireless>') { return 2; } if (ismac($bssid)) { $NoBSSID = 0; $bssid = mac2dec($bssid); } else { $NoBSSID = 1; if ($bssid == '<access denied>') { $NoBSSID = 2; } if ($bssid == '<not accessible>') { $NoBSSID = 3; } if ($bssid == '<not implemented>') { $NoBSSID = 4; } $bssid = 0; } if (($NoBSSID || $wps == '') && ($essid == '' || $sec == '' || $sec == '-' || $key == '' || $key == '-')) { if ($NoBSSID == 0 || $essid != '' || $sec != '' || $key != '' || $wps != '') { return 3; } else { return 1; } // Вообще не содержит данных } if ($checkexist) { if (db_ap_exist($NoBSSID, $bssid, $essid, $key)) { return 4; // Уже есть в базе, пропускаем } } if ($NoBSSID == 0) { $aps[] = $bssid; // Записываем в очередь ожидания $chkgeo = QuerySql("SELECT `BSSID` FROM GEO_TABLE WHERE `BSSID`={$bssid} LIMIT 1"); if ($chkgeo->num_rows == 0) { // Добавляем новый BSSID с координатами NULL QuerySql("INSERT INTO GEO_TABLE (`BSSID`) VALUES ({$bssid})"); } $chkgeo->close(); } if ($cmtid == null) { $cmtid = 'NULL'; } $addr = _ip2long($addr); // IP Address if ($addr == 0 || $addr == -1) { $addr = 'NULL'; } $port = $port == '' ? 'NULL' : (int) $port; // Port $auth = $row[4] == '' ? 'NULL' : '\'' . $db->real_escape_string($row[4]) . '\''; // Authorization $name = '\'' . $db->real_escape_string($row[5]) . '\''; // Device Name $radio = $row[6] == '[X]' ? 1 : 0; // RadioOff $hide = $row[7] == '[X]' ? 1 : 0; // Hidden $essid = '\'' . $db->real_escape_string($essid) . '\''; // ESSID $sec = str2sec($sec); // Security $key = '\'' . $db->real_escape_string($key) . '\''; // Wi-Fi Key $wps = $wps == '' ? 1 : (int) $wps; // WPS PIN $lanip = _ip2long($row[13]); // LAN IP if ($lanip == 0 || $lanip == -1) { $lanip = 'NULL'; } $lanmsk = _ip2long($row[14]); // LAN Mask if ($lanmsk == 0) { $lanmsk = 'NULL'; } $wanip = _ip2long($row[15]); // WAN IP if ($wanip == 0 || $wanip == -1) { $wanip = 'NULL'; } $wanmsk = _ip2long($row[16]); // WAN Mask if ($wanmsk == 0) { $wanmsk = 'NULL'; } $gate = _ip2long($row[17]); // WAN Gateway if ($gate == 0 || $gate == -1) { $gate = 'NULL'; } $DNS = explode(' ', $row[18]); // DNS (up to 3 servers) for ($i = 0; $i < count($DNS); $i++) { $DNS[$i] = _ip2long($DNS[$i]); if ($DNS[$i] == 0 || $DNS[$i] == -1) { $DNS[$i] = 'NULL'; } } for ($i = 0; $i <= 3; $i++) { if (!isset($DNS[$i])) { $DNS[$i] = 'NULL'; } } QuerySql("INSERT INTO BASE_TABLE (`cmtid`,`IP`,`Port`,`Authorization`,`name`,`RadioOff`,`Hidden`,`NoBSSID`,`BSSID`,`ESSID`,`Security`,`WiFiKey`,`WPSPIN`,`LANIP`,`LANMask`,`WANIP`,`WANMask`,`WANGateway`,`DNS1`,`DNS2`,`DNS3`)\n\t\t\tVALUES ({$cmtid}, {$addr}, {$port}, {$auth}, {$name}, {$radio}, {$hide}, {$NoBSSID}, {$bssid}, {$essid}, {$sec}, {$key}, {$wps}, {$lanip}, {$lanmsk}, {$wanip}, {$wanmsk}, {$gate}, {$DNS['0']}, {$DNS['1']}, {$DNS['2']})\n\t\t\tON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE\n\t\t\t`cmtid`={$cmtid},`IP`={$addr},`Port`={$port},`Authorization`={$auth},`name`={$name},`RadioOff`={$radio},`Hidden`={$hide},`NoBSSID`={$NoBSSID},`BSSID`={$bssid},`ESSID`={$essid},`Security`={$sec},`WiFiKey`={$key},`WPSPIN`={$wps},`LANIP`={$lanip},`LANMask`={$lanmsk},`WANIP`={$wanip},`WANMask`={$wanmsk},`WANGateway`={$gate},`DNS1`={$DNS['0']},`DNS2`={$DNS['1']},`DNS3`={$DNS['2']};"); if (!is_null($uid)) { // Берём id точки из таблицы base в любом случае (могут быть расхождения с mem_base) $res = $db->query("SELECT id FROM " . BASE_TABLE . " WHERE NoBSSID={$NoBSSID} AND BSSID={$bssid} AND ESSID={$essid} AND Security={$sec} AND WiFiKey={$key} AND WPSPIN={$wps}"); $row = $res->fetch_row(); $res->close(); $id = (int) $row[0]; // Выясняем, если кто-то уже загрузил такую точку $res = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM uploads WHERE id={$id}"); $row = $res->fetch_row(); $res->close(); $creator = $row[0] > 0 ? 0 : 1; // Привязываем загруженную точку к аккаунту $db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO uploads (uid, id, creator) VALUES ({$uid}, {$id}, {$creator})"); } return 0; }
