public function testGc() { //cc 1 + 1*if + 1*for ini_set("session.gc_maxlifetime", 3); $redis = \RWKY\Redis\setUpRedis(); \RWKY\Redis\RedisSessions::$redis = $redis; \RWKY\Redis\RedisSessions::$hash = "hash"; $this->assertEmpty($redis->keys("*")); session_start(); $_SESSION["test"] = 1; session_write_close(); $this->assertNotEmpty($redis->keys("*")); sleep(5); $this->assertTrue(\RWKY\Redis\RedisSessions::gc()); $this->assertEmpty($redis->keys("*")); \RWKY\Redis\RedisSessions::$hash = null; session_start(); $_SESSION["test"] = 1; session_write_close(); $this->assertNotEmpty($redis->keys("*")); sleep(5); $this->assertTrue(\RWKY\Redis\RedisSessions::gc()); $this->assertEmpty($redis->keys("*")); }
<?php /** *@file *This file benchmarks a few aspects of \\RWKY\\Redis<br /> *It can benchmark magic methods vs cmd, pipelining vs no pipelining and tcp vs unix sockets<br /> *<strong>Be careful when running this file it may overwrite your redis database</strong> */ require "tests/"; $redis = \RWKY\Redis\setUpRedis(); $tests = array("magic", "pipelining", "connection"); if (!isset($argv[1])) { $argv[1] = "all"; } if ($argv[1] == "all") { foreach ($tests as $t) { echo "---{$t}---" . PHP_EOL; $t(); echo "--- ---" . PHP_EOL; } exit; } array_shift($argv); foreach ($argv as $arg) { if (!in_array($arg, $tests)) { echo "Invalid test {$arg}" . PHP_EOL; } else { echo "---{$arg}---" . PHP_EOL; $arg(); echo "--- ---" . PHP_EOL; }
public function testException2() { //cc 1 + 2*switch $redis = \RWKY\Redis\setUpRedis(); $redis->config("ON_EXCEPTION", "file"); $redis->config("ON_EXCEPTION_FILE", "/tmp/redis-exception-test"); file_put_contents("/tmp/redis-exception-test", "Hello world"); ob_start(); try { throw new \RWKY\Redis\RedisException($redis, "Test exception 2", 0, "test", 1); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->assertEquals("Test exception 2", $e->getMessage()); } $this->assertEquals("Hello world", ob_get_clean()); shell_exec("rm /tmp/redis-exception-test"); }