function tempSystem($properties, $operand, $setValue) { switch ($operand) { case 'getIP': return $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; break; case 'getSESSION': if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == $properties->HTTP_HOST) { $SESSIONID = $_COOKIE[$properties->_COOKIE_INIT_TEMP_LOCAL_SESSION]; } else { $SESSIONID = $_COOKIE[$properties->_COOKIE_INIT_TEMP_REMOTE_SESSION]; } return $SESSIONID; break; case '_INIT': $ipaddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; include 'conf/connect.php'; if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == $properties->HTTP_HOST) { $SESSIONID = $_COOKIE[$properties->_COOKIE_INIT_TEMP_LOCAL_SESSION]; } else { $SESSIONID = $_COOKIE[$properties->_COOKIE_INIT_TEMP_REMOTE_SESSION]; } $GET_TEMP_BY_IP = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM {$properties->DB_PREFIX}tempsystem WHERE ip='" . $ipaddress . "' AND temp_session='" . $SESSIONID . "'"); if (mysql_num_rows($GET_TEMP_BY_IP) < 1) { /* Temp User is not found; put a temp user in */ //make logged session id $lsessionid = str_shuffle($ipaddress . rand("000000000000", "999999999999")); //set session cookie that will expire in 20 years (it's ok) if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == $properties->HTTP_HOST) { setcookie($properties->_COOKIE_INIT_TEMP_LOCAL_SESSION, $lsessionid, time() + 20 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60, "/"); } else { setcookie($properties->_COOKIE_INIT_TEMP_REMOTE_SESSION, $lsessionid, time() + 20 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60, "/"); } // set the defaulted theme in their temp user system table and update the rest $defaultTheme = Theme($properties, "getDefaultThemeID", "", ""); mysql_query("INSERT INTO {$properties->DB_PREFIX}tempsystem(ip,lptoggle,is_searchable,fb_like,temp_session,themeID) VALUES('" . $ipaddress . "', '1','no','no','" . $lsessionid . "','" . $defaultTheme . "')") or die(mysql_error()); // REFRESH THE PAGE //header("Refresh: .5"); as of 1.0.4b2 the default theme name gets put into the field in case no session id is found } else { while ($FETCH_TEMP_BY_IP = mysql_fetch_array($GET_TEMP_BY_IP)) { /* GET DATA */ $lpToggle = $FETCH_TEMP_BY_IP['lptoggle']; } } break; case 'lpToggle': $ipaddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; include 'conf/connect.php'; if ($setValue != "") { /* set a new lptoggle value */ //if($setValue==1){$setValue="on";}else if($setValue==0){$setValue="off";} mysql_query("UPDATE {$properties->DB_PREFIX}tempsystem SET lptoggle='" . $setValue . "' WHERE ip='" . $ipaddress . "'") or die(mysql_error()); } else { $GET_TEMP_BY_IP = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM {$properties->DB_PREFIX}tempsystem WHERE ip=\"" . $ipaddress . "\"") or die(mysql_error()); while ($FETCH_TEMP_BY_IP = mysql_fetch_array($GET_TEMP_BY_IP)) { $lpToggle = $FETCH_TEMP_BY_IP['lptoggle']; } return $lpToggle; } break; } }
/** * Undocumented method. * * @todo Method __construct() needs a description. */ public function __construct() { $this->Application = ''; $this->ApplicationFolder = ''; $this->Assets = array(); $this->ControllerFolder = ''; $this->CssClass = ''; $this->Head = Gdn::Factory('Dummy'); $this->MasterView = ''; $this->ModuleSortContainer = ''; $this->OriginalRequestMethod = ''; $this->RedirectUrl = ''; $this->RequestMethod = ''; $this->RequestArgs = FALSE; $this->Request = FALSE; $this->SelfUrl = ''; $this->SyndicationMethod = SYNDICATION_NONE; $this->Theme = Theme(); $this->ThemeOptions = Gdn::Config('Garden.ThemeOptions', array()); $this->View = ''; $this->_CssFiles = array(); $this->_JsFiles = array(); $this->_Definitions = array(); $this->_DeliveryMethod = DELIVERY_METHOD_XHTML; $this->_DeliveryType = DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL; $this->_FormSaved = ''; $this->_Json = array(); $this->_Headers = array('Cache-Control' => ' private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate', 'Expires' => 'Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT', 'Pragma' => 'no-cache', 'X-Garden-Version' => APPLICATION . ' ' . APPLICATION_VERSION, 'Content-Type' => Gdn::Config('Garden.ContentType', '') . '; charset=' . Gdn::Config('Garden.Charset', '')); $this->_ErrorMessages = ''; $this->_InformMessages = array(); $this->StatusMessage = ''; parent::__construct(); $this->ControllerName = strtolower($this->ClassName); }
