public function get_list($lat, $long, $page, $pagesize, $activity_type) { $where = array("status" => 0, "invite_time" => array("gt", time())); if ($activity_type !== false) { $sql = "SELECT i.*, u.* FROM " . C("DB_PREFIX") . "user as u INNER JOIN " . C("DB_PREFIX") . "invitation as i ON i.uid=u.uid WHERE i.status=0 AND i.activity_type=" . $activity_type . " AND i.invite_time>" . time() . " ORDER BY i.pigcms_id DESC, DESC"; $where["activity_type"] = intval($activity_type); } else { $sql = "SELECT i.*, u.* FROM " . C("DB_PREFIX") . "user as u INNER JOIN " . C("DB_PREFIX") . "invitation as i ON i.uid=u.uid WHERE i.status=0 AND i.invite_time>" . time() . " ORDER BY i.pigcms_id DESC, DESC"; } $start = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; $count = $this->where($where)->count(); $sql .= " limit {$start}, {$pagesize}"; $mode = new Model(); $res = $mode->query($sql); $today = strtotime(date("Y-m-d")) + 86400; $tomorrow = $today + 86400; $lastday = $tomorrow + 86400; foreach ($res as &$v) { $v["_time"] = date("Y-m-d H:i", $v["invite_time"]); $v["juli"] = ROUND(6378.138 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT(POW(SIN(($lat * PI() / 180 - $v["lat"] * PI() / 180) / 2), 2) + COS($lat * PI() / 180) * COS($v["lat"] * PI() / 180) * POW(SIN(($long * PI() / 180 - $v["long"] * PI() / 180) / 2), 2))) * 1000); $v["juli"] = 1000 < $v["juli"] ? number_format($v["juli"] / 1000, 1) . "km" : ($v["juli"] < 100 ? "<100m" : $v["juli"] . "m"); $v["invite_time"] = $v["invite_time"] < $today ? "今天 " . date("H:i", $v["invite_time"]) : ($v["invite_time"] < $tomorrow ? "明天 " . date("H:i", $v["invite_time"]) : ($v["invite_time"] < $lastday ? "后天 " . date("H:i", $v["invite_time"]) : date("m-d H:i", $v["invite_time"]))); $v["birthday"] && ($v["age"] = date("Y") - date("Y", strtotime($v["birthday"]))); $v["age"] = 100 < $v["age"] || $v["age"] < 0 ? "保密" : $v["age"] . "岁"; } return array("data" => $res, "total" => $count); }
function run_008() { // Ugly but haven't found a better way global $setting, $config, $statistics, $block, $mysqli; // Version information $db_version_old = '0.0.7'; // What version do we expect $db_version_new = '0.0.8'; // What is the new version we wish to upgrade to $db_version_now = $setting->getValue('DB_VERSION'); // Our actual version installed // Upgrade specific variables $dDifficulty = POW(2, $config['difficulty'] - 16); $aSql[] = "UPDATE " . $statistics->getTableName() . " SET valid = valid * {$dDifficulty}, invalid = invalid * {$dDifficulty}, pplns_valid = pplns_valid * {$dDifficulty}, pplns_invalid = pplns_invalid * {$dDifficulty}"; $aSql[] = "UPDATE " . $block->getTableName() . " SET shares = shares * {$dDifficulty}"; $aSql[] = "UPDATE " . $setting->getTableName() . " SET value = '0.0.8' WHERE name = 'DB_VERSION'"; if ($db_version_now == $db_version_old && version_compare($db_version_now, DB_VERSION, '<')) { // Run the upgrade echo '- Starting database migration to version ' . $db_version_new . PHP_EOL; foreach ($aSql as $sql) { echo '- Preparing: ' . $sql . PHP_EOL; $stmt = $mysqli->prepare($sql); if ($stmt && $stmt->execute()) { echo '- success' . PHP_EOL; } else { echo '- failed: ' . $mysqli->error . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } } } }
function procDistanceTime2($coor, $thiscoor, $ref, $mode) { $xdistance = ABS($thiscoor['x'] - $coor['x']); if ($xdistance > WORLD_MAX) { $xdistance = 2 * WORLD_MAX + 1 - $xdistance; } $ydistance = ABS($thiscoor['y'] - $coor['y']); if ($ydistance > WORLD_MAX) { $ydistance = 2 * WORLD_MAX + 1 - $ydistance; } $distance = SQRT(POW($xdistance, 2) + POW($ydistance, 2)); if (!$mode) { if ($ref == 1) { $speed = 16; } else { if ($ref == 2) { $speed = 12; } else { if ($ref == 3) { $speed = 24; } else { if ($ref == 300) { $speed = 5; } else { $speed = 1; } } } } } else { $speed = $ref; } return round($distance / $speed * 3600 / INCREASE_SPEED); }
