文件: orga.php 项目: Spoosie/KH_UniFi
function CreateVariable($Name, $Type, $Value, $Ident = '', $ParentID = 0)
    echo "CreateVariable: ( {$Name}, {$Type}, {$Value}, {$Ident}, {$ParentID} ) \n";
    if ('' != $Ident) {
        $VarID = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($Ident, $ParentID);
        if (false !== $VarID) {
            SetVariable($VarID, $Type, $Value);
    $VarID = @IPS_GetObjectIDByName($Name, $ParentID);
    if (false !== $VarID) {
        $Obj = IPS_GetObject($VarID);
        if (2 == $Obj['ObjectType']) {
            $Var = IPS_GetVariable($VarID);
            if ($Type == $Var['VariableValue']['ValueType']) {
                SetVariable($VarID, $Type, $Value);
    $VarID = IPS_CreateVariable($Type);
    IPS_SetParent($VarID, $ParentID);
    IPS_SetName($VarID, $Name);
    if ('' != $Ident) {
        IPS_SetIdent($VarID, $Ident);
    SetVariable($VarID, $Type, $Value);
 public function createGroupWithID($name, $id, $parentID)
     $group = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($id, $parentID);
     if (!$group) {
         $group = IPS_CreateCategory();
         IPS_SetName($group, $name);
         IPS_SetParent($group, $parentID);
         IPS_SetIdent($group, $id);
         $variable = IPS_CreateVariable(0);
         IPS_SetParent($variable, $group);
         IPS_SetName($variable, "Turn on");
         IPS_SetIdent($variable, "state_" . $id);
         SetValue($variable, true);
         $variable = IPS_CreateVariable(1);
         IPS_SetParent($variable, $group);
         IPS_SetName($variable, "Delay");
         IPS_SetIdent($variable, "delay_" . $id);
         SetValue($variable, 3600);
         $childs = IPS_CreateCategory();
         IPS_SetName($childs, "Links");
         IPS_SetParent($childs, $group);
         IPS_SetIdent($childs, "childs_" . $id);
     return $group;
		 * @public
		 * Initialisierung eines IPSComponentShutter_FS20 Objektes
		 * @param integer $instanceId InstanceId des FS20 Devices
		public function __construct($instanceId) {
			$this->instanceId = IPSUtil_ObjectIDByPath($instanceId);
			$this->isRunningId  = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent('isrunning', $this->instanceId);
			if($this->isRunningId===false) {
				$this->isRunningId = IPS_CreateVariable(0);
				IPS_SetParent($this->isRunningId, $this->instanceId);
				IPS_SetName($this->isRunningId, 'IsRunning');
				IPS_SetIdent($this->isRunningId, 'isrunning');
				IPS_SetInfo($this->isRunningId, "This Variable was created by Script IPSComponentShutter_FS20");
function CheckVariable($name, $vartyp, $profile, $parentID)
    $InstanzID = @IPS_GetVariableIDByName($name, $parentID);
    if ($InstanzID === false) {
        $InstanzID = IPS_CreateVariable($vartyp);
        IPS_SetName($InstanzID, $name);
        // Instanz benennen
        IPS_SetParent($InstanzID, $parentID);
        IPS_SetVariableCustomProfile($InstanzID, $profile);
    //echo "ID: ".$InstanzID." ".$name."\n";
    return $InstanzID;
 private function CreateVariableByIdent($id, $ident, $name, $type, $profile = "")
     $vid = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($ident, $id);
     if ($vid === false) {
         $vid = IPS_CreateVariable($type);
         IPS_SetParent($vid, $id);
         IPS_SetName($vid, $name);
         IPS_SetIdent($vid, $ident);
         if ($profile != "") {
             IPS_SetVariableCustomProfile($vid, $profile);
     return $vid;
 protected function CreateAndUpdateVariable($variableType, $variableName, $value, $parent, $ident)
     $existingVariableId = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($ident, $parent);
     if (!$existingVariableId) {
         $newVariableId = IPS_CreateVariable($variableType);
         IPS_SetName($newVariableId, $variableName);
         SetValue($newVariableId, $value);
         IPS_SetParent($newVariableId, $parent);
         IPS_SetIdent($newVariableId, $ident);
         return $newVariableId;
     } else {
         SetValue($existingVariableId, $value);
         return $existingVariableId;
 $HMDevice = GetOrCreateHMDevice($Rooms[utf8_decode((string) $Channel->Room[0]['Name'])], utf8_decode((string) $Channel['Name']), (string) $Channel['Address'], $Protocol, $HMParent);
 // Jetzt zusätzliche Elemente Erzeugen
 if (array_key_exists(utf8_decode((string) $Channel['ChnLabel']), $AddOnMappings)) {
     $AddOnMapping = $AddOnMappings[utf8_decode((string) $Channel['ChnLabel'])];
     foreach ($AddOnMapping as $ident => $Var) {
         $VarId = IPS_CreateVariable($Var['VarTyp']);
         IPS_SetParent($VarId, $HMDevice);
         IPS_SetName($VarId, $ident);
         IPS_SetIdent($VarId, $ident);
