文件: Views.php 项目: burbuja/pluf
  * Update an object (Part of the CRUD series).
  * The minimal extra parameter is the model class name. The list
  * of extra parameters is:
  * 'model' - Class name string, required.
  * 'model_id' - Id of of the current model to update
  * 'extra_context' - Array of key/values to be added to the
  *                   context (array())
  * 'extra_form' - Array of key/values to be added to the
  *                   form generation (array())
  * 'login_required' - Do we require login (false)
  * 'template' - Template to use ('"model class"_update_form.html')
  * 'post_save_redirect' - View to redirect after saving (use
  *                        getAbsoluteUrl() method of the mode)
  * 'post_save_redirect_keys' - Which keys of the model to pass to
  *                             the view (array('id'))
  * @param Pluf_HTTP_Request Request object
  * @param array Match
  * @param array Extra parameters
  * @return Pluf_HTTP_Response Response object (can be a redirect)
 public function updateObject($request, $match, $p)
     if (isset($p['login_required']) && true == $p['login_required']) {
         if ($request->user->isAnonymous()) {
             return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_RedirectToLogin($request);
     if (!isset($p['model'])) {
         throw new Exception('The model class was not provided in the parameters.');
     // Set the default
     $model = $p['model'];
     $model_id = $p['model_id'];
     $context = isset($p['extra_context']) ? $p['extra_context'] : array();
     $template = isset($p['template']) ? $p['template'] : strtolower($model) . '_update_form.html';
     $post_save_keys = isset($p['post_save_redirect_keys']) ? $p['post_save_redirect_keys'] : array('id');
     $object = Pluf_Shortcuts_GetObjectOr404($model, $model_id);
     if ($request->method == 'POST') {
         $form = Pluf_Shortcuts_GetFormForModel($object, $request->POST, $p['extra_form']);
         if ($form->isValid()) {
             $object = $form->save();
             if (isset($p['post_save_redirect'])) {
                 $url = Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView($p['post_save_redirect'], $post_save_keys);
             } elseif (in_array('getAbsoluteUrl', get_class_methods($object))) {
                 $url = $object->getAbsoluteUrl();
             } else {
                 throw new Exception('No URL to redirect to from generic create view.');
             if (!$request->user->isAnonymous()) {
                 $request->user->setMessage(sprintf(__('The %s was created successfully.'), $object->_a['verbose']));
             return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_Redirect($url);
     } else {
         $form = Pluf_Shortcuts_GetFormForModel($object, $object->getData(), $p['extra_form']);
     return Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse($template, array_merge($context, array('form' => $form, 'object' => $object)), $request);
 public function admin($request, $match)
     $prj = $request->project;
     $title = sprintf(__('%s Project Summary'), (string) $prj);
     $form_fields = array('fields' => array('name', 'shortdesc', 'description'));
     if ($request->method == 'POST') {
         $form = Pluf_Shortcuts_GetFormForModel($prj, $request->POST, $form_fields);
         if ($form->isValid()) {
             $prj = $form->save();
             $request->user->setMessage(__('The project has been updated.'));
             $url = Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView('IDF_Views_Project::admin', array($prj->shortname));
             return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_Redirect($url);
     } else {
         $form = Pluf_Shortcuts_GetFormForModel($prj, $prj->getData(), $form_fields);
     $form->fields['description']->widget->attrs['cols'] = 68;
     $form->fields['description']->widget->attrs['rows'] = 26;
     $form->fields['shortdesc']->widget->attrs['size'] = 67;
     return Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse('idf/admin/summary.html', array('page_title' => $title, 'form' => $form), $request);
文件: Views.php 项目: burbuja/pluf
  * Display the updateItem page of the application.
  * @param Pluf_HTTP_Request Request object
  * @param array Matches against the regex of the dispatcher
  * @return Pluf_HTTP_Response or can throw Exception
 public function updateItem($request, $match)
     // Updating an item is somehow like creating an object but you
     // need first to load it to populate the form The workflow of
     // the update of an item is simple If the request of GET
     // method a form is displayed If it is a POST method, the form
     // is submitted and the content is proceeded to update item.
     // We create a Todo_Item item as we are updating one here
     // Here we are going to use another shortcut to get the item
     // or return a 404 error page if failing.
     $item = Pluf_Shortcuts_GetObjectOr404('Todo_Item', $match[1]);
     $new_data = $item->getData();
     if ($request->method == 'POST') {
         // We get the data submitted by the user
         $form = Pluf_Shortcuts_GetFormForModel($item, $request->POST);
         if ($form->isValid()) {
             // The form is valid, we save it.
             $item = $form->save();
             // We redirect the user to the page of the Todo_List
             // in which we have updated the item. We are using a
             // shortcut to get the URL directly from the view name
             // of interest. This allows us to not hard code the
             // path to the view in the view itself.
             $url = Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView('Todo_Views::viewList', array($item->list));
             return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_Redirect($url);
     } else {
         $form = Pluf_Shortcuts_GetFormForModel($item, $item->getData());
     // We proceed the same way by creating a context for a template
     // and providing the results to the user.
     return Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse('todo/item/update.html', array('page_title' => 'Update a Todo Item', 'item' => $item, 'form' => $form));