function VentriloDisplayEX3(&$stat, $name, $cid, $bgidx) { $chan = $stat->ChannelFind($cid); /* Pass protected vs. regular */ if ($bgidx == 0) { $img_protected = "top.bmp"; } else { if ($chan->m_prot) { if ($bgidx % 2) { $img_protected = "chnl_pwd.gif"; } else { $img_protected = "sub_chnl_pwd.gif"; } } else { if ($bgidx % 2) { $img_protected = "chnl.gif"; } else { $img_protected = "sub_chnl.gif"; } } } echo " <tr>\n"; echo " <td align='left'><img src='addons/ventstatus/img/" . $img_protected . "' height='13' alt=''><font color='black'><b>" . $name; echo " </b></font><table width='100%' border='0' align='left' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' bgcolor='white'>\n"; echo "<tr><td></td></tr>"; // Display Client for this channel. for ($i = 0; $i < count($stat->m_clientlist); $i++) { $client = $stat->m_clientlist[$i]; if ($client->m_cid != $cid) { continue; } echo " <tr>\n"; echo " <td align='left'><img src='addons/ventstatus/img/member.bmp' alt='member' height='14'><font color='black'>"; $flags = ""; if ($client->m_admin) { $flags .= "A"; } if ($client->m_phan) { $flags .= "P"; } if (strlen($flags)) { echo "\"{$flags}\" "; } echo $client->m_name; if ($client->m_comm) { echo " ({$client->m_comm})"; } echo " </font></td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; } // Display sub-channels for this channel. //$test[]= (CVentriloChannel) $stat->m_channellist; //usort($test , 'cmp_obj'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($stat->m_channellist); $i++) { if ($stat->m_channellist[$i]->m_pid == $cid) { $cn = $stat->m_channellist[$i]->m_name; if (strlen($stat->m_channellist[$i]->m_comm)) { $cn .= " ("; $cn .= $stat->m_channellist[$i]->m_comm; $cn .= ")"; } VentriloDisplayEX3($stat, $cn, $stat->m_channellist[$i]->m_cid, $bgidx + 1); } } echo " </table>\n"; echo " </td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; }
// echo $stat->m_uptime; } // Server channelsusers info. // Channel and user info using VentriloDisplayEX3 if ($stat->m_display3 == "1") { if ($stat->m_lobby == "1") { $name = $stat->m_name; if (strlen($stat->m_comment)) { $name .= $stat->m_comment; } } else { $name = "Lobby"; } echo "<br>\n"; echo border('syellow', 'start') . "<center><table border='0' bgcolor='white'>\n"; VentriloDisplayEX3($stat, $name, 0, 0); echo "</table></center>\n" . border('syellow', 'end'); } // Channel and user info using VentriloDisplayEX2 if ($stat->m_display2 == "1") { echo "<br>\n"; $name = ""; echo border('syellow', 'start') . "<center><table width='450' border='0'>\n"; VentriloDisplayEX2($stat, $name, 0, 0); echo "</table></center>\n" . border('syellow', 'end'); } // Channel and user info using VentriloDisplayEX1 if ($stat->m_display1 == "1") { if ($stat->m_lobby == "1") { $name = $stat->m_name; if (strlen($stat->m_comment)) {