 * Does the actual password changing (meaning it calls the hook function
 * from the backend that does this. If something goes wrong, return error
 * message(s). If everything ok, change the password in the session so the
 * user doesn't have to log out, and redirect back to the options screen.
function cpw_do_change()
    global $cpw_backend;
    sqgetGlobalVar('cpw_curpass', $curpw, SQ_POST);
    sqgetGlobalVar('cpw_newpass', $newpw, SQ_POST);
    sqgetGlobalVar('base_uri', $base_uri, SQ_SESSION);
    sqgetGlobalVar('onetimepad', $onetimepad, SQ_SESSION);
    sqgetGlobalVar('key', $key, SQ_COOKIE);
    sqgetGlobalVar('username', $username, SQ_SESSION);
    require_once SM_PATH . 'plugins/change_password/backend/' . $cpw_backend . '.php';
    $msgs = do_hook('change_password_dochange', $temp = array('username' => &$username, 'curpw' => &$curpw, 'newpw' => &$newpw));
    /* something bad happened, return */
    if (count($msgs) > 0) {
        return $msgs;
    /* update our password stored in the session */
    $onetimepad = OneTimePadCreate(strlen($newpw));
    sqsession_register($onetimepad, 'onetimepad');
    $key = OneTimePadEncrypt($newpw, $onetimepad);
    sqsetcookie('key', $key, 0, $base_uri);
    /* make sure we write the session data before we redirect */
    header('Location: ' . SM_PATH . 'src/options.php?optmode=submit&optpage=change_password&plugin_change_password=1&smtoken=' . sm_generate_security_token());
文件: global.php 项目: jprice/EHCP
 function sqauth_save_password($pass)
     sqgetGlobalVar('base_uri', $base_uri, SQ_SESSION);
     $onetimepad = OneTimePadCreate(strlen($pass));
     sqsession_register($onetimepad, 'onetimepad');
     $key = OneTimePadEncrypt($pass, $onetimepad);
     sqsetcookie('key', $key, false, $base_uri);
     return $key;
                $errstr = _("Your current password is incorrect, please try again.");
            } else {
                // FIXME DO Check the password policy :
                if (is_callable(array($admin,"checkPolicy"))  && 
                    !$admin->checkPolicy("pop",$username,$_POST['acp_newpass'])) {
                  $errstr=_("This password is not strong enough for your policy, set a stronger password or call your administrator");
                } else {
                // ok, let's change the password
                $acp_newpass = $_POST['acp_newpass'];
                $newp = _md5cr($acp_newpass);
                mysql_query("UPDATE address SET password='******' WHERE id=" . $c["id"] . " ;");
                $errstr = _("Your password has been successfully changed. Don't forget to change it in your mail software if you are using one (Outlook, Mozilla, Thunderbird, Eudora ...)");
                // Write new cookies for the password
                $onetimepad = OneTimePadCreate(strlen($acp_newpass));
                sqsession_register($onetimepad, 'onetimepad');
                $key = OneTimePadEncrypt($acp_newpass, $onetimepad);
                setcookie("key", $key, 0, $base_uri);
                //	}
// POSTED data ?
displayPageHeader($color, 'None');
if ($errstr) {
    echo "<p><b>" . $errstr . "</b></p>";
文件: redirect.php 项目: jprice/EHCP
  * countermeasure against session fixation attacks.
  * NB: session_regenerate_id() was added in PHP 4.3.2 (and new session
  *     cookie is only sent out in this call as of PHP 4.3.3), but PHP 4
  *     is not vulnerable to session fixation problems in SquirrelMail
  *     because it prioritizes $base_uri subdirectory cookies differently
  *     than PHP 5, which is otherwise vulnerable.  If we really want to,
  *     we could define our own session_regenerate_id() when one does not
  *     exist, but there seems to be no reason to do so.
 if (function_exists('session_regenerate_id')) {
     // re-send session cookie so we get the right parameters on it
     // (such as HTTPOnly, if necessary - PHP doesn't do this itself
     sqsetcookie(session_name(), session_id(), false, $base_uri);
 $onetimepad = OneTimePadCreate(strlen($secretkey));
 $key = OneTimePadEncrypt($secretkey, $onetimepad);
 sqsession_register($onetimepad, 'onetimepad');
 /* remove redundant spaces */
 $login_username = trim($login_username);
 /* Verify that username and password are correct. */
 if ($force_username_lowercase) {
     $login_username = strtolower($login_username);
 $imapConnection = sqimap_login($login_username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0);
 $sqimap_capabilities = sqimap_capability($imapConnection);
 sqsession_register($sqimap_capabilities, 'sqimap_capabilities');
 $delimiter = sqimap_get_delimiter($imapConnection);
 sqsession_register($delimiter, 'delimiter');
 $username = $login_username;