function _preCompile($sData)
     $aContinentCodes = MAX_limitationsGetAFromS($sData);
     $aCountries = array();
     foreach ($aContinentCodes as $continentCode) {
         $aContinentCountries = $this->res[$continentCode];
         // Remove the name of the continent
         $aCountries = array_merge($aCountries, $aContinentCountries);
     return parent::_preCompile(MAX_limitationsGetSFromA($aCountries));
 * Check to see if this impression contains the valid latitude/longitude.
 * @param string $limitation The latitude/longitude limitation
 * @param string $op The operator (either '==' or '!=')
 * @param array $aParams An array of additional parameters to be checked
 * @return boolean Whether this impression's latitude/longitude passes this limitation's test.
function MAX_checkGeo_Latlong($limitation, $op, $aParams = array())
    if (empty($aParams)) {
        $aParams = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CLIENT_GEO'];
    if ($aParams && isset($aParams['latitude']) && isset($aParams['longitude'])) {
        $aRegion = MAX_geoReplaceEmptyWithZero(MAX_limitationsGetAFromS($limitation));
        $result = MAX_geoIsPlaceInRegion($aParams['latitude'], $aParams['longitude'], $aRegion);
        if ($op == '==') {
            return $result;
        } else {
            return !$result;
    } else {
        return $op != '==';
 * Check to see if this impression contains the valid language.
 * @param string $limitation The language limitation
 * @param string $op The operator
 * @param array $aParams An array of additional parameters to be checked
 * @return boolean Whether this impression's language passes this limitation's test.
function MAX_checkClient_Language($limitation, $op, $aParams = array())
    if (empty($aParams)) {
        $language = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'];
    } else {
        $language = $aParams['language'];
    if ($limitation == '' || empty($language)) {
        return true;
    // Strip off q=X if present
    $language = preg_replace('/;q=[0-9\\.]+$/', '', $language);
    $aLimitation = MAX_limitationsGetAFromS($limitation);
    $aLanguages = MAX_limitationsGetAFromS($language);
    $aMatchedValues = array_intersect($aLimitation, $aLanguages);
    if ('=~' == $op) {
        return !empty($aMatchedValues);
    } else {
        return empty($aMatchedValues);
 * An utility function which checks if the array specified in the $value
 * matches the limitation specified in the $limitation and $op variables.
 * The $value is supposed to be a single string and $limitation is
 * a list of values separated by `,' character.
 * The function returns true if the $value matches the limitation,
 * false otherwise.
 * The meaning of $op is the following:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>==: true iff $limitation consists of single value and this value
 *     is exactly the same as $value.</li>
 *   <li>=~: true iff $value is a member of the $limitation array.</li>
 *   <li>!~: true iff $value is not a member of the $limitation array.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param string $value Value to check against the limitation.
 * @param string $limitation The limitation specification as a string.
 * @param string $op The operator to use to apply the limitation.
 * @return boolean True if the $value matches the limitation,
 * false otherwise.
function MAX_limitationsMatchArrayValue($value, $limitation, $op)
    $limitation = strtolower($limitation);
    $value = strtolower($value);
    $aLimitation = MAX_limitationsGetAFromS($limitation);
    if ($op == '==') {
        return count($aLimitation) == 1 && $value == $aLimitation[0];
    } elseif ($op == '=~') {
        return in_array($value, $aLimitation);
    } else {
        return !in_array($value, $aLimitation);
  * Returns the compiledlimitation string for this limitation
  * @return string
 function compile()
     switch ($this->comparison) {
         case '==':
             $join = ' && ';
         case '=~':
             $join = ' || ';
         case '!~':
             $join = ' || ';
     $aChannelIds = MAX_limitationsGetAFromS($this->data);
     if (empty($aChannelIds)) {
         return 'true';
     $compile = array();
     foreach ($aChannelIds as $channelId) {
         $compile[] = $this->compileData($channelId);
     $result .= '(' . implode($join, $compile) . ')';
     if ('!~' == $this->comparison) {
         $result = '!' . $result;
     return $result;
  * A private method to "expand" a delivery limitation from the string format that
  * is saved in the database (ie. in the acls or acls_channel table) into its
  * "expanded" form.
  * Expands the string format into an array with the country code in the first
  * element, and the region codes in the remaining elements.
  * @access private
  * @param string $data An optional, flat form delivery limitation data string.
  * @return mixed The delivery limitation data in expanded format.
 function _expandData($data = null)
     if (is_null($data)) {
         $data = $this->data;
     if (!is_array($data)) {
         $aData = strlen($data) ? explode('|', $data) : array();
         $aRegions = MAX_limitationsGetAFromS($aData[1]);
         return array_merge(array($aData[0]), $aRegions);
     return $data;
  * A private method to pre-compile limitaions.
  * @access private
  * @param mixed $data An optional, expanded form delivery limitation.
  * @return string The delivery limitation in pre-compiled form, with any changes to the format
  *                of the data stored in the database having been made, ready to be used for
  *                either compiling the limitation into final form, or converting the limitation
  *                into SQL form.
 function _preCompile($sData)
     $aData = MAX_limitationsGeoCityUnserialize($sData);
     $sCountry = MAX_limitationsGetCountry($aData);
     MAX_limitationsSetCountry($aData, MAX_limitationsGetPreprocessedString($sCountry));
     $sCities = MAX_limitationsGetSCities($aData);
     $aCities = MAX_limitationsGetAFromS($sCities);
     $aCities = MAX_limitationsGetPreprocessedArray($aCities);
     MAX_limitationsSetSCities($aData, MAX_limitationsGetSFromA($aCities));
     return MAX_limitationsGeoCitySerialize($aData);
 function testMax_limitationsGetAFromS()
     $this->assertEqual(array('ab', 'cd', 'ef'), MAX_limitationsGetAFromS('ab,cd,ef'));
     $this->assertEqual(array(), MAX_limitationsGetAFromS(''));
     $this->assertEqual(array(), MAX_limitationsGetAFromS(null));