public function get_list($lat, $long, $page, $pagesize, $activity_type) { $where = array("status" => 0, "invite_time" => array("gt", time())); if ($activity_type !== false) { $sql = "SELECT i.*, u.* FROM " . C("DB_PREFIX") . "user as u INNER JOIN " . C("DB_PREFIX") . "invitation as i ON i.uid=u.uid WHERE i.status=0 AND i.activity_type=" . $activity_type . " AND i.invite_time>" . time() . " ORDER BY i.pigcms_id DESC, DESC"; $where["activity_type"] = intval($activity_type); } else { $sql = "SELECT i.*, u.* FROM " . C("DB_PREFIX") . "user as u INNER JOIN " . C("DB_PREFIX") . "invitation as i ON i.uid=u.uid WHERE i.status=0 AND i.invite_time>" . time() . " ORDER BY i.pigcms_id DESC, DESC"; } $start = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; $count = $this->where($where)->count(); $sql .= " limit {$start}, {$pagesize}"; $mode = new Model(); $res = $mode->query($sql); $today = strtotime(date("Y-m-d")) + 86400; $tomorrow = $today + 86400; $lastday = $tomorrow + 86400; foreach ($res as &$v) { $v["_time"] = date("Y-m-d H:i", $v["invite_time"]); $v["juli"] = ROUND(6378.138 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT(POW(SIN(($lat * PI() / 180 - $v["lat"] * PI() / 180) / 2), 2) + COS($lat * PI() / 180) * COS($v["lat"] * PI() / 180) * POW(SIN(($long * PI() / 180 - $v["long"] * PI() / 180) / 2), 2))) * 1000); $v["juli"] = 1000 < $v["juli"] ? number_format($v["juli"] / 1000, 1) . "km" : ($v["juli"] < 100 ? "<100m" : $v["juli"] . "m"); $v["invite_time"] = $v["invite_time"] < $today ? "今天 " . date("H:i", $v["invite_time"]) : ($v["invite_time"] < $tomorrow ? "明天 " . date("H:i", $v["invite_time"]) : ($v["invite_time"] < $lastday ? "后天 " . date("H:i", $v["invite_time"]) : date("m-d H:i", $v["invite_time"]))); $v["birthday"] && ($v["age"] = date("Y") - date("Y", strtotime($v["birthday"]))); $v["age"] = 100 < $v["age"] || $v["age"] < 0 ? "保密" : $v["age"] . "岁"; } return array("data" => $res, "total" => $count); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { $faker = Faker::create(); /*for ($i = 1; $i <= 2; $i++) { $this->command->info('User '.$i); DB::table('users')->insert(array ( "name" => $faker->userName, "email" => $faker->unique()->safeEmail, //"name" => 'embajada77', //"email" => '*****@*****.**', "password" => Hash::make('1234') )); }*/ $users_array = array(); $tope = 5518; $cronom = new cronometro(); $password = Hash::make('1234'); for ($i = 1; $i <= $tope; $i++) { $users_array[$i] = array("name" => $faker->userName, "email" => $faker->unique()->safeEmail, "password" => $password); $prcnt = ROUND($i * 100 / $tope, 2); $string_time = $cronom->getTiempoTranscurrido() . ' ' . $cronom->EstimarTiempoRestante($prcnt); $this->command->info($string_time . ' ' . $prcnt . '% User ' . $i . '/' . $tope); } DB::table('users')->insert($users_array); }
public function percentFinishedCalculation($Time_Min, $esDay, $esHour, $esMin, $finished) { $PercentFinished = 0; if ($finished == 1) { $PercentFinished = 100; } else { $PercentFinished = ROUND($Time_Min / ($esDay * 24 * 60 + $esHour * 60 + $esMin) * 100); } return $PercentFinished; }
function NumberFormat($number) { if ($number % 8 == 0) { $number = $number / 8; $formatNumber = ROUND($number, 0); } else { $number = ROUND($number / 8, 0); $formatNumber = number_format($number, 0); } return $formatNumber; }
public function beforeSave() { if ($this->isNewRecord) { $this->autor = Yii::app()->user->name; $this->peso = ROUND($this->archivo->getSize() / 1024, 2); $this->fechasubida = "" . date("Y-m-d") . ""; $this->extension = "." . $this->archivo->getExtensionName(); $this->ndescargas = 0; //$this->descridetalle=" ".date("H:i")." -->".$this->descridetalle; } else { //$this->ultimares=" ".strtoupper(trim($this->usuario=Yii::app()->user->name))." ".date("H:i")." :".$this->ultimares; } return parent::beforeSave(); }
function distribute_toll($db, $sector, $toll, $total_fighters) { $result3 = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM {$db->prefix}sector_defence WHERE sector_id=? AND defence_type ='F'", array($sector)); db_op_result($db, $result3, __LINE__, __FILE__); // Put the defence information into the array "defenceinfo" if ($result3 > 0) { while (!$result3->EOF) { $row = $result3->fields; $toll_amount = ROUND($row['quantity'] / $total_fighters * $toll); $resa = $db->Execute("UPDATE {$db->prefix}ships SET credits=credits + ? WHERE ship_id = ?", array($toll_amount, $row['ship_id'])); db_op_result($db, $resa, __LINE__, __FILE__); playerlog($db, $row['ship_id'], LOG_TOLL_RECV, "{$toll_amount}|{$sector}"); $result3->MoveNext(); } } }
public function create_bar($title, $value, $max, $width = 300, $onlyperc = true) { $perc = ROUND($value * 100 / $max); if ($perc > 100) { $perc = 100; } $wcell1 = $width / 100 * $perc; $wcell2 = $width / 100 * (100 - $perc); if ($onlyperc) { $printval = "{$perc}%"; } else { $printval = "{$value}({$perc}%)"; } $output .= "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2 frame=void ><tr><td>{$title}</td><td width={$wcell1}px style='background-color: #888888'><center><strong>{$printval}</strong></center></td><td width={$wcell2} style='background-color: #dddddd'></td></tr></table>"; return $output; }
public static function pilot_pay($pilotid) { $ft = "SELECT flighttime FROM phpvms_pireps WHERE pilotid = '{$pilotid}' ORDER BY submitdate DESC"; $flttme = DB::get_row($ft); $hr = intval($flttme->flighttime); $mn = ($flttme->flighttime - $hr) * 100; $min = $hr * 60 + $mn; $fr = "SELECT pilotpay FROM phpvms_pireps WHERE pilotid = '{$pilotid}' ORDER BY submitdate DESC"; $payrate = DB::get_row($fr); $pay = $payrate->pilotpay / 60; $pp = "SELECT totalpay FROM phpvms_pilots WHERE pilotid = '{$pilotid}'"; $ppay = DB::get_row($pp); $pipay = $payrate->totalpay; $ftupdt = $min * $pay; $ttalpay = $ftupdt + $pipay; $totalpay = ROUND($ttalpay, 2); $updt = "UPDATE phpvms_pilots SET totalpay = '{$totalpay}' + totalpay WHERE pilotid = '{$pilotid}'"; DB::query($updt); }
function number_readable($number, $unit = "bytes") { if ($unit == "bytes") { if ($number > 1000000000) { $number = ROUND($number / 1000000000) . "GB"; } else { if ($number > 1000000) { $number = ROUND($number / 1000000) . "MB"; } else { if ($number > 1000) { $number = ROUND($number / 1000) . "KB"; } } } } else { if ($unit == "decimals") { $number = number_format($number, 0, ".", ","); } } return $number; }
