function ScheduleEventGet($EventID)
    $schedList = array();
    global $EventSchedulesTable;
    $result = $db->query("select   RoomID,\n                                       StartTime\n                              from     {$EventSchedulesTable}\n                              where    EventID = {$EventID}\n                              order by RoomID, StartTime\n                              ") or die("Unable to get schedule information for event: " . sqlError());
    while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
        $schedList[TimeToStr($row['StartTime'])] = getRoomName(isset($row['RoomID']) ? $row['RoomID'] : "No Room");
    return $schedList;
文件: testme.php 项目: poetimp/ltcsw
    print "<br>Add Bummer!<br>";
if (ScheduleEventAdd($EventID, "61450", 5)) {
    print "<br>Add Success!<br>";
} else {
    print "<br>Add Bummer!<br>";
if (ScheduleEventAdd($EventID, $StartTime, 4)) {
    print "<br>Add Success!<br>";
} else {
    print "<br>Add Bummer!<br>";
$eventSchedule = ScheduleEventGet(100);
print "<table border=1>";
foreach ($eventSchedule as $RoomName => $StartTime) {
    print "<tr><td>{$RoomName}</td><td>" . TimeToStr($StartTime) . "</td></tr>";
print "</table>";
print "<br><br>";
$EventID = 100;
$StartTime = 61430;
$RoomID = 2;
if (ScheduleEventDel($EventID, $StartTime, $RoomID)) {
    print "<br>Del Success!<br>";
} else {
    print "<br>Del Bummer!<br>";
//$church_list = ChurchesRegistered();
//print("<table border=1>");
//foreach ($church_list as $ChurchID=>$ChurchName)
//   print("<tr><td>$ChurchID</td><td>$ChurchName</td></tr>");
// First get a list of all scheduled events
$results = $db->query("select   e.EventID,\n                                          e.EventName,\n                                          (e.MaxWebSlots * e.MaxRooms) MaxWebSlots,\n                                          CASE e.ConvEvent\n                                             WHEN 'C' THEN 'Convention'\n                                             WHEN 'P' THEN 'Pre-Convention'\n                                             ELSE          'Other'\n                                          END\n                                          ConvEvent,\n                                          CASE e.TeamEvent\n                                             WHEN 'Y' THEN 'Team'\n                                             WHEN 'N' THEN 'Individual'\n                                             ELSE          'Other'\n                                          END\n                                          EventType,\n                                          s.StartTime,\n                                          s.SchedID,\n                                          r.RoomName\n                                 from     {$EventsTable}        e,\n                                          {$EventScheduleTable} s,\n                                          {$RoomsTable}         r\n                                 where    e.EventID       = s.EventID\n                                 and      e.EventAttended = 'Y'\n                                 and      s.RoomID        = r.RoomID\n                                 order by s.StartTime,\n                                          e.EventName,\n                                          r.RoomName") or die("Unable to get scheduled event list:" . sqlError());
$first = 1;
         <table border="1" width="100%">
// No loop through the events reporting on the details
while ($row = $results->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
    $EventID = $row['EventID'];
    $EventName = $row['EventName'];
    $ConvEvent = $row['ConvEvent'];
    $EventType = $row['EventType'];
    $EventTime = TimeToStr($row['StartTime']);
    $SchedID = $row['SchedID'];
    $MaxWebSlots = $row['MaxWebSlots'];
    $RoomName = $row['RoomName'];
    if ($EventType == 'Team') {
        $sql = "SELECT count(*) as count\n                      FROM   {$RegistrationTable} r,\n                             {$EventsTable}       e\n                      WHERE  r.SchedID   = {$SchedID}\n                      AND    r.EventID   = {$EventID}\n                      AND    r.EventID   = e.EventID\n                      AND    e.TeamEvent = 'Y'\n                      ";
    } else {
        $sql = "SELECT count(*) as count\n                      FROM   {$RegistrationTable} r,\n                             {$EventsTable}       e\n                      WHERE  r.SchedID   = {$SchedID}\n                      AND    r.EventID   = {$EventID}\n                      AND    r.EventID   = e.EventID\n                      AND    e.TeamEvent = 'N'\n                      ";
    $cntResult = $db->query($sql) or die("Unable to get Registration count for event:" . sqlError());
    $cntRow = $cntResult->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    $numEvents = $cntRow['count'];
    if ($prevTime != $EventTime) {
                  <td bgcolor="#C0C0C0" colspan=4><b><?php 
function PrintRoster($ChurchID, $ChurchName)
    global $EventScheduleTable;
    global $EventsTable;
    global $JudgeAssignmentsTable;
    global $RoomsTable;
    global $JudgesTable;
    global $allTimes;
    global $allRooms;
    global $pageBreak;
    global $db;