/** * Takes the path to an asset (image, js file, css file, etc) and prepends the webroot. */ function SmartAsset($Destination = '', $WithDomain = FALSE, $AddVersion = FALSE) { $Destination = str_replace('\\', '/', $Destination); if (substr($Destination, 0, 7) == 'http://' || substr($Destination, 0, 8) == 'https://') { $Result = $Destination; } else { $Parts = array(Gdn_Url::WebRoot($WithDomain), $Destination); if (!$WithDomain) { array_unshift($Parts, '/'); } $Result = CombinePaths($Parts, '/'); } if ($AddVersion) { if (strpos($Result, '?') === FALSE) { $Result .= '?'; } else { $Result .= '&'; } // Figure out which version to put after the asset. $Version = APPLICATION_VERSION; if (preg_match('`^/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/`', $Destination, $Matches)) { $Type = $Matches[1]; $Key = $Matches[2]; static $ThemeVersion = NULL; switch ($Type) { case 'plugins': $PluginInfo = Gdn::PluginManager()->GetPluginInfo($Key); $Version = GetValue('Version', $PluginInfo, $Version); break; case 'themes': if ($ThemeVersion === NULL) { $ThemeInfo = Gdn::ThemeManager()->GetThemeInfo(Theme()); if ($ThemeInfo !== FALSE) { $ThemeVersion = GetValue('Version', $ThemeInfo, $Version); } else { $ThemeVersion = $Version; } } $Version = $ThemeVersion; break; } } $Result .= 'v=' . urlencode($Version); } return $Result; }
/** * */ public function __construct() { $this->Application = ''; $this->ApplicationFolder = ''; $this->Assets = array(); $this->CssClass = ''; $this->Data = array(); $this->Head = Gdn::factory('Dummy'); $this->internalMethods = array('addasset', 'addbreadcrumb', 'addcssfile', 'adddefinition', 'addinternalmethod', 'addjsfile', 'addmodule', 'allowjsonp', 'canonicalurl', 'clearcssfiles', 'clearjsfiles', 'contenttype', 'cssfiles', 'data', 'definitionlist', 'deliverymethod', 'deliverytype', 'description', 'errormessages', 'fetchview', 'fetchviewlocation', 'finalize', 'getasset', 'getimports', 'getjson', 'getstatusmessage', 'image', 'informmessage', 'intitialize', 'isinternal', 'jsfiles', 'json', 'jsontarget', 'masterview', 'pagename', 'permission', 'removecssfile', 'render', 'xrender', 'renderasset', 'renderdata', 'renderexception', 'rendermaster', 'sendheaders', 'setdata', 'setformsaved', 'setheader', 'setjson', 'setlastmodified', 'statuscode', 'title'); $this->MasterView = ''; $this->ModuleSortContainer = ''; $this->OriginalRequestMethod = ''; $this->RedirectUrl = ''; $this->RequestMethod = ''; $this->RequestArgs = false; $this->Request = false; $this->SelfUrl = ''; $this->SyndicationMethod = SYNDICATION_NONE; $this->Theme = Theme(); $this->ThemeOptions = Gdn::config('Garden.ThemeOptions', array()); $this->View = ''; $this->_CssFiles = array(); $this->_JsFiles = array(); $this->_Definitions = array(); $this->_DeliveryMethod = DELIVERY_METHOD_XHTML; $this->_DeliveryType = DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL; $this->_FormSaved = ''; $this->_Json = array(); $this->_Headers = array('X-Garden-Version' => APPLICATION . ' ' . APPLICATION_VERSION, 'Content-Type' => Gdn::config('Garden.ContentType', '') . '; charset=' . C('Garden.Charset', 'utf-8')); if (Gdn::session()->isValid()) { $this->_Headers = array_merge($this->_Headers, array('Cache-Control' => 'private, no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate', 'Expires' => 'Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT', 'Pragma' => 'no-cache')); } $this->_ErrorMessages = ''; $this->_InformMessages = array(); $this->StatusMessage = ''; parent::__construct(); $this->ControllerName = strtolower($this->ClassName); }
