function HTMLformURIdefinition()
    if ($_POST['uri_value'] != '' and $_POST['uri_code'] != '' and $_POST['uri_type_id'] == '') {
        $arrayValues = array("uri_value" => $_POST['uri_value'], "uri_code" => $_POST['uri_code']);
        $task = abm_URIdefinition("A", $arrayValues);
        if ($task[cant] > 0) {
            echo "<script>javascript:alert('" . ucfirst(LABEL_saved) . "');</script>";
    if ($_POST['doAdminU'] == 'modURIdefinition') {
        $arrayValues = array("uri_value" => $_POST['uri_value'], "uri_code" => $_POST['uri_code']);
        $task = abm_URIdefinition("M", $arrayValues, $_POST['uri_type_id']);
        if ($task[cant] > 0) {
            echo "<script>javascript:alert('" . ucfirst(LABEL_saved) . "');</script>";
        $_POST['uri_value'] = '';
        $_POST['uri_code'] = '';
    if ($_POST['doAdminU'] == 'deleteURIdefinition') {
        $task = abm_URIdefinition("B", array(), $_POST['uri_type_id']);
    $sql = SQLURIdefinition();
    $rows .= '<form id="moreURI" name="moreURI" method="POST" action="admin.php?vocabulario_id=list#moreuri">';
    $rows .= '<input type="hidden" name="doAdminU" id="doAdminU" value=""> ';
    $rows .= '<input type="hidden" name="uri_type_id" id="uri_type_id"> ';
    $rows .= '<div class="table-responsive"> ';
    $rows .= '<h3>' . ucfirst(LABEL_URItypeEditor) . ' </h3>';
    $rows .= '<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed table-hover"  summary="' . ucfirst(LABEL_URItypeEditor) . '">';
    $rows .= '<thead>';
    $rows .= '<tr>';
    $rows .= '<th>' . ucfirst(LABEL_URItypeLabel) . ':</th>';
    $rows .= '<th>' . ucfirst(LABEL_URItypeCode) . '</th>';
    $rows .= '<th></th>';
    $rows .= '</tr>';
    $rows .= '<tr>';
    $rows .= '<th class="izq"><input type="text" name="uri_value" id="uri_value"/></td>';
    $rows .= '<th class="izq"><input type="text" name="uri_code" size="10" id="uri_code"/></td>';
    $rows .= '<th><a onclick="enviaURI()" href="#"><strong>' . ucfirst(LABEL_Enviar) . '</strong></a></td>';
    $rows .= '</tr>';
    $rows .= ' </thead>';
    $rows .= ' <tbody>';
    while ($array = $sql->FetchRow()) {
        $i = ++$i;
        $rows .= '<tr>';
        $rows .= ' <td class="izq"><a title="' . $array["uri_value"] . '"  href="javascript:recargaeditURI(\'' . $array["uri_value"] . '\',\'' . $array["uri_code"] . '\',\'' . $array["uri_type_id"] . '\')">' . $array["uri_value"] . '</a></td>';
        $rows .= '<td>' . $array["uri_code"] . '</td>';
        $rows .= $array["uri_cant"] > 0 ? '<td>' . $array["uri_cant"] . '</td>' : '<td><a onclick=preparaborradoURI(\'' . $array["uri_type_id"] . '\') title="' . ucfirst(borrar) . '" href="#moreURI")><strong>' . ucfirst(LABEL_URItypeDelete) . '</strong></a></td>';
        $rows .= '</tr>';
    $rows .= ' </tbody>';
    $rows .= '<tfoot>';
    $rows .= '<tr><td colspan="4">' . $i . '</th></tr>';
    $rows .= '</tfoot>';
    $rows .= '</table> </div>';
    $rows .= '</form>';
    return $rows;
function HTMLformURI4term($ARRAYtermino)
    //SEND_KEY to prevent duplicated
    $_SESSION['SEND_KEY'] = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
    $SQLURIdefinition = SQLURIdefinition();
    if (SQLcount($SQLURIdefinition) > 0) {
        while ($ARRAYURIdefinition = $SQLURIdefinition->FetchRow()) {
            $arraySelectURItype[] = $ARRAYURIdefinition["uri_type_id"] . '#' . $ARRAYURIdefinition["uri_value"];
        $rows .= '<div class="container" id="bodyText">';
        $rows .= '<a class="topOfPage" href="index.php?tema=' . $ARRAYtermino["idTema"] . '" title="' . LABEL_Anterior . '">' . LABEL_Anterior . '</a>';
        $rows .= '<form class="" role="form" name="altaURI" id="altaURI" action="index.php" method="post">';
        $rows .= '	<div class="row">
		    <div class="col-sm-12">
		        <legend>' . ucfirst(LABEL_URIEditor) . ' <a href="index.php?tema=' . $ARRAYtermino["idTema"] . '">' . $ARRAYtermino["titTema"] . '</a></legend>
		    <!-- panel  -->

		    <div class="col-lg-7">
		        <div class="panel panel-default">
		            <div class="panel-body form-horizontal">

		            <div class="form-group">
								<label for="uri_type_id" class="col-sm-3 control-label accesskey="u">' . ucfirst(LABEL_URItype) . '</label>
		                <div class="col-sm-9">
		                    <select class="form-control" id="uri_type_id" name="uri_type_id">
		                    ' . doSelectForm($arraySelectURItype, "") . '
		                <div class="form-group">
		                    <label for="uri" class="col-sm-3 control-label">' . ucfirst(LABEL_URI2termURL) . '</label>
		                    <div class="col-sm-9">
		                        <input type="text" class="form-control"  type="url" required autofocus id="uri" name="uri"/>

		                <div class="form-group">
		                    <div class="col-sm-12 text-right">
		                     <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="' . LABEL_Enviar . '"/>' . ucfirst(LABEL_Enviar) . '</button>
		                      <button type="button" class="btn btn" name="cancelar" type="button" onClick="location.href=\'index.php?tema=' . $ARRAYtermino["idTema"] . '\'" value="' . ucfirst(LABEL_Cancelar) . '"/>' . ucfirst(LABEL_Cancelar) . '</button>
		    </div> <!-- / panel  -->';
        $rows .= '<input type="hidden"  name="ks" id="ks" value="' . $_SESSION["SEND_KEY"] . '"/>';
        $rows .= '<input type="hidden"  name="tema_id" value="' . $ARRAYtermino["idTema"] . '" />';
        $rows .= '<input type="hidden"  name="taskURI" value="addURI" />';
        $rows .= '</form>';
    $rows .= '</div>';
    return $rows;