    $result = $db->query("select   count(distinct a.JudgeID,\n                                                       j.FirstName,\n                                                       j.LastName) count\n                                from    {$JudgeAssignmentsTable} a,\n                                        {$JudgesTable}           j\n                                where   a.JudgeID     = j.JudgeID\n                                and     a.ChurchID    = {$ChurchID}\n                              ") or die("Unable to obtain Judge List:" . sqlError());
    $row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    $numRows = $row['count'];
         <h1 align="center" <?php 
    print $pageBreak;
    $pageBreak = "style=\"page-break-before:always;\"";
    print $pageBreak;
    $pageBreak = "style=\"page-break-before:always;\"";
    print $ChurchName;
         <hr />
    if ($numRows > 0) {
        $result = $db->query("select   distinct\n                                           a.JudgeID,\n                                           j.FirstName,\n                                           j.LastName\n                                   from    {$JudgeAssignmentsTable} a,\n                                           {$JudgesTable}           j\n                                   where   a.JudgeID     = j.JudgeID\n                                   and     a.ChurchID    = {$ChurchID}\n                                   order by j.LastName\n                                 ") or die("Unable to obtain Judge List:" . sqlError());
            <table border="1" width="100%">
        while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
            $FirstName = $row['FirstName'];
            $LastName = $row['LastName'];
            $JudgeID = $row['JudgeID'];
                  <td width="10%" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" colspan="4"><?php 
            print "{$LastName}, {$FirstName}";
            $details = $db->query("SELECT    r.RoomName,\n                                                s.StartTime,\n                                                e.EventName\n                                       FROM     {$JudgeAssignmentsTable}  a,\n                                                {$RoomsTable}             r,\n                                                {$EventScheduleTable}     s,\n                                                {$EventsTable}            e\n                                       Where    a.JudgeID = {$JudgeID}\n                                       and      a.RoomID  = r.RoomID\n                                       and      s.SchedID = a.SchedID\n                                       and      s.RoomID  = a.RoomID\n                                       and      e.EventID = s.EventID\n                                       order by s.StartTime\n                                 ") or die("Unable to obtain Judging Details:" . sqlError());
            while ($judgeDtails = $details->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                $RoomName = $judgeDtails['RoomName'];
                $SchedTime = TimeToStr($judgeDtails['StartTime']);
                $EventName = $judgeDtails['EventName'];
                     <td width="10%">&nbsp;</td>
                print $SchedTime;
                print $RoomName;
                print $EventName;
    } else {
               <p align="center"><i>No Judges Assigned</i></p>
>Not Selected</option>
            if ($selected > 0) {
                $cntResult = $db->query("select SchedID\n                                                        from   {$RegistrationTable}\n                                                        where  ChurchID      = {$ChurchID}\n                                                        and    ParticipantID = {$ParticipantID}\n                                                        and    EventID       = {$EventID}\n                                                        ") or die("Unable to get schedule ID:" . sqlError());
                $cntRow = $cntResult->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
                $SchedID = $cntRow['SchedID'];
            } else {
                $SchedID = "";
            $sql = "select distinct\n                                                              s.SchedID,\n                                                              s.StartTime,\n                                                              (e.MaxWebSlots * e.MaxRooms) MaxWebSlots,\n                                                              IF (RoomName REGEXP '-[a-z]\$',\n                                                                  SUBSTR(RoomName,1,LENGTH(RoomName)-2),\n                                                                  RoomName)\n                                                              as RoomName\n                                                       from   {$EventScheduleTable} s,\n                                                              {$EventsTable}        e,\n                                                              {$RoomsTable}         r\n                                                       where  s.EventID = {$EventID}\n                                                       and    e.EventID = s.EventID\n                                                       and    s.RoomID  = r.RoomID\n                                                       order  by StartTime\n                                                      ";
