 function Decrypt($data, $pos, $opt = array())
     /** @var cURL $cc */
     $auth = "";
     $baseUrl = "";
     $cc = null;
     extract($opt, EXTR_IF_EXISTS);
     $debug = $this->debug;
     if ($this->decryptorTest) {
         $debug = false;
     LogDebug("\n----- Akamai Decryption Start -----", $debug);
     // Parse packet header
     $byte = ReadByte($data, $pos++);
     $this->ecmVersion = $byte >> 4;
     if ($this->ecmVersion != 11) {
         $this->ecmVersion = $byte;
     $this->ecmID = ReadInt32($data, $pos);
     $this->ecmTimestamp = ReadInt32($data, $pos + 4);
     $this->kdfVersion = ReadInt16($data, $pos + 8);
     $pos += 10;
     $this->dccAccReserved = ReadByte($data, $pos++);
     LogDebug("ECM Version  : " . $this->ecmVersion . ", ECM ID: " . $this->ecmID . ", ECM Timestamp: " . $this->ecmTimestamp . ", KDF Version: " . $this->kdfVersion . ", DccAccReserved: " . $this->dccAccReserved, $debug);
     $byte = ReadByte($data, $pos++);
     $iv = ($byte & 2) > 0 ? true : false;
     $key = ($byte & 4) > 0 ? true : false;
     if ($iv) {
         $this->packetIV = substr($data, $pos, 16);
         $pos += 16;
         LogDebug("PacketIV     : " . hexlify($this->packetIV), $debug);
     if ($key) {
         $this->sessionKeyUrl = ReadString($data, $pos);
         LogDebug("SessionKeyUrl: " . $this->sessionKeyUrl, $debug);
         $keyUrl = substr($this->sessionKeyUrl, strrpos($this->sessionKeyUrl, '/'));
         $this->sessionID = "_" . substr($keyUrl, strlen("/key_"));
         $keyUrl = JoinUrl($baseUrl, $keyUrl) . $auth;
         // Download key file if required
         if ($this->sessionKeyUrl !== $this->lastKeyUrl) {
             if ($baseUrl == "") {
                 LogDebug("Unable to download session key without manifest url. you must specify it manually using 'adkey' switch.", $debug);
             } else {
                 if ($cc->get($keyUrl) != 200) {
                     LogError("Failed to download akamai session decryption key");
                 $this->sessionKey = $cc->response;
                 LogInfo("SessionKey: " . hexlify($this->sessionKey), $debug);
                 $this->lastKeyUrl = $this->sessionKeyUrl;
     LogDebug("SessionKey   : " . hexlify($this->sessionKey), $debug);
     $reserved = ReadByte($data, $pos++);
     $this->packetSalt = substr($data, $pos, 32);
     $pos += 32;
     $reservedBlock1 = substr($data, $pos, 20);
     $reservedBlock2 = substr($data, $pos + 20, 20);
     $pos += 40;
     LogDebug("ReservedByte : " . $reserved . ", ReservedBlock1: " . hexlify($reservedBlock1) . ", ReservedBlock2: " . hexlify($reservedBlock2), $debug);
     // Generate packet decryption key
     if ($this->sessionKey == "") {
         LogError("Fragments can't be decrypted properly without corresponding session key.", 2);
     // Decrypt packet data
     $encryptedData = substr($data, $pos);
     LogDebug("EncryptedData: " . hexlify(substr($encryptedData, 0, 64)), $debug);
     $lastBlockData = substr($encryptedData, $this->decryptBytes);
     $encryptedData = substr($encryptedData, 0, $this->decryptBytes);
     $decryptedData = "";
     if ($this->decryptBytes > 0) {
         mcrypt_generic_init($this->aes_cbc, $this->packetKey, $this->packetIV);
         $decryptedData = mdecrypt_generic($this->aes_cbc, $encryptedData);
     $decryptedData .= $lastBlockData;
     LogDebug("DecryptedData: " . hexlify(substr($decryptedData, 0, 64)), $debug);
     LogDebug("----- Akamai Decryption End -----\n", $debug);
     return $decryptedData;
$file = false;
if (file_exists($beatFile)) {
    $file = file_get_contents($beatFile);
if ($file === false) {
    LogError("Failed to open input file");
$fileLen = filesize($beatFile);
$filePos = 0;
$fileSize = $fileLen / (1024 * 1024);
$pFilePos = 0;
// Parse beat file header
$flags = ReadByte($file, 0);
$quality = $flags & 15;
$version = $flags >> 4;
$lookupSize = ReadInt16($file, 1);
$encTable = substr($file, 3, $lookupSize);
$filePos = $filePos + 3 + $lookupSize;
LogDebug("Version: {$version}, Quality: {$quality}, LookupSize: {$lookupSize}");
// Retrieve encryption key and iv
$key = "";
$iv = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < 32; $i += 2) {
    $key .= $file[$filePos + $i];
    $iv .= $file[$filePos + $i + 1];
$filePos += 32;
LogDebug("Key: " . hexlify($key));
LogDebug("IV : " . hexlify($iv));
// Decrypt lookup table
$td = mcrypt_module_open('rijndael-128', '', 'cbc', '');