function JBPLUG_merge_english_default_files() { JBPLUG_require_all_plugins(); global $_JB_PLUGINS; $source_label = array(); // load in the main english_default labels include_once jb_get_english_default_dir() . "english_default.php"; // the master lang/english_default $source_label = array_merge($source_label, $label); // default english labels $label = array(); $last_mtime = filemtime(jb_get_english_default_dir() . "english_default.php"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM lang "; $result = JB_mysql_query($sql); // Now merge the english_default.php strings with the language files while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { echo "Merging language strings for " . jb_escape_html($row['lang_filename']) . "..<br>"; /// for each of the plugins, load in the plugin's english default foreach ($_JB_PLUGINS as $class => $obj) { $plugin_english_default_path = dirname(__FILE__) . "/plugins/{$class}/lang/english_default.php"; if (!file_exists($plugin_english_default_path)) { continue; // skip } include_once $plugin_english_default_path; // load the labels from the plugins $source_label = array_merge($source_label, $label); $label = array(); $m_time = filemtime($plugin_english_default_path); if ($m_time > $last_mtime) { $last_mtime = $m_time; } } // now that we have all the source labels, we can merge them with // the langauge file. Any key that is present in the source, but // not present in the language file then we merge it. if (is_writable(jB_get_lang_dir() . $row['lang_filename'])) { if ($last_mtime > filemtime(jB_get_lang_dir() . $row['lang_filename'])) { // Now merge the english defaults with the langauge file include jB_get_lang_dir() . $row['lang_filename']; // customized labels $dest_label = array_merge($source_label, $label); $label = array(); // write out the new file: $out = "<?php\n"; $out .= "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n"; $out .= "// IMPORTANT NOTICE\n"; $out .= "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n"; $out .= "// This file was generated by a script!\n"; $out .= "// (JBPLUG_merge_english_default_files() function)\n"; $out .= "// Please do not edit the language files by hand\n"; $out .= "// - please always use the Language Translation / Editing tool found\n"; $out .= "// in Admin->Languages\n"; $out .= "// To add a new phrase for the \$label, please edit english_default.php, and\n"; $out .= "// then vist Admin->Main Summary where the language files will be\n"; $out .= "// automatically merged with this file.\n"; $out .= "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n"; foreach ($dest_label as $key => $val) { $val = str_replace("'", "\\'", $val); $out .= "\$label['{$key}']='" . JB_clean_str($val) . "'; \n"; } $out .= "?>\n"; $handler = fopen(jB_get_lang_dir() . $row['lang_filename'], "w"); fputs($handler, $out); fclose($handler); } } else { echo "<font color='red'><b>- " . jB_get_lang_dir() . $row['lang_filename'] . " file is not writable. Give write permissions (" . decoct(JB_NEW_FILE_CHMOD) . ") to " . jB_get_lang_dir() . $row['lang_filename'] . " file and then disable & re-enable this plugin</b></font><br>"; } echo " Done.<br>"; } }
# You can obtain one at ########################################################################### define('JB_IGNORE_INPUT_FILTER', true); require "../config.php"; require dirname(__FILE__) . "/admin_common.php"; JB_admin_header('Admin -> Plugins'); if (JB_PLUGIN_SWITCH != 'YES') { echo "<b>This feature is not enabled are not enabled. Please go to <a href='edit_config.php'>Main Config</a> to enable plugins.</b>"; die; } if (JB_DEMO_MODE == 'YES') { $JBMarkup->ok_msg('Demo mode is enabled - plugins cannot be enabled or disabled'); } else { JB_show_lang_permission_warning(); } JBPLUG_require_all_plugins(); if (JB_DEMO_MODE != 'YES') { if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'enable') { // JB_ENABLED_PLUGINS $_JB_PLUGINS[$_REQUEST['plugin']]->enable(); echo "<p>"; echo "<b>Plugin Enabled.</b> <a href='plugins.php?plugin=" . jb_escape_html($_REQUEST['plugin']) . "'>Click Here to Continue</a>"; echo "</p>"; JB_admin_footer(); die; } if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'disable') { $_JB_PLUGINS[$_REQUEST['plugin']]->disable(); echo "<p>"; echo "<b>Plugin Disabled.</b> <a href='plugins.php'>Click Here to Continue</a>"; echo "</p>";