} if ($sth->rowCount() >= 1) { while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { //USER REGISTERED/CONFIRMED BNET ACCOUNT if ($row["user_bnet"] >= 1) { $sth2 = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . OSDB_STATS . " \r\n\t WHERE player = '" . $row["user_name"] . "' \r\n\t ORDER BY id DESC \r\n\t LIMIT 1 "); $result = $sth2->execute(); $row2 = $sth2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $MemberData[$c]["points"] = number_format($row2["points"]); $MemberData[$c]["games"] = $row2["games"]; $MemberData[$c]["score"] = $row2["score"]; $MemberData[$c]["wins"] = $row2["wins"]; $MemberData[$c]["losses"] = $row2["losses"]; $MemberData[$c]["uid"] = $row2["id"]; if ($row2["wins"] > 0) { $MemberData[$c]["winslosses"] = ROUND($row2["wins"] / ($row2["wins"] + $row2["losses"]), 3) * 100; } else { $MemberData[$c]["winslosses"] = 0; } } $MemberData[$c]["user_id"] = $row["user_id"]; $MemberData[$c]["user_name"] = $row["user_name"]; $MemberData[$c]["user_bnet"] = $row["user_bnet"]; $MemberData[$c]["user_ppwd"] = $row["user_ppwd"]; $MemberData[$c]["bnet_username"] = $row["bnet_username"]; $MemberData[$c]["user_email"] = $row["user_email"]; $MemberData[$c]["user_level"] = $row["user_level"]; $MemberData[$c]["total_comments"] = $row["total_comments"]; $MemberData[$c]["user_joined"] = date(OS_DATE_FORMAT, $row["user_joined"]); $MemberData[$c]["user_joined_date"] = $row["user_joined"]; $MemberData[$c]["user_location"] = $row["user_location"];
private function getstats() { $row = $this->db->get_row("stats"); extract($row); $efficiency_size = ROUND($localtraffic * 100 / $internettraffic); $efficiency_hit = ROUND($hit * 100 / $miss); $localtraffic = number_readable($localtraffic); $internettraffic = number_readable($internettraffic); $troughput_internet = number_readable($troughput_internet) . "/sec"; $troughput_local = number_readable($troughput_local) . "/sec"; $res = $this->db->sql("SELECT SUM(size) as size_sum, path FROM `videos` GROUP by path"); foreach ($res as $res1) { $space[$res1["path"]] = $res1["size_sum"]; } $this->addtostats("START"); $this->addtostats("Miss: " . number_readable($miss, "decimals")); $this->addtostats("Hit: " . number_readable($hit, "decimals")); $this->addtostats("Local traffic: {$localtraffic}"); $this->addtostats("Internet traffic: {$internettraffic}"); $this->addtostats("Connect time: {$connect_time}ms"); $this->addtostats("File access time: {$file_access_time}ms"); $this->addtostats("Internet troughput: {$troughput_internet}"); $this->addtostats("Local troughput: {$troughput_local}"); $vcount = $this->db->sql("select count(*) as cnt from videos"); $count = $vcount[0]["cnt"]; $this->addtostats("Cached videos: " . number_readable($count, "decimals")); $totalsum = $this->db->sql("SELECT SUM(size) as totalsum FROM `videos`"); $totalsum = $totalsum[0]["totalsum"]; $totalsum = number_readable($totalsum); $this->addtostats("Total video size: {$totalsum}"); $this->addtostats("Size Efficiency: {$efficiency_size}%"); $this->addtostats("Hit Efficiency: {$efficiency_hit}%"); $lastday = $this->db->sql("select count(*) as cnt from visits where `visit_date`>DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 1 DAY)"); $lastday = $lastday[0]["cnt"]; $this->addtostats("Last day hits: " . number_readable($lastday, "decimals")); $lasthr = $this->db->sql("select count(*) as cnt from visits where `visit_date`>DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 1 HOUR)"); $lasthr = $lasthr[0]["cnt"]; $this->addtostats("Last hour hits: " . number_readable($lasthr, "decimals")); $lastmin = $this->db->sql("select count(*) as cnt from visits where `visit_date`>DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 1 MINUTE)"); $lastmin = $lastmin[0]["cnt"]; $this->addtostats("Last minute hits: " . number_readable($lastmin, "decimals")); $totalsize = 0; $bars = ""; foreach ($space as $spath => $ssize) { $stotal = disk_total_space($spath); $bars .= $this->page_manager->create_bar($spath, $ssize, $stotal, 600, true); $perc = ROUND($ssize * 100 / $stotal); $totalsize += $stotal; $ssize = number_readable($ssize); $stotal = number_readable($stotal); $this->addtostats("Store path: <em>{$spath}</em> size <strong>{$ssize} ({$perc}%)</strong> total <strong>{$stotal}</strong>"); } // storage paths $this->addtostats("Total storage size: <strong>" . number_readable($totalsize) . "</strong>"); $this->addtostats("END"); $this->content .= $bars . "<br />\n"; }
<?php /* * Trae el presupuesto asociado al área determinada */ $sbNombAre = $_REQUEST['sbNombAre']; $BeanAreas = BeanFactory::getBean('opalo_area'); if ($sbNombAre != 'ninguno') { $bnAreas = $BeanAreas->get_full_list('', " like '{$sbNombAre}'"); $nuRes = 0; if ($bnAreas != null) { foreach ($bnAreas as $area) { $nuRes = $area->nuCostoArea; } } } else { $nuRes = 0; } echo json_encode(ROUND($nuRes, 2));
function OS_DrawStars($stars = 1, $width = 24) { $stars = ROUND($stars); $LeftStars = 5 - $stars; if ($stars >= 1) { for ($x = 1; $x <= $stars; $x++) { ?> <img class="imgvalign" src="<?php echo OS_THEME_PATH; ?> images/star-1.png" width="<?php echo $width; ?> " height="<?php echo $width; ?> " alt="rating star" /><?php } } if ($LeftStars >= 1) { for ($x = 1; $x <= $LeftStars; $x++) { ?> <img class="imgvalign" src="<?php echo OS_THEME_PATH; ?> images/star-0.png" width="<?php echo $width; ?> " height="<?php echo $width; ?> " alt="rating star" /> <?php } } }
} //---------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------- კავშირის გაწყვეტის მიზეზეი $row_COMPLETECALLER = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count`\n FROM `asterisk_incomming`\n WHERE disconnect_cause != 'ABANDON' \n AND DATE(call_datetime) >= '{$start_time}'\n AND DATE(call_datetime) <= '{$end_time}' \n AND dst_queue IN ({$queue}) \n AND dst_extension in ({$agent})\n AND disconnect_cause = 'COMPLETECALLER'")); $row_AGENT = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count`\n FROM `asterisk_incomming`\n WHERE\tdisconnect_cause != 'ABANDON' \n AND DATE(call_datetime) >= '{$start_time}'\n AND DATE(call_datetime) <= '{$end_time}'\n AND dst_queue IN ({$queue})\n AND dst_extension in ({$agent})\n AND disconnect_cause = 'COMPLETEAGENT'")); $data['page']['disconnection_cause'] = ' <tr> <td>ოპერატორმა გათიშა:</td> <td id="close_agent" style="cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline;">' . $row_AGENT[count] . ' ზარი</td> <td>' . ROUND($row_AGENT[count] / ($row_COMPLETECALLER[count] + $row_AGENT[count]) * 100, 2) . ' %</td> </tr> <tr> <td>აბონენტმა გათიშა:</td> <td id="close_celer" style="cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline;">' . $row_COMPLETECALLER[count] . ' ზარი</td> <td>' . ROUND($row_COMPLETECALLER[count] / ($row_COMPLETECALLER[count] + $row_AGENT[count]) * 100, 2) . ' %</td> </tr>'; //----------------------------------------------- } if ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'tab_2') { //----------------------------------- უპასუხო ზარები $data['page']['unanswer_call'] = ' <tr> <td>უპასუხო ზარების რაოდენობა:</td> <td>' . $row_abadon[count] . ' ზარი</td> </tr> <tr> <td>ლოდინის საშ. დრო კავშირის გაწყვეტამდე:</td> <td>' . $row_abadon[sec] . '</td> </tr>
