
/* Documentation for PHP-PDB library -- MobileDB module
 * Copyright (C) 2001 - PHP-PDB development team
 * Licensed under the GNU LGPL software license.
 * See the doc/LEGAL file for more information
 * See http://php-pdb.sourceforge.net/ for more information about the library
include "../functions.inc";
StandardHeader('MobileDB Files', 'modules');

<p>MobileDB files are somewhat supported, but it isn't easy to add things or
to move data around yet.  Be forewarned.</p>

<h3>Including into your program</h3>

include \'php-pdb.inc\';
include \'modules/mobiledb.inc\';

<h3>Creating a new database</h3>

<P>Because MobileDB databases already have a specific type and creator, you
only need to specify the name of the new database.</p>


/* Documentation for PHP-PDB library -- Datebook module
 * Copyright (C) 2001 - PHP-PDB development team
 * Licensed under the GNU LGPL software license.
 * See the doc/LEGAL file for more information
 * See http://php-pdb.sourceforge.net/ for more information about the library
include "../functions.inc";
StandardHeader('Datebook Files', 'modules');

<p>This class uses a completely different for for storing information about
events.  It is supposed to make things easier, but might be a bit complex to
learn at first.</p>


<h3>Including into your program</h3>

include \'php-pdb.inc\';
include \'modules/datebook.inc\';

<h3>Creating a new database</h3>

/* Documentation for PHP-PDB library -- DOC module
 * Copyright (C) 2001 - PHP-PDB development team
 * Licensed under the GNU LGPL software license.
 * See the doc/LEGAL file for more information
 * See http://php-pdb.sourceforge.net/ for more information about the library
include "../functions.inc";
StandardHeader('SmallBASIC', 'modules');

<p><a href="http://smallbasic.sourceforge.net">SmallBASIC</a> is a
programming language that runs on the handheld.  With this class, you can
convert to/from the .PDB format that the SmallBASIC interpreter uses.</p>

<p><b>Warning:</b>  This class has not yet been tested extensively, so don't
use this for mission-critical applications without further testing.
However, it does both read and write this format successfully for me, so I
expect that it will work for you.</p>

<h3>Including into your program</h3>

include \'php-pdb.inc\';
include \'modules/smallbasic.inc\';

/* Documentation for PHP-PDB library
 * Copyright (C) 2001 - PHP-PDB development team
 * Licensed under the GNU LGPL software license.
 * See the doc/LEGAL file for more information
 * See http://php-pdb.sourceforge.net/ for more information about the library
include "./functions.inc";

<P>PHP-PDB is a set of <a href="http://www.php.net">PHP</a> classes that 
manipulate <a href="http://www.palmos.com">Palm OS</a> databases.  It lets
you read, write, alter, and easily use data that is meant to be sent to or 
retrieved from a handheld.  It requires PHP 4.0.1 or later, but due to
security problems with PHP 4, I'd suggest you have version 4.1.2 or patch your
current version..</p>

<h3>Directly supported databases</h3>

<p>These types of databases have had separate classes written to extend the
base class and make life easier for the developer.  PHP-PDB can be used with
your own <a href="custom.php">custom</a> database type as well.</p>

<li><b><a href="modules/addrbook.php">Address Book</a></b> - Reading and
writing fully supported.</li>
<li><b><a href="modules/datebook.php">Datebook</a></b> - Reading and writing 
fully supported.</li>

/* Documentation for PHP-PDB library -- Todo module
 * Copyright (C) 2001 - PHP-PDB development team
 * Licensed under the GNU LGPL software license.
 * See the doc/LEGAL file for more information
 * See http://php-pdb.sourceforge.net/ for more information about the library
include "../functions.inc";
StandardHeader('ToDo List', 'modules');

<p>The todo module is mostly straightforward, and should be fairly easy to


<h3>Including into your program</h3>

include \'php-pdb.inc\';
include \'modules/todo.inc\';

<h3>Creating a new database</h3>
文件: spade.php 项目: hxpro/php-pdb

/* Detail page describing Spade
 * Copyright (C) 2001 - PHP-PDB development team
 * Licensed under the GNU LGPL software license.
 * See the doc/LEGAL file for more information
 * See https://github.com/fidian/php-pdb for more information about the library
 * Please note that this page *IS* covered by the LGPL, but Spade itself
 * is not (or at least isn't yet).
include '../functions.inc';
StandardHeader('Spade', 'samples');

