* Saves user to the database
* @param    int     $uid            user id
* @return   string                  HTML redirect or error message
function USER_save($uid)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $LANG28, $_USER_VERBOSE;
    $retval = '';
    $userChanged = false;
    if ($_USER_VERBOSE) {
        COM_errorLog("**** entering USER_save()****", 1);
    if ($_USER_VERBOSE) {
        COM_errorLog("group size at beginning = " . sizeof($groups), 1);
    $uid = COM_applyFilter($_POST['uid'], true);
    if ($uid == 0) {
        $uid = '';
    $regdate = COM_applyFilter($_POST['regdate'], true);
    $username = trim($_POST['new_username']);
    $fullname = COM_truncate(trim(USER_sanitizeName($_POST['fullname'])), 80);
    $userstatus = COM_applyFilter($_POST['userstatus'], true);
    $oldstatus = COM_applyFilter($_POST['oldstatus'], true);
    $passwd = isset($_POST['newp']) ? trim($_POST['newp']) : '';
    $passwd_conf = isset($_POST['newp_conf']) ? trim($_POST['newp_conf']) : '';
    $cooktime = COM_applyFilter($_POST['cooktime'], true);
    $email = trim($_POST['email']);
    $email_conf = trim($_POST['email_conf']);
    $groups = $_POST['groups'];
    $homepage = trim($_POST['homepage']);
    $location = strip_tags(trim($_POST['location']));
    $photo = isset($_POST['photo']) ? $_POST['photo'] : '';
    $delete_photo = isset($_POST['delete_photo']) && $_POST['delete_photo'] == 'on' ? 1 : 0;
    $sig = trim($_POST['sig']);
    $about = trim($_POST['about']);
    $pgpkey = trim($_POST['pgpkey']);
    $language = isset($_POST['language']) ? trim(COM_applyFilter($_POST['language'])) : '';
    $theme = isset($_POST['theme']) ? trim(COM_applyFilter($_POST['theme'])) : '';
    $maxstories = COM_applyFilter($_POST['maxstories'], true);
    $tzid = COM_applyFilter($_POST['tzid']);
    $dfid = COM_applyFilter($_POST['dfid'], true);
    $search_fmt = COM_applyFilter($_POST['search_result_format']);
    $commentmode = COM_applyFilter($_POST['commentmode']);
    $commentorder = isset($_POST['commentorder']) && $_POST['commentorder'] == 'DESC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
    $commentlimit = COM_applyFilter($_POST['commentlimit'], true);
    $emailfromuser = isset($_POST['emailfromuser']) && $_POST['emailfromuser'] == 'on' ? 1 : 0;
    $emailfromadmin = isset($_POST['emailfromadmin']) && $_POST['emailfromadmin'] == 'on' ? 1 : 0;
    $noicons = isset($_POST['noicons']) && $_POST['noicons'] == 'on' ? 1 : 0;
    $noboxes = isset($_POST['noboxes']) && $_POST['noboxes'] == 'on' ? 1 : 0;
    $showonline = isset($_POST['showonline']) && $_POST['showonline'] == 'on' ? 1 : 0;
    $topic_order = isset($_POST['topic_order']) && $_POST['topic_order'] == 'ASC' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
    $maxstories = COM_applyFilter($_POST['maxstories'], true);
    $newuser = COM_applyFilter($_POST['newuser'], true);
    $remoteuser = isset($_POST['remoteuser']) && $_POST['remoteuser'] == 'on' ? 1 : 0;
    $remoteusername = isset($_POST['remoteusername']) ? strip_tags(trim($_POST['remoteusername'])) : '';
    $remoteservice = isset($_POST['remoteservice']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['remoteservice']) : '';
    $social_services = SOC_followMeProfile($uid);
    foreach ($social_services as $service) {
        $service_input = $service['service'] . '_username';
        $_POST[$service_input] = strip_tags($_POST[$service_input]);
    if ($uid == 1) {
        return USER_list();
    if ($uid == '' || $uid < 2 || $newuser == 1) {
        if (empty($passwd) && $remoteuser == 0) {
            return USER_edit($uid, 504);
        if (empty($email)) {
            return USER_edit($uid, 505);
    if ($username == '') {
        return USER_edit($uid, 506);
    if (!USER_validateUsername($username)) {
        return USER_edit($uid, 512);
    if ($email == '') {
        return USER_edit($uid, 507);
    if ($passwd != $passwd_conf && $remoteuser == 0) {
        // passwords don't match
        return USER_edit($uid, 67);
    if ($email != $email_conf) {
        return USER_edit($uid, 508);
    // remote user checks
    if ($remoteuser == 1) {
        if ($remoteusername == '') {
            return USER_edit($uid, 513);
        if ($remoteservice == '') {
            return USER_edit($uid, 514);
