function trocaprefixo($txt)
    for ($a = 1; $a <= strlen($txt); $a++) {
        $p = substr($txt, $a * -1, 1);
        $stv = IIF($p == '*', '%', $p);
        $vt .= $stv;
    return strrev($vt);
function isStrTransferred($content)
    $splstr = '';
    $i = '';
    $s = '';
    $nCount = '';
    $nCount = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i <= len($content) - 1; $i++) {
        $s = mid($content, len($content) - $i, 1);
        if ($s == '\\') {
            $nCount = $nCount + 1;
        } else {
            $isStrTransferred = IIF($nCount % 2 == 1, true, false);
            return @$isStrTransferred;
    return @$isStrTransferred;
  * 注册一个新用户
  * @param  string $username 用户名
  * @param  string $password 用户密码
  * @return integer          注册成功-用户信息,注册失败-错误编号
  *	       错误编号:
  *	       		-1:手机号码不能为空
  *	       		-2:密码不能为空
  *	       		-3:手机号码已经注册
  *	       		 0:注册失败
  *	       		>0:注册成功
 public function register(string $username, string $password)
     if (empty($username)) {
         return -1;
     if (empty($password)) {
         return -2;
     if ($this->checkMobile($username)) {
         return -3;
     $data['username'] = $username;
     $data['password'] = $password;
     $data['app_os'] = PUT('app_os');
     $data['register_ip'] = get_client_ip(1);
     $data['register_time'] = NOW_TIME;
     $data['updated'] = NOW_TIME;
     return IIF($this->add($data), 0);
function groupUrl($url1, $url2)
    $urlType = '';
    $i = '';
    $urlType = '/';
    $url1 = replace($url1, IIF($urlType == '/', '\\', '/'), $urlType);
    $url2 = replace($url2, IIF($urlType == '/', '\\', '/'), $urlType);
    $url1 = PHPTrim($url1);
    $url2 = PHPTrim($url2);
    for ($i = 0; $i <= 99; $i++) {
        if (right($url1, 1) == $urlType) {
            $url1 = mid($url1, 1, len($url1) - 1);
        } else {
    for ($i = 0; $i <= 99; $i++) {
        if (left($url2, 1) == $urlType) {
            $url2 = mid($url2, 2, -1);
        } else {
    $groupUrl = $url1 . $urlType . $url2;
    return @$groupUrl;

require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/constants.php";
require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/../Common/database/db.php";
require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/../Common/database/db_funcs.php";
require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/../Common/miscellaneous/date_utils.php";
require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/../Common/miscellaneous/general.php";
require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/../Common/miscellaneous/numbers_utils.php";
try {
    $valor = $_REQUEST["campo"];
    $params = array(":valor" => $valor, ":id" => $_REQUEST["id"]);
    $sql = "UPDATE rrhh.rba_boletinesarteria\n\t\t\t\tSET ba_" . $_REQUEST["tipo"] . " = " . IIF($_REQUEST["tipo"] == "fecha", "TO_DATE(:valor, 'dd/mm/yyyy')", ":valor") . "\n\t\t  WHERE ba_id = :id";
    DBExecSql($conn, $sql, $params, OCI_DEFAULT);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "<script>alert(unescape('" . rawurlencode($e->getMessage()) . "'));</script>";
	switch ($_REQUEST["tipo"]) {
		case "ano":
			$valor = "Año ".decimalToRomana($_REQUEST["campo"]);
		case "fecha":
			$vals = split("/", $_REQUEST["campo"]);
			$valor = GetDayName(date("N", strtotime($vals[2]."-".$vals[1]."-".$vals[0])))." ".$vals[0]." de ".GetMonthName($vals[1])." de ".$vals[2];
		case "numero":
// Guardo los datos en la tabla..