<p>Spade is a <b>s</b>imple <b>ad</b>dress book <b>e</b>ditor, written by
Roman Schindlauer &lt;<?php 
HideEmail('roman', 'fusion.at');
&gt;  It's
just getting started and shows a great deal of potential.</p>

<p>The current version is 0.1:</p>

<li><a href="../tools/spade.tar.gz">Download</a></li>
<li><a href="spade/">Online Demo</a></li>

<p><i>Warning:</i> Since people can edit the records however they see fit,

/* Documentation for PHP-PDB library -- DOC module
 * Copyright (C) 2001 - PHP-PDB development team
 * Licensed under the GNU LGPL software license.
 * See the doc/LEGAL file for more information
 * See http://php-pdb.sourceforge.net/ for more information about the library
include "../functions.inc";
StandardHeader('DOC Files', 'modules');
$BookmarkTest = array('AportisDoc' => array('Version' => '2.2.3', 'URL' => 'http://aportis.com/', 'Stored' => true, 'Embedded' => true, 'Notes' => 'The one that started it all'), 'CSpotRun' => array('Version' => 1.1, 'URL' => 'http://32768.com/cspotrun/', 'Stored' => true, 'Embedded' => false, 'Notes' => 'Freeware, open source'), 'iSilo' => array('Version' => 3.05, 'URL' => 'http://isilo.com/', 'Stored' => true, 'Embedded' => false, 'Notes' => 'Free version of iSilo.'), 'iSilo Free' => array('Version' => 1.5, 'URL' => 'http://isilo.com/old/index.htm', 'Stored' => false, 'Embedded' => false, 'Notes' => 'Free version of iSilo.'), 'MiniWrite' => array('Version' => 1.4, 'URL' => 'http://www.solutionsinhand.com/mw/miniwrite.htm', 'Stored' => true, 'Embedded' => false, 'Notes' => 'DOC reader/writer'), 'QED' => array('Version' => 2.62, 'URL' => 'http://qland.de/qed/', 'Stored' => true, 'Embedded' => true, 'Notes' => 'DOC reader/writer'), 'ReadThemAll' => array('Version' => 1.65, 'URL' => 'http://palmgear.com/software/showsoftware.cfm?prodID=14149', 'Stored' => false, 'Embedded' => false, 'Notes' => ''), 'RichReader' => array('Version' => '1.62 Freeware', 'URL' => 'http://users.rcn.com/arenamk/', 'Stored' => true, 'Embedded' => false, 'Notes' => 'Free version of RichReader'), 'Smoothy' => array('Version' => '1.5.0', 'URL' => 'http://www.handwave.com/handwavesmoothybenefits.html', 'Stored' => true, 'Embedded' => false, 'Notes' => ''), 'SuperDoc' => array('Version' => 1.4, 'URL' => 'http://www.codemill.net/products/superdoc/index.html', 'Stored' => true, 'Embedded' => true, 'Notes' => ''), 'TealDoc' => array('Version' => '4.51D', 'URL' => 'http://www.tealpoint.com/softdoc.htm', 'Stored' => true, 'Embedded' => true, 'Notes' => ''));

<p>DOC files is the standard way of storing text files on a handheld.  You
will need a DOC reader in order to see any DOC file you have loaded onto
your device.  There are several ones listed <a 
href="#DocReaders">below</a>.  To create DOC files, there are many programs
already out there that will work for you.  Additionally, you can use
<a href="../samples/twister.php">Twister</a>, which just uses PHP and this
PHP-PDB library to create DOC files from plain text files, web pages, and
files from <a href="http://promo.net/pg/">Project Gutenberg</a>.</p>

<h3>Including into your program</h3>

include \'php-pdb.inc\';
include \'modules/doc.inc\';

/* Documentation for PHP-PDB library
 * Copyright (C) 2001 - PHP-PDB development team
 * Licensed under the GNU LGPL software license.
 * See the doc/LEGAL file for more information
 * See http://php-pdb.sourceforge.net/ for more information about the library
include "./functions.inc";
StandardHeader('Basic Use');

<P>PHP-PDB can create nearly any type of <a
href="http://www.palmos.com/">Palm OS</a> database through the most basic
functions, as illustrated here.  If you want to write a format of database
that isn't directly supported by a module, I would suggest you check out the
<a href="custom.php">Custom Formats</a> page.</p>

<h3>Including into your program</h3>

include \'php-pdb.inc\';

<h3>Creating a new database</h3>

<P>To create a new database, you need to find out the correct type and
creator ID to make the database with.  You should also specify the name of