function ajout_global_groupe($choix_groupe, $tab_new_nb_conges_all, $tab_calcul_proportionnel, $tab_new_comment_all, $DEBUG = FALSE) { $PHP_SELF = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $session = session_id(); // recup de la liste des users d'un groupe donné $list_users = get_list_users_du_groupe($choix_groupe, $DEBUG); foreach ($tab_new_nb_conges_all as $id_conges => $nb_jours) { if ($nb_jours != 0) { $comment = $tab_new_comment_all[$id_conges]; $sql1 = "SELECT u_login, u_quotite FROM conges_users WHERE u_login IN ({$list_users}) ORDER BY u_login "; $ReqLog1 = SQL::query($sql1); while ($resultat1 = $ReqLog1->fetch_array()) { $current_login = $resultat1["u_login"]; $current_quotite = $resultat1["u_quotite"]; if (!isset($tab_calcul_proportionnel[$id_conges]) || $tab_calcul_proportionnel[$id_conges] != TRUE) { $nb_conges = $nb_jours; } else { // pour arrondir au 1/2 le + proche on fait x 2, on arrondit, puis on divise par 2 $nb_conges = ROUND($nb_jours * ($current_quotite / 100) * 2) / 2; } $valid = verif_saisie_decimal($nb_conges, $DEBUG); if ($valid) { // 1 : on update conges_solde_user $req_update = 'UPDATE conges_solde_user SET su_solde = su_solde+ ' . intval($nb_conges) . ' WHERE su_login = \'' . SQL::quote($current_login) . '\' AND su_abs_id = ' . intval($id_conges) . ';'; $ReqLog_update = SQL::query($req_update); // 2 : on insert l'ajout de conges dans la table periode // recup du nom du groupe $groupename = get_group_name_from_id($choix_groupe, $DEBUG); $commentaire = _('resp_ajout_conges_comment_periode_groupe') . " {$groupename}"; // ajout conges insert_ajout_dans_periode($DEBUG, $current_login, $nb_conges, $id_conges, $commentaire); } } $group_name = get_group_name_from_id($choix_groupe, $DEBUG); if (!isset($tab_calcul_proportionnel[$id_conges]) || $tab_calcul_proportionnel[$id_conges] != TRUE) { $comment_log = "ajout conges pour groupe {$group_name} ({$nb_jours} jour(s)) ({$comment}) (calcul proportionnel : No)"; } else { $comment_log = "ajout conges pour groupe {$group_name} ({$nb_jours} jour(s)) ({$comment}) (calcul proportionnel : Yes)"; } log_action(0, "ajout", "groupe", $comment_log, $DEBUG); } } }
$targetnum=rand(1,$reccount); while (!$doomsday->EOF) { if ($i==$targetnum) { $targetinfo=$doomsday->fields; break; } $i++; $doomsday->MoveNext(); } if($affliction == 1) // Space Plague { echo "The horsmen release the Space Plague!<BR>."; $db->Execute("UPDATE $dbtables[planets] SET colonists = ROUND(colonists-colonists*$space_plague_kills) WHERE planet_id = $targetinfo[planet_id]"); $logpercent = ROUND($space_plague_kills * 100); playerlog($targetinfo[owner],LOG_SPACE_PLAGUE,"$targetinfo[name]|$targetinfo[sector_id]|$logpercent"); $name = get_player_name($targetinfo[owner]); $headline="Travel Advisory"; $news = addslashes("The Universe Health Organization warned visitors to refrain from visiting $targetinfo[name] due to an outbreak of Space Plague. Millions are reported dead. The plague was blamed on colonist overcrowding by $name. Shame!"); $db->Execute("INSERT INTO $dbtables[news] (headline, newstext, user_id, date, news_type) VALUES ('$headline','$news','$targetinfo[owner]',NOW(), 'plague')"); } else { echo "The horsemen release a Plasma Storm!<BR>."; $db->Execute("UPDATE $dbtables[planets] SET energy = 0 WHERE planet_id = $targetinfo[planet_id]"); playerlog($targetinfo[owner],LOG_PLASMA_STORM,"$targetinfo[name]|$targetinfo[sector_id]"); $name = get_player_name($targetinfo[owner]); $headline="Weather Report"; $news = addslashes("A plasma storm struck $name's sector today. No casualties were reported."); $db->Execute("INSERT INTO $dbtables[news] (headline, newstext, user_id, date, news_type) VALUES ('$headline','$news','$targetinfo[owner]',NOW(), 'plasma')");
$csv .= $separador; $csv .= $separador; $csv .= $separador; $csv .= $separador; $csv .= interpretaComa($row31['textoCabecera']) . $separador; $csv .= $row40['claveCuenta'] . $separador; $csv .= $row40['cuenta'] . $separador; $csv .= $separador; $csv .= $separador; $csv .= $separador; $csv .= $separador; $csv .= $separador; $csv .= $row31['calImp'] . $separador; $csv .= $row31['codImp'] . $separador; $csv .= $separador; $csv .= $rowPais['p_id'] == 2 || $rowPais['p_id'] == 13 ? ROUND($row40['monto']) . $separador : $row40['monto'] . $separador; $csv .= $separador; $csv .= $separador; $csv .= $separador; $csv .= $row40['ceco'] . $separador; $csv .= $row31['orden'] . $separador; $csv .= $separador; $csv .= $separador; $csv .= $separador; $csv .= $separador; $csv .= $separador; $csv .= $separador; $csv .= $separador; $csv .= $row31['acreedor'] . " - " . $row31['solicitud'] . $separador; $csv .= interpretaComa($row31['textoCabecera']) . $separador; $csv .= $separador;
" target="_blank" >#<?php echo $row["gameid"]; ?> </a></td> <td width="180"><a href="<?php echo OS_HOME; ?> ?u=<?php echo strtolower($row["name"]); ?> " target="_blank" ><b><?php echo $row["name"]; ?> </b></a></td> <td width="90"><span class="banned"><b>-<?php echo ROUND(($row["duration"] - $row["left"]) / 60, 1); ?> </b></span> min. </td> <td> <?php if ($skip == 1) { ?> (<b>skipping</b>)<?php } ?> <?php if ($b == 1) { ?> <b>banned</b><?php } ?>
/** * 設定洗髮佔比 * @param type $empAry * @param type $result * @param type $col * @param type $rate * @return type */ private function setWashEmpAry($empAry, $result, $col, $rate) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) { $empno = $result[$i]['empno']; if (isset($empAry[$empno])) { $emp = $empAry[$empno]; $emp[$col] = $result[$i]['wash']; if ($result[$i]['cut'] > 0) { $emp[$rate] = ROUND($result[$i]['wash'] / $result[$i]['cut'], 4) * 100 . "%"; } else { $emp[$rate] = "0%"; } $empAry[$empno] = $emp; } else { continue; } } return $empAry; }
$res_post_read = sql_query('SELECT last_post_read FROM read_posts WHERE user_id=' . $CURUSER['id'] . ' AND topic_id=' . $arr_unread['topic_id']); $arr_post_read = mysql_fetch_row($res_post_read); $did_i_post_here = sql_query('SELECT user_id FROM posts WHERE user_id=' . $CURUSER['id'] . ' AND topic_id=' . $arr_unread['topic_id']); $posted = mysql_num_rows($did_i_post_here) > 0 ? 1 : 0; if ($arr_post_read[0] < $arr_unread['last_post'] && $posted) { //=== change colors $colour = ++$colour % 2; $class = $colour == 0 ? 'one' : 'two'; $locked = $arr_unread['locked'] == 'yes'; $sticky = $arr_unread['sticky'] == 'yes'; $topic_poll = $arr_unread['poll_id'] > 0; $first_unread_poster = sql_query('SELECT added FROM posts WHERE status = \'ok\' AND topic_id=' . $arr_unread['topic_id'] . ' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1'); $first_unread_poster_arr = mysql_fetch_row($first_unread_poster); $thread_starter = ($arr_unread['username'] !== '' ? print_user_stuff($arr_unread) : 'Lost [' . $arr_unread['id'] . ']') . '<br />' . get_date($first_unread_poster_arr[0], ''); $topicpic = $arr_unread['post_count'] < 30 ? $locked ? 'lockednew' : 'topicnew' : ($locked ? 'lockednew' : 'hot_topic_new'); $rpic = $arr_unread['num_ratings'] != 0 ? ratingpic_forums(ROUND($arr_unread['rating_sum'] / $arr_unread['num_ratings'], 1)) : ''; $sub = sql_query('SELECT user_id FROM subscriptions WHERE user_id=' . $CURUSER['id'] . ' AND topic_id=' . $arr_unread['topic_id']); $subscriptions = mysql_num_rows($sub) > 0 ? 1 : 0; $icon = $arr_unread['icon'] == '' ? '<img src="pic/forums/topic_normal.gif" alt="Topic" title="Topic" />' : '<img src="pic/smilies/' . htmlspecialchars($arr_unread['icon']) . '.gif" alt="' . htmlspecialchars($arr_unread['icon']) . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($arr_unread['icon']) . '" />'; $first_post_text = tool_tip(' <img src="pic/forums/mg.gif" height="14" alt="Preview" title="Preview" />', format_comment($arr_unread['body']), 'Last Post Preview'); $topic_name = ($sticky ? '<img src="pic/forums/pinned.gif" alt="Pinned" title="Pinned" /> ' : ' ') . ($topicpoll ? '<img src="pic/forums/poll.gif" alt="Poll" title="Poll" /> ' : ' ') . ' <a class="altlink" href="?action=view_topic&topic_id=' . $arr_unread['topic_id'] . '" title="First post in thread">' . htmlentities($arr_unread['topic_name'], ENT_QUOTES) . '</a> <a class="altlink" href="forums.php?action=view_topic&topic_id=' . $arr_unread['topic_id'] . '&page=0#' . $arr_post_read[0] . '" title="First unread post in this thread"><img src="pic/forums/last_post.gif" alt="First unread post" title="First unread post" /></a> ' . ($posted ? '<img src="pic/forums/posted.gif" alt="Posted" title="Posted" /> ' : ' ') . ($subscriptions ? '<img src="pic/forums/subscriptions.gif" alt="subscribed" title="subscribed" /> ' : ' ') . ' <img src="pic/forums/new.gif" alt="New post in topic!" title="New post in topic!" />'; //=== print here $HTMLOUT .= '<tr> <td class="' . $class . '" align="center"><img src="pic/forums/' . $topicpic . '.gif" alt="topic" title="topic" /></td> <td class="' . $class . '" align="center">' . $icon . '</td> <td align="left" valign="middle" class="' . $class . '"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr>
public static function statusession() { $sesion_activa = Yii::app()->user->um->findSession(Yii::app()->user->um->LoadUserById(yii::app()->user->id)); $minutosrestantes = ROUND(($sesion_activa->expire - time()) / 60, 0); $porcentaje = 100 * round((time() - $sesion_activa->created) / ($sesion_activa->expire - $sesion_activa->created), 1); return array('porcentaje' => $porcentaje, 'minutosrestantes' => $minutosrestantes); }
$page = isset($_GET["page"]) ? $_GET["page"] : 0; // ------ Get topic info $res = sql_query("SELECT " . ($use_poll_mod ? 't.pollid, ' : '') . "t.locked, t.subject, t.sticky, t.userid AS t_userid, t.forumid, t.numratings, t.ratingsum, AS forum_name, f.minclassread, f.minclasswrite, f.minclasscreate, (SELECT COUNT(id)FROM posts WHERE topicid = AS p_count " . "FROM topics AS t " . "LEFT JOIN forums AS f ON = t.forumid " . "WHERE = " . sqlesc($topicid)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res) or stderr("Error", "Topic not found"); mysql_free_result($res); $use_poll_mod ? $pollid = (int) $arr["pollid"] : null; $t_userid = (int) $arr['t_userid']; $locked = $arr['locked'] == 'yes' ? true : false; $subject = $arr['subject']; $sticky = $arr['sticky'] == "yes" ? true : false; $forumid = (int) $arr['forumid']; $forum = $arr["forum_name"]; $postcount = (int) $arr['p_count']; $rating = ''; if ($arr["numratings"] != 0) { $rating = ROUND($arr["ratingsum"] / $arr["numratings"], 1); } $rpic = ratingpic($rating); if ($CURUSER["class"] < $arr["minclassread"]) { stderr("Error", "You are not permitted to view this topic."); } // ------ Update hits column sql_query("UPDATE topics SET views = views + 1 WHERE id={$topicid}") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); // ------ Make page menu $pagemenu1 = "<p align='center'>"; $perpage = $postsperpage; $pages = ceil($postcount / $perpage); if ($page[0] == "p") { $findpost = substr($page, 1); $res = sql_query("SELECT id FROM posts WHERE topicid={$topicid} ORDER BY added") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $i = 1;
} else { $ComparePlayersData[$c]["ckpg"] = 0; } if ($row["games"] >= 1 and $row["neutrals"] >= 1) { $ComparePlayersData[$c]["ne"] = ROUND($row["neutrals"] / $row["games"], 2); } else { $ComparePlayersData[$c]["ne"] = 0; } if ($row["games"] > 0 and $row["denies"] > 0) { $ComparePlayersData[$c]["cd"] = ROUND($row["denies"] / $row["games"], 2); } else { $ComparePlayersData[$c]["cd"] = 0; } //KD Ratio if ($row["deaths"] >= 1) { $ComparePlayersData[$c]["kd"] = ROUND($row["kills"] / $row["deaths"], 2); } else { $ComparePlayersData[$c]["kd"] = $row["kills"]; } //MOST GAMES if (!isset($MostGames)) { $MostGames = $row["player"]; $temp_games = $ComparePlayersData[$c]["games"]; $PlayerGames = $ComparePlayersData[$c]["games"]; } if ($ComparePlayersData[$c]["games"] > $temp_games) { $MostGames = $row["player"]; $PlayerGames = $ComparePlayersData[$c]["games"]; $temp_games = $ComparePlayersData[$c]["games"]; } //MOST WINS
} else { if( ($targetscore / $playerscore < $bounty_ratio || $targetinfo[turns_used] < $bounty_minturns) && substr($targetinfo[email], -8) != "furangee" && $targetscore < 500000 ) { // Check to see if there is Federation fine on the player. If there is, people can attack regardless. $btyamount = 0; $hasbounty = $db->Execute("SELECT SUM(amount) AS btytotal FROM $dbtables[bounty] WHERE bounty_on = $targetinfo[player_id] AND placed_by = 0"); if($hasbounty) { $resx = $hasbounty->fields; $btyamount = $resx[btytotal]; } if($btyamount <= 0) { $bounty = ROUND($playerscore * $playerscore * $bounty_maxvalue); // Let's find out if the Feds have done this already //echo "DEBUG: SELECT SUM(amount) AS btytotal FROM $dbtables[bounty] WHERE bounty_on=$playerinfo[ship_id] AND placed_by =0<br>"; $hasbounty2 = $db->Execute("SELECT SUM(amount) AS btytotal FROM $dbtables[bounty] WHERE bounty_on=$playerinfo[player_id] AND placed_by =0"); $resy = $hasbounty2->fields; $btyamount2 = $resy[btytotal]; //echo "DEBUG: Bounty = $bountyCurrent bounty = $btyamount2<br>"; if ($bounty > $btyamount2 && $btyamount2 != NULL) { $bounty = $bounty - $btyamount2; // Only increase it to current %age level $insert = $db->Execute("INSERT INTO $dbtables[bounty] (bounty_on,placed_by,amount) values ($playerinfo[player_id], 0 ,$bounty)"); playerlog($playerinfo[player_id],LOG_BOUNTY_FEDBOUNTY,"$bounty"); playerlog(1,LOG_RAW,"Additional fine of ".NUMBER($bounty)." placed on $playerinfo[character_name] score $playerscore for attacking $targetinfo[character_name] score $targetscore"); echo "The Federation added to your fine!<BR><BR>"; } else if ($btyamount2 != NULL) { playerlog($playerinfo[player_id],LOG_RAW,"The Federation kept their fine on you at its current level."); playerlog(1,LOG_RAW,"Kept fine on $playerinfo[character_name] score $playerscore for attacking $targetinfo[character_name] score $targetscore");
$contripercent1 = 50; $contripercent2 = 50; } else { $contripercent1 = ROUND($contribution1 * 100 / $totalcontribution); $contripercent2 = ROUND($contribution2 * 100 / $totalcontribution); } $val_rank1 = getNumberFromRank($rank1); $val_rank2 = getNumberFromRank($rank2); $val_maxrank1 = getNumberFromRank($maxrank1); $val_maxrank2 = getNumberFromRank($maxrank2); $totalval_rank = $val_rank1 + $val_rank2; $val_percent1 = ROUND($val_rank1 * 100 / $totalval_rank); $val_percent2 = ROUND($val_rank2 * 100 / $totalval_rank); $totalval_maxrank = $val_maxrank1 + $val_maxrank2; $maxval_percent1 = ROUND($val_maxrank1 * 100 / $totalval_maxrank); $maxval_percent2 = ROUND($val_maxrank2 * 100 / $totalval_maxrank); ?> </div> </div> <table class="table" width='70%'> <tr> <td align='center'> <?php echo $handle1; ?> </td> <td> </td>
