  * change_labels.
  * @version 2.5.7
  * @since   2.5.7
 function change_labels()
     if (function_exists('is_cart') && is_cart()) {
         wp_enqueue_style('wcj-shipping-calculator', wcj_plugin_url() . '/includes/css/wcj-shipping-calculator.css', array(), WCJ()->version);
         wp_enqueue_script('wcj-shipping-calculator-js', wcj_plugin_url() . '/includes/js/wcj-shipping-calculator.js', array('jquery'), WCJ()->version, true);
         wp_localize_script('wcj-shipping-calculator-js', 'alg_object', array('calculate_shipping_label' => get_option('wcj_shipping_calculator_label_calculate_shipping', ''), 'update_totals_label' => get_option('wcj_shipping_calculator_label_update_totals', '')));
         * Add Invoices Report tool to WooCommerce menu (the content).
         * @version 2.5.7
        function create_invoices_report_tool()
            $result_message = '';
            $result_message .= $this->notice;
            $the_year = !empty($_POST['report_year']) ? $_POST['report_year'] : '';
            $the_month = !empty($_POST['report_month']) ? $_POST['report_month'] : '';
            $the_invoice_type = !empty($_POST['invoice_type']) ? $_POST['invoice_type'] : 'invoice';
            if (isset($_POST['get_invoices_report'])) {
                if (!empty($the_year) && !empty($the_month) && !empty($the_invoice_type)) {
                    $result_message = $this->get_invoices_report($the_year, $the_month, $the_invoice_type);
                } else {
                    $result_message = '<div class="error"><p><strong>' . __('Please fill year and month values.', 'woocommerce-jetpack') . '</strong></p></div>';
            echo WCJ()->modules['pdf_invoicing']->get_tool_header_html('invoices_report');
            echo $result_message;
			<p><form method="post" action=""><?php 
            // Type
            $invoice_type_select_html = '<select name="invoice_type">';
            $invoice_types = wcj_get_enabled_invoice_types();
            foreach ($invoice_types as $invoice_type) {
                $invoice_type_select_html .= '<option value="' . $invoice_type['id'] . '" ' . selected($invoice_type['id'], $the_invoice_type, false) . '>' . $invoice_type['title'] . '</option>';
            $invoice_type_select_html .= '</select>';
            $data = array(array(__('Year', 'woocommerce-jetpack'), '<input class="input-text" type="number" min="2000" max="2100" step="1" name="report_year" value="' . $the_year . '">'), array(__('Month', 'woocommerce-jetpack'), '<input class="input-text" type="number" min="1" max="12" step="1" name="report_month" value="' . $the_month . '">'), array(__('Document Type', 'woocommerce-jetpack'), $invoice_type_select_html), array('', '<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="get_invoices_report" value="' . __('Display monthly documents table', 'woocommerce-jetpack') . '">'), array('', '<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="get_invoices_report_zip" value="' . __('Download all monthly documents PDFs in single ZIP file', 'woocommerce-jetpack') . '">'), array('', '<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="get_invoices_report_csv" value="' . __('Download monthly documents CSV', 'woocommerce-jetpack') . '">'));
            // Print all
            echo wcj_get_table_html($data, array('table_heading_type' => 'vertical'));
  * register_script.
 public function register_scripts()
     wp_register_script('wcj-product-input-fields', WCJ()->plugin_url() . '/includes/js/product-input-fields.js', array('jquery'), false, true);
         * Get the plugin url.
         * @return string
        public function plugin_url()
            return untrailingslashit(plugin_dir_url(__FILE__));
         * Get the plugin path.
         * @return string
        public function plugin_path()
            return untrailingslashit(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__));
 * Returns the main instance of WC_Jetpack to prevent the need to use globals.
 * @return WC_Jetpack
function WCJ()
    return WC_Jetpack::instance();
  * register_script.
  * @version 2.3.0
 public function register_script()
     if (isset($_GET['section']) && in_array($_GET['section'], array('price_by_country', 'payment_gateways_currency', 'currency_exchange_rates'))) {
         wp_register_script('wcj-exchange-rates', trailingslashit(WCJ()->plugin_url()) . 'includes/js/exchange_rates.js', array('jquery'), false, true);
  * register_script.
 public function register_script()
     if (isset($_GET['section']) && 'price_by_country' === $_GET['section']) {
         wp_register_script('wcj-exchange-rates', trailingslashit(WCJ()->plugin_url()) . 'includes/js/exchange_rates.js', array('jquery'), false, true);
  * wcj_add_files_upload_form_to_checkout_frontend.
  * @version 2.5.2
  * @since   2.5.2
 function wcj_add_files_upload_form_to_checkout_frontend()
  * Output the settings.