public function procDistanceTime($coor, $thiscoor, $ref, $mode) { global $bid28, $bid14, $building; $xdistance = ABS($thiscoor['x'] - $coor['x']); if ($xdistance > WORLD_MAX) { $xdistance = 2 * WORLD_MAX + 1 - $xdistance; } $ydistance = ABS($thiscoor['y'] - $coor['y']); if ($ydistance > WORLD_MAX) { $ydistance = 2 * WORLD_MAX + 1 - $ydistance; } $distance = SQRT(POW($xdistance, 2) + POW($ydistance, 2)); if (!$mode) { if ($ref == 1) { $speed = 16; } else { if ($ref == 2) { $speed = 12; } else { if ($ref == 3) { $speed = 24; } else { if ($ref == 300) { $speed = 5; } else { $speed = 1; } } } } } else { $speed = $ref; if ($building->getTypeLevel(14) != 0 && $distance >= TS_THRESHOLD) { $speed = $speed * ($bid14[$building->gettypeLevel(14)]['attri'] / 100); } } if ($speed != 0) { return round($distance / $speed * 3600 / INCREASE_SPEED); } else { return round($distance * 3600 / INCREASE_SPEED); } }
function prep() { ### CHART MATH //find Y grid if ($this->settings['ymode'] == 'fit') { //adjust ymax so that the grid is a nice multiple of 1,2 or 5 $this->settings['ymin'] = 0; $rawygrid = ($this->settings['ymax'] - $this->settings['ymin']) / $this->settings['yqtymajorgrids']; //raw $yexp = log10(abs($rawygrid)); // many zeros $osig = $sig = $rawygrid / POW(10, floor($yexp)); //the sigfigs if ($sig < 1.5) { $sig = 1; } elseif ($sig < 3.5) { $sig = 2; } elseif ($sig < 7.5) { $sig = 5; } else { $sig = 10; } $this->settings['ygrid'] = $ygrid = $sig * POW(10, floor($yexp)); //adjusted now $this->debug("YSig:{$osig}"); $this->debug("YExp:{$yexp}"); $this->debug("YGrd:{$ygrid}"); } else { $this->settings['ygrid'] = $ygrid = ($this->settings['ymax'] - $this->settings['ymin']) / $this->settings['yqtymajorgrids']; } //calc y scale factor $numygrids = ceil(($this->settings['ymax'] - $this->settings['ymin']) / $this->settings['ygrid']); //now adjusted $this->settings['ymax'] = $this->settings['ymin'] + $this->settings['ygrid'] * $numygrids; //now adjusted $this->settings['ysf'] = ($this->settings['canvas_height'] - $this->settings['bottommargin'] - $this->settings['topmargin']) / ($this->settings['ymax'] - $this->settings['ymin']); //calc X scale factor $divisor = $this->settings['xmode'] == 'adj' ? $this->settings['npoints'] - 1 : $this->settings['npoints']; $this->xsf = ($this->settings['canvas_width'] - $this->settings['leftmargin'] - $this->settings['rightmargin']) / $divisor; #### DRAW BG AND LABELS $scale = $this->settings['scale']; //canvas border if ($this->settings['showborder']) { $x1 = 0; $y1 = 0; $x2 = $this->settings['canvas_width'] - 1; //starts at 0 therefore 1 less $y2 = $this->settings['canvas_height'] - 1; $opts = array('color' => $this->settings['border_color'], 'alpha' => 100); $this->draw->rectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $opts); } //margin background color $bsize = round(1 * $scale); //1px $x1 = $bsize; $y1 = $bsize; $x2 = round($this->settings['canvas_width'] - $bsize - 1); $y2 = round($this->settings['canvas_height'] - $bsize - 1); $opts = array('color' => $this->settings['margin_color'], 'alpha' => 100); $this->draw->rectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $opts); //graph background color $x1 = $this->settings['leftmargin']; $y1 = $this->settings['topmargin']; $x2 = $this->settings['canvas_width'] - $this->settings['rightmargin']; $y2 = $this->settings['canvas_height'] - $this->settings['bottommargin']; $opts = array('color' => $this->settings['background_color'], 'alpha' => 100); $this->draw->rectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $opts); //draw threshold bands if ($this->settings['ybands']) { foreach ($this->settings['ybands'] as $b) { $y1 = $this->settings['canvas_height'] - $this->settings['bottommargin'] - ($b['y1band'] - $this->settings['ymin']) * $this->settings['ysf']; $y2 = $this->settings['canvas_height'] - $this->settings['bottommargin'] - ($b['y2band'] - $this->settings['ymin']) * $this->settings['ysf']; $x1 = $this->settings['leftmargin']; $x2 = $this->settings['canvas_width'] - $this->settings['rightmargin']; $opts = array('color' => $b['bandcolor'], 'alpha' => 90); $this->draw->rectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $opts); } } ### Draw the 3 main titles //draw chart title if ($this->settings['title']) { $opts = array('text' => $this->settings['title'], 'x' => $this->settings['canvas_width'] / 2, 'y' => $this->settings['topmargin'] / 2, 'align' => 'middlemiddle', 'fontname' => $this->settings['fontbold'], 'fontsize' => $this->settings['fontsize'] * 1.35, 'color' => $this->settings['fontcolor'], 'angle' => 0); $this->draw->text($opts); } //draw X axis title if ($this->settings['xaxistitle']) { $opts = array('text' => $this->settings['xaxistitle'], 'x' => $this->settings['canvas_width'] / 2, 'y' => $this->settings['canvas_height'] - $this->settings['bottommargin'] * 0.33, 'align' => 'middlemiddle', 'fontname' => $this->settings['fontbold'], 'fontsize' => $this->settings['fontsize'] * 1.44, 'color' => $this->settings['fontcolor'], 'angle' => 0); $this->draw->text($opts); } //draw Y title if ($this->settings['yaxistitle']) { $opts = array('text' => $this->settings['yaxistitle'], 'x' => $this->settings['leftmargin'] * 0.33, 'y' => $this->settings['canvas_height'] / 2, 'align' => 'middlemiddle', 'fontname' => $this->settings['fontbold'], 'fontsize' => $this->settings['fontsize'] * 1.3, 'color' => $this->settings['fontcolor'], 'angle' => 90); $this->draw->text($opts); } $ticksize = round(5 * $scale); $tickwidth = round(1 * $scale); ### X axis //draw x axis line $x1 = $this->settings['leftmargin']; $y1 = $this->settings['canvas_height'] - $this->settings['bottommargin']; $x2 = $this->settings['canvas_width'] - $this->settings['rightmargin']; $y2 = $y1; $color = $this->settings['grid_color_major']; $opts = array('color' => $color, 'linewidth' => $tickwidth, 'smooth' => false); $this->draw->line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $opts); //draw x ticks $max = $this->settings['xmode'] == 'adj' ? $this->settings['npoints'] : $this->settings['npoints'] + 1; for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { $x1 = $this->settings['leftmargin'] + $i * $this->xsf; $y1 = $this->settings['canvas_height'] - $this->settings['bottommargin'] + 0.5 * $scale; //1px below the axis $x2 = $x1; $y2 = $y1 + $ticksize; if ($i % $this->settings['xintervalmajor'] == 0) { $opts = array('color' => $this->settings['grid_color_major'], 'linewidth' => $tickwidth, 'smooth' => false); $this->draw->line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $opts); } elseif ($this->settings['xuseminorgrid']) { $mi = round($this->settings['xintervalmajor'] / $this->settings['xqtyminorgrids']); if ($i % $mi == 0) { $opts = array('color' => $this->settings['grid_color_minor'], 'linewidth' => $tickwidth, 'smooth' => false); $this->draw->line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $opts); } } } //draw x axis labels $offset = $this->settings['xmode'] == 'adj' ? 