public function mysign() { $invitation_signs = D("Invitation_sign")->field("invid")->where(array("uid" => $this->user_session["uid"]))->order("invid DESC")->select(); $invids = $pre = ""; foreach ($invitation_signs as $is) { $invids .= $pre . $is["invid"]; $pre = ","; } $today = strtotime(date("Y-m-d")) + 86400; $tomorrow = $today + 86400; $lastday = $tomorrow + 86400; if ($invids) { $sql = "SELECT i.*, u.* FROM " . C("DB_PREFIX") . "user as u INNER JOIN " . C("DB_PREFIX") . "invitation as i ON i.uid=u.uid WHERE i.pigcms_id IN ({$invids}) ORDER BY i.pigcms_id DESC, DESC"; $mode = new Model(); $res = $mode->query($sql); foreach ($res as &$v) { $v["_time"] = date("Y-m-d H:i", $v["invite_time"]); $v["juli"] = ROUND(6378.138 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT(POW(SIN(($this->_lat * PI() / 180 - $v["lat"] * PI() / 180) / 2), 2) + COS($this->_lat * PI() / 180) * COS($v["lat"] * PI() / 180) * POW(SIN(($this->_long * PI() / 180 - $v["long"] * PI() / 180) / 2), 2))) * 1000); $v["juli"] = 1000 < $v["juli"] ? number_format($v["juli"] / 1000, 1) . "km" : ($v["juli"] < 100 ? "<100m" : $v["juli"] . "m"); $v["invite_time"] = $v["invite_time"] < $today ? "今天 " . date("H:i", $v["invite_time"]) : ($v["invite_time"] < $tomorrow ? "明天 " . date("H:i", $v["invite_time"]) : ($v["invite_time"] < $lastday ? "后天 " . date("H:i", $v["invite_time"]) : date("m-d H:i", $v["invite_time"]))); $v["birthday"] && ($v["age"] = date("Y") - date("Y", strtotime($v["birthday"]))); } $this->assign("date_list", $res); } $this->display(); }
function crearProforma($IdOrdenCompra, $IdCliente, $CodigoOC) { global $UltimaInsercion; $IdLocal = getSesionDato("IdTienda"); $IdUsuario = CleanID(getSesionDato("IdUsuario")); $TipoPresupuesto = 'Proforma'; $TipoVenta = getSesionDato("TipoVentaTPV") != 1 ? getSesionDato("TipoVentaTPV") : 'VD'; $Impuesto = getSesionDato("IGV"); $mensaje = 'Orden Compra cod -' . $CodigoOC . '-'; $vigencia = getSesionDato("VigenciaPresupuesto"); // Serie presupuesto $sql = "SELECT Serie FROM ges_presupuestos " . "WHERE IdLocal = {$IdLocal} AND Eliminado = 0 ORDER BY IdPresupuesto DESC LIMIT 1 "; $row = queryrow($sql); $sreDocumento = $row["Serie"] ? $row["Serie"] : 1; // Nro Presupuesto $sql = "SELECT MAX(NPresupuesto) as NPresupuesto FROM ges_presupuestos " . "WHERE IdLocal = {$IdLocal} AND Serie = '{$sreDocumento}' AND Eliminado = 0 LIMIT 1 "; $row = queryrow($sql); $NroDocumento = $row["NPresupuesto"] ? $row["NPresupuesto"] + 1 : 1; //Tipo Cliente $sql = "SELECT TipoCliente FROM ges_clientes " . "WHERE IdCliente = {$IdCliente} AND Eliminado = 0 LIMIT 1 "; $row = queryrow($sql); $TipoCliente = $row["TipoCliente"]; //$TipoVenta = ($TipoCliente == 'Empresa' || $TipoCliente == 'Gobierno')? 'VC':$TipoVenta; $esquema = "IdLocal, IdUsuario, NPresupuesto,TipoPresupuesto," . "TipoVentaOperacion,FechaPresupuesto," . "Impuesto, Status,IdCliente," . "Observaciones,VigenciaPresupuesto,Serie"; $datos = "'{$IdLocal}','{$IdUsuario}','{$NroDocumento}','{$TipoPresupuesto}'," . "'{$TipoVenta}',NOW(),'{$Impuesto}','Pendiente','{$IdCliente}'," . "'{$mensaje}','{$vigencia}','{$sreDocumento}'"; $sql = "INSERT INTO ges_presupuestos (" . $esquema . ") VALUES (" . $datos . ")"; query($sql); $IdPresupuesto = $UltimaInsercion; $sql = "SELECT IdProducto, Unidades, Costo FROM ges_ordencompradet WHERE IdOrdenCompra = {$IdOrdenCompra} "; $res = query($sql); $xvalue = ""; $TotalImporte = 0; while ($row = Row($res)) { $IdProducto = $row["IdProducto"]; $Unidades = $row["Unidades"]; $sql = "SELECT PrecioVenta, PrecioVentaCorporativo,CodigoBarras,Referencia " . " FROM ges_almacenes " . "INNER JOIN ges_productos ON ges_almacenes.IdProducto = ges_productos.IdProducto " . " WHERE ges_almacenes.IdProducto = {$IdProducto} AND IdLocal = {$IdLocal}"; $row = queryrow($sql); $Referencia = $row["Referencia"]; $CodigoBarras = $row["CodigoBarras"]; $Precio = $row["PrecioVenta"]; $PrecioCorp = $row["PrecioVentaCorporativo"]; $Importe = $TipoVenta == 'VD' ? round($Unidades * $Precio, 2) : round($Unidades * $PrecioCorp, 2); $TotalImporte = $TotalImporte + $Importe; $xvalue .= "(NULL, " . $IdPresupuesto . "," . $IdProducto . ", " . $Unidades . ",'" . $CodigoBarras . "','" . $Referencia . "'," . $Precio . "," . $Importe . " ),"; } $xvalue = substr($xvalue, 0, -1); $sql = "INSERT INTO ges_presupuestosdet (idpresupuestodet, idpresupuesto, idproducto, cantidad,codigobarras,referencia,precio,importe) VALUES " . $xvalue; query($sql); $ImporteNeto = ROUND(100 * $TotalImporte / (100 + $Impuesto), 2); $ImporteImpuesto = $TotalImporte - $ImporteNeto; $sql = "UPDATE ges_presupuestos SET ImporteNeto = {$ImporteNeto}, " . "ImporteImpuesto = {$ImporteImpuesto}, TotalImporte = {$TotalImporte} " . "WHERE IdPresupuesto = {$IdPresupuesto} "; query($sql); return "~" . $sreDocumento . "-" . $NroDocumento; }
function constrByMask($pvdzID) { $tmp_rowCount = 1; $tilpums_bruto_KOPA = 0; $tilpums_virsmers_KOPA = 0; $tilpums_redukcija_KOPA = 0; $tilpums_neto_KOPA = 0; $tilpums_brakis_KOPA = 0; $tmp_balkuSkaits = 0; $tilpums_skaits_brakis_KOPA = 0; $bbq_temp = false; $tmp_arrCollName['nosaukums'] = 1; $tmp_arrCollName['suga'] = "Suga"; $tmp_arrCollName['skira'] = "Šķira"; $tmp_arrCollName['diametrs'] = "Diametrs"; $tmp_arrCollName['garums'] = "Garums"; $tmp_arrCollName['brakis_kods'] = "Brāķa iemesls"; $tmp_arrCollName['skaits'] = "Skaits"; $tmp_arrCollName['bruto'] = "Bruto"; $tmp_arrCollName['virsmers'] = "Virsmērs"; $tmp_arrCollName['redukcija'] = "Redukcija"; $tmp_arrCollName['redukcija_un_virsmers'] = "Red. un virsm."; $tmp_arrCollName['brakis'] = "Brāķis"; $tmp_arrCollName['neto'] = "Neto"; $tmp_arrCollName['brakis_un_neto'] = "Brāķis un Neto"; $tmp_getDataQuery_txt = "SELECT * FROM " . $this->tblName . "balkis_temp WHERE pavadzime = " . $pvdzID . " ORDER BY mind_pirms_red"; if (!$pvdzID) { $tmp_getDataQuery_txt = "SELECT * FROM " . $this->tblName . "balkis_temp ORDER BY mind_pirms_red"; $bbq_temp = true; } $tmp_getDataQuery_query = mysql_query($tmp_getDataQuery_txt); /* While($tmp_getDataQuery_arr_tmp = mysql_fetch_assoc($tmp_getDataQuery_query)){ $tmp_getDataQuery_arr_tmp_first[] = $tmp_getDataQuery_arr_tmp; $tmp_getDataQuery_arr_tmp_second[] = $tmp_getDataQuery_arr_tmp; } $tmp_getDataQuery_arr_tmp_third = array_chunk($tmp_getDataQuery_arr_tmp_second,500); foreach($tmp_getDataQuery_arr_tmp_third as $item_ttt){ foreach($item_ttt as $tmp_getDataQuery_arr){ */ /* $part_count = 0; $tmp_getDataQuery_txt_temp = run_mysql_by_partitions($part_count,$tmp_getDataQuery_txt); $tmp_getDataQuery_query = mysql_query($tmp_getDataQuery_txt_temp); while(mysql_num_rows($tmp_getDataQuery_query) > 1){ $tmp_getDataQuery_txt_temp = run_mysql_by_partitions($part_count,$tmp_getDataQuery_txt); $tmp_getDataQuery_query = mysql_query($tmp_getDataQuery_txt_temp); $part_count++; */ while ($tmp_getDataQuery_arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($tmp_getDataQuery_query)) { $tilpums_bruto = 0; $tilpums_virsmers = 0; $tilpums_redukcija = 0; $tilpums_neto = 0; $tilpums_brakis = 0; $isBrakaVirsmOn = $this->MyPOST['braka_virsmers']; if ($tmp_getDataQuery_arr['pavadzime'] == 76806 && $this->firmCode == 2) { $isBrakaVirsmOn = 'off'; } //-#001-FUNC-START--Nepieciešamo datu kolekcionēšana no datubāzes------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $tmp_ident_balkis = $tmp_getDataQuery_arr['id']; $var_Suga = $tmp_getDataQuery_arr['suga']; $tmp_tilpumsBruto = $tmp_getDataQuery_arr['tilpums']; $tmp_tilpumsNeto = $tmp_getDataQuery_arr['tilpums_scan']; $tmp_garums_pirms_red = $tmp_getDataQuery_arr['garums']; $tmp_garums_pec_red = $tmp_getDataQuery_arr['gar_pec_red']; $tmp_tievgalis_pirms_red = $tmp_getDataQuery_arr['mind_pirms_red']; $tmp_tievgalis_pec_red = $tmp_getDataQuery_arr['mind_pec_red']; $tmp_vidusdiametrs_pirms_red = $tmp_getDataQuery_arr['mind_miza']; $tmp_vidusdiametrs_pec_red = $tmp_getDataQuery_arr['mind_miza'] - ($tmp_getDataQuery_arr['mind_pirms_red'] - $tmp_getDataQuery_arr['mind_pec_red']); $tmp_resgalis_pirms_red = $tmp_getDataQuery_arr['maxd_miza']; $tmp_resgalis_pec_red = $tmp_getDataQuery_arr['maxd_miza'] - ($tmp_getDataQuery_arr['mind_pirms_red'] - $tmp_getDataQuery_arr['mind_pec_red']); //-#001-FUNC-END------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-#002-FUNC-START--Nepieciešamās grupas atrašana--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $igc = 1; // Grupu skaits $init_Group = false; while ($igc < 9 && $init_Group == false) { $tmp_igcCheck = 0; for ($igo = 1; $igo < 6; $igo++) { //Grupēšanas nosacījumus cikls for ($subcount = 0; $subcount < 3; $subcount++) { if ($this->tmpAllGroup[$igc][$this->GroupOrder[$igo]][$subcount]) { $tmp_SubResult = $this->tmpAllGroup[$igc][$this->GroupOrder[$igo]][$subcount]; if (!$this->tmpAllGroup[$igc][$this->GroupOrder[$igo]][0]) { $tmp_SubResult = $this->tmpAllGroup[$igc][$this->GroupOrder[$igo]][$var_Suga]; } $tmp_ALLbResult = $this->getMaskGroup($tmp_SubResult, $tmp_getDataQuery_arr[$this->GroupOrder[$igo]], $this->GroupOrder[$igo]); $tmp_inputArrVal[$this->GroupOrder[$igo]] = $tmp_ALLbResult; if ($tmp_ALLbResult != '') { $tmp_igcCheck = $tmp_igcCheck + 1; } } else { $tmp_igcCheck = $tmp_igcCheck + 1; } } if ($igo == 5 && $tmp_igcCheck == 15) { // Grupas noteikšana līdz pirmajiem sakritības rezultātiem (rekursija ar limitētu ciklu skaitu) $init_Group = true; $globalGroupIdent = $igc; } } $igc++; } //-#002-FUNC-END------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-#003-FUNC-START--Tilpuma aprēķināšana------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $prnt_Nosaukums = 0; $prnt_Suga = $this->sugas[$var_Suga]['LAT']; $prnt_Skira = $tmp_getDataQuery_arr['skira']; $prnt_Brakis = $this->braki[$tmp_getDataQuery_arr['brakis']]['LAT']; $prnt_Diametrs = $tmp_inputArrVal['mind_pirms_red']; $prnt_Garums = $tmp_inputArrVal['garums']; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($this->firmCode == 35 && $prnt_Skira == 3) { $prnt_Skira = 9; $prnt_Brakis = $this->braki['010']['LAT']; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($this->MyPOST['noapalot_garumu'] == '1') { $tmp_garums_pirms_red = floor($tmp_garums_pirms_red / 10) * 10; } elseif ($this->MyPOST['noapalot_garumu'] == '2') { $tmp_garums_pirms_red = (floor($tmp_garums_pirms_red / 10) + 0.5) * 10; } $tmp_raukumaRinda = $this->tmpRaukGroup[$globalGroupIdent][0]; if (!$tmp_raukumaRinda) { $tmp_raukumaRinda = $this->tmpRaukGroup[$globalGroupIdent][$var_Suga]; } $raukums = raukums_2_array($tmp_raukumaRinda); $rauk_koef = get_raukums_no_diam($raukums, $tmp_tievgalis_pirms_red); $tmp_DiamRedukcija = $tmp_tievgalis_pirms_red - $tmp_tievgalis_pec_red; $tilpums_bruto = $this->calc_Volume($tmp_tievgalis_pirms_red, $tmp_vidusdiametrs_pirms_red, $tmp_resgalis_pirms_red, $tmp_garums_pirms_red, $rauk_koef, $koeficients, $gostu_tabula, $this->MyPOST['metode']); if ($this->MyPOST['noapalot_diametru'] == 'on') { $tmp_tievgalis_pec_red = (floor($tmp_tievgalis_pec_red / 10) + 0.5) * 100; } $tmp_virsmeraRinda = $this->tmpNomGarGroup[$globalGroupIdent][0]; if (!$tmp_virsmeraRinda) { $tmp_virsmeraRinda = $this->tmpNomGarGroup[$globalGroupIdent][$var_Suga]; } $tmp_virsmeraRindaBrakis = $this->tmpNomGarBrakGroup[$globalGroupIdent][0]; if (!$tmp_virsmeraRindaBrakis) { $tmp_virsmeraRindaBrakis = $this->tmpNomGarBrakGroup[$globalGroupIdent][$var_Suga]; } if ($tmp_virsmeraRindaBrakis) { $virsmeri_brakim = explode(',', $tmp_virsmeraRindaBrakis); for ($i = 0; $i < count($virsmeri_brakim); $i++) { $virsmeri_brakim[$i] = $virsmeri_brakim[$i]; } } $virsmeri = explode(',', $tmp_virsmeraRinda); for ($i = 0; $i < count($virsmeri); $i++) { $virsmeri[$i] = $virsmeri[$i]; } $tmp_mini_virsmeraRinda = $this->tmpVirsmGroup[$globalGroupIdent][0]; if (!$tmp_mini_virsmeraRinda) { $tmp_mini_virsmeraRinda = $this->tmpVirsmGroup[$globalGroupIdent][$var_Suga]; } $tmp_nom_garums_pirms_red = nominalGarums($tmp_getDataQuery_arr['garums'], $virsmeri, $tmp_mini_virsmeraRinda); $tmp_nom_garums_pec_red = nominalGarums($tmp_garums_pec_red, $virsmeri, $tmp_mini_virsmeraRinda); if ($this->MyPOST['is_vika'] == 'on') { $tmp_garums_pec_red = $tmp_garums_pec_red + $tmp_mini_virsmeraRinda; $tmp_nom_garums_pec_red = nominalGarums($tmp_garums_pec_red, $virsmeri, $tmp_mini_virsmeraRinda); $tilpums_neto = $this->calc_Volume($tmp_tievgalis_pec_red, $tmp_vidusdiametrs_pec_red, $tmp_resgalis_pec_red, $tmp_nom_garums_pec_red, $rauk_koef, $koeficients, $gostu_tabula, $this->MyPOST['metode']); $tilpums_bruto_virsmeram = $this->calc_Volume($tmp_tievgalis_pirms_red, $tmp_vidusdiametrs_pirms_red, $tmp_resgalis_pirms_red, $tmp_nom_garums_pirms_red, $rauk_koef, $koeficients, $gostu_tabula, $this->MyPOST['metode']); $tilpums_virsmers = ROUND($tilpums_bruto - $tilpums_bruto_virsmeram, 3); $tilpums_redukcija = $tilpums_bruto_virsmeram - $tilpums_neto; } else { $tilpums_neto = $this->calc_Volume($tmp_tievgalis_pec_red, $tmp_vidusdiametrs_pec_red, $tmp_resgalis_pec_red, $tmp_nom_garums_pec_red, $rauk_koef, $koeficients, $gostu_tabula, $this->MyPOST['metode']); $tilpums_bruto_virsmeram = $this->calc_Volume($tmp_tievgalis_pirms_red, $tmp_vidusdiametrs_pirms_red, $tmp_resgalis_pirms_red, $tmp_nom_garums_pirms_red, $rauk_koef, $koeficients, $gostu_tabula, $this->MyPOST['metode']); $tilpums_virsmers = ROUND($tilpums_bruto - $tilpums_bruto_virsmeram, 3); $tilpums_redukcija = $tilpums_bruto_virsmeram - $tilpums_neto; } if ($this->MyPOST['metode'] == 4) { if ($this->firmCode == 27) { $tilpums_bruto = floor($tmp_tilpumsBruto / 10) / 1000; $tilpums_neto = floor($tmp_tilpumsNeto / 10) / 1000; $tilpums_bruto_virsmeram = floor($tmp_tilpumsNeto / 10) / 1000; $tilpums_virsmers = $tilpums_bruto - $tilpums_bruto_virsmeram; $tilpums_redukcija = 0; } else { $tilpums_bruto = $tmp_tilpumsBruto; $tilpums_neto = $tmp_tilpumsNeto; $tilpums_bruto_virsmeram = $tmp_tilpumsNeto; $tilpums_virsmers = $tilpums_bruto - $tilpums_bruto_virsmeram; $tilpums_redukcija = 0; } } if ($tilpums_virsmers < 0) { $tilpums_virsmers = 0; } if ($tilpums_bruto_virsmeram == 0) { $tilpums_virsmers = 0; } if ($tilpums_redukcija < 0) { $tilpums_redukcija = 0; } //-#003-FUNC-END-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-#004-FUNC-START--Papildus dimensijas brāķa priešķiršana-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $takeReCallOn4 = false; if ($tmp_nom_garums_pec_red < 1 && !