  * @version 2.5.3
 function output()
     global $current_section, $wcj_notice;
     if ('' != $wcj_notice) {
         echo '<div id="wcj_message" class="updated"><p><strong>' . $wcj_notice . '</strong></p></div>';
     $is_dashboard = '' != $current_section && 'alphabetically' != $current_section && 'by_category' != $current_section && 'active' != $current_section && 'manager' != $current_section ? false : true;
     // Deprecated message
     $deprecated_modules_and_links = array('product_info' => '<a href="' . admin_url('admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=jetpack&wcj-cat=products&section=product_custom_info') . '">' . __('Product Info', 'woocommerce-jetpack') . '</a>');
     if (array_key_exists($current_section, $deprecated_modules_and_links)) {
         echo '<div id="wcj_message" class="error">';
         echo '<p>';
         echo '<strong>';
         echo sprintf(__('Please note that current <em>%s</em> module is deprecated and will be removed in future updates. Please use <em>%s</em> module instead.', 'woocommerce-jetpack'), WCJ()->modules[$current_section]->short_desc, $deprecated_modules_and_links[$current_section]);
         echo '</strong>';
         echo '</p>';
         echo '</div>';
     // Multicurrency message
     /* $multicurrency_modules_enabled = 0;
     		$multicurrency_modules_titles = array();
     		$multicurrency_modules = array( 'price_by_country', 'multicurrency', 'payment_gateways_currency' );
     		foreach ( $multicurrency_modules as $multicurrency_module ) {
     			if ( wcj_is_module_enabled( $multicurrency_module ) ) {
     				$multicurrency_modules_titles[] = WCJ()->modules[ $multicurrency_module ]->short_desc;
     		if ( $multicurrency_modules_enabled > 1 ) {
     			echo '<div id="wcj_message" class="error">';
     			echo '<p>';
     			echo '<strong>';
     			echo sprintf( __( 'Please note that only single multicurrency module can be enabled simultaneously. You have <em>%s</em> modules enabled, please choose one of them.', 'woocommerce-jetpack' ), implode( ', ', $multicurrency_modules_titles ) );
     			echo '</strong>';
     			echo '</p>';
     			echo '</div>';
     		} */
     // Caching message
     /* $known_caching_plugins = array( 'w3-total-cache/w3-total-cache.php' );
     		$no_caching_modules = array();
     //		$no_caching_modules = array_merge( $no_caching_modules, $multicurrency_modules );
     		$caching_plugin_is_active = false;
     		foreach ( $known_caching_plugins as $caching_plugin ) {
     			// Check if caching_plugin is active
     			if (
     				in_array( $caching_plugin, apply_filters( 'active_plugins', get_option( 'active_plugins', array() ) ) ) ||
     				( is_multisite() && array_key_exists( $caching_plugin, get_site_option( 'active_sitewide_plugins', array() ) ) )
     			) {
     				$caching_plugin_is_active = true;
     		$no_caching_module_is_active = false;
     		$no_caching_modules_titles = array();
     		foreach ( $no_caching_modules as $no_caching_module ) {
     			if ( wcj_is_module_enabled( $no_caching_module ) ) {
     				$no_caching_module_is_active = true;
     				$no_caching_modules_titles[] = WCJ()->modules[ $no_caching_module ]->short_desc;
     		if ( $caching_plugin_is_active && $no_caching_module_is_active ) {
     			echo '<div id="wcj_message" class="error">';
     			echo '<p>';
     			echo '<strong>';
     			echo sprintf( __( 'Please note that <em>%s</em> modules require caching to be turned off.', 'woocommerce-jetpack' ), implode( ', ', $no_caching_modules_titles ) );
     			echo '</strong>';
     			echo '</p>';
     			echo '</div>';
     		} */
     if ('yes' === get_option('wcj_admin_tools_enabled') && 'yes' === get_option('wcj_debuging_enabled', 'no')) {
         // Breadcrumbs
         $breadcrumbs_html = '';
         $breadcrumbs_html .= '<p>';
         $breadcrumbs_html .= '<code>';
         $breadcrumbs_html .= __('WooCommerce', 'woocommerce-jetpack');
         $breadcrumbs_html .= ' > ';
         $breadcrumbs_html .= __('Settings', 'woocommerce-jetpack');
         $breadcrumbs_html .= ' > ';
         $breadcrumbs_html .= __('Booster', 'woocommerce-jetpack');
         $breadcrumbs_html .= ' > ';
         foreach ($this->cats as $id => $label_info) {
             if ($this->get_cat_by_section($current_section) === $id) {
                 $breadcrumbs_html .= $label_info['label'];
         //$breadcrumbs_html .= $settings[0]['title'];
         if (!$is_dashboard) {
             $breadcrumbs_html .= ' > ';
             $sections = $this->get_sections();
             $breadcrumbs_html .= $sections[$current_section];
         $breadcrumbs_html .= '</code>';
         $breadcrumbs_html .= '</p>';
         echo $breadcrumbs_html;
     $settings = $this->get_settings($current_section);
     if (!$is_dashboard) {
     } else {