    $validEmail = true;
    if (empty($username)) {
        $validEmail = false;
    } elseif (empty($email)) {
        if (empty($uid)) {
            $validEmail = false;
        } else {
            $ws_user = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'remoteservice', "uid = " . intval($uid));
            if (empty($ws_user)) {
                $validEmail = false;
    if ($validEmail) {
        if (!empty($email) && !COM_isEmail($email)) {
            return USER_edit($uid, 52);
        $uname = DB_escapeString($username);
        if (empty($uid)) {
            $ucount = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'COUNT(*)', "username = '******'");
        } else {
            $uservice = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'remoteservice', "uid = {$uid}");
            if ($uservice != '') {
                $uservice = DB_escapeString($uservice);
                $ucount = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'COUNT(*)', "username = '******' AND uid <> {$uid} AND remoteservice = '{$uservice}'");
            } else {
                $ucount = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'COUNT(*)', "username = '******' AND uid <> {$uid} AND (remoteservice = '' OR remoteservice IS NULL)");
        if ($ucount > 0) {
            // Admin just changed a user's username to one that already exists
            return USER_edit($uid, 51);
        $emailaddr = DB_escapeString($email);
        $exclude_remote = " AND (remoteservice IS NULL OR remoteservice = '')";
        if (empty($uid)) {
            $ucount = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'COUNT(*)', "email = '{$emailaddr}'" . $exclude_remote);
        } else {
            $old_email = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'email', "uid = {$uid}");
            if ($old_email == $email) {
                // email address didn't change so don't care
                $ucount = 0;
            } else {
                $ucount = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'COUNT(*)', "email = '{$emailaddr}' AND uid <> {$uid}" . $exclude_remote);
        if ($ucount > 0) {
            // Admin just changed a user's email to one that already exists
            return USER_edit($uid, 56);
        if ($_CONF['custom_registration'] && function_exists('CUSTOM_userCheck')) {
            $ret = CUSTOM_userCheck($username, $email);
            if (!empty($ret)) {
                // need a numeric return value - otherwise use default message
                if (!is_numeric($ret['number'])) {
                    $ret['number'] = 97;
                return USER_edit($uid, $ret['number']);
        // Let plugins have a chance to decide what to do before saving the user, return errors.
        $msg = PLG_itemPreSave('useredit', $username);
        if (!empty($msg)) {
            // need a numeric return value - otherwise use default message
            if (!is_numeric($msg)) {
                $msg = 97;
            return USER_edit($uid, $msg);
        if (empty($uid) || !empty($passwd)) {
            $passwd2 = SEC_encryptPassword($passwd);
        } else {
            $passwd2 = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'passwd', "uid = {$uid}");
        // do we need to create the user?
        if (empty($uid)) {
            if (empty($passwd)) {
                // no password? create one ...
                $passwd = USER_createPassword(8);
                $passwd2 = SEC_encryptPassword($passwd);
            if ($remoteuser == 1) {
                $uid = USER_createAccount($username, $email, '', $fullname, '', $remoteusername, $remoteservice, 1);
            } else {
                $uid = USER_createAccount($username, $email, $passwd2, $fullname, $homepage, '', '', 1);
            if ($uid > 1) {
                DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['users']} SET status = {$userstatus} WHERE uid = {$uid}");
            if (isset($_POST['emailuser'])) {
                USER_createAndSendPassword($username, $email, $uid, $passwd);
            if ($uid < 2) {
                return USER_edit('', 509);
            $newuser = 1;
        // at this point, we have a valid user...
        // Filter some of the text entry fields to ensure they don't cause problems...