0 : $this->xsf / 2; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->settings['npoints']; $i++) { if ($i % $this->settings['xintervalmajor'] == 0) { $opts = array('text' => $this->xdata[$i], 'x' => $this->settings['leftmargin'] + $i * $this->xsf + $offset, 'y' => $this->settings['canvas_height'] - $this->settings['bottommargin'] + 8 * $scale, 'align' => 'topmiddle', 'fontname' => $this->settings['font'], 'fontsize' => $this->settings['fontsize'] * 1.0, 'color' => $this->settings['fontcolor'], 'angle' => 0); $this->draw->text($opts); } } //draw x grids (vertical) if ($this->settings['xusemajorgrid']) { for ($i = 1; $i < $this->settings['npoints']; $i++) { $x1 = $this->settings['leftmargin'] + $i * $this->xsf; $y1 = $this->settings['topmargin']; $x2 = $x1; $y2 = $this->settings['canvas_height'] - $this->settings['bottommargin']; if ($i % $this->settings['xintervalmajor'] == 0) { $opts = array('color' => $this->settings['grid_color_major'], 'linewidth' => $tickwidth, 'smooth' => false); $this->draw->line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $opts); } elseif ($this->settings['xuseminorgrid']) { $mi = round($this->settings['xintervalmajor'] / $this->settings['xqtyminorgrids']); if ($i % $mi == 0) { $opts = array('color' => $this->settings['grid_color_minor'], 'linewidth' => $tickwidth, 'smooth' => false); $this->draw->line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $opts); } } } } ### Y AXIS //draw y axis $x1 = $this->settings['leftmargin']; $y1 = $this->settings['topmargin']; $x2 = $x1; $y2 = $this->settings['canvas_height'] - $this->settings['bottommargin']; $color = $this->settings['grid_color_major']; $opts = array('color' => $color, 'linewidth' => $tickwidth, 'smooth' => false); $this->draw->line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $opts); //draw y ticks $vdivision = ($this->settings['canvas_height'] - $this->settings['topmargin'] - $this->settings['bottommargin']) / $numygrids; //ysf? for ($i = 0; $i < $numygrids + 1; $i++) { $x1 = $this->settings['leftmargin'] - $ticksize; $y1 = $this->settings['canvas_height'] - $this->settings['bottommargin'] - $vdivision * $i; $x2 = $this->settings['leftmargin'] - 0.5 * $scale; $y2 = $y1; if ($i % $this->settings['yaxislabelfreq'] == 0) { $color = $this->settings['grid_color_major']; } else { $color = $this->settings['grid_color_minor']; } $opts = array('color' => $color, 'linewidth' => $tickwidth, 'smooth' => false); $this->draw->line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $opts); } //draw y axis labels for ($i = 0; $i < $numygrids + 1; $i++) { if ($i % $this->settings['yaxislabelfreq'] == 0) { $label = $i * $this->settings['ygrid'] + $this->settings['ymin']; $opts = array('text' => $this->convertlabel($label, $this->settings['yaxislabelspec']), 'x' => $this->settings['leftmargin'] - 8 * $scale, 'y' => $this->settings['canvas_height'] - $this->settings['bottommargin'] - $vdivision * $i, 'align' => 'middleright', 'fontname' => $this->settings['font'], 'fontsize' => $this->settings['fontsize'] * 1.0, 'color' => $this->settings['fontcolor'], 'angle' => 0); $this->draw->text($opts); } } //draw y grid lines (horizontal) if ($this->settings['yusemajorgrid']) { for ($i = 1; $i < $numygrids + 1; $i++) { $x1 = $this->settings['leftmargin']; $y1 = $this->settings['canvas_height'] - $this->settings['bottommargin'] - $vdivision * $i; $x2 = $this->settings['canvas_width'] - $this->settings['rightmargin']; $y2 = $y1; if ($i % $this->settings['yaxislabelfreq'] == 0) { $color = $this->settings['grid_color_major']; $opts = array('color' => $color, 'linewidth' => $tickwidth, 'smooth' => false); $this->draw->line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $opts); } elseif ($this->settings['yuseminorgrid']) { $color = $settings['grid_color_minor']; $opts = array('color' => $color, 'linewidth' => $tickwidth, 'smooth' => false); $this->draw->line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $opts); } } } //method ends return 1; }