$prnt_Brakis) { $prnt_Skira = 9; $prnt_Brakis = $this->braki['899']['LAT']; $takeReCallOn4 = true; } if (substr($prnt_Diametrs, 0, 1) == 'b' && !$prnt_Brakis) { $prnt_Skira = 9; $prnt_Brakis = $this->braki['899']['LAT']; $prnt_Diametrs = str_replace('b', '', $prnt_Diametrs); $takeReCallOn4 = true; } if (substr($prnt_Garums, 0, 1) == 'b' && !$prnt_Brakis) { $prnt_Skira = 9; $prnt_Brakis = $this->braki['899']['LAT']; $prnt_Garums = str_replace('b', '', $prnt_Garums); $takeReCallOn4 = true; } if ($prnt_Brakis == 'D') { // XML nobrāķēšana ar 4 kodu $takeReCallOn4 = true; } if ($takeReCallOn4) { $tmp_is4 = mod_ResignLVMRejectCode($this->firmCode, $tmp_getDataQuery_arr['garums'], $tmp_getDataQuery_arr['mind_pirms_red'], $tmp_getDataQuery_arr['suga'], $tmp_getDataQuery_arr['skira']); if ($tmp_is4) { $prnt_Brakis = $this->braki['856']['LAT']; } } //-#004-FUNC-END----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-#005-FUNC-START--Brāķa tilpuma aprēķināšana--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($prnt_Brakis) { $tilpums_neto = 0; $tilpums_redukcija = 0; if ($isBrakaVirsmOn == 'on') { if ($virsmeri_brakim) { $tmp_nom_garums_pirms_red_brakim = nominalGarums($tmp_getDataQuery_arr['garums'], $virsmeri_brakim, $tmp_mini_virsmeraRinda); $tilpums_bruto_virsmeram = $this->calc_Volume($tmp_tievgalis_pirms_red, $tmp_vidusdiametrs_pirms_red, $tmp_resgalis_pirms_red, $tmp_nom_garums_pirms_red_brakim, $rauk_koef, $koeficients, $gostu_tabula, $this->MyPOST['metode']); if ($tilpums_bruto_virsmeram > 0) { $tilpums_virsmers = $tilpums_bruto - $tilpums_bruto_virsmeram; $tilpums_brakis = $tilpums_bruto_virsmeram; } else { $tilpums_virsmers = 0; $tilpums_brakis = $tilpums_bruto; } } else { if ($tilpums_bruto_virsmeram > 0) { $tilpums_brakis = $tilpums_bruto_virsmeram; } else { $tilpums_virsmers = 0; $tilpums_brakis = $tilpums_bruto; } } } else { $tilpums_virsmers = 0; $tilpums_brakis = $tilpums_bruto; } } $tmp_inputArrVal['mind_pirms_red'] = str_replace('b', '', $tmp_inputArrVal['mind_pirms_red']); $prnt_Diametrs = str_replace('b', '', $prnt_Diametrs); $tmp_inputArrVal['garums'] = str_replace('b', '', $tmp_inputArrVal['garums']); $prnt_Garums = str_replace('b', '', $prnt_Garums); //-#005-FUNC-END----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-#006-FUNC-START--Vienādo grupēšanu pāskats--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $pilnaGrupesana = false; if ($this->report_XML) { $pilnaGrupesana = true; } if (($this->firmCode == 16 || $this->firmCode == 18 || $this->isAllReport) && !$this->report_PDF) { $pilnaGrupesana = true; } $rowExist = 0; if (!$pilnaGrupesana) { for ($protoKey = $tmp_rowCount - 1; $protoKey > 0; $protoKey--) { if ($this->arrPrintOut[$protoKey]['suga'] == $prnt_Suga) { if ($this->arrPrintOut[$protoKey]['skira'] == $prnt_Skira) { if ($this->arrPrintOut[$protoKey]['diametrs'] == $prnt_Diametrs) { if ($this->arrPrintOut[$protoKey]['brakis_kods'] == $prnt_Brakis) { $rowExist = $protoKey; } } } } } } else { for ($protoKey = $tmp_rowCount - 1; $protoKey > 0; $protoKey--) { if ($this->arrPrintOut[$protoKey]['suga'] == $prnt_Suga) { if ($this->arrPrintOut[$protoKey]['skira'] == $prnt_Skira) { if ($this->arrPrintOut[$protoKey]['diametrs'] == $prnt_Diametrs) { if ($this->arrPrintOut[$protoKey]['garums'] == $prnt_Garums) { if ($this->arrPrintOut[$protoKey]['brakis_kods'] == $prnt_Brakis) { $rowExist = $protoKey; } } } } } } } //-#006-FUNC-END----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-#007-FUNC-START--Statisko vērtību ievietošana--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $insertRow = $tmp_rowCount; if ($rowExist != 0) { $insertRow = $rowExist; } $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['nosaukums'] = 0; $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['suga'] = $prnt_Suga; $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['skira'] = $prnt_Skira; $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['diametrs'] = $prnt_Diametrs; $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['garums'] = $prnt_Garums; $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['brakis_kods'] = $prnt_Brakis; if ($this->report_XML) { $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['diametrs_tmp'] = $tmp_getDataQuery_arr['mind_pirms_red']; $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['garums_tmp'] = $tmp_getDataQuery_arr['garums']; } $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['skaits'] += 1; if ($this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['brakis_kods'] != '') { $tilpums_skaits_brakis_KOPA += 1; } //-#007-FUNC-END----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-#008-FUNC-START--Dinamisko vērtību piešķiršana--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['bruto'] += $tilpums_bruto; $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['virsmers'] += $tilpums_virsmers; $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['redukcija'] += $tilpums_redukcija; $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['redukcija_un_virsmers'] += $tilpums_bruto - $tilpums_neto; $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['brakis'] += $tilpums_brakis; $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['neto'] += $tilpums_neto; $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['brakis_un_neto'] += $tilpums_neto + $tilpums_brakis; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if ($this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['bruto'] != '') { $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['bruto'] = number_format($this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['bruto'], 3, '.', ''); } else { $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['bruto'] = ''; } if ($this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['virsmers'] != '') { $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['virsmers'] = number_format($this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['virsmers'], 3, '.', ''); } else { $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['virsmers'] = ''; } if ($this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['redukcija'] != '') { $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['redukcija'] = number_format($this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['redukcija'], 3, '.', ''); } else { $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['redukcija'] = ''; } if ($this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['redukcija_un_virsmers'] != '') { $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['redukcija_un_virsmers'] = number_format($this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['redukcija_un_virsmers'], 