        $fullname = strip_tags($fullname);
        $about = strip_tags($about);
        $pgpkey = strip_tags($pgpkey);
        $curphoto = USER_handlePhotoUpload($uid, $delete_photo);
        if ($_CONF['allow_user_photo'] == 1 && !empty($curphoto)) {
            $curusername = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'username', "uid = {$uid}");
            if ($curusername != $username) {
                // user has been renamed - rename the photo, too
                $newphoto = preg_replace('/' . $curusername . '/', $username, $curphoto, 1);
                $imgpath = $_CONF['path_images'] . 'userphotos/';
                if (rename($imgpath . $curphoto, $imgpath . $newphoto) === false) {
                    $display = COM_siteHeader('menu', $LANG28[22]);
                    $display .= COM_errorLog('Could not rename userphoto "' . $curphoto . '" to "' . $newphoto . '".');
                    $display .= COM_siteFooter();
                    return $display;
                $curphoto = $newphoto;
        // update users table
        $sql = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['users']} SET " . "username = '******'," . "fullname = '" . DB_escapeString($fullname) . "'," . "passwd   = '" . DB_escapeString($passwd2) . "'," . "email    = '" . DB_escapeString($email) . "'," . "homepage = '" . DB_escapeString($homepage) . "'," . "sig      = '" . DB_escapeString($sig) . "'," . "photo    = '" . DB_escapeString($curphoto) . "'," . "cookietimeout = {$cooktime}," . "theme    = '" . DB_escapeString($theme) . "'," . "language = '" . DB_escapeString($language) . "'," . "status   = {$userstatus} WHERE uid = {$uid};";
        // update userprefs
        $sql = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['userprefs']} SET " . "noicons = {$noicons}," . "dfid    = {$dfid}," . "tzid    = '" . DB_escapeString($tzid) . "'," . "emailstories = 0," . "emailfromadmin = {$emailfromadmin}," . "emailfromuser  = {$emailfromuser}," . "showonline = {$showonline}," . "search_result_format = '" . DB_escapeString($search_fmt) . "' WHERE uid={$uid};";
        // userinfo table
        $sql = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['userinfo']} SET " . "about      = '" . DB_escapeString($about) . "'," . "location   = '" . DB_escapeString($location) . "'," . "pgpkey     = '" . DB_escapeString($pgpkey) . "' WHERE uid={$uid};";
        // userindex table
        $TIDS = @array_values($_POST['topics']);
        $AIDS = @array_values($_POST['selauthors']);
        $BOXES = @array_values($_POST['blocks']);
        $ETIDS = @array_values($_POST['dgtopics']);
        $allowed_etids = USER_buildTopicList();
        $AETIDS = explode(' ', $allowed_etids);
        $tids = '';
        if (sizeof($TIDS) > 0) {
            $tids = DB_escapeString(implode(' ', array_intersect($AETIDS, $TIDS)));
        $aids = '';
        if (sizeof($AIDS) > 0) {
            foreach ($AIDS as $key => $val) {
                $AIDS[$key] = intval($val);
            $aids = DB_escapeString(implode(' ', $AIDS));
        $selectedblocks = '';
        $selectedBoxes = array();
        if (count($BOXES) > 0) {
            foreach ($BOXES as $key => $val) {
                $BOXES[$key] = intval($val);
            $boxes = DB_escapeString(implode(',', $BOXES));
            $blockresult = DB_query("SELECT bid,name FROM {$_TABLES['blocks']} WHERE bid NOT IN ({$boxes})");
            $numRows = DB_numRows($blockresult);
            for ($x = 1; $x <= $numRows; $x++) {
                $row = DB_fetchArray($blockresult);
                if ($row['name'] != 'user_block' and $row['name'] != 'admin_block' and $row['name'] != 'section_block') {
                    $selectedblocks .= $row['bid'];
                    if ($x != $numRows) {
                        $selectedblocks .= ' ';
        $etids = '-';
        if (sizeof($ETIDS) > 0) {
            $etids = DB_escapeString(implode(' ', array_intersect($AETIDS, $ETIDS)));
        } else {
            $etids = '-';
        DB_save($_TABLES['userindex'], "uid,tids,aids,boxes,noboxes,maxstories,etids", "{$uid},'{$tids}','{$aids}','{$selectedblocks}',{$noboxes},{$maxstories},'{$etids}'");
        // usercomment
        DB_save($_TABLES['usercomment'], 'uid,commentmode,commentorder,commentlimit', "{$uid},'{$commentmode}','{$commentorder}'," . intval($commentlimit));
        if ($_CONF['custom_registration'] and function_exists('CUSTOM_userSave')) {
        if ($_CONF['usersubmission'] == 1 && $oldstatus == USER_ACCOUNT_AWAITING_APPROVAL && ($userstatus == USER_ACCOUNT_ACTIVE || $userstatus == USER_ACCOUNT_AWAITING_ACTIVATION || $userstatus == USER_ACCOUNT_AWAITING_VERIFICATION)) {