            //print "<pre>$sql</$pre>";
            $SchedResult = $db->query($sql) or die("Unable to Get available scheduled slots for event:" . sqlError());
            while ($SchedRow = $SchedResult->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                if ($SchedRow['MaxWebSlots'] - slotsFilledInRoom($SchedRow['RoomName'], $SchedRow['StartTime']) > 0 or $selected > 0 and $SchedID == $SchedRow['SchedID']) {
                    $sel = ($selected > 0 and $SchedID == $SchedRow['SchedID']) ? "selected" : "";
                    print "<option value=\"" . $SchedRow['SchedID'] . "\" {$sel}>" . TimeToStr($SchedRow['StartTime']) . "</option>\n";
    } else {
        $cntResult = $db->query("select count(*) count\n                                                  from   {$RegistrationTable}\n                                                  where  EventID       = {$EventID}\n                                                  ") or die("Unable to get event registration count:" . sqlError());
        $cntRow = $cntResult->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $regCount = $cntRow['count'];
        if ($selected == 0 and $regCount >= $MaxWebSlots) {
            print "<center>Full</center>";
        } else {
            print "<center><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"s{$EventID}\" value=\"ON\"";
            print $selected > 0 ? " checked" : "";
                    // Get the RoomID of the room where the person already has an assignment
                    $AssignedRoomID = $row['RoomID'];
                    // Get the displayable text of the room where the person already has an assignment
                    $conflict = $db->query("select RoomName\n                                        from   {$RoomsTable}\n                                        where  RoomID = {$AssignedRoomID}\n                                    ") or die("Unable to get existing room name:" . sqlError());
                    $row = $conflict->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
                    $AssignedRoomName = $row['RoomName'];
                    // Get the Name of the Judge
                    $conflict = $db->query("select FirstName,\n                                               LastName\n                                       from   {$JudgesTable}\n                                       where  JudgeID = {$JudgeID}\n                                    ") or die("Unable to get Judge Name:" . sqlError());
                    $row = $conflict->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
                    $AssignedJudgeName = $row['FirstName'] . " " . $row['LastName'];
                    $AssignedJudgeFirstName = $row['FirstName'];
                    // Get the displayable text for the room and scheduled for the conflicted assignment
                    $conflict = $db->query("select r.RoomName,\n                                               s.StartTime\n                                       from   {$RoomsTable}         r,\n                                              {$EventScheduleTable} s\n                                       where  r.RoomID   = {$RoomID}\n                                       and    s.SchedID  = {$SchedID}\n                                       and    r.RoomID   = s.RoomID\n                                    ") or die("Unable to get conflicted info:" . sqlError());
                    $row = $conflict->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
                    $NewRoomName = $row['RoomName'];
                    $NewSchedTime = TimeToStr($row['StartTime']);
                    // Build the status message
                    $StatusMessage .= "Assignement deleted: " . $AssignedJudgeName . " was not added to schedule at: " . $NewSchedTime . "<br> in room: " . $NewRoomName . " because {$AssignedJudgeFirstName} is already assigned in room: " . $AssignedRoomName . "<br><br>";
// Load the current judge assignments
$Assignments = $db->query("select JudgeID     ,\n                                   JudgeNumber ,\n                                   SchedID     ,\n                                   RoomID      ,\n                                   ChurchID\n                           from    {$JudgeAssignmentsTable}\n                           ") or die("Unable to load current assignments:" . sqlError());
while ($row = $Assignments->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
    $keyValue = "judge_" . $row['RoomID'] . "_" . $row['SchedID'] . "_" . $row['JudgeNumber'];
    $assigned[$keyValue] = $row['JudgeID'] . "|" . $row['ChurchID'];
                $StartTime = $cntRow['StartTime'];
                $EndTime = $cntRow['EndTime'];
                $SchedID = $cntRow['SchedID'];
                     <td width="50">&nbsp;</td>
                     <td width="75" align="center"><a href="<?php 
                print $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?DelEventID={$EventID}&StartTime={$StartTime}&RoomID={$RoomID}";
                     <td width="75" align="center"><a href="<?php 
                print $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?MoveEventID={$EventID}&SchedID={$SchedID}&StartTime={$StartTime}&RoomID={$RoomID}";
                     <td width="350"><?php 
                print TimeToStr($StartTime) . " to " . TimeToStr($EndTime);
                print $RoomName;