public function procDistanceTime($coor, $thiscoor, $ref, $mode) { global $bid14, $database, $generator; $resarray = $database->getResourceLevel($generator->getBaseID($coor['x'], $coor['y'])); $xdistance = ABS($thiscoor['x'] - $coor['x']); if ($xdistance > WORLD_MAX) { $xdistance = 2 * WORLD_MAX + 1 - $xdistance; } $ydistance = ABS($thiscoor['y'] - $coor['y']); if ($ydistance > WORLD_MAX) { $ydistance = 2 * WORLD_MAX + 1 - $ydistance; } $distance = SQRT(POW($xdistance, 2) + POW($ydistance, 2)); if (!$mode) { if ($ref == 1) { $speed = 16; } else { if ($ref == 2) { $speed = 12; } else { if ($ref == 3) { $speed = 24; } else { if ($ref == 300) { $speed = 5; } else { $speed = 1; } } } } } else { $speed = $ref; if ($this->getsort_typeLevel(14, $resarray) != 0 && $distance >= TS_THRESHOLD) { $speed = $speed * ($bid14[$this->getsort_typeLevel(14, $resarray)]['attri'] / 100); } } if ($speed != 0) { return round($distance / $speed * 3600 / INCREASE_SPEED); } else { return round($distance * 3600 / INCREASE_SPEED); } }
public function mysign() { $invitation_signs = D("Invitation_sign")->field("invid")->where(array("uid" => $this->user_session["uid"]))->order("invid DESC")->select(); $invids = $pre = ""; foreach ($invitation_signs as $is) { $invids .= $pre . $is["invid"]; $pre = ","; } $today = strtotime(date("Y-m-d")) + 86400; $tomorrow = $today + 86400; $lastday = $tomorrow + 86400; if ($invids) { $sql = "SELECT i.*, u.* FROM " . C("DB_PREFIX") . "user as u INNER JOIN " . C("DB_PREFIX") . "invitation as i ON i.uid=u.uid WHERE i.pigcms_id IN ({$invids}) ORDER BY i.pigcms_id DESC, DESC"; $mode = new Model(); $res = $mode->query($sql); foreach ($res as &$v) { $v["_time"] = date("Y-m-d H:i", $v["invite_time"]); $v["juli"] = ROUND(6378.138 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT(POW(SIN(($this->_lat * PI() / 180 - $v["lat"] * PI() / 180) / 2), 2) + COS($this->_lat * PI() / 180) * COS($v["lat"] * PI() / 180) * POW(SIN(($this->_long * PI() / 180 - $v["long"] * PI() / 180) / 2), 2))) * 1000); $v["juli"] = 1000 < $v["juli"] ? number_format($v["juli"] / 1000, 1) . "km" : ($v["juli"] < 100 ? "<100m" : $v["juli"] . "m"); $v["invite_time"] = $v["invite_time"] < $today ? "今天 " . date("H:i", $v["invite_time"]) : ($v["invite_time"] < $tomorrow ? "明天 " . date("H:i", $v["invite_time"]) : ($v["invite_time"] < $lastday ? "后天 " . date("H:i", $v["invite_time"]) : date("m-d H:i", $v["invite_time"]))); $v["birthday"] && ($v["age"] = date("Y") - date("Y", strtotime($v["birthday"]))); } $this->assign("date_list", $res); } $this->display(); }
/** * Caclulate estimated shares based on network difficulty and pool difficulty * @param dDiff double Network difficulty * @return shares integer Share count **/ public function getEstimatedShares($dDiff) { return round(POW(2, 32 - $this->config['target_bits']) * $dDiff / pow(2, $this->config['difficulty'] - 16)); }
/** * Calculate the memory needed by an image in B. * This function is used when we want to calculate the memory need by gd to create an image * * @return unknown */ function _getImageMemorySize() { if (!is_file($this->path)) { return 0; } $iK64 = POW(2, 16); //number of bytes in 64K $iTweakFactor = 2; $imageInfo = getimagesize($this->path); $memoryNeeded = round(($imageInfo[0] * $imageInfo[1] * $imageInfo['bits'] * $imageInfo['channels'] / 8 + $iK64) * $iTweakFactor); return $memoryNeeded; }
<?php namespace { $x = pow(1, 2); $y = \Pow(POW(3, 4), 5); } namespace a { // no redefinition $xa = pOw(6, 7); $ya = \POw(pOW(8, 9), 10); } namespace b { // with redefinition function pow($a, $b) { print __FUNCTION__ . " {$a} \n"; } $xa = pow(11, 12); $ya = \POW(pOw(13, 14), 15); }
public function procDistanceTime($coor, $thiscoor, $ref, $vid) { global $bid28, $bid14; $xdistance = ABS($thiscoor['x'] - $coor['x']); if ($xdistance > WORLD_MAX) { $xdistance = 2 * WORLD_MAX + 1 - $xdistance; } $ydistance = ABS($thiscoor['y'] - $coor['y']); if ($ydistance > WORLD_MAX) { $ydistance = 2 * WORLD_MAX + 1 - $ydistance; } $distance = SQRT(POW($xdistance, 2) + POW($ydistance, 2)); $speed = $ref; if ($this->getTypeLevel(14, $vid) != 0 && $distance >= TS_THRESHOLD) { $speed = $speed * ($bid14[$this->getTypeLevel(14, $vid)]['attri'] / 100); } if ($speed != 0) { return round($distance / $speed * 3600 / INCREASE_SPEED); } else { return round($distance * 3600 / INCREASE_SPEED); } }