            USER_createAndSendPassword($username, $email, $uid);
        if ($userstatus == USER_ACCOUNT_DISABLED) {
        $userChanged = true;
        // if groups is -1 then this user isn't allowed to change any groups so ignore
        if (is_array($groups) && SEC_hasRights('group.edit')) {
            if (!SEC_inGroup('Root')) {
                $rootgrp = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name = 'Root'");
                if (in_array($rootgrp, $groups)) {
                    COM_accessLog("User {$_USER['username']} ({$_USER['uid']}) just tried to give Root permissions to user {$username}.");
                    echo COM_refresh($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/index.php');
            // make sure the Remote Users group is in $groups
            if (SEC_inGroup('Remote Users', $uid)) {
                $remUsers = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name = 'Remote Users'");
                if (!in_array($remUsers, $groups)) {
                    $groups[] = $remUsers;
            if ($_USER_VERBOSE) {
                COM_errorLog("deleting all group_assignments for user {$uid}/{$username}", 1);
            // remove user from all groups that the User Admin is a member of
            $UserAdminGroups = SEC_getUserGroups();
            $whereGroup = 'ug_main_grp_id IN (' . implode(',', $UserAdminGroups) . ')';
            DB_query("DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['group_assignments']} WHERE (ug_uid = {$uid}) AND " . $whereGroup);
            // make sure to add user to All Users and Logged-in Users groups
            $allUsers = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name = 'All Users'");
            if (!in_array($allUsers, $groups)) {
                $groups[] = $allUsers;
            $logUsers = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name = 'Logged-in Users'");
            if (!in_array($logUsers, $groups)) {
                $groups[] = $logUsers;
            foreach ($groups as $userGroup) {
                if (in_array($userGroup, $UserAdminGroups)) {
                    if ($_USER_VERBOSE) {
                        COM_errorLog("adding group_assignment " . $userGroup . " for {$username}", 1);
                    $sql = "INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['group_assignments']} (ug_main_grp_id, ug_uid) VALUES ({$userGroup}, {$uid})";
        // subscriptions
        $subscription_deletes = @array_values($_POST['subdelete']);
        if (is_array($subscription_deletes)) {
            foreach ($subscription_deletes as $subid) {
                DB_delete($_TABLES['subscriptions'], 'sub_id', (int) $subid);
        foreach ($social_services as $service) {
            $service_input = $service['service'] . '_username';
            $_POST[$service_input] = DB_escapeString($_POST[$service_input]);
            if ($_POST[$service_input] != '') {
                $sql = "REPLACE INTO {$_TABLES['social_follow_user']} (ssid,uid,ss_username) ";
                $sql .= " VALUES (" . (int) $service['service_id'] . "," . $uid . ",'" . $_POST[$service_input] . "');";
                DB_query($sql, 1);
            } else {
                $sql = "DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['social_follow_user']} WHERE ssid = " . (int) $service['service_id'] . " AND uid=" . (int) $uid;
                DB_query($sql, 1);
        if ($newuser == 0) {
            PLG_profileSave('', $uid);
        } else {
        if ($userChanged) {
        $errors = DB_error();
        if (empty($errors)) {
            echo PLG_afterSaveSwitch($_CONF['aftersave_user'], "{$_CONF['site_url']}/users.php?mode=profile&uid={$uid}", 'user', 21);
        } else {
            $retval .= COM_siteHeader('menu', $LANG28[22]);
            $retval .= COM_errorLog('Error in USER_save() in ' . $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/user.php');
            $retval .= COM_siteFooter();
            echo $retval;
    } else {
        $retval = COM_siteHeader('menu', $LANG28[1]);
        $retval .= COM_errorLog($LANG28[10]);
        if (DB_count($_TABLES['users'], 'uid', $uid) > 0) {
            $retval .= USER_edit($uid);
        } else {
            $retval .= USER_edit();
        $retval .= COM_siteFooter();
        echo $retval;
    if ($_USER_VERBOSE) {
        COM_errorLog("***************leaving USER_save()*****************", 1);
    return $retval;
* Create a new user
* Also calls the custom user registration (if enabled) and plugin functions.