/** * Undocumented method. * * @todo Method __construct() needs a description. */ public function __construct() { $this->Application = ''; $this->ApplicationFolder = ''; $this->Assets = array(); $this->ControllerFolder = ''; $this->CssClass = ''; $this->Head = Gdn::Factory('Dummy'); $this->MasterView = ''; $this->ModuleSortContainer = ''; $this->OriginalRequestMethod = ''; $this->RedirectUrl = ''; $this->RequestMethod = ''; $this->RequestArgs = FALSE; $this->Request = FALSE; $this->SelfUrl = ''; $this->SyndicationMethod = SYNDICATION_NONE; $this->Theme = Theme(); $this->ThemeOptions = Gdn::Config('Garden.ThemeOptions', array()); $this->View = ''; $this->_CssFiles = array(); $this->_JsFiles = array(); $this->_Definitions = array(); $this->_DeliveryMethod = DELIVERY_METHOD_XHTML; $this->_DeliveryType = DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL; $this->_FormSaved = ''; $this->_Json = array(); $this->_Headers = array( 'Expires' => 'Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT', // Make sure the client always checks at the server before using it's cached copy. 'X-Garden-Version' => APPLICATION.' '.APPLICATION_VERSION, 'Content-Type' => Gdn::Config('Garden.ContentType', '').'; charset='.Gdn::Config('Garden.Charset', ''), // PROPERLY ENCODE THE CONTENT 'Last-Modified' => gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT' // PREVENT PAGE CACHING: always modified (this can be overridden by specific controllers) // $Dispatcher->Header('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, must-revalidate'); // PREVENT PAGE CACHING: HTTP/1.1 // $Dispatcher->Header('Pragma', 'no-cache'); // PREVENT PAGE CACHING: HTTP/1.0 ); $this->_ErrorMessages = ''; $this->_InformMessages = array(); $this->StatusMessage = ''; parent::__construct(); $this->ControllerName = strtolower($this->ClassName); }
/** * Takes the path to an asset (image, js file, css file, etc) and prepends the web root. * * @param string $Destination The subpath of the asset. * @param bool|string $WithDomain Whether or not to include the domain in the final URL. * @param bool $AddVersion Whether or not to add a cache-busting version querystring parameter to the URL. * @return string Returns the URL of the asset. */ function smartAsset($Destination = '', $WithDomain = false, $AddVersion = false) { $Destination = str_replace('\\', '/', $Destination); if (IsUrl($Destination)) { $Result = $Destination; } else { $Result = Gdn::Request()->UrlDomain($WithDomain) . Gdn::Request()->AssetRoot() . '/' . ltrim($Destination, '/'); } if ($AddVersion) { if (strpos($Result, '?') === false) { $Result .= '?'; } else { $Result .= '&'; } // Figure out which version to put after the asset. $Version = APPLICATION_VERSION; if (preg_match('`^/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/`', $Destination, $Matches)) { $Type = $Matches[1]; $Key = $Matches[2]; static $ThemeVersion = null; switch ($Type) { case 'plugins': $PluginInfo = Gdn::PluginManager()->GetPluginInfo($Key); $Version = GetValue('Version', $PluginInfo, $Version); break; case 'themes': if ($ThemeVersion === null) { $ThemeInfo = Gdn::ThemeManager()->GetThemeInfo(Theme()); if ($ThemeInfo !== false) { $ThemeVersion = GetValue('Version', $ThemeInfo, $Version); } else { $ThemeVersion = $Version; } } $Version = $ThemeVersion; break; } } $Result .= 'v=' . urlencode($Version); } return $Result; }
/** * Get a version string for a given asset. * * @param string $destination The path of the asset. * @param string|null $version A known version for the asset or **null** to grab it from the addon's info array. * @return string Returns a version string. */ function assetVersion($destination, $version = null) { static $gracePeriod = 90; // Figure out which version to put after the asset. if (is_null($version)) { $version = APPLICATION_VERSION; if (preg_match('`^/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/`', $destination, $matches)) { $type = $matches[1]; $key = $matches[2]; static $themeVersion = null; switch ($type) { case 'plugins': $pluginInfo = Gdn::pluginManager()->getPluginInfo($key); $version = val('Version', $pluginInfo, $version); break; case 'applications': $applicationInfo = Gdn::applicationManager()->getApplicationInfo(ucfirst($key)); $version = val('Version', $applicationInfo, $version); break; case 'themes': if ($themeVersion === null) { $themeInfo = Gdn::themeManager()->getThemeInfo(Theme()); if ($themeInfo !== false) { $themeVersion = val('Version', $themeInfo, $version); } else { $themeVersion = $version; } } $version = $themeVersion; break; } } } // Add a timestamp component to the version if available. if ($timestamp = c('Garden.Deployed')) { $graced = $timestamp + $gracePeriod; if (time() >= $graced) { $timestamp = $graced; } $version .= '.' . dechex($timestamp); } return $version; }