public function NewUser($UserName, $Password, $Email, $UserGroupID = 0, $RegIP = '') { $DB = new DB(); $UserName = strtolower($UserName); $Hashcode = substr(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)), -6); $Password = md5($Password . $Hashcode . $UserName) . $Password; $Result = $DB->GetOne('SELECT UserID FROM tbl_users WHERE UserName=\'' . $UserName . '\''); if ($Result) { return -1; } $Result = $DB->GetOne('SELECT UserID FROM tbl_users WHERE Email=\'' . $Email . '\''); if ($Result) { return -2; } if (!$UserGroupID) { $UserGroup = $this->GetUserDefaultGroup(); if ($UserGroup) { if ($UserGroup['RegEnable']) { $UserGroupID = $UserGroup['UserGroupID']; } else { return -4; } } else { return -3; } } else { if (!$this->GetUserGroup($UserGroupID)) { return -5; } } $RegIP = _ip2long($RegIP); $Sql = 'INSERT INTO tbl_users(`UserName`, `Password`,`Email`,`UserGroupID`,`Hashcode`,`RegDateTime`,`LastModified`,`RegIP`) VALUES(\'' . $UserName . '\',\'' . $Password . '\',\'' . $Email . '\',\'' . $UserGroupID . '\',\'' . $Hashcode . '\',\'' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '\',\'' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '\',\'' . $RegIP . '\')'; return $DB->Insert($Sql, true); }
if ($comment != '*') { if ($comment == '') { $cmtid = 0; } else { $comment = $db->real_escape_string($comment); $res = $db->query('SELECT `cmtid` FROM comments WHERE `cmtval`=\'' . $comment . '\''); if ($res->num_rows > 0) { $row = $res->fetch_row(); $cmtid = (int) $row[0]; } else { $cmtid = -2; } $res->close(); } } $ipaddr = _ip2long($db->real_escape_string($ipaddr)); $auth = $db->real_escape_string($auth); $name = $db->real_escape_string($name); $bssid = $db->real_escape_string($bssid); $essid = $db->real_escape_string($essid); $key = $db->real_escape_string($key); $wps = $db->real_escape_string($wps); $cur_page = 1; $per_page = 100; if (isset($_POST['page'])) { $cur_page = (int) $_POST['page']; } if ($cur_page < 1) { $cur_page = 1; } $sql = GenerateFindQuery($cmtid, $bssid, $essid, $auth, $name, $key, $wps, $cur_page, $per_page);
} $row['WANIP'] = _ip2long($row['WANIP']); if ($row['WANIP'] == 0 || $row['WANIP'] == -1) { $row['WANIP'] = null; } $row['WANMask'] = _ip2long($row['WANMask']); if ($row['WANMask'] == 0) { $row['WANMask'] = null; } $row['WANGateway'] = _ip2long($row['WANGateway']); if ($row['WANGateway'] == 0 || $row['WANGateway'] == -1) { $row['WANGateway'] = null; } $DNS = explode(' ', $row['DNS']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($DNS); $i++) { $DNS[$i] = _ip2long($DNS[$i]); if ($DNS[$i] == 0 || $DNS[$i] == -1) { $DNS[$i] = null; } } $wifi->bind_param('siiissiiissisiiiiiiiiiiiissiiissisiiiiiiiii', $row['time'], $cmtid, $row['IP'], $row['Port'], $row['Authorization'], $row['name'], $row['RadioOff'], $row['Hidden'], $NoBSSID, $row['BSSID'], $row['ESSID'], $row['Security'], $row['WiFiKey'], $row['WPSPIN'], $row['LANIP'], $row['LANMask'], $row['WANIP'], $row['WANMask'], $row['WANGateway'], $DNS[0], $DNS[1], $DNS[2], $cmtid, $row['IP'], $row['Port'], $row['Authorization'], $row['name'], $row['RadioOff'], $row['Hidden'], $NoBSSID, $row['BSSID'], $row['ESSID'], $row['Security'], $row['WiFiKey'], $row['WPSPIN'], $row['LANIP'], $row['LANMask'], $row['WANIP'], $row['WANMask'], $row['WANGateway'], $DNS[0], $DNS[1], $DNS[2]); $wifi->execute(); if ($NoBSSID == 0 && $row['latitude'] != 'none') { if ($row['latitude'] == 'not found') { $row['latitude'] = 0; $row['longitude'] = 0; } $geo->bind_param('sddsdd', $row['BSSID'], $row['latitude'], $row['longitude'], $row['BSSID'], $row['latitude'], $row['longitude']); $geo->execute(); } }