* NOTE: Does NOT send out password emails.
* @param    string  $username    user name (mandatory)
* @param    string  $email       user's email address (mandatory)
* @param    string  $passwd      password (optional, see above)
* @param    string  $fullname    user's full name (optional)
* @param    string  $homepage    user's home page (optional)
* @param    boolean $batchimport set to true when called from importuser() in admin/users.php (optional)
* @return   int                  new user's ID
function USER_createAccount($username, $email, $passwd = '', $fullname = '', $homepage = '', $remoteusername = '', $service = '', $batchimport = false)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES;
    $queueUser = false;
    $username = addslashes($username);
    $email = addslashes($email);
    $regdate = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time());
    $fields = 'username,email,regdate,cookietimeout';
    $values = "'{$username}','{$email}','{$regdate}','{$_CONF['default_perm_cookie_timeout']}'";
    if (!empty($passwd)) {
        $passwd = addslashes($passwd);
        $fields .= ',passwd';
        $values .= ",'{$passwd}'";
    if (!empty($fullname)) {
        $fullname = addslashes($fullname);
        $fields .= ',fullname';
        $values .= ",'{$fullname}'";
    if (!empty($homepage)) {
        $homepage = addslashes($homepage);
        $fields .= ',homepage';
        $values .= ",'{$homepage}'";
    if ($_CONF['usersubmission'] == 1 && !SEC_hasRights('user.edit')) {
        $queueUser = true;
        if (!empty($_CONF['allow_domains'])) {
            if (USER_emailMatches($email, $_CONF['allow_domains'])) {
                $queueUser = false;
        if ($queueUser) {
            $fields .= ',status';
            $values .= ',' . USER_ACCOUNT_AWAITING_APPROVAL;
    } else {
        if (!empty($remoteusername)) {
            $fields .= ',remoteusername';
            $values .= ",'{$remoteusername}'";
        if (!empty($service)) {
            $fields .= ',remoteservice';
            $values .= ",'{$service}'";
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['users']} ({$fields}) VALUES ({$values})");
    // Get the uid of the user, possibly given a service:
    if ($remoteusername != '') {
        $uid = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'uid', "remoteusername = '******' AND remoteservice='{$service}'");
    } else {
        $uid = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'uid', "username = '******' AND remoteservice IS NULL");
    // Add user to Logged-in group (i.e. members) and the All Users group
    $normal_grp = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name='Logged-in Users'");
    $all_grp = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name='All Users'");
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['group_assignments']} (ug_main_grp_id,ug_uid) VALUES ({$normal_grp}, {$uid})");
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['group_assignments']} (ug_main_grp_id,ug_uid) VALUES ({$all_grp}, {$uid})");
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['userprefs']} (uid) VALUES ({$uid})");
    if ($_CONF['emailstoriesperdefault'] == 1) {
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['userindex']} (uid,etids) VALUES ({$uid},'')");
    } else {
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['userindex']} (uid,etids) VALUES ({$uid}, '-')");
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['usercomment']} (uid,commentmode,commentlimit) VALUES ({$uid},'{$_CONF['comment_mode']}','{$_CONF['comment_limit']}')");
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['userinfo']} (uid) VALUES ({$uid})");
    // call custom registration function and plugins
    if ($_CONF['custom_registration'] && function_exists('CUSTOM_userCreate')) {
        CUSTOM_userCreate($uid, $batchimport);
    // Notify the admin?
    if (isset($_CONF['notification']) && in_array('user', $_CONF['notification'])) {
        if ($queueUser) {
            $mode = 'inactive';
        } else {
            $mode = 'active';
        $username = COM_getDisplayName($uid, $username, $fullname, $remoteusername, $service);
        USER_sendNotification($username, $email, $uid, $mode);
    return $uid;
* Create a new user
* Also calls the custom user registration (if enabled) and plugin functions.
