case 1: $title = 'Unable to Process'; include "header.php"; print "<h2>Account Balance Too High</h2>\n\t\tYour account, number {$ToAccount}, has a balance that exceeds the permitted maximum. You cannot enter this cheque until your balance returns to within acceptable limits."; include "footer.php"; exit; break; case 2: $SellerOver = "<strong>WARNING:</strong>"; break; default: } // seems all is good. Now we can record the trade. include "recordtrade.php"; // get a transaction ID $transIDtime = time(); mysql_query("INSERT INTO transidlookup\n\t\t VALUES ('','{$transIDtime}','{$MemberID}')"); $transIDlookup = mysql_query("SELECT TransactionID FROM transidlookup\n\t\t\t WHERE Time = {$transIDtime}\n\t\t\t AND MemberID = {$MemberID}"); $TransactionID = mysql_result($transIDlookup, 0, 'TransactionID'); // update the Cheque table to show Transaction ID mysql_query("UPDATE cheques\n\t\tSET TransactionID = {$TransactionID}\n\t\tWHERE ChequeID = {$ChequeID}"); // enter the transaction SubmitTrade($TransactionID, $Cheque["AccountID"], -$Amount, "Cheque {$ChequeID}: {$Memo}", $ToAccount); SubmitTrade($TransactionID, $ToAccount, $Amount, "Cheque {$ChequeID}: {$Memo}", $Cheque["AccountID"]); ProcessFee($TransactionID, $ToAccount, $Amount, 'sell'); ProcessFee($TransactionID, $Cheque["AccountID"], $Amount, 'buy'); $title = 'Cheque Registered'; include 'header.php'; print "<h2>Cheque Registered</h2>\n\tCheque {$ChequeID} has been registered, and the amount of {$Amount} Ecos has been transferred to Account {$ToAccount}.<p>\n\tTo have this transaction reversed, contact the <a href=mailto:{$SystemEmail}>system administrator</a><p>\n\t<hr><p>\n\t<strong>To register another cheque complete the form below:</strong><p>\n"; PrintForm('', '', '', ''); include 'footer.php';
//編集対象番号が入力されている場合編集フォーム出力 PrintFormEdit(); } if ($_POST["delete_num"] != null) { //削除対象番号が入力されている場合 DeleteData(); } else { if ($_POST["edit_num"] == null) { //編集対象番号に入力がなければ WriteData(); } } } else { if (isset($_POST["edit_form"])) { //編集フォームを入力した後の処理 PrintForm(); EditData(); } } } ReadData(); //ファイルに掲示板のデータを書き込む関数 function WriteData() { $keijiban_file = 'keijiban.txt'; if (!file_exists($keijiban_file)) { //ファイル作成 if (touch($keijiban_file)) { chmod($keijiban_file, 0777); } }
case 'save': $experimentid = SaveForm($enrollmentid, $formid, $val_strings, $val_numbers, $val_texts, $val_dates, $val_files, $experimentor, $experimentdate, $username, $label, $notes); ViewForm($experimentid, "view"); break; case 'update': UpdateForm($experimentid, $enrollmentid, $formid, $val_strings, $val_numbers, $val_texts, $val_dates, $val_files, $experimentor, $experimentdate, $username, $label, $notes); ViewForm($experimentid, "view"); break; case 'view': ViewForm($experimentid, "print"); break; case 'edit': ViewForm($experimentid, "edit"); break; case 'print': PrintForm($experimentid); break; default: echo "No action specified"; } /* ------------------------------------ functions ------------------------------------ */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* ------- SetAsComplete ---------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ function SetAsComplete($experimentid) { $sqlstring = "update assessments set iscomplete = 1 where experiment_id = $experimentid"; $result = mysql_query($sqlstring) or die("Query failed [" . __FILE__ . "(line " . __LINE__ . ")]: " . mysql_error() . "<br><i>$sqlstring</i><br>"); }