/* Documentation for PHP-PDB library
 * Copyright (C) 2001 - PHP-PDB development team
 * Licensed under the GNU LGPL software license.
 * See the doc/LEGAL file for more information
 * See http://php-pdb.sourceforge.net/ for more information about the library
include "./functions.inc";
StandardHeader('Credits and Thanks');

<p>I did actually write all code from scratch, but credit should be given to
people who wrote other open-source programs that I learned from.  Also, this
list is to give thanks to people who have helped me out with PHP-PDB.  Lastly,
I also show appreciation to companies and anything else that helped me out
with writing this class.</p>

<li>Arensburger, Andrew -- Thanks for making <a
   href="http://www.ooblick.com/software/coldsync/">P5-Palm</a>!  I used 
   several ideas when creating PHP-PDB, and a few comments really helped me
<li>Beirne, Pat -- Created the first <a href="modules/doc.php">DOC</a>
   compression scheme -- see it <a 
<li>Christopoulos, Nicholas - He is the "development team" of <a
   href="http://smallbasic.sourceforge.net/">SmallBASIC</a>, and he explained
   the <a

/* Documentation for PHP-PDB library
 * Copyright (C) 2001 - PHP-PDB development team
 * Licensed under the GNU LGPL software license.
 * See the doc/LEGAL file for more information
 * See http://php-pdb.sourceforge.net/ for more information about the library
include "./functions.inc";
StandardHeader('Download PHP-PDB');

<h3>Standard download</h3>

<p>Whenever the code feels mature enough for release, a new package is
created.  Feel free to download the latest version (in .zip, .tar.bz2, or
.tar.gz formats) from PHP-PDB's
<a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=29740">
download page</a> on SourceForge.</p>

<h3>CVS version</h3>

<p>A true geek desires the latest additions, bugfixes, features, and
everything else before it is officially bundled up and released to the
public.  The CVS version is the 'live' copy of PHP-PDB.  If something minor
was changed or alpha support for a new format is added, it will show up
first in CVS.  After it hangs around a bit, the CVS version will be bundled
as a standard release.</p>

<p>If you are like me and you can't wait for all of the latest and greatest

/* Documentation for PHP-PDB library -- Addrbook module
 * Copyright (C) 2001 - PHP-PDB development team
 * Licensed under the GNU LGPL software license.
 * See the doc/LEGAL file for more information
 * See http://php-pdb.sourceforge.net/ for more information about the library
include "../functions.inc";
StandardHeader('Address Book', 'modules');

<p>Address entries have a lot of data associated with them.  Because of
this, there is a somewhat complex way of getting to that data.  However,
I'll try to explain it thoroughly and show examples so that you don't get


<h3>Including into your program</h3>

include \'php-pdb.inc\';
include \'modules/addrbook.inc\';

/* Examples for PHP-PDB library - View source program
 * Copyright (C) 2001 - PHP-PDB development team
 * Licensed under the GNU LGPL software license.
 * See the doc/LEGAL file for more information
 * See http://php-pdb.sourceforge.net/ for more information about the library
 * Although not truly a file that helps illustrate how to use PHP-PDB, this
 * lets people on the web see source code that uses PHP-PDB and lets the
 * browser run the file to produce the sample output.
include '../functions.inc';
StandardHeader('View Source of ' . $file, 'samples');
if (strpos($file, '/') !== false || strpos($file, '..') !== false || preg_match('/[^-_a-zA-Z\\.0-9]/', $file) || !file_exists($file)) {
<P>Sorry, but <?php 
 does not exist or is not allowed.</p>
} else {
<P>You can run the example here:  <a href="<?php 
    echo $file;
    echo $file;

/* Documentation for PHP-PDB library
 * Copyright (C) 2001 - PHP-PDB development team
 * Licensed under the GNU LGPL software license.
 * See the doc/LEGAL file for more information
 * See http://php-pdb.sourceforge.net/ for more information about the library
include "./functions.inc";
StandardHeader('Extra Information');
if (file_exists('../pdb-test.php')) {
    $PDB_TEST = '../pdb-test.php';
} else {
    $PDB_TEST = 'samples/pdb-test.php';

<h3>What do you need for PHP-PDB</h3>

<li>A server that runs PHP 4.0.1 or later.</li>
<li>It would be nice to have it fast and for it to have lots of memory.</li>
<li>Extra memory is good, since PHP doesn't manipulate 8-bit strings very
well.  Because of this, I use hex encoded data, doubling the size of the
.pdb file in memory when loaded.  So, if you want to work with a 500k DOC
file, you should have 1 meg of memory free or your server will do a lot of

<h3>Making sure PHP-PDB works</h3>