* NOTE: Does NOT send out password emails.
* @param    string  $username   user name (mandatory)
* @param    string  $email      user's email address (mandatory)
* @param    string  $passwd     password (optional, see above)
* @param    string  $fullname   user's full name (optional)
* @param    string  $homepage   user's home page (optional)
* @param    boolean $batchimport set to true when called from importuser() in admin/users.php (optional)
* @return   int                 new user's ID
function USER_createAccount($username, $email, $passwd = '', $fullname = '', $homepage = '', $remoteusername = '', $service = '', $ignore = 0)
    global $_CONF, $_USER, $_TABLES;
    $dt = new Date('now', $_USER['tzid']);
    $queueUser = false;
    $username = DB_escapeString($username);
    $email = DB_escapeString($email);
    $regdate = $dt->toMySQL(true);
    $fields = 'username,email,regdate,cookietimeout';
    $values = "'{$username}','{$email}','{$regdate}','{$_CONF['default_perm_cookie_timeout']}'";
    if (!empty($passwd)) {
        $passwd = DB_escapeString($passwd);
        $fields .= ',passwd';
        $values .= ",'{$passwd}'";
    if (!empty($fullname)) {
        $fullname = DB_escapeString(strip_tags($fullname));
        $fields .= ',fullname';
        $values .= ",'{$fullname}'";
    if (!empty($homepage)) {
        $homepage = DB_escapeString($homepage);
        $fields .= ',homepage';
        $values .= ",'{$homepage}'";
    $account_type = LOCAL_USER;
    if ($_CONF['usersubmission'] == 1 && !SEC_hasRights('user.edit')) {
        $queueUser = true;
        if (!empty($_CONF['allow_domains'])) {
            if (USER_emailMatches($email, $_CONF['allow_domains'])) {
                $queueUser = false;
        if ($queueUser) {
            $fields .= ',status';
            $values .= ',' . USER_ACCOUNT_AWAITING_APPROVAL;
    } else {
        if ($_CONF['registration_type'] == 1 && (empty($remoteusername) || empty($service))) {
            $fields .= ',status';
            $values .= ',' . USER_ACCOUNT_AWAITING_VERIFICATION;
    if (!empty($remoteusername)) {
        $fields .= ',remoteusername';
        $values .= ",'" . DB_escapeString($remoteusername) . "'";
        $account_type = REMOTE_USER;
    if (!empty($service)) {
        $fields .= ',remoteservice';
        $values .= ",'" . DB_escapeString($service) . "'";
    $fields .= ',account_type';
    $values .= ',' . $account_type;
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['users']} ({$fields}) VALUES ({$values})");
    // Get the uid of the user, possibly given a service:
    if ($remoteusername != '') {
        $uid = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'uid', "remoteusername = '******' AND remoteservice='" . DB_escapeString($service) . "'");
    } else {
        $uid = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'uid', "username = '******' AND remoteservice IS NULL");
    // Add user to Logged-in group (i.e. members) and the All Users group
    $normal_grp = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name='Logged-in Users'");
    $all_grp = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name='All Users'");
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['group_assignments']} (ug_main_grp_id,ug_uid) VALUES ({$normal_grp}, {$uid})");
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['group_assignments']} (ug_main_grp_id,ug_uid) VALUES ({$all_grp}, {$uid})");
    // any default groups?
