function CreateList($dli = '', $pli = '', $sli = '', $cli = '', $mp = '', $mp_name = '')
    $PHP_tmp_SELF = PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST);
    if ($sli != '') {
        $s_ret = DBGet(DBQuery("select title from COURSE_SUBJECTS where subject_id='" . $sli . "'"));
    if ($cli != '') {
        $c_ret = DBGet(DBQuery("select title from COURSES where course_id='" . $cli . "'"));
    if ($mp != '') {
        $sql = "SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SHORT_NAME,'2'  FROM SCHOOL_QUARTERS WHERE SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' and marking_period_id='" . $mp . "' UNION SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SHORT_NAME,'1' FROM SCHOOL_SEMESTERS WHERE SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' and marking_period_id='" . $mp . "' UNION SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SHORT_NAME,'0'  FROM SCHOOL_YEARS WHERE SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' and marking_period_id='" . $mp . "' ORDER BY 3,4";
        $mp_ret1 = DBGet(DBQuery($sql));
        $mp_name = $mp_ret1[1]['TITLE'];
    if ($mp == '') {
        $where = '';
        $heading = "All available classes";
    } else {
        if ($sli == '') {
            $where = "and marking_period_id='" . $mp . "' and course_id in (select course_id from  COURSES where subject_id in (select subject_id from COURSE_SUBJECTS))";
            $heading = "All available classes for <font color='black'>" . $mp_name . " -> " . $d_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $p_ret[1]['TITLE'] . "</font>";
        } else {
            if ($cli == '') {
                $where = "and marking_period_id='" . $mp . "' and course_id in (select Course_Id from COURSES where subject_id = '" . $_REQUEST['subject_id'] . "' and School_Id='" . UserSchool() . "')";
                #$where = "and marking_period_id='".$mp."' and course_id in (select Course_Id from courses where subject_id = '".$_REQUEST['subject_id']."' and School_Id='".UserSchool()."')";
                $heading = "All available classes for <font color='black'>" . $mp_name . " -> " . $d_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $p_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $s_ret[1]['TITLE'] . "</font>";
            } else {
                $where = "and marking_period_id='" . $mp . "' and course_id='" . $cli . "'";
                $heading = "All available classes for <font color='black'>" . $mp_name . " -> " . $d_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $p_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $s_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $c_ret[1]['TITLE'] . "</font>";
    	$sql = "select
                    (select title from COURSES where course_id=COURSE_PERIODS.course_id) as course,
                    (select title from COURSE_SUBJECTS where subject_id=(select subject_id from COURSES where 						course_id=COURSE_PERIODS.course_id)) as subject,
                    short_name,(select CONCAT(START_TIME,' - ',END_TIME,' ') from SCHOOL_PERIODS where period_id=COURSE_PERIODS.period_id) as period,
                    (select CONCAT(LAST_NAME,' ',FIRST_NAME,' ',MIDDLE_NAME,' ') from STAFF where staff_id=COURSE_PERIODS.teacher_id) as teacher,
                    room as location,days,course_period_id
                    from COURSE_PERIODS where school_id='".UserSchool()."' and syear='".UserSyear()."' ".$where."";
    $sql = "select\r\n                (select title from COURSES where course_id=COURSE_PERIODS.course_id) as course,\r\n                (select title from COURSE_SUBJECTS where subject_id=(select subject_id from COURSES where \t\t\t\t\t\tcourse_id=COURSE_PERIODS.course_id)) as subject,\r\n                short_name,(select CONCAT(START_TIME,' - ',END_TIME,' ') from SCHOOL_PERIODS where period_id=COURSE_PERIODS.period_id) as period_time, (select title from SCHOOL_PERIODS where period_id=COURSE_PERIODS.period_id) as period, marking_period_id, (select title from MARKING_PERIODS where marking_period_id=COURSE_PERIODS.marking_period_id) as mp,\r\n                (select CONCAT(LAST_NAME,' ',FIRST_NAME,' ') from STAFF where staff_id=COURSE_PERIODS.teacher_id) as teacher, room as location,days,course_period_id from COURSE_PERIODS where school_id='" . UserSchool() . "' and syear='" . UserSyear() . "' " . $where . "";
    $ret = DBGet(DBQuery($sql));
