/** * This function provides synchronization of structure and data between two mysql servers. * TODO: improve code sharing between the function and synchronization * * @param String $db - name of database, which should be synchronized * @param mixed $src_link - link of source server, note: if the server is current PMA server, use null * @param mixed $trg_link - link of target server, note: if the server is current PMA server, use null * @param boolean $data - if true, then data will be copied as well */ function PMA_replication_synchronize_db($db, $src_link, $trg_link, $data = true) { $src_db = $trg_db = $db; $src_connection = PMA_DBI_select_db($src_db, $src_link); $trg_connection = PMA_DBI_select_db($trg_db, $trg_link); $src_tables = PMA_DBI_get_tables($src_db, $src_link); $source_tables_num = sizeof($src_tables); $trg_tables = PMA_DBI_get_tables($trg_db, $trg_link); $target_tables_num = sizeof($trg_tables); /** * initializing arrays to save table names */ $unmatched_num_src = 0; $source_tables_uncommon = array(); $unmatched_num_trg = 0; $target_tables_uncommon = array(); $matching_tables = array(); $matching_tables_num = 0; /** * Criterion for matching tables is just their names. * Finding the uncommon tables for the source database * BY comparing the matching tables with all the tables in the source database */ PMA_getMatchingTables($trg_tables, $src_tables, $matching_tables, $source_tables_uncommon); /** * Finding the uncommon tables for the target database * BY comparing the matching tables with all the tables in the target database */ PMA_getNonMatchingTargetTables($trg_tables, $matching_tables, $target_tables_uncommon); /** * * Comparing Data In the Matching Tables * It is assumed that the matching tables are structurally * and typely exactly the same */ $fields_num = array(); $matching_tables_fields = array(); $matching_tables_keys = array(); $insert_array = array(array(array())); $update_array = array(array(array())); $delete_array = array(); $row_count = array(); $uncommon_tables_fields = array(); $matching_tables_num = sizeof($matching_tables); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($matching_tables); $i++) { PMA_dataDiffInTables($src_db, $trg_db, $src_link, $trg_link, $matching_tables, $matching_tables_fields, $update_array, $insert_array, $delete_array, $fields_num, $i, $matching_tables_keys); } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($source_tables_uncommon); $j++) { PMA_dataDiffInUncommonTables($source_tables_uncommon, $src_db, $src_link, $j, $row_count); } /** * INTEGRATION OF STRUCTURE DIFFERENCE CODE * */ $source_columns = array(); $target_columns = array(); $alter_str_array = array(array()); $add_column_array = array(array()); $uncommon_columns = array(); $target_tables_keys = array(); $source_indexes = array(); $target_indexes = array(); $add_indexes_array = array(); $remove_indexes_array = array(); $criteria = array('Field', 'Type', 'Null', 'Collation', 'Key', 'Default', 'Comment'); for ($counter = 0; $counter < $matching_tables_num; $counter++) { PMA_structureDiffInTables($src_db, $trg_db, $src_link, $trg_link, $matching_tables, $source_columns, $target_columns, $alter_str_array, $add_column_array, $uncommon_columns, $criteria, $target_tables_keys, $counter); PMA_indexesDiffInTables($src_db, $trg_db, $src_link, $trg_link, $matching_tables, $source_indexes, $target_indexes, $add_indexes_array, $alter_indexes_array, $remove_indexes_array, $counter); } $matching_table_data_diff = array(); $matching_table_structure_diff = array(); $uncommon_table_structure_diff = array(); $uncommon_table_data_diff = array(); $uncommon_tables = $source_tables_uncommon; /** * Generating Create Table query for all the non-matching tables present in Source but not in Target and populating tables. */ for ($q = 0; $q < sizeof($source_tables_uncommon); $q++) { if (isset($uncommon_tables[$q])) { PMA_createTargetTables($src_db, $trg_db, $src_link, $trg_link, $source_tables_uncommon, $q, $uncommon_tables_fields, false); } if (isset($row_count[$q]) && $data) { PMA_populateTargetTables($src_db, $trg_db, $src_link, $trg_link, $source_tables_uncommon, $q, $uncommon_tables_fields, false); } } }
* The criteria array contains all the criteria against which columns are compared for differences. */ $criteria = array('Field', 'Type', 'Null', 'Collation', 'Key', 'Default', 'Comment'); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($matching_tables); $i++) { /** * Finding out all the differences structure, data and index diff for all the matching tables only */ PMA_dataDiffInTables($src_db, $trg_db, $src_link, $trg_link, $matching_tables, $matching_tables_fields, $update_array, $insert_array, $delete_array, $fields_num, $i, $matching_tables_keys); PMA_structureDiffInTables($src_db, $trg_db, $src_link, $trg_link, $matching_tables, $source_columns, $target_columns, $alter_str_array, $add_column_array, $uncommon_columns, $criteria, $target_tables_keys, $i); PMA_indexesDiffInTables($src_db, $trg_db, $src_link, $trg_link, $matching_tables, $source_indexes, $target_indexes, $add_indexes_array, $alter_indexes_array, $remove_indexes_array, $i); } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($source_tables_uncommon); $j++) { /** * Finding out the number of rows to be added in tables that need to be added in target database */ PMA_dataDiffInUncommonTables($source_tables_uncommon, $src_db, $src_link, $j, $row_count); } /** * Storing all arrays in session for use when page is reloaded for each button press */ $_SESSION['matching_tables'] = $matching_tables; $_SESSION['update_array'] = $update_array; $_SESSION['insert_array'] = $insert_array; $_SESSION['src_db'] = $src_db; $_SESSION['trg_db'] = $trg_db; $_SESSION['matching_fields'] = $matching_tables_fields; $_SESSION['src_uncommon_tables'] = $source_tables_uncommon; $_SESSION['src_username'] = $src_username; $_SESSION['trg_username'] = $trg_username; $_SESSION['src_password'] = $src_password; $_SESSION['trg_password'] = $trg_password;