    $result = DB_query("SELECT grp_id FROM {$_TABLES['groups']} WHERE grp_default = 1");
    $num_groups = DB_numRows($result);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $num_groups; $i++) {
        list($def_grp) = DB_fetchArray($result);
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['group_assignments']} (ug_main_grp_id, ug_uid) VALUES ({$def_grp}, {$uid})");
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['userprefs']} (uid,tzid) VALUES ({$uid},'{$_CONF['timezone']}')");
    if ($_CONF['emailstoriesperdefault'] == 1) {
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['userindex']} (uid,etids) VALUES ({$uid},'')");
    } else {
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['userindex']} (uid,etids) VALUES ({$uid}, '-')");
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['usercomment']} (uid,commentmode,commentlimit) VALUES ({$uid},'{$_CONF['comment_mode']}','{$_CONF['comment_limit']}')");
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['userinfo']} (uid) VALUES ({$uid})");
    // call custom registration function and plugins
    if ($_CONF['custom_registration'] && function_exists('CUSTOM_userCreate')) {
        CUSTOM_userCreate($uid, $batchimport);
    if (function_exists('CUSTOM_userCreateHook')) {
    if ($ignore == 0) {
    // Notify the admin?
    if (isset($_CONF['notification']) && in_array('user', $_CONF['notification'])) {
        if ($queueUser) {
            $mode = 'inactive';
        } else {
            $mode = 'active';
        USER_sendNotification($username, $email, $uid, $mode);
    return $uid;
 * Create a new user
 * Also calls the custom user registration (if enabled) and plugin functions.
 * NOTE: Does NOT send out password emails.
 * @param  string  $username    username (mandatory)
 * @param  string  $email       user's email address (mandatory)
 * @param  string  $passwd      password (optional, see above)
 * @param  string  $fullname    user's full name (optional)
 * @param  string  $homepage    user's home page (optional)
 * @param  string  $remoteUserName
 * @param  string  $service
 * @param  boolean $batchImport set to true when called from importuser() in admin/users.php (optional)
 * @return int                     new user's ID
function USER_createAccount($username, $email, $passwd = '', $fullname = '', $homepage = '', $remoteUserName = '', $service = '', $batchImport = false)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES;
    $queueUser = false;
    $username = DB_escapeString($username);
    $email = DB_escapeString($email);
    $regdate = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time());
    $fields = 'username,email,regdate,cookietimeout';
    $values = "'{$username}','{$email}','{$regdate}','{$_CONF['default_perm_cookie_timeout']}'";
    if (!empty($passwd)) {
        // Since no uid exists yet we can't use SEC_updateUserPassword and must handle things manually
        $salt = SEC_generateSalt();
        $passwd = SEC_encryptPassword($passwd, $salt, $_CONF['pass_alg'], $_CONF['pass_stretch']);
        $fields .= ',passwd,salt,algorithm,stretch';
        $values .= ",'{$passwd}','{$salt}','" . $_CONF['pass_alg'] . "','" . $_CONF['pass_stretch'] . "'";
    if (!empty($fullname)) {
        $fullname = DB_escapeString($fullname);
        $fields .= ',fullname';
        $values .= ",'{$fullname}'";
    if (!empty($homepage)) {
        $homepage = DB_escapeString($homepage);
        $fields .= ',homepage';
        $values .= ",'{$homepage}'";
    if ($_CONF['usersubmission'] == 1 && !SEC_hasRights('user.edit')) {
        $queueUser = true;
        if (!empty($_CONF['allow_domains'])) {
            if (USER_emailMatches($email, $_CONF['allow_domains'])) {
                $queueUser = false;
        if ($queueUser) {
            $fields .= ',status';
            $values .= ',' . USER_ACCOUNT_AWAITING_APPROVAL;
    } else {
        if (!empty($remoteUserName)) {
            $fields .= ',remoteusername';
            $values .= ",'{$remoteUserName}'";
        if (!empty($service)) {
            $fields .= ',remoteservice';
            $values .= ",'{$service}'";
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['users']} ({$fields}) VALUES ({$values})");
    // Get the uid of the user, possibly given a service:
    if ($remoteUserName != '') {
        $uid = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'uid', "remoteusername = '******' AND remoteservice='{$service}'");
    } else {
        $uid = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'uid', "username = '******' AND remoteservice IS NULL");
    // Add user to Logged-in group (i.e. members) and the All Users group
    $normal_grp = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name='Logged-in Users'");
    $all_grp = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name='All Users'");
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['group_assignments']} (ug_main_grp_id, ug_uid) VALUES ({$normal_grp}, {$uid})");
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['group_assignments']} (ug_main_grp_id, ug_uid) VALUES ({$all_grp}, {$uid})");
    // any default groups?
