function handleAddEditCopy($id = null) { if (!is_null($id)) { $id = $this->dbQuote($id); } if (!empty($_POST)) { $table = $GLOBALS["table"]; $add = $GLOBALS["add"]; $edit = $GLOBALS["edit"]; $idcopy = $GLOBALS["idcopy"]; $useFunctions = $this->getConfig('useFunctions'); foreach ($this->fields as $field => $value) { if (!empty($value['noEdit']) and !isset($value['default']) or $field == $this->pk and !$this->getConfig('allowPKEditing')) { continue; } if (!empty($value['noEdit']) and isset($value['default'])) { $unQuoted[$field] = $value['default']; $quoted[$field] = $this->dbQuote($value['default']); continue; } if ($useFunctions) { $function = $_POST['function'][$field]; if (!empty($function) and !empty($this->config['functions'][$function])) { $_POST[$field] = call_user_func($this->config['functions'][$function], $_POST[$field]); } } // if(!empty($this->fields[$field]['required']) AND ($_POST[$field]==='' OR !isset($_POST[$field]))) if (!empty($this->fields[$field]['required']) and ($_POST[$field] === '' and isset($_POST[$field]))) { if ($this->fields[$field]['input'] == 'file' && ($_FILES[$field . 'Change']['tmp_name'] != "" || $_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'] != "")) { } else { $this->setContextualError($field, TERequired . ' - ' . $this->fields[$field]['input'] . ' ' . $_FILES[$field . 'Change']['tmp_name']); } // Raul 26-Dic-2007 } switch ($this->fields[$field]['input']) { case 'file': // Raul 02-Ene-2008 $FileName = ''; if (isset($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'])) { $FieldFile = $_FILES[$field]['tmp_name']; $FileName = $_FILES[$field]['name']; } else { $FieldFile = ''; } if (isset($_FILES[$field . 'Change']['tmp_name'])) { $FieldFileChange = $_FILES[$field . 'Change']['tmp_name']; $FileName = $_FILES[$field . 'Change']['name']; } else { $FieldFileChange = ''; } if (isset($_POST[$field])) { $OldFile = $_POST[$field]; } else { $OldFile = ''; } if ($FileName) { $DownloadType = 0; $Ext = TEDocumentType($FileName, 1); if ($this->fields[$field]['DownloadType']) { $AcceptedTypes = ''; foreach ($this->fields[$field]['DownloadType'] as $Exts) { if ($Exts == $Ext) { $DownloadType = 1; break; } else { $AcceptedTypes .= ' .' . $Exts . '; '; } } } if ($DownloadType == 0 && $this->fields[$field]['DownloadType']) { $this->setContextualError($field, TEFieldErrorDownloadType . ' ' . $AcceptedTypes . ''); } } break; case 'password': // Raul 08-Dic-2007 if (isset($_POST[$field])) { $FieldPassword = $_POST[$field]; } else { $FieldPassword = ''; } if (isset($_POST[$field . 'Change'])) { $FieldPasswordChange = $_POST[$field . 'Change']; } else { $FieldPasswordChange = ''; } if (isset($_POST[$field . 'Confirm'])) { $FieldPasswordConfirm = $_POST[$field . 'Confirm']; } else { $FieldPasswordConfirm = ''; } if ($add) { if ($FieldPassword != $FieldPasswordConfirm) { $this->setContextualError($field, TEErrorPassword); } } elseif (($FieldPasswordChange || $FieldPasswordConfirm) && $FieldPasswordChange != $FieldPasswordConfirm) { $this->setContextualError($field, TEErrorPassword); } break; case 'email': if ($_POST[$field] && !TEEmailValidate($_POST[$field])) { $this->setContextualError($field, TEErrorEmail); } break; // Raul 08-Dic-2007 // Raul 08-Dic-2007 case 'int': if ($_POST[$field] && !TEIntValidate($_POST[$field])) { $this->setContextualError($field, TEErrorInt); } break; // Raul 08-Dic-2007 // Raul 08-Dic-2007 case 'bitmask': $v = 0; if (!empty($_POST[$field])) { foreach ($_POST[$field] as $bit) { $v |= $bit; } } $_POST[$field] = $v; break; } if (!empty($this->validationCallbacks[$field])) { foreach ($this->validationCallbacks[$field] as $c) { $_POST[$field] = call_user_func($c, &$this, $_POST[$field]); } } $unQuoted[$field] = $_POST[$field]; $quoted[$field] = $this->dbQuote($_POST[$field]); $fields[] = $field; } if (!empty($this->errors) or !empty($this->contextErrors)) { $this->displayAddEditCopyPage($id); } foreach ($fields as $f) { if ($this->fields[$f]['FieldHidden']) { $sets[] = "{$f} = {$quoted[$f]}"; } else { switch ($this->fields[$f]['input']) { case 'password': // Raul 08-Dic-2007 if ($add) { $sets[] = "{$f} = md5({$quoted[$f]})"; } else { if (isset($_POST[$f])) { $FPassword = $_POST[$f]; } else { $FPassword = ''; } if (isset($_POST[$f . 'Change'])) { $FPasswordChange = $_POST[$f . 'Change']; } else { $FPasswordChange = ''; } if (isset($_POST[$f . 'Confirm'])) { $FPasswordConfirm = $_POST[$f . 'Confirm']; } else { $FPasswordConfirm = ''; } if (($FPasswordChange || $FPasswordConfirm) && $FPasswordChange == $FPasswordConfirm) { $PassNew = "'" . md5($FPasswordChange) . "'"; $sets[] = "{$f} = {$PassNew}"; } else { $sets[] = "{$f} = {$quoted[$f]}"; } } break; case 'file': // Raul 10-Dic-2007 if (isset($_FILES[$f]['tmp_name'])) { $FieldFile = $_FILES[$f]['tmp_name']; } else { $FieldFile = ''; } if (isset($_FILES[$f . 'Change']['tmp_name'])) { $FieldFileChange = $_FILES[$f . 'Change']['tmp_name']; } else { $FieldFileChange = ''; } if (isset($_POST[$f])) { $OldFile = $_POST[$f]; } else { $OldFile = ''; } if ($this->fields[$f]['DownloadPath'] && file_exists($this->fields[$f]['DownloadPath'])) { $TEDownloadPath = $this->fields[$f]['DownloadPath']; } else { $TEDownloadPath = TEDownloadsPath; } if ($add) { if ($FieldFile) { $TableName = str_replace(' ', '', TETablesNames($table)); $CurrenDateTime = str_replace('-', '', str_replace(':', '', str_replace(' ', '', TECurrentDateTime()))); $TEFileNewName = $TableName . $CurrenDateTime; $TEfile = "'" . TEDownloadFile($f, $TEDownloadPath, $TEFileNewName) . "'"; if ($TEfile) { $sets[] = "{$f} = {$TEfile}"; } } } elseif ($FieldFileChange) { $TableName = str_replace(' ', '', TETablesNames($table)); $CurrenDateTime = str_replace('-', '', str_replace(':', '', str_replace(' ', '', TECurrentDateTime()))); $TEFileNewName = $TableName . $CurrenDateTime; $TEfile = "'" . TEDownloadFile($f . 'Change', $TEDownloadPath, $TEFileNewName) . "'"; if ($TEfile) { if ($OldFile && file_exists($TEDownloadPath . $OldFile)) { unlink($TEDownloadPath . $OldFile); } $sets[] = "{$f} = {$TEfile}"; } } elseif ($idcopy) { $auxiliar = substr_replace($quoted[$f], "", 0, 1); $auxiliar = substr_replace($auxiliar, "", -1, 1); $extension = substr($auxiliar, -3, 3); $imagen = $this->fields[$f]['DownloadPath'] . $auxiliar; $TableName = str_replace(' ', '', TETablesNames($table)); $CurrenDateTime = str_replace('-', '', str_replace(':', '', str_replace(' ', '', TECurrentDateTime()))); $TEFileNewName = $TableName . $CurrenDateTime . '.' . $extension; switch ($extension) { case 'jpg': $original = imagecreatefromjpeg($imagen); break; case 'gif': $original = imagecreatefromgif($imagen); break; case 'png': $original = imagecreatefrompng($imagen); break; } $ancho = imagesx($original); $alto = imagesy($original); $copia = $this->fields[$f]['DownloadPath'] . $TEFileNewName; $medio = imagecreatetruecolor($ancho, $alto); imagecopy($medio, $original, 0, 0, 0, 0, $ancho, $alto); switch ($extension) { case 'jpg': imagejpeg($medio, $copia, 90); break; // 90 es la calidad de compresión // 90 es la calidad de compresión case 'gif': imagegif($medio, $copia); break; case 'png': imagepng($medio, $copia, 0); break; } $TEfile = "'" . $TEFileNewName . "'"; $sets[] = "{$f} = {$TEfile}"; } else { $sets[] = "{$f} = {$quoted[$f]}"; } if ($TEfile) { $auxiliar = substr_replace($TEfile, "", 0, 1); $auxiliar = substr_replace($auxiliar, "", -1, 1); $extension = substr($auxiliar, -3, 3); $imagen = $this->fields[$f]['DownloadPath'] . $auxiliar; $imagen_adjust = substr_replace($imagen, "_adjust.", -4, 1); $adjust = 0; switch ($extension) { case 'jpg': $original = imagecreatefromjpeg($imagen); break; case 'gif': $original = imagecreatefromgif($imagen); break; case 'png': $original = imagecreatefrompng($imagen); break; } $ancho = imagesx($original); $alto = imagesy($original); if ($this->fields[$f]['ImageWidth']) { if ($this->fields[$f]['ImageHeight']) { if ($ancho > $this->fields[$f]['ImageWidth'] or $alto > $this->fields[$f]['ImageHeight']) { if (!file_exists($imagen_adjust)) { $medio = imagecreatetruecolor($this->fields[$f]['ImageWidth'], $this->fields[$f]['ImageHeight']); imagecopyresampled($medio, $original, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->fields[$f]['ImageWidth'], $this->fields[$f]['ImageHeight'], $ancho, $alto); $adjust = 1; } } } else { if ($ancho > $this->fields[$f]['ImageWidth']) { if (!file_exists($imagen_adjust)) { $alto_medio = $this->fields[$f]['ImageWidth'] * $alto / $ancho; $medio = imagecreatetruecolor($this->fields[$f]['ImageWidth'], $alto_medio); imagecopyresampled($medio, $original, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->fields[$f]['ImageWidth'], $alto_medio, $ancho, $alto); $adjust = 1; } } } } elseif ($this->fields[$f]['ImageHeight']) { if ($alto > $this->fields[$f]['ImageHeight']) { if (!file_exists($imagen_adjust)) { $ancho_medio = $this->fields[$f]['ImageHeight'] * $ancho / $alto; $medio = imagecreatetruecolor($ancho_medio, $this->fields[$f]['ImageHeight']); imagecopyresampled($medio, $original, 0, 0, 0, 0, $ancho_medio, $this->fields[$f]['ImageHeight'], $ancho, $alto); $adjust = 1; } } } if ($adjust == 1) { switch ($extension) { case 'jpg': imagejpeg($medio, $imagen_adjust, 90); break; // 90 es la calidad de compresión // 90 es la calidad de compresión case 'gif': imagegif($medio, $imagen_adjust); break; case 'png': imagepng($medio, $imagen_adjust, 0); break; } unlink($imagen); rename($imagen_adjust, $imagen); } } break; case 'wysiwyg': $Value = "'" . utf8_decode($_POST[$f]) . "'"; $sets[] = "{$f} = {$Value}"; break; case 'date': $DateAux = str_replace("'", "", $quoted[$f]); $DateAux = "'" . TEDateToMysql($DateAux) . "'"; $sets[] = "{$f} = {$DateAux}"; break; case 'int': $DecAux = str_replace("'", "", $quoted[$f]); $DecAux = str_replace("\$", "", $quoted[$f]); $DecAux = str_replace(",", "", $quoted[$f]); $sets[] = "{$f} = {$DecAux}"; break; case 'decimal': $DecAux = str_replace("'", "", $quoted[$f]); $DecAux = str_replace("\$", "", $quoted[$f]); $DecAux = str_replace(",", "", $quoted[$f]); $sets[] = "{$f} = {$DecAux}"; //if ($value["display"]=="DESCUENTO") {echo ""; exit();} break; case 'binary': $aux_binary = str_replace("'", "", $quoted[$f]); if ($aux_binary == "on") { $aux = 1; } else { $aux = 0; } $sets[] = "{$f} = {$aux}"; break; case 'datetime': $DateTimeAux = str_replace("'", "", $quoted[$f]); $DateTimeAux = "'" . TEDatetimeToMysql($DateTimeAux) . "'"; $sets[] = "{$f} = {$DateTimeAux}"; break; // default: $sets[]="$f = UPPER({$quoted[$f]})"; break; // default: $sets[]="$f = UPPER({$quoted[$f]})"; break; default: $sets[] = "{$f} = {$quoted[$f]}"; break; } } } $sets_original = $sets; $sets = implode(', ', $sets); if (isset($_GET['edit'])) { if (!empty($this->dataFilters)) { $filters = implode(' AND ', $this->dataFilters); } else { $filters = 1; } list($tables, $joinClause) = $this->getQueryTables(); $sql = "UPDATE {$tables} SET {$sets} WHERE {$joinClause} AND {$filters} AND {$this->pk} = {$id}"; // echo print_r($_POST); $res = $this->dbQuery($sql); //echo $sql.""; exit(); define("ID", $id); include "" . TEIncludesPath . "AdditionalEdit.php"; if (!$res) { $error_2 = $this->dbError(); $this->errors[] = TEErrorUpdateRecord . ": " . $error_2; } else { if (!empty($this->editCallbacks)) { foreach ($this->editCallbacks as $c) { call_user_func($c, $unQuoted); } } } } elseif (!empty($_GET['add']) or isset($_GET['idcopy'])) { $sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->table} SET {$sets}"; //echo $sql."+++<br><br>"; //exit(); $res = $this->dbQuery($sql); if (!$res) { $this->errors[] = TEErrorAddRecord . ": " . $this->dbError(); } else { $id = $this->dbGetOne("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"); if ($id == "" or $id == 0) { define("ID", $_POST[TEFieldKey($this->table)]); } else { define("ID", $id); } include "" . TEIncludesPath . "AdditionalAdd.php"; //exit(); if (!empty($_GET['add'])) { if (!empty($this->addCallbacks)) { foreach ($this->addCallbacks as $c) { call_user_func($c, $unQuoted); } } } elseif (isset($_GET['idcopy'])) { if (!empty($this->copyCallbacks)) { foreach ($this->copyCallbacks as $c) { call_user_func($c, $unQuoted); } } } } } if ($id == "" or $id == 0) { foreach ($sets_original as $value) { $aux = explode("=", $value); if (trim($aux[0]) == TEFieldKey($table)) { $id = trim($aux[1]); } } } // echo $id; exit(); if (empty($this->errors)) { include '' . TEIncludesPath . 'TERedirection.php'; TERedirection($LocationUrl); exit; } } $this->displayAddEditCopyPage($id); }
function TEAccessRegister() { $SesType = ""; $SesId = ""; if ($_SESSION[SESSION_VAR_TYPE]) { $SesType = $_SESSION[SESSION_VAR_TYPE]; } if ($_SESSION[SESSION_VAR_SUBTYPE]) { $SesSubType = $_SESSION[SESSION_VAR_SUBTYPE]; } if ($_SESSION[SESSION_VAR_ID]) { $SesId = $_SESSION[SESSION_VAR_ID]; } mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS); $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TableAccess . " SET ACCESO_ID='0', ACCESO_FECHA_HORA='" . TECurrentDateTime() . "', SESSION_TYPE='" . $SesType . "', SESSION_SUBTYPE='" . $SesSubType . "', SESSION_ID='" . $SesId . "' "; $result = mysql_db_query(DB_NAME, $sql); if (mysql_affected_rows()) { return true; } else { return false; } }