    # Allow formfields that are already set to override defaults
    if (isset($formfields)) {
        while (list($field, $value) = each($formfields)) {
            $defaults[$field] = $formfields[$field];
    SPITFORM($defaults, 0);
# Make sure we got that formfields array!
if (!isset($formfields)) {
# Okay, validate form arguments.
$errors = array();
# Some local variables.
$nsfilelocale = 0;
$thensfile = 0;
$deletensfile = 0;
# Project:
if (!isset($formfields["pid"]) || $formfields["pid"] == "") {
    $errors["Project"] = "Not Selected";
} elseif (!TBvalid_pid($formfields["pid"])) {
function ValidateArgument($name, $arg)
    switch ($name) {
        case PAGEARG_UID:
        case PAGEARG_PID:
        case PAGEARG_GID:
        case PAGEARG_EID:
        case PAGEARG_NODEID:
        case PAGEARG_PROJECT:
        case PAGEARG_GROUP:
        case PAGEARG_USER:
        case PAGEARG_NODE:
        case PAGEARG_LOGFILE:
            if (preg_match("/^[-\\w]+\$/", "{$arg}")) {
                return 1;
            PAGEARGERROR("Invalid argument for '{$name}': {$arg}");
        case PAGEARG_IMAGEID:
        case PAGEARG_IMAGE:
        case PAGEARG_OSID:
        case PAGEARG_OSINFO:
            if (preg_match("/^[-\\w\\.\\+]+\$/", "{$arg}")) {
                return 1;
            PAGEARGERROR("Invalid argument for '{$name}': {$arg}");
        case PAGEARG_GUID:
        case PAGEARG_VERS:
        case PAGEARG_INSTANCE:
            if (preg_match("/^[\\d]+\$/", "{$arg}")) {
                return 1;
            PAGEARGERROR("Invalid argument for '{$name}': {$arg}");
        case PAGEARG_METADATA:
            if (preg_match("/^[\\d]+\\/[\\d]+\$/", "{$arg}")) {
                return 1;
            PAGEARGERROR("Invalid argument for '{$name}': {$arg}");
        case PAGEARG_INTEGER:
        case PAGEARG_NUMERIC:
            if (is_numeric($arg)) {
                return 1;
            PAGEARGERROR("Invalid argument for '{$name}': {$arg}");
        case PAGEARG_ARRAY:
            if (is_array($arg)) {
                return 1;
            PAGEARGERROR("'{$name}' is not an array: {$arg}");
            TBERROR("ValidateArgument: " . "Unknown argument type - {$name}", 1);
    return 0;
function GraphChange($action, $recursive = 0, $no_output = 0)
    global $pid, $unix_gid, $eid, $uid, $guid, $TBSUEXEC_PATH, $TBADMINGROUP;
    global $template, $unix_pid;
    $html = "";
    $reqarg = "-a ";
    $versarg = $template->vers();
    if ($action == "zoomout" || $action == "zoomin") {
        $optarg = "";
        if ($action == "zoomin") {
            $optarg = "-z in";
        } else {
            $optarg = "-z out";
        # Need to update the template graph.
        SUEXEC($uid, "{$unix_pid},{$unix_gid}", "webtemplate_graph {$optarg} {$guid}", SUEXEC_ACTION_DIE);
    } else {
        $optarg = $recursive ? "-r" : "";
        if ($action == "showtemplate") {
            $reqarg .= "show";
        } elseif ($action == "hidetemplate") {
            $reqarg .= "hide";
        } elseif ($action == "showhidden") {
            $reqarg .= "showhidden";
            # Applies only to root template
            $versarg = "1";
        } elseif ($action == "hidehidden") {
            $reqarg .= "hidehidden";
            # Applies only to root template
            $versarg = "1";
        } elseif ($action == "activate") {
            $reqarg .= "activate";
        } elseif ($action == "inactivate") {
            $reqarg .= "inactivate";
        } else {
            PAGEARGERROR("Invalid action {$action}");
        $reqarg .= " {$guid}/{$versarg}";
        SUEXEC($uid, "{$unix_pid},{$unix_gid}", "webtemplate_control {$reqarg} {$optarg}", SUEXEC_ACTION_DIE);
    $html = "";
    if (!$no_output) {
        $html = Show("graph", 0, 0);
    return $html;
function SPITERROR($message = "", $death = 1)
    header("Content-type: image/gif");
$session_interactive = 0;
$session_errorhandler = 'SPITERROR';
