 * Handles saving what the admin wants to do for the user next.
function WPCW_showPage_UserProgess_quizAnswers_whatsNext_savePreferences($quizDetails, $results, $page, $userID, $unitID)
    // Admin wants to save the next action to this progress.
    if (isset($_POST['failed_quiz_next_action']) && $_POST['failed_quiz_next_action']) {
        global $wpdb, $wpcwdb;
        $userNextAction = WPCW_arrays_getValue($_POST, 'wpcw_user_continue_action');
        $userRetakeMsg = filter_var(WPCW_arrays_getValue($_POST, 'wpcw_user_progress_failed_reason'), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
        // Check action is valid. Abort if not
        if (!in_array($userNextAction, array('retake_quiz', 'progress_anyway'))) {
            return $results;
        //  ****** REDUNDANT SWITCH *******
        // Sort out the SQL statement for what to update
        // switch ($userNextAction)
        // {
        // 	// User needs to retake the course.
        // 	case 'retake_quiz':
        // 		break;
        // 	// User is allowed to progress
        // 	case 'progress_anyway':
        // 			$userRetakeMsg = false;
        // 			// Mark the unit as completed.
        // 			WPCW_units_saveUserProgress_Complete($userID, $unitID);
        // 			// Unit complete, check if course/module is complete too.
        // 			do_action('wpcw_user_completed_unit', $userID, $unitID, WPCW_units_getAssociatedParentData($unitID));
        // 		break;
        // }
        // Update the progress item
        $SQL = $wpdb->prepare("\n\t\t    \tUPDATE {$wpcwdb->user_progress_quiz}\n\t\t    \t  SET quiz_next_step_type = '%s', \n\t\t    \t      quiz_next_step_msg = %s  \n\t\t    \tWHERE user_id = %d \n\t\t    \t  AND unit_id = %d \n\t\t    \t  AND quiz_id = %d\n\t\t    \tORDER BY quiz_attempt_id DESC\n\t\t    \tLIMIT 1\n\t   \t\t", $userNextAction, $userRetakeMsg, $userID, $unitID, $quizDetails->quiz_id);
        // Need to update the results object for use later.
        $results->quiz_next_step_type = $userNextAction;
        $results->quiz_next_step_msg = $userRetakeMsg;
        switch ($userNextAction) {
            // User needs to retake the course.
            case 'retake_quiz':
                $results->extraEmailDetail = __('Since you didn\'t pass the quiz, the instructor has asked that you re-take this quiz.', 'wp_courseware');
                if ($userRetakeMsg) {
                    $results->extraEmailDetail .= "\n\n" . $userRetakeMsg;
                // User is allowed to progress
            // User is allowed to progress
            case 'progress_anyway':
                $results->extraEmailDetail = __('Although you didn\'t pass the quiz, the instructor is allowing you to continue.', 'wp_courseware');
                // Mark the unit as completed.
                WPCW_units_saveUserProgress_Complete($userID, $unitID);
                // Unit complete, check if course/module is complete too.
                do_action('wpcw_user_completed_unit', $userID, $unitID, WPCW_units_getAssociatedParentData($unitID));
        // Tell code to send out emails
        $results->sendOutEmails = true;
    $results->quiz_has_just_been_graded = true;
    return $results;
 * Function called when a user is submitting quiz answers via
 * the frontend form. 
function WPCW_AJAX_units_handleQuizResponse()
    // Security check
    if (!wp_verify_nonce(WPCW_arrays_getValue($_POST, 'progress_nonce'), 'wpcw-progress-nonce')) {
        die(__('Security check failed!', 'wp_courseware'));
    // Quiz ID and Unit ID are combined in the single CSS ID for validation.
    // So validate both are correct and that user is allowed to access quiz.
    $quizAndUnitID = WPCW_arrays_getValue($_POST, 'id');
    // e.g. quiz_complete_69_1 or quiz_complete_17_2 (first ID is unit, 2nd ID is quiz)
    if (!preg_match('/quiz_complete_(\\d+)_(\\d+)/', $quizAndUnitID, $matches)) {
        echo WPCW_units_getCompletionBox_error();
    // Use the extracted data for further validation
    $unitID = $matches[1];
    $quizID = $matches[2];
    $user_id = get_current_user_id();
    // #### Get associated data for this unit. No course/module data, not a unit
    $parentData = WPCW_units_getAssociatedParentData($unitID);
    if (!$parentData) {
        // No error, as not a valid unit.
    // #### User not allowed access to content, so certainly can't say they've done this unit.
    if (!WPCW_courses_canUserAccessCourse($parentData->course_id, $user_id)) {
        // No error, as not a valid unit.