     $Mapping = array_merge($Mapping, $AddOnMapping);
 if (array_key_exists('forceDP', $Mapping)) {
     foreach ($Mapping['forceDP'] as $ident => $VarTyp) {
         if (@IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($ident, $HMDevice) === false) {
             $VarId = IPS_CreateVariable($VarTyp);
             IPS_SetParent($VarId, $HMDevice);
             IPS_SetName($VarId, $ident);
             IPS_SetIdent($VarId, $ident);
         HM_RequestStatus($HMDevice, $ident);
 $Childs = IPS_GetChildrenIDs($HMDevice);
 if (count($Childs) == 0) {
     echo "Gerät mit der Addresse " . (string) $Channel['Address'] . " hat keine Datenpunkte." . PHP_EOL;
     echo "  Gerät mit Namen '" . utf8_decode((string) $Channel['Name']) . "' wird wieder gelöscht." . PHP_EOL;
     echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" . PHP_EOL;
  * constructor
  * second constructor: create the variable in symcon if it does not exist
  * @param string $name name of the variable
  * @param integer $type IPS datatype
  * @param integer $parent id of the variables parent, this defines where the variable will be created
  * @param mixed $value initially set a variable value
  * @param IPSVariableProfile $profile variable profile for this variable
  * @param boolean $enableLogging enables or disables the ips functionality to log variable changes in a database
  * @param integer $archiveId instance id of the archive control (usually located in IPS\core)
  * @param integer $aggregationType logging aggregation: 0 = gauge, 1 = counter
  * @param boolean $debug enables / disables debug information
  * @throws Exception if the parameter \$profile is not an IPSVariableProfile datatype
  * @access public
 private function __construct2($name, $type, $parent, $profile = NULL, $enableLogging = false, $archiveId = NULL, $aggregationType = 0, $debug = false)
     if (isset($profile) && !$profile instanceof IPSVariableProfile) {
         throw new Exception("Parameter \$profile must be an instance of IPSVariableProfile! \$name of the variable is '{$name}'");
     $this->name = $name;
     $this->type = $type;
     $this->parent = $parent;
     $this->profile = $profile;
     $this->enableLogging = $enableLogging;
     $this->archiveId = $archiveId;
     $this->aggregationType = $aggregationType;
     $this->debug = $debug;
     $this->id = @IPS_GetVariableIDByName($name, $parent);
     if ($this->id == false) {
         if ($this->debug) {
             echo "INFO - create IPS variable {$name}\n";
         $this->id = IPS_CreateVariable($this->type);
         IPS_SetName($this->id, $name);
         IPS_SetParent($this->id, $parent);
         IPS_SetInfo($this->id, "this variable was created by script " . $_IPS['SELF'] . " which is part of the ips-library (https://github.com/florianprobst/ips-library)");
         if (isset($profile)) {
             IPS_SetVariableCustomProfile($this->id, $profile->getName());
  * RegisterVariableByParent
  * @param integer $ParentID
  * @param string $Ident
  * @param string $Name
  * @param integer $Type
  * @param string $Profile
  * @param integer $Position
  * @return integer
 private function RegisterVariableByParent($ParentID, $Ident, $Name, $Type, $Profile = "", $Position = 0)
     if ($Profile !== "") {
         //prefer system profiles
         if (IPS_VariableProfileExists("~" . $Profile)) {
             $Profile = "~" . $Profile;
         if (!IPS_VariableProfileExists($Profile)) {
             throw new Exception("Profile with name " . $Profile . " does not exist");
     //search for already available variables with proper ident
     $vid = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($Ident, $ParentID);
     //properly update variableID
     if ($vid === false) {
         $vid = 0;
     //we have a variable with the proper ident. check if it fits
     if ($vid > 0) {
         //check if we really have a variable
         if (!IPS_VariableExists($vid)) {
             throw new Exception("Ident with name " . $Ident . " is used for wrong object type");
         //bail out
         //check for type mismatch
         if (IPS_GetVariable($vid)["VariableType"] != $Type) {
             //mismatch detected. delete this one. we will create a new below
             //this will ensure, that a new one is created
             $vid = 0;
     //we need to create one
     if ($vid === 0) {
         $vid = IPS_CreateVariable($Type);
         //configure it
         IPS_SetParent($vid, $ParentID);
         IPS_SetIdent($vid, $Ident);
         IPS_SetName($vid, $Name);
         IPS_SetPosition($vid, $Position);
         //IPS_SetReadOnly($vid, true);
     //update variable profile. profiles may be changed in module development.