    $html = "<b>" . $heading . "</b><br>\r\n        <A HREF=" . str_replace('Modules.php', 'for_export.php', $PHP_tmp_SELF) . "&create_excel=true&LO_save=1&_openSIS_PDF=true > <IMG SRC=assets/download.png border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0></A>\r\n        <br>";
    $html .= "<table width=100%  style=\" font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\" >";
    $html .= "<tr><td  style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; padding-top:20px;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">Student Schedules Report</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:20px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "<br />Powered by openSIS</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\">&nbsp;</td></tr></table>";
    ########################################List Output Generation ####################################################
    $columns = array('SUBJECT' => 'Subject', 'COURSE' => 'Course', 'MP' => 'Marking Period', 'PERIOD_TIME' => 'Time', 'PERIOD' => 'Period', 'DAYS' => 'Days', 'LOCATION' => 'Location', 'TEACHER' => 'Teacher');
    if ($_REQUEST['print'] == 'list') {
        echo "<table width=100%  style=\" font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\" >";
        echo "<tr><td  style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; padding-top:20px;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">Course Catalog</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:20px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "<br />Powered by openSIS</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\">&nbsp;</td></tr></table>";
    ListOutputFloat($ret, $columns, 'Course', 'Courses', '', '', array('search' => false, 'count' => false));
    echo "<div style=\"page-break-before: always;\"></div>";
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
include '../../Redirect_modules.php';
if (clean_param($_REQUEST['modfunc'], PARAM_ALPHAMOD) == 'print') {
    echo '<style type="text/css">.print_wrapper{font-family:arial;font-size:12px;}.print_wrapper table table{border-right:1px solid #666;border-bottom:1px solid #666;}.print_wrapper table td{font-size:12px;}</style>';
    echo "<table width=100%  style=\" font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\" >";
    echo "<tr><td  style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; padding-top:10px;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">List of Events</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:10px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "<br />Powered by openSIS</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\">&nbsp;</td></tr></table>";
    echo "<div class=print_wrapper>";
    ListOutputFloat($_SESSION['events_RET'], array('SCHOOL_DATE' => 'Date', 'TITLE' => 'Event', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Description'), 'Event', 'Events', '', '', array('search' => false, 'count' => false));
    echo "</div>";
if (!$_REQUEST['month']) {
    $_REQUEST['month'] = date("n");
} else {
    $_REQUEST['month'] = MonthNWSwitch($_REQUEST['month'], 'tonum') * 1;
if (!$_REQUEST['year']) {
    $_REQUEST['year'] = date("Y");
$time = mktime(0, 0, 0, $_REQUEST['month'], 1, $_REQUEST['year']);
DrawBC("School Setup >> " . ProgramTitle());
if (clean_param($_REQUEST['modfunc'], PARAM_ALPHAMOD) == 'create') {
    $fy_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT START_DATE,END_DATE FROM school_years WHERE SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\''));
function CreateList($dli = '', $pli = '', $sli = '', $cli = '', $mp = '', $mp_name = '')
    $PHP_tmp_SELF = PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST);
    if ($sli != '') {
        $s_ret = DBGet(DBQuery("select title from course_subjects where subject_id='" . $sli . "'"));
    if ($cli != '') {
        $c_ret = DBGet(DBQuery("select title from courses where course_id='" . $cli . "'"));
    if ($mp != '') {
        $sql = 'SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SHORT_NAME,\'2\'  FROM school_quarters WHERE SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' and marking_period_id=\'' . $mp . '\' UNION SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SHORT_NAME,\'1\' FROM school_semesters WHERE SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' and marking_period_id=\'' . $mp . '\' UNION SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SHORT_NAME,\'0\'  FROM school_years WHERE SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' and marking_period_id=\'' . $mp . '\' ORDER BY 3,4';