/** * Undocumented method. * * @todo Method __construct() needs a description. */ public function __construct() { $this->Application = ''; $this->ApplicationFolder = ''; $this->Assets = array(); $this->ControllerFolder = ''; $this->CssClass = ''; $this->Head = Gdn::Factory('Dummy'); $this->MasterView = ''; $this->ModuleSortContainer = ''; $this->OriginalRequestMethod = ''; $this->RedirectUrl = ''; $this->RequestMethod = ''; $this->RequestArgs = FALSE; $this->Request = FALSE; $this->SelfUrl = ''; $this->StatusMessage = ''; $this->SyndicationMethod = SYNDICATION_NONE; $this->Theme = Theme(); $this->ThemeOptions = Gdn::Config('Garden.ThemeOptions', array()); $this->View = ''; $this->_CssFiles = array(); $this->_JsFiles = array(); $this->_Definitions = array(); $this->_DeliveryMethod = DELIVERY_METHOD_XHTML; $this->_DeliveryType = DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL; $this->_Json = array(); $this->_Headers = array('Expires' => 'Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT', 'X-Garden-Version' => APPLICATION . ' ' . APPLICATION_VERSION, 'Content-Type' => Gdn::Config('Garden.ContentType', '') . '; charset=' . Gdn::Config('Garden.Charset', ''), 'Last-Modified' => gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); parent::__construct(); $this->ControllerName = strtolower($this->ClassName); }
if ($logged == 1) { /* LOGGED IN */ $currthemeid = Theme($properties, "getCurrThemeNameUser", $ip, $SESSIONID); //get the default themeid and work with that $GET_THEME = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM {$properties->DB_PREFIX}themes WHERE name='" . $currthemeid . "'"); } else { if ($logged == 0) { /* NOT LOGGED IN */ $currthemeid = Theme($properties, "getCurrThemeNameTemp", $ip, $SESSIONID); //get the default themeid and work with that $GET_THEME = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM {$properties->DB_PREFIX}themes WHERE name='" . $currthemeid . "'"); } } } else { /* THEME CHANGING IS LOCKED DOWN; D0 BASED ON DEFAULT */ $currthemeid = Theme($properties, "getDefaultThemeID", $ip, $SESSIONID); //get the default themeid and work with that $GET_THEME = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM {$properties->DB_PREFIX}themes WHERE id='" . $currthemeid . "'"); } while ($FETCH_THEME = mysql_fetch_array($GET_THEME)) { $CURRTHEME = $FETCH_THEME['name']; } $directories = array_diff(scandir(@$THEME_NAME . "images/walls/" . getGlobalVars($properties, 'walls_pack_name') . "/"), array('.', '..', '.DS_STORE')); // this specifies what to get and what not to get foreach ($directories as $directory) { $wall .= $directory . ","; } //$wall=getGlobalVars($properties,'walls_list'); $wall_list = explode(",", $wall); $START = rand(0, count($wall_list) - 1); for ($i = $START; $i < count($wall_list) - 1; $i++) {
function converter($properties, $content, $type, $operand) { @($ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); @($SESSIONID = tempSystem($properties, "getSESSION", "")); if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == "localhost") { $WEBSITE_URL = $properties->WEBSITE_TEST_URL; } else { $WEBSITE_URL = $properties->WEBSITE_REMO_URL; } switch ($operand) { case 'to': switch ($type) { case 'url': /* before spaces */ $content = str_replace("-", "[hy]", $content); /* spaces */ $content = str_replace(" ", "-", $content); /* special characters */ $content = str_replace("!", "@", $content); $content = str_replace(".", "~", $content); $content = str_replace("#", "+", $content); $content = str_replace("+", "[PLUS]", $content); $content = str_replace(":", "[colon]", $content); $content = str_replace("'", "[sq]", $content); break; case 'article': /* INSERT NOTION HERE */ $content = str_replace(" ", " ", $content); /* READ MORE FUNCTIONAL */ if (strstr($content, "[!--more--]") != "") { $MOREPOS = strpos($content, "[!