    $result = DB_query("SELECT grp_id FROM {$_TABLES['groups']} WHERE grp_default = 1");
    $num_groups = DB_numRows($result);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $num_groups; $i++) {
        list($def_grp) = DB_fetchArray($result);
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['group_assignments']} (ug_main_grp_id, ug_uid) VALUES ({$def_grp}, {$uid})");
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['userprefs']} (uid) VALUES ({$uid})");
    if ($_CONF['emailstoriesperdefault'] == 1) {
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['userindex']} (uid,etids) VALUES ({$uid},'')");
    } else {
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['userindex']} (uid,etids) VALUES ({$uid}, '-')");
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['usercomment']} (uid,commentmode,commentorder,commentlimit) VALUES ({$uid},'{$_CONF['comment_mode']}','{$_CONF['comment_order']}','{$_CONF['comment_limit']}')");
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['userinfo']} (uid) VALUES ({$uid})");
    // call custom registration function and plugins
    if ($_CONF['custom_registration'] && function_exists('CUSTOM_userCreate')) {
        CUSTOM_userCreate($uid, $batchImport);
    // Notify the admin?
    if (isset($_CONF['notification']) && in_array('user', $_CONF['notification'])) {
        $mode = $queueUser ? 'inactive' : 'active';
        $username = COM_getDisplayName($uid, $username, $fullname, $remoteUserName, $service);
        USER_sendNotification($username, $email, $uid, $mode);
    return $uid;
function fnccreateAccount($username, $email, $passwd = '', $fullname = '', $homepage = '', $uid = "")
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES;
    $batchimport = true;
    $ret = true;
    $username = addslashes($username);
    $email = addslashes($email);
    $fullname = addslashes($fullname);
    $homepage = addslashes($homepage);
    if ($uid == 0) {
        $w = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], "max(uid)", "1=1");
        if ($w == "") {
            $w = 0;
        $uid = $w + 1;
    $regdate = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time());
    $fields = 'uid,username,email,regdate,cookietimeout';
    $values = "{$uid},'{$username}','{$email}','{$regdate}','{$_CONF['default_perm_cookie_timeout']}'";
    if (!empty($passwd)) {
        $passwd = addslashes($passwd);
        $fields .= ',passwd';
        $values .= ",'{$passwd}'";
    } else {
        srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
        $passwd1 = rand();
        $passwd1 = md5($passwd1);
        $passwd1 = substr($passwd1, 1, 8);
        $passwd2 = SEC_encryptPassword($passwd1);
        $fields .= ',passwd';
        $values .= ",'{$passwd2}'";
    if (!empty($fullname)) {
        $fullname = addslashes($fullname);
        $fields .= ',fullname';
        $values .= ",'{$fullname}'";
    if (!empty($homepage)) {
        $homepage = addslashes($homepage);
        $fields .= ',homepage';
        $values .= ",'{$homepage}'";
    // DB users 追加
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['users']} ({$fields}) VALUES ({$values})");
    // Add user to Logged-in group (i.e. members) and the All Users group
    $normal_grp = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name='Logged-in Users'");
    $all_grp = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name='All Users'");
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['group_assignments']}\n                (ug_main_grp_id,ug_uid) VALUES ({$normal_grp}, {$uid})");
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['group_assignments']}\n                (ug_main_grp_id,ug_uid) VALUES ({$all_grp}, {$uid})");
    // DB userprefs 追加
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['userprefs']} (uid) VALUES ({$uid})");
    // デイリーダイジェスト 新規ユーザのデフォルトにより更新
    if ($_CONF['emailstoriesperdefault'] == 1) {
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['userindex']} (uid,etids) VALUES ({$uid},'')");
    } else {
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['userindex']} (uid,etids) VALUES ({$uid}, '-')");
    //DB usercomment 追加
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['usercomment']} (uid,commentmode,commentlimit) VALUES ({$uid},'{$_CONF['comment_mode']}','{$_CONF['comment_limit']}')");
    //DB userinfo 追加
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['userinfo']} (uid) VALUES ({$uid})");
    // call custom registration function and plugins
    if ($_CONF['custom_registration'] && function_exists('CUSTOM_userCreate')) {
        CUSTOM_userCreate($uid, $batchimport);
    return $ret;