        $mp_ret1 = DBGet(DBQuery($sql));
        $mp_name = $mp_ret1[1]['TITLE'];
    if ($mp == '') {
        $where = '';
        $heading = "All available classes";
    } else {
        if ($sli == '') {
            $where = 'and marking_period_id=\'' . $mp . '\' and course_id in (select course_id from  courses where subject_id in (select subject_id from course_subjects))';
            $heading = "All available classes for <font color='black'>" . $mp_name . " -> " . $d_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $p_ret[1]['TITLE'] . "</font>";
        } else {
            if ($cli == '') {
                $where = 'and marking_period_id=\'' . $mp . '\' and course_id in (select Course_Id from courses where subject_id = \'' . $_REQUEST['subject_id'] . '\' and School_Id=\'' . UserSchool() . '\')';
                $heading = "All available classes for <font color='black'>" . $mp_name . " -> " . $d_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $p_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $s_ret[1]['TITLE'] . "</font>";
            } else {
                $where = 'and marking_period_id=\'' . $mp . '\' and course_id=\'' . $cli . '\'';
                $heading = "All available classes for <font color='black'>" . $mp_name . " -> " . $d_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $p_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $s_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $c_ret[1]['TITLE'] . "</font>";
    $sql = 'select
                (select title from courses where course_id=course_periods.course_id) as course,
                (select title from course_subjects where subject_id=(select subject_id from courses where course_id=course_periods.course_id)) as subject,
                short_name,(select CONCAT(START_TIME,\' - \',END_TIME,\' \') from school_periods where period_id=course_period_var.period_id) as period_time, (select title from school_periods where period_id=course_period_var.period_id) as period, marking_period_id, (select title from marking_periods where marking_period_id=course_periods.marking_period_id) as mp,
                (select CONCAT(LAST_NAME,\' \',FIRST_NAME,\' \') from staff where staff_id=course_periods.teacher_id) as teacher, rooms.title as location,days,course_periods.course_period_id,course_periods.begin_date,course_periods.end_date,course_periods.SCHEDULE_TYPE,course_period_var.ID AS CPV_ID from course_periods,course_period_var,rooms where course_periods.school_id=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' and course_period_var.room_id=rooms.room_id and course_periods.course_period_id=course_period_var.course_period_id and course_periods.syear=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' ' . $where . '  GROUP BY course_period_var.COURSE_PERIOD_ID ORDER BY course_period_var.ID';
    $ret_temp = DBGet(DBQuery($sql));
    $ret = array();
    $i = 1;
    $days_arr = array("Monday" => 'M', "Tuesday" => 'T', "Wednesday" => 'W', "Thursday" => 'H', "Friday" => 'F', "Saturday" => 'S', "Sunday" => 'U');
    echo "<br><br>";
    foreach ($ret_temp as $ri => $rd) {
        $time = explode(' - ', $rd['PERIOD_TIME']);
        $rd['PERIOD_TIME'] = date("g:i A", strtotime($time[0])) . ' - ' . date("g:i A", strtotime($time[1]));
        if ($rd['SCHEDULE_TYPE'] == 'FIXED') {
            $ret[$i] = $rd;
        } else {
            $get_det = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT cpv.*,CONCAT(sp.START_TIME,\' - \',sp.END_TIME,\' \') as PERIOD_TIME,sp.TITLE as PERIOD,r.TITLE AS LOCATION FROM course_period_var cpv,school_periods sp,rooms r WHERE cpv.COURSE_PERIOD_ID=' . $rd['COURSE_PERIOD_ID'] . ' AND cpv.PERIOD_ID=sp.PERIOD_ID AND cpv.ROOM_ID=r.ROOM_ID'));
            $ret[$i] = $rd;
            if (count($get_det) > 1) {
                foreach ($get_det as $gi => $gd) {
                    if ($rd['CPV_ID'] != $gd['ID']) {
                        $time = explode(' - ', $gd['PERIOD_TIME']);
                        $gd['PERIOD_TIME'] = date("g:i A", strtotime($time[0])) . ' - ' . date("g:i A", strtotime($time[1]));
                        $ret[$i]['PERIOD_TIME'] = $ret[$i]['PERIOD_TIME'] . ' , ' . $gd['PERIOD_TIME'];
