function cpfooter() { global $options, $adminitem, $action, $starttime, $DB, $SABLOG_VERSION, $SABLOG_RELEASE; $mtime = explode(' ', microtime()); $totaltime = number_format($mtime[1] + $mtime[0] - $starttime, 6); $gzip = $options['gzipcompress'] ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'; $debuginfo = 'Processed in ' . $totaltime . ' second(s), ' . $DB->querycount . ' queries, Gzip ' . $gzip; include template('footer'); PageEnd(); }
<colgroup> <col style="width:34"/> <col style="width:33"/> <col style="width:33"/> </colgroup> <thead> <tr> <th>Topic (Chapter)</th> <th>Elaboration</th> <th><a href="isabelle">Isabelle</a></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Vickrey auction (1)</td> <td><a href="">see section 4</a> (<a href="">Rowat</a>/<a href="">Kerber</a>/<a href="">Lange</a>)</td> <td>Lange/<wbr/><a href="">Caminati</a> (in progress)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>Unless otherwise stated, the sources of the Auction Theory Toolbox are dually licenced under the <a href="LICENSE-ISC">ISC License</a> and the <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License</a>. With a dual licence for source code and creative works, we follow the model of the <a href="">Mizar Mathematical Library</a>, as suggested by <a href="">Alama, Kohlhase, Naumowicz, Rudnicki, Urban and Mamane</a>.</p> <p style="text-align:right; font-style:italic"><? echo $timestamp ?></p> <?php PageEnd(); HTMLFooter(); /* Local Variables: mode: html End: */
break; case "salvarextra": $id = CleanID($_POST["id"]); $comentario = CleanText($_POST["Comentario"]); $paginas = intval($_POST["Paginas"]); ModificarExtrasTemplate($id, $comentario, $paginas); Separador(); PaginaBasica(); break; case "modsave": $id = CleanID($_POST["id"]); $codigo = $_POST["Codigo"]; $nombre = CleanText($_POST["Nombre"]); ModificarTemplate($id, $nombre, $codigo); Separador(); PaginaBasica(); break; case "editextra": $id = CleanID($_GET["id"]); MostrarTemplateExtrasParaEdicion($id); break; case "editar": $id = CleanID($_GET["id"]); MostrarTemplateParaEdicion($id); break; default: PaginaBasica(); break; } PageEnd(false);
function message($msg, $returnurl = 'javascript:history.go(-1);', $min = '3') { global $options, $stylevar; include template('message'); PageEnd(); }