# Verify page arguments.
$reqargs = RequiredPageArguments("template", PAGEARG_TEMPLATE);
$optargs = OptionalPageArguments("zoom", PAGEARG_STRING);
if (isset($zoom)) {
    if ($zoom != "in" && $zoom != "out") {
        PAGEARGERROR("Invalid characters in zoom factor!");
function SPITGRAPH($template)
    $data = NULL;
    if ($template->GraphImage($data) != 0 || $data == NULL || $data == "") {
    } else {
        header("Content-type: image/png");
        echo "{$data}";
# If the request did not specify a zoom, return whatever we have.
# We must get the redirection arguments,
$reqargs = RequiredPageArguments("redirect_to", PAGEARG_STRING);
# Check format. Also figure out the target.
if (!preg_match("/^http[s]?:\\/\\/([-\\w\\.]*)\\//", $redirect_to, $matches)) {
    PAGEARGERROR("Invalid redirection argument!");
$redirect_host = $matches[1];
# Right now all we allow is www.datapository.net, and that is really
# nfs.emulab.net.
if ($redirect_host != "www.datapository.net" && $redirect_host != "nfs.emulab.net") {
    PAGEARGERROR("Invalid redirection host '{$redirect_host}'");
# Okay, now see if the user is logged in. If not, the user will be
# be brought back here after logging in.
$this_user = CheckLoginOrDie();
$uid = $this_user->uid();
$isadmin = ISADMIN();
# Generate a cookie.
$authhash = GENHASH();
# Send it over to the server where it will save it.
if (!isset($formfields)) {
    if (isset($prevsearch)) {
        $defaults = $root->SavedSearch(addslashes($prevsearch), $this_user);
    } else {
        $defaults = array();
        $defaults["searchwhat"] = "this";
        $defaults["searchwhich"] = "template";
        $defaults["matchif"] = "any";
    SPITFORM($defaults, null);
# Form submitted.
if (!isset($formfields['clausecount']) || $formfields['clausecount'] <= 0 || $formfields['clausecount'] > 20) {
    PAGEARGERROR("Invalid form arguments.");
# Old searches. Process a deletion request before generating new list.
if (isset($formfields['deletesearch']) && $formfields['deletesearch'] != "" && TBcheck_dbslot($formfields['deletesearch'], "experiment_template_searches", "name", TBDB_CHECKDBSLOT_WARN | TBDB_CHECKDBSLOT_ERROR)) {
    $root->DeleteSearch(addslashes($formfields['deletesearch']), $this_user);
    # Lets clear the saved search stuff.
# Need to generate new clauses for any added previously, plus a new one
# if the Add Clause button was pressed. But, have to watch for deleted
    $template_vers = $template->vers();
    if (!isset($metadata)) {
        PAGEARGERROR("Must provide a metadata guid");
    $metadata_guid = $metadata->guid();
    $metadata_vers = $metadata->vers();
    $metadata_type = $metadata->type();
} else {
    if (!isset($template)) {
        PAGEARGERROR("Must provide a template guid");
    $template_guid = $template->guid();
    $template_vers = $template->vers();
    if (isset($metadata_type) && $metadata_type != "") {
        if (!TBvalid_template_metadata_type($metadata_type)) {
            PAGEARGERROR("Invalid characters in metadata type!");
    } else {
# Perm check for add/modify to the template.
if (!$template->AccessCheck($this_user, $TB_EXPT_MODIFY)) {
    USERERROR("You do not have permission to {$action} metadata in " . " template {$template_guid}!", 1);
# Okay, validate form arguments.
$errors = array();
$command_opts = "";
$this_user = CheckLoginOrDie();
$uid = $this_user->uid();
$isadmin = ISADMIN();
# Verify page arguments.
$optargs = OptionalPageArguments("instance", PAGEARG_INSTANCE, "template", PAGEARG_TEMPLATE, "canceled", PAGEARG_BOOLEAN, "confirmed", PAGEARG_BOOLEAN, "referrer", PAGEARG_STRING, "runidx", PAGEARG_INTEGER, "tag", PAGEARG_STRING, "overwrite", PAGEARG_BOOLEAN, "spew", PAGEARG_BOOLEAN);
# An instance might be a current or historical. If its a template, use
# the underlying experiment of the template.
if (isset($instance)) {
    $template = $instance->GetTemplate();
} elseif (!isset($template)) {
    PAGEARGERROR("Must provide a template or an instance to export");
if (isset($canceled) && $canceled) {
    if (isset($instance)) {
        header("Location: " . CreateURL("template_show", $template));
    } else {
        header("Location: " . CreateURL("template_show", $instance));