                        $ret[$i]['PERIOD'] = $ret[$i]['PERIOD'] . ' , ' . $gd['PERIOD'];
                        $ret[$i]['LOCATION'] = $ret[$i]['LOCATION'] . ' , ' . $gd['LOCATION'];
                        if ($rd['SCHEDULE_TYPE'] == 'VARIABLE') {
                            $ret[$i]['DAYS'] = $ret[$i]['DAYS'] . ' , ' . $gd['DAYS'];
                        } else {
                            $ret[$i]['DAYS'] = $ret[$i]['DAYS'] . ' , ' . $days_arr[$gd['DAYS']];
                $final_days = explode(' , ', $ret[$i]['DAYS']);
                $final_days = array_unique($final_days);
                $final_days = implode(' , ', $final_days);
                $ret[$i]['DAYS'] = $final_days;
    //        exit;
    $html = "<b>" . $heading . "</b><br>\n        <A HREF=" . str_replace('Modules.php', 'ForExport.php', $PHP_tmp_SELF) . "&create_excel=true&LO_save=1&_openSIS_PDF=true > <IMG SRC=assets/download.png border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0></A>\n        <br>";
    $html .= "<table width=100%  style=\" font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\" >";
    $html .= "<tr><td  style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">Student Schedules Report</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:10px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\">&nbsp;</td></tr></table>";
    ########################################List Output Generation ####################################################
    $columns = array('SUBJECT' => 'Subject', 'COURSE' => 'Course', 'MP' => 'Marking Period', 'PERIOD_TIME' => 'Time', 'PERIOD' => 'Period', 'DAYS' => 'Days', 'LOCATION' => 'Location', 'TEACHER' => 'Teacher');
    if ($_REQUEST['print'] == 'list') {
        echo "<table width=100%  style=\" font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\" >";
        echo "<tr><td  style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">Course Catalog</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:10px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\">&nbsp;</td></tr></table>";
    echo '<style type="text/css">.print-div td{font-size:12px;font-family:arial;}</style><div class="print-div">';
    ListOutputFloat($ret, $columns, 'Course', 'Courses', '', '', array('search' => false, 'count' => false));
    echo '</div>';
    echo "<div style=\"page-break-before: always;\"></div>";
function CreateList($dli = '', $pli = '', $sli = '', $cli = '', $mp = '', $mp_name = '')
    $PHP_tmp_SELF = PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST);
    if ($sli != '') {
        $s_ret = DBGet(DBQuery("select title from course_subjects where subject_id='" . $sli . "'"));
    if ($cli != '') {
        $c_ret = DBGet(DBQuery("select title from courses where course_id='" . $cli . "'"));
    if ($mp != '') {
        $sql = 'SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SHORT_NAME,\'2\'  FROM school_quarters WHERE SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' and marking_period_id=\'' . $mp . '\' UNION SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SHORT_NAME,\'1\' FROM school_semesters WHERE SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' and marking_period_id=\'' . $mp . '\' UNION SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SHORT_NAME,\'0\'  FROM school_years WHERE SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' and marking_period_id=\'' . $mp . '\' ORDER BY 3,4';
        $mp_ret1 = DBGet(DBQuery($sql));
        $mp_name = $mp_ret1[1]['TITLE'];
    if ($mp == '') {
        $where = '';
        $heading = _("All available classes");
    } else {
        if ($sli == '') {
            $where = 'and marking_period_id=\'' . $mp . '\' and course_id in (select course_id from  courses where subject_id in (select subject_id from course_subjects))';
            $heading = _("All available classes for") . " <font color='black'>" . $mp_name . " -> " . $d_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $p_ret[1]['TITLE'] . "</font>";
        } else {
            if ($cli == '') {
                $where = 'and marking_period_id=\'' . $mp . '\' and course_id in (select Course_Id from courses where subject_id = \'' . $_REQUEST['subject_id'] . '\' and School_Id=\'' . UserSchool() . '\')';
                #$where = "and marking_period_id='".$mp."' and course_id in (select Course_Id from courses where subject_id = '".$_REQUEST['subject_id']."' and School_Id='".UserSchool()."')";