function PrintFormEdit() { $link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'homework', '2357seiken'); if (!$link) { die('接続失敗です。' . mysql_error()); } // print('<p>接続に成功しました。</p>'); $db_selected = mysql_select_db('keijiban', $link); if (!$db_selected) { die('データベース選択失敗です。' . mysql_error()); } //パスワード認証のための処理 $sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM toukou WHERE num=%d", $_POST['edit_num']); $result = mysql_query($sql); if (!$result) { die('SELECTクエリーが失敗しました。' . mysql_error()); } $edit = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $password = $edit['password']; if ($_POST['password'] == $password) { print '<form action="kadai2-ouyou.php" method="post"> 編集を行ってください<br /> 名前 :<br /> <input type="text" name="name_edit" size="30" value=' . $edit['name'] . ' /><br /> コメント :<br /> <input type="text" name="comment_edit" size="30" value=' . $edit['comment'] . ' /><br /> <input type="submit" value="送信"> <input type="hidden" name="edit_done" value=' . $_POST['edit_num'] . '> <input type="hidden" name="edit_form"> </form>'; } else { echo "パスワードが正しくありません。<br>"; PrintForm(); } $close_flag = mysql_close($link); if (!$close_flag) { print '<p>切断に失敗しました。</p>'; } }
function PrintFormEdit() { $keijiban_file = 'keijiban.txt'; $fp = fopen($keijiban_file, 'rb'); $list = file($keijiban_file); //パスワード認証 $item = explode("<>", $list[$_POST['edit_num'] - 1]); if ($_POST['password'] == intval($item[4])) { foreach ($list as $key => $value) { $item = explode("<>", $value); if ($item[0] == $_POST['edit_num']) { print '<form action="kadai2-6.php" method="post"> 編集を行ってください<br /> 名前 :<br /> <input type="text" name="name_edit" size="30" value=' . $item[1] . ' /><br /> コメント :<br /> <input type="text" name="comment_edit" size="30" value=' . $item[2] . ' /><br /> <input type="submit" value="送信"> <input type="hidden" name="edit_done" value=' . $item[0] . '> <input type="hidden" name="edit_form"> </form>'; } } } else { PrintForm(); print "パスワードが異なっています。"; } fclose($fp); }
case 'DeleteCredit': mysql_query("DELETE FROM creditlimits\n\t\t\t WHERE AccountTypeID = '{$AccountTypeID}'\n\t\t\t AND TradeVolume = '{$TradeVolume}'\n\t\t\t AND CreditLimit = '{$CreditLimit}'"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO adminactions\n\t\t\t VALUES (NELL,'{$MemberID}','Deleted {$CreditLimit} Eco credit limit from {$AccountTypeName} Account Type')"); $title = "{$AccountTypeName} Options -- Credit Limit Removed"; include "header.php"; print "<h3>Credit Limit Removed</h3><hr>"; PrintForm($AccountTypeName, 'EditCurrent'); include "footer.php"; exit; case 'AddCredit': mysql_query("INSERT INTO creditlimits\n\t\t\t VALUES ('{$AccountTypeID}','{$TradeVolume}','{$CreditLimit}')"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO adminactions\n\t\t\t VALUES (NULL,'{$MemberID}','Add {$CreditLimit} Eco credit limit to {$AccountTypeName} Account Type')"); $title = "{$AccountTypeName} Options -- Credit Limit Added"; include "header.php"; print "<h3>Credit Limit Added</h3><hr>"; PrintForm($AccountTypeName, 'EditCurrent'); include "footer.php"; exit; case 'DeleteType': $lookupid = mysql_query("SELECT AccountTypeID FROM accounttypeoptions\n \t\t WHERE AccountTypeName = '{$AccountTypeName}'"); $AccountTypeID = mysql_result($lookupid, 0, "AccountTypeID"); $lookupaccounts = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM account\n \t\t\t WHERE AccountTypeID = '{$AccountTypeID}'"); switch (mysql_num_rows($lookupaccounts)) { case 0: $title = "Delete {$AccountTypeName} account type"; include "header.php"; print "<h2>Confirm Delete</h2>\n \tYou have asked to have the {$AccountTypeName} account type removed from the system. Please confirm this request by clicking the button below.<p>\n <form action=accountoptions.php method=post>\n <input type=hidden name=AccountTypeName value='{$AccountTypeName}'>\n <input type=hidden name=Function value='ConfirmDelete'>\n <input type=submit value='Delete the {$AccountTypeName} account type'><p>"; include "footer.php"; exit; default: $title = "Cannot Delete {$AccountTypeName}";