--more--]"); $content = substr($content, 0, $MOREPOS); } break; case 'previewarticle': /* INSERT NOTION HERE */ $content = str_replace(" ", " ", $content); /* PREVIEW */ $content = substr($content, 0, 200); $content = str_replace("<h1>", "<strong>", $content); $content = str_replace("</h1>", "</strong><br />", $content); $content = str_replace("<h2>", "", $content); $content = str_replace("</h2>", "", $content); $content = str_replace("<h3>", "", $content); $content = str_replace("</h3>", "", $content); $content = str_replace("<h4>", "", $content); $content = str_replace("</h4>", "", $content); $content = str_replace("<h5>", "", $content); $content = str_replace("</h5>", "", $content); $content = str_replace("<p>", "", $content); $content = str_replace("</p>", "", $content); $content = str_replace("[!--more--]", "", $content); break; case 'fullarticle': /* FULL ARTICLE FUNCTIONAL */ $content = str_replace("[!--more--]", " ", $content); $content = str_replace("[leftarrow]", "<", $content); $content = str_replace("[rightarrow]", ">", $content); break; case 'basic': /* INSERT NOTION HERE */ @($launchpad = $_GET['launchpad']); $content = str_replace("(baseurl)", $WEBSITE_URL, $content); $content = str_replace("(homelp)", $properties->PADMAIN, $content); $content = str_replace("(currentlp)", $launchpad, $content); $content = str_replace("(stylesheet)", Theme($properties, "getCurrThemeName", $ip, $SESSIONID), $content); $content = str_replace("(entry_name)", @$title, $content); $content = str_replace("(signature)", getGlobalVars($properties, "autoresponder_closing_line"), $content); /* READ MORE FUNCTIONAL */ if (strstr($content, "[!--more--]") != "") { $MOREPOS = strpos($content, "[!--more--]"); $content = substr($content, 0, $MOREPOS); } break; case 'ncode': /* INSERT NOTION HERE */ $content = str_replace("[code]", "<?php", $content); $content = str_replace("[/code]", "?> ", $content); /* READ MORE FUNCTIONAL */ if (strstr($content, "[!--more--]") != "") { $MOREPOS = strpos($content, "[!--more--]"); $content = substr($content, 0, $MOREPOS); } /* YOUTUBE FUNCTIONAL */ //<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> //get the y_id //[youtube]fdsafdasf[/youtube] //0123456789012345678901234567 //count how many appearances of [youtube] in content $num_of_a_youtube = substr_count($content, "[youtube id="); if ($num_of_a_youtube > 1) { /* multiple youtubes */ for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_of_a_youtube; $i++) { $y_id = substr($content, strpos($content, "[youtube id={$i}") + 14, 11); $content = str_replace("[youtube id=" . $i . "]" . $y_id . "[/youtube]", "<br /><br /><center><iframe width=\"100%\" height=\"175%\" src=\"" . $y_id . "\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe></center><br /><br />", $content); } } else { /* one youtube */ //$y_id="UYrkQL1bX4A"; $id_of_youtube = substr($content, strpos($content, "[youtube id=") + 12, 1); $y_id = substr($content, strpos($content, "[youtube id=") + 14, 11); $content = str_replace("[youtube id=" . $id_of_youtube . "]" . $y_id . "[/youtube]", "<br /><br /><center><iframe width=\"100%\" height=\"175%\" src=\"" . $y_id . "\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe></center><br /><br />", $content); } break; } break; case 'from': switch ($type) { case 'url': /* spaces */ $content = str_replace("-", " ", $content); /* not replace spaces */ $content = str_replace("[hy]", "-", $content); /* special characters */ $content = str_replace("@", "!", $content); $content = str_replace("~", ".", $content); $content = str_replace("+", "#", $content); $content = str_replace("[PLUS]", "+", $content); $content = str_replace("[colon]", ":", $content); $content = str_replace("[sq]", "\\'", $content); break; case 'tag': /* spaces */ $content = str_replace("-", " ", $content); /* special characters */ $content = str_replace("@", "!", $content); $content = str_replace("~", ".", $content); break; case 'article': /* INSERT NOTION HERE */ $content = str_replace(" ", " ", $content); break; case 'basic': /* INSERT NOTION HERE */ break; case 'ncode': /* INSERT NOTION HERE */ break; } break; } return $content; }