     //this update does not affect any custom profile choices
     IPS_SetVariableCustomProfile($vid, $Profile);
     return $vid;
function Variable_GetOrSet($name, $parent, $value)
    global $Logging;
    $VarID = @IPS_GetVariableIDByName($name, $parent);
    if (!$VarID) {
        if ($name == "Name" or $name == "Marke" or $name == "ID" or $name == "Anschrift") {
            $VarID = IPS_CreateVariable(3);
        } elseif ($name == "Geöffnet_von" or $name == "Geöffnet_bis") {
            $VarID = IPS_CreateVariable(3);
            $ProfilName = "GeoffnetVonBis_Tankstelle_TK";
            if (!IPS_VariableProfileExists($ProfilName)) {
                IPS_CreateVariableProfile($ProfilName, 3);
                IPS_SetVariableProfileText($ProfilName, "", " Uhr");
                IPS_SetVariableProfileIcon($ProfilName, "Clock");
            IPS_SetVariableCustomProfile($VarID, $ProfilName);
        } elseif ($name == "Geöffnet") {
            $VarID = IPS_CreateVariable(0);
            $ProfilName = "Geoeffnet_Tankstelle_TK";
            if (!IPS_VariableProfileExists($ProfilName)) {
                IPS_CreateVariableProfile($ProfilName, 0);
                IPS_SetVariableProfileAssociation($ProfilName, 0, "Geschlossen", "", -1);
                IPS_SetVariableProfileAssociation($ProfilName, 1, "Geöffnet", "", -1);
                IPS_SetVariableProfileIcon($ProfilName, "Information");
            IPS_SetVariableCustomProfile($VarID, $ProfilName);
        } elseif ($name == "Distanz") {
            $VarID = IPS_CreateVariable(2);
            $ProfilName = "Distanz_Tankstelle_TK";
            if (!IPS_VariableProfileExists($ProfilName)) {
                IPS_CreateVariableProfile($ProfilName, 2);
                IPS_SetVariableProfileText($ProfilName, "", "km");
                IPS_SetVariableProfileDigits($ProfilName, 1);
                IPS_SetVariableProfileIcon($ProfilName, "Distance");
            IPS_SetVariableCustomProfile($VarID, $ProfilName);
        } elseif ($name == "Preis" or $name == "Preis_E5" or $name == "Preis_E10" or $name == "Preis_Diesel") {
            if ($value === NULL) {
            $VarID = IPS_CreateVariable(2);
            $ProfilName = "Euro_Tankstelle_TK";
            if (!IPS_VariableProfileExists($ProfilName)) {
                IPS_CreateVariableProfile($ProfilName, 2);
                IPS_SetVariableProfileText($ProfilName, "", "€");
                IPS_SetVariableProfileDigits($ProfilName, 3);
                IPS_SetVariableProfileIcon($ProfilName, "Euro");
            IPS_SetVariableCustomProfile($VarID, $ProfilName);
            if ($Logging) {
                $ArchiveHandlerID = IPS_GetInstanceListByModuleID('{43192F0B-135B-4CE7-A0A7-1475603F3060}')[0];
                AC_SetLoggingStatus($ArchiveHandlerID, $VarID, true);
        IPS_SetName($VarID, $name);
        IPS_SetParent($VarID, $parent);
    SetValue($VarID, $value);