3, '.', ''); } else { $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['redukcija_un_virsmers'] = ''; } if ($this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['brakis'] != '') { $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['brakis'] = number_format($this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['brakis'], 3, '.', ''); } else { $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['brakis'] = ''; } if ($this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['neto'] != '') { $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['neto'] = number_format($this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['neto'], 3, '.', ''); } else { $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['neto'] = ''; } if ($this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['brakis_un_neto'] != '') { $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['brakis_un_neto'] = number_format($this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['brakis_un_neto'], 3, '.', ''); } else { $this->arrPrintOut[$insertRow]['brakis_un_neto'] = ''; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $tilpums_bruto_KOPA = $tilpums_bruto_KOPA + $tilpums_bruto; $tilpums_virsmers_KOPA = $tilpums_virsmers_KOPA + $tilpums_virsmers; $tilpums_redukcija_KOPA = $tilpums_redukcija_KOPA + $tilpums_redukcija; $tilpums_neto_KOPA = $tilpums_neto_KOPA + $tilpums_neto; $tilpums_brakis_KOPA = $tilpums_brakis_KOPA + $tilpums_brakis; $tmp_balkuSkaits++; $tmp_rowCount++; } // } //-#008-FUNC-END----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-#009-FUNC-START--Rindu pārgrupēšana masīvā--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (($this->firmCode == 16 || $this->firmCode == 20 || $this->isAllReport) && !$this->report_PDF && !$this->report_XML) { $this->arrPrintOut = array_orderby($this->arrPrintOut, 'suga', SORT_ASC, 'skira', SORT_ASC, 'diametrs', SORT_ASC, 'garums', SORT_ASC, 'brakis_kods', SORT_ASC); } else { $this->arrPrintOut = array_orderby($this->arrPrintOut, 'suga', SORT_ASC, 'skira', SORT_ASC, 'diametrs', SORT_ASC, 'brakis_kods', SORT_ASC); } array_unshift($this->arrPrintOut, $tmp_arrCollName); //-#009-FUNC-END----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-#010-FUNC-START--Kopsummas rindas pievienošana--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $this->arrPrintOut[$tmp_rowCount]['nosaukums'] = 1; $this->arrPrintOut[$tmp_rowCount]['suga'] = ""; $this->arrPrintOut[$tmp_rowCount]['skira'] = ""; $this->arrPrintOut[$tmp_rowCount]['diametrs'] = ""; $this->arrPrintOut[$tmp_rowCount]['garums'] = ""; $this->arrPrintOut[$tmp_rowCount]['brakis_kods'] = ""; $this->arrPrintOut[$tmp_rowCount]['skaits'] = $tmp_balkuSkaits; $this->arrPrintOut[$tmp_rowCount]['bruto'] = number_format($tilpums_bruto_KOPA, 3, '.', '') . "*"; $this->arrPrintOut[$tmp_rowCount]['virsmers'] = number_format($tilpums_virsmers_KOPA, 3, '.', '') . "*"; $this->arrPrintOut[$tmp_rowCount]['redukcija'] = number_format($tilpums_redukcija_KOPA, 3, '.', '') . "*"; $this->arrPrintOut[$tmp_rowCount]['redukcija_un_virsmers'] = number_format($tilpums_bruto_KOPA - $tilpums_neto_KOPA, 3, '.', '') . "*"; $this->arrPrintOut[$tmp_rowCount]['brakis'] = number_format($tilpums_brakis_KOPA, 3, '.', '') . "*"; $this->arrPrintOut[$tmp_rowCount]['neto'] = number_format($tilpums_neto_KOPA, 3, '.', '') . "*"; $this->arrPrintOut[$tmp_rowCount]['brakis_un_neto'] = number_format($tilpums_brakis_KOPA + $tilpums_neto_KOPA, 3, '.', '') . "*"; $this->regSuperSum['bruto'] = $tilpums_bruto_KOPA; $this->regSuperSum['virsmers'] = $tilpums_virsmers_KOPA; $this->regSuperSum['redukcija'] = $tilpums_redukcija_KOPA; $this->regSuperSum['brakis'] = $tilpums_brakis_KOPA; $this->regSuperSum['neto'] = $tilpums_neto_KOPA; $this->regSuperSum['skaits'] = $tmp_balkuSkaits; $this->regSuperSum['skaits_brakis'] = $tilpums_skaits_brakis_KOPA; //-#010-FUNC-END----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-#011-FUNC-START-END-Rezultāts--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // fb($this->arrPrintOut,'arrPrintOut'); // break; return true; }
public function actionSubearchivo($id) { $model = new Archivador(); //ECHO "la magen ".$_POST['image']; if (isset($_POST['Archivador'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['Archivador']; $model->imagen = CUploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'imagen'); $mensaje = ""; $mensaje2 = ""; if (!(strtoupper($model->imagen->getExtensionName()) == 'JPG' or strtoupper($model->imagen->getExtensionName() == 'JPEG'))) { $mensaje = "El archivo no es una imagen valida " . $model->imagen->getExtensionName(); } $tamanomaximo = 3000; if ($model->imagen->getSize() > 1024 * $tamanomaximo) { $mensaje2 = "El archivo es muy pesado :" . ROUND($model->imagen->getSize() / 1024, 2) . " suba imagenes menores a " . $tamanomaximo . " KB "; } if (trim($mensaje . $mensaje2 == "")) { $fot = new Fotos($model->codigosap, Yii::app()->params['rutafotosinventario'], '.JPG'); $fotonueva = $fot->siguiente_numero(); $model->imagen->saveAs($fot->rutadearchivos . $fotonueva); $this->redirect(array('detalle', 'id' => $id)); } else { $this->render('vw_error_foto', array('mensaje' => $mensaje, 'mensaje2' => $mensaje2)); Yii::app()->end(); } } $model = $this->loadModel($id); $this->render('vw_subir_archivo', array('model' => $model, 'id' => $id)); }
$gela .= '<Cell ss:StyleID="s68"><Data ss:Type="Number">' . $row_total_req[1] . '</Data></Cell>'; $gela .= '<Cell ss:StyleID="s68"><Data ss:Type="Number">' . ROUND($row_total_req[1] / $row_total_total_req * 100, 2) . '</Data></Cell>'; } else { $gela .= '<Cell ss:StyleID="s68"><Data ss:Type="Number">0</Data></Cell>'; $gela .= '<Cell ss:StyleID="s68"><Data ss:Type="Number">0</Data></Cell>'; } if ($row_answer_req[0] == $user_req[0]) { $gela .= '<Cell ss:StyleID="s68"><Data ss:Type="Number">' . $row_answer_req[1] . '</Data></Cell>'; $gela .= '<Cell ss:StyleID="s68"><Data ss:Type="Number">' . ROUND($row_answer_req[1] / $row_answer_total_req * 100, 2) . '</Data></Cell>'; } else { $gela .= '<Cell ss:StyleID="s68"><Data ss:Type="Number">0</Data></Cell>'; $gela .= '<Cell ss:StyleID="s68"><Data ss:Type="Number">0</Data></Cell>'; } if ($row_dadebit_req[0] == $user_req[0]) { $gela .= '<Cell ss:StyleID="s68"><Data ss:Type="Number">' . $row_dadebit_req[1] . '</Data></Cell>'; $gela .= '<Cell ss:StyleID="s68"><Data ss:Type="Number">' . ROUND($row_dadebit_req[1] / $row_dadebit_total_req * 100, 2) . '</Data></Cell>'; } else { $gela .= '<Cell ss:StyleID="s68"><Data ss:Type="Number">0</Data></Cell>'; $gela .= '<Cell ss:StyleID="s68"><Data ss:Type="Number">0</Data></Cell>'; } $gela .= '</Row>'; } $data = ' <?xml version="1.0"?> <?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?> <Workbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns:ss="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" xmlns:html=""> <DocumentProperties xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">