                $heading = _("All available classes for") . " <font color='black'>" . $mp_name . " -> " . $d_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $p_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $s_ret[1]['TITLE'] . "</font>";
            } else {
                $where = 'and marking_period_id=\'' . $mp . '\' and course_id=\'' . $cli . '\'';
                $heading = _("All available classes for") . " <font color='black'>" . $mp_name . " -> " . $d_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $p_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $s_ret[1]['TITLE'] . " -> " . $c_ret[1]['TITLE'] . "</font>";
    	$sql = "select
                    (select title from courses where course_id=course_periods.course_id) as course,
                    (select title from course_subjects where subject_id=(select subject_id from courses where 						course_id=course_periods.course_id)) as subject,
                    short_name,(select CONCAT(START_TIME,' - ',END_TIME,' ') from school_periods where period_id=course_periods.period_id) as period,
                    (select CONCAT(LAST_NAME,' ',FIRST_NAME,' ',MIDDLE_NAME,' ') from staff where staff_id=course_periods.teacher_id) as teacher,
                    room as location,days,course_period_id
                    from course_periods where school_id='".UserSchool()."' and syear='".UserSyear()."' ".$where."";
    $sql = 'select
                (select title from courses where course_id=course_periods.course_id) as course,
                (select title from course_subjects where subject_id=(select subject_id from courses where course_id=course_periods.course_id)) as subject,
                short_name,(select CONCAT(START_TIME,\' - \',END_TIME,\' \') from school_periods where period_id=course_periods.period_id) as period_time, (select title from school_periods where period_id=course_periods.period_id) as period, marking_period_id, (select title from marking_periods where marking_period_id=course_periods.marking_period_id) as mp,
                (select CONCAT(LAST_NAME,\' \',FIRST_NAME,\' \') from staff where staff_id=course_periods.teacher_id) as teacher, room as location,days,course_period_id from course_periods where school_id=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' and syear=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' ' . $where . '';
    $ret = DBGet(DBQuery($sql));
    $html = "<b>" . $heading . "</b><br>\n        <A HREF=" . str_replace('Modules.php', 'for_export.php', $PHP_tmp_SELF) . "&create_excel=true&LO_save=1&_openSIS_PDF=true > <IMG SRC=assets/download.png border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0></A>\n        <br>";
    $html .= "<table width=100%  style=\" font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\" >";
    $html .= "<tr><td  style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">" . _('Student Schedules Report') . "</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:10px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "<br />" . _('Powered by openSIS') . "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\">&nbsp;</td></tr></table>";
    ########################################List Output Generation ####################################################
    $columns = array('SUBJECT' => _('Subject'), 'COURSE' => _('Course'), 'MP' => _('Marking Period'), 'PERIOD_TIME' => _('Time'), 'PERIOD' => _('Period'), 'DAYS' => _('Days'), 'LOCATION' => _('Location'), 'TEACHER' => _('Teacher'));
    if ($_REQUEST['print'] == 'list') {
        echo "<table width=100%  style=\" font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\" >";
        echo "<tr><td  style=\"font-size:15px; font-weight:bold;\">" . GetSchool(UserSchool()) . "<div style=\"font-size:12px;\">" . _('Course Catalog') . "</div></td><td align=right style=\"padding-top:10px;\">" . ProperDate(DBDate()) . "<br />" . _('Powered by openSIS') . "M</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 style=\"border-top:1px solid #333;\">&nbsp;</td></tr></table>";
    echo '<style type="text/css">.print-div td{font-size:12px;font-family:arial;}</style><div class="print-div">';
    ListOutputFloat($ret, $columns, _('Course'), _('Courses'), '', '', array('search' => false, 'count' => false));
    echo '</div>';
    echo "<div style=\"page-break-before: always;\"></div>";