 * Generate page
 * @param iMSCP_pTemplate $tpl Template engine instance
 * @param int $userId User unique identifier
 * @return void
function generatePage($tpl, $userId)
    $stmt = exec_query('
				admin_name, domain_id
				domain ON(domain_admin_id = admin_id)
				admin_id = ?
		', $userId);
    if (!$stmt->rowCount()) {
    $row = $stmt->fetchRow(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    $domainId = $row['domain_id'];
    $adminName = decode_idna($row['admin_name']);
    if (isset($_POST['month']) && isset($_POST['year'])) {
        $year = intval($_POST['year']);
        $month = intval($_POST['month']);
    } else {
        $month = date('m');
        $year = date('y');
    $stmt = exec_query('SELECT dtraff_time FROM domain_traffic WHERE domain_id = ? ORDER BY dtraff_time ASC LIMIT 1', $domainId);
    if ($stmt->rowCount()) {
        $row = $stmt->fetchRow(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $numberYears = date('y') - date('y', $row['dtraff_time']);
        $numberYears = $numberYears ? $numberYears + 1 : 1;
    } else {
        $numberYears = 1;
    generateMonthsAndYearsHtmlList($tpl, $month, $year, $numberYears);
    $stmt = exec_query('SELECT domain_id FROM domain_traffic WHERE domain_id = ? AND dtraff_time BETWEEN ? AND ? LIMIT 1', array($domainId, getFirstDayOfMonth($month, $year), getLastDayOfMonth($month, $year)));
    if ($stmt->rowCount()) {
        $requestedPeriod = getLastDayOfMonth($month, $year);
        $toDay = $requestedPeriod < time() ? date('j', $requestedPeriod) : date('j');
        $all = array_fill(0, 8, 0);
        $dateFormat = iMSCP_Registry::get('config')->DATE_FORMAT;
        for ($fromDay = 1; $fromDay <= $toDay; $fromDay++) {
            $beginTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $fromDay, $year);
            $endTime = mktime(23, 59, 59, $month, $fromDay, $year);
            list($webTraffic, $ftpTraffic, $smtpTraffic, $popTraffic) = _getUserTraffic($domainId, $beginTime, $endTime);
            $tpl->assign(array('DATE' => date($dateFormat, strtotime($year . '-' . $month . '-' . $fromDay)), 'WEB_TRAFFIC' => tohtml(bytesHuman($webTraffic)), 'FTP_TRAFFIC' => tohtml(bytesHuman($ftpTraffic)), 'SMTP_TRAFFIC' => tohtml(bytesHuman($smtpTraffic)), 'POP3_TRAFFIC' => tohtml(bytesHuman($popTraffic)), 'ALL_TRAFFIC' => tohtml(bytesHuman($webTraffic + $ftpTraffic + $smtpTraffic + $popTraffic))));
            $all[0] += $webTraffic;
            $all[1] += $ftpTraffic;
            $all[2] += $smtpTraffic;
            $all[3] += $popTraffic;
            $tpl->parse('TRAFFIC_TABLE_ITEM', '.traffic_table_item');
        $tpl->assign(array('USER_ID' => tohtml($userId), 'USERNAME' => tohtml($adminName), 'ALL_WEB_TRAFFIC' => tohtml(bytesHuman($all[0])), 'ALL_FTP_TRAFFIC' => tohtml(bytesHuman($all[1])), 'ALL_SMTP_TRAFFIC' => tohtml(bytesHuman($all[2])), 'ALL_POP3_TRAFFIC' => tohtml(bytesHuman($all[3])), 'ALL_ALL_TRAFFIC' => tohtml(bytesHuman(array_sum($all)))));
    } else {
        set_page_message(tr('No statistics found for the given period. Try another period.'), 'static_info');
        $tpl->assign(array('USERNAME' => tohtml($adminName), 'USER_ID' => tohtml($userId), 'RESELLER_USER_STATISTICS_DETAIL_BLOCK' => ''));
 * Generate statistics for the given period
 * @param iMSCP_pTemplate $tpl Template engine instance
 * @return void
function generatePage($tpl)
    $domainId = get_user_domain_id($_SESSION['user_id']);
    if (isset($_POST['month']) && isset($_POST['year'])) {
        $year = intval($_POST['year']);
        $month = intval($_POST['month']);
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['month']) && isset($_GET['year'])) {
            $month = intval($_GET['month']);
            $year = intval($_GET['year']);
        } else {
            $month = date('m');
            $year = date('Y');
    $stmt = exec_query('SELECT dtraff_time FROM domain_traffic WHERE domain_id = ? ORDER BY dtraff_time ASC LIMIT 1', $domainId);
    if ($stmt->rowCount()) {
        $row = $stmt->fetchRow(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $numberYears = date('y') - date('y', $row['dtraff_time']);
        $numberYears = $numberYears ? $numberYears + 1 : 1;
    } else {
        $numberYears = 1;
    generateMonthsAndYearsHtmlList($tpl, $month, $year, $numberYears);
    $stmt = exec_query('SELECT domain_id FROM domain_traffic WHERE domain_id = ? AND dtraff_time >= ? AND dtraff_time <= ? LIMIT 1', array($domainId, getFirstDayOfMonth($month, $year), getLastDayOfMonth($month, $year)));
    if ($stmt->rowCount()) {
        $requestedPeriod = getLastDayOfMonth($month, $year);
        $toDay = $requestedPeriod < time() ? date('j', $requestedPeriod) : date('j');
        $all = array_fill(0, 8, 0);
        $dateFormat = iMSCP_Registry::get('config')->DATE_FORMAT;
        for ($fromDay = 1; $fromDay <= $toDay; $fromDay++) {
            $beginTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $fromDay, $year);
            $endTime = mktime(23, 59, 59, $month, $fromDay, $year);
            list($webTraffic, $ftpTraffic, $smtpTraffic, $popTraffic) = _getUserTraffic($domainId, $beginTime, $endTime);
            $tpl->assign(array('DATE' => tohtml(date($dateFormat, strtotime($year . '-' . $month . '-' . $fromDay))), 'WEB_TRAFF' => tohtml(bytesHuman($webTraffic)), 'FTP_TRAFF' => tohtml(bytesHuman($ftpTraffic)), 'SMTP_TRAFF' => tohtml(bytesHuman($smtpTraffic)), 'POP_TRAFF' => tohtml(bytesHuman($popTraffic)), 'SUM_TRAFF' => tohtml(bytesHuman($webTraffic + $ftpTraffic + $smtpTraffic + $popTraffic))));
            $all[0] += $webTraffic;
            $all[1] += $ftpTraffic;
            $all[2] += $smtpTraffic;
            $all[3] += $popTraffic;
            $tpl->parse('TRAFFIC_TABLE_ITEM', '.traffic_table_item');
        $tpl->assign(array('WEB_ALL' => tohtml(bytesHuman($all[0])), 'FTP_ALL' => tohtml(bytesHuman($all[1])), 'SMTP_ALL' => tohtml(bytesHuman($all[2])), 'POP_ALL' => tohtml(bytesHuman($all[3])), 'SUM_ALL' => tohtml(bytesHuman(array_sum($all)))));
    } else {
        set_page_message(tr('No statistics found for the given period. Try another period.'), 'static_info');
        $tpl->assign('STATISTICS_BLOCK', '');