    // #### Check that the quiz is valid and belongs to this unit
    $quizDetails = WPCW_quizzes_getQuizDetails($quizID, true);
    if (!($quizDetails && $quizDetails->parent_unit_id == $unitID)) {
    // Validate the quiz answers... which means we might have to
    // send back the form to be re-filled.
    $canContinue = WPCW_quizzes_handleQuizRendering_canUserContinueAfterQuiz($quizDetails, $_POST, $user_id);
    // Check that user is allowed to progress.
    if ($canContinue) {
        WPCW_units_saveUserProgress_Complete($user_id, $unitID, 'complete');
        // Unit complete, check if course/module is complete too.
        do_action('wpcw_user_completed_unit', $user_id, $unitID, $parentData);
        // Only complete if allowed to continue.
        echo WPCW_units_getCompletionBox_complete($parentData, $unitID, $user_id);
 * Function called when a user is submitting quiz answers via
 * the frontend form. 
function WPCW_AJAX_units_handleQuizResponse()
    // Security check
    if (!wp_verify_nonce(WPCW_arrays_getValue($_POST, 'progress_nonce'), 'wpcw-progress-nonce')) {
        die(__('Security check failed!', 'wp_courseware'));
    // Quiz ID and Unit ID are combined in the single CSS ID for validation.
    // So validate both are correct and that user is allowed to access quiz.
    $quizAndUnitID = WPCW_arrays_getValue($_POST, 'id');
    // e.g. quiz_complete_69_1 or quiz_complete_17_2 (first ID is unit, 2nd ID is quiz)
    if (!preg_match('/quiz_complete_(\\d+)_(\\d+)/', $quizAndUnitID, $matches)) {
        echo WPCW_UnitFrontend::message_error_getCompletionBox_error();
    // Use the extracted data for further validation
    $unitID = $matches[1];
    $quizID = $matches[2];
    // Get the post object for this quiz item.
    $post = get_post($unitID);
    if (!$post) {
        echo WPCW_UnitFrontend::message_createMessage_error(__('Error - could not save your quiz results.', 'wp_courseware') . ' ' . __('Could not find training unit.', 'wp_courseware'));
    // Initalise the unit details
    $fe = new WPCW_UnitFrontend($post);
    // #### Get associated data for this unit. No course/module data, then it's not a unit
    if (!$fe->check_unit_doesUnitHaveParentData()) {
        echo WPCW_UnitFrontend::message_createMessage_error(__('Error - could not save your quiz results.', 'wp_courseware') . ' ' . __('Could not find course details for unit.', 'wp_courseware'));
    // #### User not allowed access to content
    if (!$fe->check_user_canUserAccessCourse()) {
        echo $fe->message_user_cannotAccessCourse();
    // #### Check that the quiz is valid and belongs to this unit
    if (!$fe->check_quizzes_isQuizValidForUnit($quizID)) {
        echo WPCW_UnitFrontend::message_createMessage_error(__('Error - could not save your quiz results.', 'wp_courseware') . ' ' . __('Quiz data does not match quiz for this unit.', 'wp_courseware'));
    $canContinue = false;
    // #### Do we have all the answers that we need so that we can grade the quiz?
    // #### Answer Check Variation A - Paging
    if ($fe->check_paging_areWePagingQuestions()) {
        // If this is false, then we keep checking for more answers.
        $readyForMarking = $fe->check_quizzes_canWeContinue_checkAnswersFromPaging($_POST);
    } else {
        // If this is false, then the form is represented asking for fixes.
        $readyForMarking = $fe->check_quizzes_canWeContinue_checkAnswersFromOnePageQuiz($_POST);
    // Now checks are done, $this->unitQuizProgress contains the latest questions so that we can mark them.
    if ($readyForMarking) {
        $canContinue = $fe->check_quizzes_gradeQuestionsForQuiz();
    // #### Validate the answers that we have, which determines if we can carry on to the next
    //      unit, or if the user needs to do something else.
    if ($canContinue) {
        WPCW_units_saveUserProgress_Complete($fe->fetch_getUserID(), $fe->fetch_getUnitID(), 'complete');
        // Unit complete, check if course/module is complete too.
        do_action('wpcw_user_completed_unit', $fe->fetch_getUserID(), $fe->fetch_getUnitID(), $fe->fetch_getUnitParentData());
    // Show the appropriate messages/forms for the user to look at. This is common for all execution
    // paths.
    echo $fe->render_detailsForUnit(false, true);