# Need these below.
$guid = $template->guid();
$vers = $template->vers();
$pid = $template->pid();
$unix_gid = $template->UnixGID();
$project = $template->GetProject();
$optargs = OptionalPageArguments("slice_idx", PAGEARG_INTEGER, "slice_uuid", PAGEARG_STRING, "download", PAGEARG_BOOLEAN);
if (!isset($download)) {
    $download = 0;
# Standard Testbed Header
if (!$download) {
    PAGEHEADER("Geni Slice Logs");
if (!($isadmin || STUDLY())) {
    USERERROR("You do not have permission to view Geni slices!", 1);
if (!(isset($slice_idx) || isset($slice_uuid))) {
    PAGEARGERROR("Must provide a slice idx or UUID");
$whereclause = isset($slice_idx) ? "where m.metakey='slice_idx'  and m.metaval='{$slice_idx}'" : "where m.metakey='slice_uuid' and m.metaval='{$slice_uuid}'";
$urlarg = isset($slice_idx) ? "slice_idx={$slice_idx}" : "slice_uuid={$slice_uuid}";
# Find all logs associated with this slice.
$query_result = DBQueryFatal("select m.logidx,l.logid,l.date_created,m2.metaval " . "  from logfile_metadata as m " . "left join logfiles as l on l.logidx=m.logidx " . "left join logfile_metadata as m2 on " . "      m2.logidx=m.logidx and m2.metakey='Method' " . "{$whereclause} " . "order by l.date_created asc");
if ($query_result && mysql_num_rows($query_result)) {
    if ($download) {
        header("Content-Type: text/plain");
        header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
        header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
        header("Pragma: no-cache");
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_result)) {
    $gid = $experiment->gid();
    $eid = $experiment->eid();
    $idx = $experiment->idx();
    $stats = $experiment->GetStats();
    if (!$stats) {
        TBERROR("Could not load stats object for experiment {$pid}/{$eid}", 1);
    $archive_idx = $stats->archive_idx();
    # Permission
    if (!$isadmin && !$experiment->AccessCheck($this_user, $TB_EXPT_READINFO)) {
        USERERROR("You do not have permission to view this archive!", 1);
} elseif (isset($index)) {
    $stats = ExperimentStats::Lookup($index);
    if (!$stats) {
        PAGEARGERROR("Invalid experiment index: {$index}");
    # Need these below.
    $pid = $stats->pid();
    $eid = $stats->eid();
    $gid = $stats->gid();
    $idx = $index;
    $archive_idx = $stats->archive_idx();
    # Permission
    if (!$isadmin && !$stats->AccessCheck($this_user, $TB_PROJECT_READINFO)) {
        USERERROR("You do not have permission to view tags for " . "archive in {$pid}/{$eid}!", 1);
# This gets scrubbed ...
$query = escapeshellcmd($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);
    # Must be admin or project/group root.
    if (!$isadmin && !TBMinTrust(TBGrpTrust($uid, $pid, $pid), $TBDB_TRUST_GROUPROOT)) {
        USERERROR("You do not have permission to toggle {$type}!", 1);
    $zapurl = CreateURL("showproject", $project);
    $unix_pid = $project->unix_gid();
    SUEXEC($uid, $unix_pid, "webcvsrepo_ctrl {$pid}", SUEXEC_ACTION_DIE);
} elseif ($type == "workbench") {
    # Must validate the pid since we allow non-admins to do this.
    if (!TBvalid_pid($pid)) {
        PAGEARGERROR("Invalid characters in {$pid}");
    if (!($project = Project::Lookup($pid))) {
        PAGEARGERROR("Project {$pid} is not a valid project!");
    # Must be admin
    if (!$isadmin) {
        USERERROR("You do not have permission to toggle {$type}!", 1);
    $zapurl = CreateURL("showproject", $project);
} elseif ($type == "hiderun") {
    RequiredPageArguments("instance", PAGEARG_INSTANCE, "runidx", PAGEARG_INTEGER);
    if (!$instance->AccessCheck($this_user, $TB_EXPT_MODIFY)) {
        USERERROR("You do not have permission to modify this instance", 1);
    $instance->SetRunHidden($runidx, $value);
} else {
    USERERROR("Nobody has permission to toggle {$type}!", 1);
# Spit out the image with a content header.
$eid = $instance->eid();
$pid = $instance->pid();
$guid = $instance->guid();
$vers = $instance->vers();
$exptidx = $instance->exptidx();
$unix_gid = $template->UnixGID();
$which = "pps";
# Default to pps if no graphtype.
if (isset($graphtype) && $graphtype != "") {
    if (!preg_match('/^[\\w]*$/', $graphtype)) {
        PAGEARGERROR("Invalid characters in graphtype!");
    $which = escapeshellarg($graphtype);
if ($fp = popen("{$TBSUEXEC_PATH} {$uid} {$unix_gid} webtemplate_linkgraph " . "-i {$exptidx} {$runarg} {$vnodes} {$guid}/{$vers} {$which}", "r")) {
    header("Content-type: image/gif");
} else {
    # No Data. Spit back a stub image.
    header("Content-type: image/gif");
# No Footer!