$lines = array();
$getmsgs = $DB->query("SELECT msg, biu, color FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "msg WHERE toid = '{$gid}' AND type = 1 AND fromid ='{$uid}' AND (created + minitime) > {$ajax_last} ORDER BY msgid ASC");
while ($msg = $DB->fetch($getmsgs)) {
    $lines[] = WeLive(1, html($msg['msg']), 2, $msg['biu'], $msg['color']);
$sql = "SELECT u.userid, u.activated, u.isonline AS uisonline, g.guestid, g.isonline AS gisonline, g.isbanned FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user u\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "guest g ON g.serverid = u.userid AND g.guestid = '{$gid}'\r\n\t\t\tWHERE u.userid  = '{$uid}'\r\n\t\t\tAND   u.usergroupid <> 1";
$uginfo = $DB->getOne($sql);
if (!$uginfo['userid'] or !$uginfo['activated'] or !$uginfo['uisonline']) {
    $lines[] = 'offline';
} elseif (!$uginfo['guestid']) {
    $lines[] = 'kickout';
} elseif ($uginfo['isbanned']) {
    $lines[] = 'banned';
} elseif ($uginfo['guestid'] and $act == 'sending') {
    $ajaxline = ForceIncomingString('ajaxline');
    $ajaxbiu = ForceIncomingString('ajaxbiu', '000');
    $ajaxcolor = ForceIncomingString('ajaxcolor', '0');
    $DB->exe("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "msg (fromid, toid, msg, biu, color, created, minitime, type) VALUES ('{$gid}', '{$uid}', '{$ajaxline}', '{$ajaxbiu}', '{$ajaxcolor}', '{$realtime}', '{$minitime}', 0)");
    $lines[] = WeLive(2, html($ajaxline), 2, $ajaxbiu, $ajaxcolor);
if (!$uginfo['gisonline'] and $uginfo['guestid']) {
    //客人如果不在线, 更新为在线状态
    $DB->exe("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "guest SET isonline = 1, created = '{$realtime}' WHERE guestid = '{$gid}'");
WeLiveSend($realtime + $minitime, $lines, $ajax_last, $DB->errno);

// |     http://www.weentech.com                 |
// |     This file may not be redistributed.     |
// +---------------------------------------------+
define('AJAX', true);
include 'includes/welive.Core.php';
$uid = ForceIncomingInt('uid');
$gid = ForceIncomingInt('gid');
$act = ForceIncomingString('act');
$ajax_last = ForceIncomingFloat('ajax_last');
if (!$uid or !$gid) {
} elseif (ForceIncomingCookie('weliveG' . COOKIE_KEY) != md5($gid . WEBSITE_KEY . $uid . $_CFG['cKillRobotCode'])) {
    setcookie('weliveG' . COOKIE_KEY, '', 0, '/');
$mktime = explode(' ', microtime());
$realtime = $mktime[1];
$minitime = $mktime[0];
$lines = array();
if ($act == 'offline') {
    $DB->exe("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "guest SET isonline = 0 WHERE guestid = '{$gid}'");
} elseif ($act == 'online') {
    $DB->exe("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "guest SET isonline = 1, created = '{$realtime}', serverid = '{$uid}' WHERE guestid = '{$gid}'");
    $welcome = Iif(IS_CHINESE, html($_CFG['cWelcome']), html($_CFG['cWelcome_en']));
    $lines[] = WeLive(0, Iif($welcome, $welcome, $lang['guest_login']), 1);
    WeLiveSend($realtime + $minitime, $lines, $ajax_last, $DB->errno);