public function wap_get_store_list_by_catid($cat_id, $area_id, $order, $lat, $long, $cat_url) { $stores = D('Store_category')->field('store_id')->where("cat_id='{$cat_id}'")->select(); foreach ($stores as $s) { $store_ids[] = $s['store_id']; } $store_ids && ($where['store_id'] = array('in', $store_ids)); if ($cat_url == 'dianying' && empty($store_ids)) { return false; } // $where['have_meal'] = 1; $where['status'] = 1; $area_id && ($where['area_id'] = $area_id); $count = D('Merchant_store')->where($where)->count(); //排序 switch ($order) { case 'distance': $order = "ROUND(6378.138 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT(POW(SIN(({$lat} * PI() / 180- `lat` * PI()/180)/2),2)+COS({$lat} *PI()/180)*COS(`lat`*PI()/180)*POW(SIN(({$long} *PI()/180- `long`*PI()/180)/2),2)))*1000) ASC"; //'`g`.`price` ASC,`g`.`group_id` DESC'; break; // case 'priceDesc': // $order = '`g`.`price` DESC,`g`.`group_id` DESC'; // break; // case 'solds': // $order = '`g`.`sale_count` DESC,`g`.`group_id` DESC'; // break; // case 'rating': // $order = '`g`.`score_mean` DESC,`g`.`group_id` DESC'; // break; // case 'start': // $order = '`g`.`last_time` DESC,`g`.`group_id` DESC'; // break; // case 'priceDesc': // $order = '`g`.`price` DESC,`g`.`group_id` DESC'; // break; // case 'solds': // $order = '`g`.`sale_count` DESC,`g`.`group_id` DESC'; // break; // case 'rating': // $order = '`g`.`score_mean` DESC,`g`.`group_id` DESC'; // break; // case 'start': // $order = '`g`.`last_time` DESC,`g`.`group_id` DESC'; // break; default: $order = '`store_id` DESC'; } import('@.ORG.wap_group_page'); $p = new Page($count, C('config.group_page_row'), C('config.group_page_val')); $list = D('Merchant_store')->field(true)->where($where)->order($order)->limit($p->firstRow . ',' . $p->listRows)->select(); // echo D('Merchant_store')->_sql(); $return['pagebar'] = $p->show(); if ($list) { $store_image_class = new store_image(); foreach ($list as &$v) { $images = $store_image_class->get_allImage_by_path($v['pic_info']); $v['image'] = $images ? array_shift($images) : ''; $v['juli'] = ROUND(6378.138 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT(POW(SIN(($lat * PI() / 180 - $v['lat'] * PI() / 180) / 2), 2) + COS($lat * PI() / 180) * COS($v['lat'] * PI() / 180) * POW(SIN(($long * PI() / 180 - $v['long'] * PI() / 180) / 2), 2))) * 1000); $v['juli'] = $v['juli'] > 1000 ? number_format($v['juli'] / 1000, 1) . 'km' : ($v['juli'] < 100 ? '<100m' : $v['juli'] . 'm'); } } $return['store_list'] = $list; return $return; }
private function procDistanceTime($coor, $thiscoor, $ref, $mode) { global $bid14, $database, $generator; $resarray = $database->getResourceLevel($generator->getBaseID($coor['x'], $coor['y'])); $xdistance = ABS($thiscoor['x'] - $coor['x']); if ($xdistance > WORLD_MAX) { $xdistance = 2 * WORLD_MAX + 1 - $xdistance; } $ydistance = ABS($thiscoor['y'] - $coor['y']); if ($ydistance > WORLD_MAX) { $ydistance = 2 * WORLD_MAX + 1 - $ydistance; } $distance = SQRT(POW($xdistance, 2) + POW($ydistance, 2)); if (!$mode) { if ($ref == 1) { $speed = 16; } else { if ($ref == 2) { $speed = 12; } else { if ($ref == 3) { $speed = 24; } else { if ($ref == 300) { $speed = 5; } else { $speed = 1; } } } } } else { $speed = $ref; for ($i = 19; $i <= 40; $i++) { if ($resarray['f' . $i . 't'] == 14) { $ts_level = $resarray['f' . $i]; $ts_attri = $bid14[$ts_level]['attri']; } } if ($ts_attri > 0) { $speed = $distance <= TS_THRESHOLD ? $speed : $speed * ((TS_THRESHOLD + ($distance - TS_THRESHOLD) * $ts_attri / 100) / $distance); } } return round($distance / $speed * 3600 / INCREASE_SPEED); }