$params = array(":cargo" => $_REQUEST["Cargo"],
								":contrato" => nullIsEmpty($_REQUEST["RelacionLaboral"]),
								":delegacion" => $_REQUEST["Delegacion"],
								":edificio" => nullIfCero($_REQUEST["Edificio"]),
								":ejex" => nullIsEmpty($_REQUEST["EjeX"]),
								":ejey" => nullIsEmpty($_REQUEST["EjeY"]),
								":fechacumple" => $_REQUEST["FechaNacimiento"],
								":horarioatencion" => $_REQUEST["HorarioAtencion"],
								":idsector" => IIF(($_REQUEST["Sector"] == "-1"), NULL, $_REQUEST["Sector"]),
								":interno" => $_REQUEST["Interno"],
								":legajo" => nullIsEmpty($_REQUEST["Legajo"]),
								":legajorrhh" => nullIsEmpty($_REQUEST["LegajoRRHH"]),
								":piso" => nullIsEmpty($_REQUEST["Piso"]),
								":respondea" => IIF(($_REQUEST["RespondeA"] == "-1"), NULL, $_REQUEST["RespondeA"]),
								":usumodif" => GetWindowsLoginName());
$sql =
	"UPDATE use_usuarios
			SET se_fechamodif = SYSDATE,
					se_usumodif = UPPER(:usumodif),
					se_interno = :interno,
					se_fechacumple = TO_DATE(:fechacumple, 'dd/mm/yyyy'),
					se_idsector = :idsector,
					se_cargo = :cargo,
					se_delegacion = :delegacion,
					se_legajo = :legajo,
					se_legajorrhh = :legajorrhh,				
					se_contrato = :contrato,
					se_respondea = :respondea,
					se_horarioatencion = :horarioatencion,
function XY_AP_GeneralList($action, $tableName, $addSql)
    $title = '';
    $topNumb = '';
    $nTop = '';
    $isB = '';
    $sql = '';
    $columnName = '';
    $columnEnName = '';
    $aboutcontent = '';
    $bodyContent = '';
    $showTitle = '';
    $bannerImage = '';
    $smallImage = '';
    $bigImage = '';
    $id = '';
    $defaultStr = '';
    $i = '';
    $j = '';
    $s = '';
    $c = '';
    $startStr = '';
    $endStr = '';
    $url = '';
    $noFollow = '';
    //不追踪 20141222
    $defaultStr = getDefaultValue($action);
    $modI = '';
    $noFollow = aspTrim(lCase(RParam($action, 'noFollow')));
    $lableTitle = '';
    $target = '';
    $adddatetime = '';
    $isFocus = '';
    $fieldNameList = '';
    $abcolorStr = '';
    $atargetStr = '';
    $atitleStr = '';
    $anofollowStr = '';
    $splFieldName = '';
    $fieldName = '';
    $replaceStr = '';
    $k = '';
    $idPage = '';
    $tableName = lCase($tableName);
    $fieldNameList = getHandleFieldList($GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . $tableName, '字段列表');
    $splFieldName = aspSplit($fieldNameList, ',');
    $topNumb = RParam($action, 'topNumb');
    $nTop = $topNumb;
    if ($nTop != '') {
        $nTop = CInt($nTop);
    } else {
        $nTop = 999;
    if ($sql == '') {
        if ($topNumb != '') {
            $topNumb = ' top ' . $topNumb . ' ';
        $sql = 'Select ' . $topNumb . '* From ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . $tableName;
    if ($addSql != '') {
        $sql = getWhereAnd($sql, $addSql);
    $sql = replaceGlobleVariable($sql);
    if (checkSql($sql) == false) {
        errorLog('出错提示:<br>action=' . $action . '<hr>sql=' . $sql . '<br>');
        return '';
    $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query($sql);
    for ($i = 1; $i <= @mysql_num_rows($rsObj); $i++) {
        $rs = mysql_fetch_array($rsObj);
        $startStr = '';
        $endStr = '';
        //call echo(sql,i & "," & nTop)
        if ($i > $nTop) {
        //#【PHP】$rs=mysql_fetch_array($rsObj);                                            //给PHP用,因为在 asptophp转换不完善
        $isFocus = false;
        $id = $rs['id'];
        if ($tableName == 'webcolumn') {
            if ($GLOBALS['isMakeHtml'] == true) {
                $url = getRsUrl($rs['filename'], $rs['customaurl'], '/nav' . $rs['id']);
            } else {
                $url = handleWebUrl('?act=nav&columnName=' . $rs['columnname']);
                if ($rs['customaurl'] != '') {
                    $url = $rs['customaurl'];
                    $url = replaceGlobleVariable($url);
            //全局栏目名称为空则为自动定位首页 追加(20160128)
            if ($GLOBALS['glb_columnName'] == '' && $rs['columntype'] == '首页') {
                $GLOBALS['glb_columnName'] = $rs['columnname'];
            if ($rs['columnname'] == $GLOBALS['glb_columnName']) {
                $isFocus = true;
        } else {
            if ($tableName == 'articledetail') {
                if ($GLOBALS['isMakeHtml'] == true) {
                    $url = getRsUrl($rs['filename'], $rs['customaurl'], 'detail/detail' . $rs['id']);
                } else {
                    $url = handleWebUrl('?act=detail&id=' . $rs['id']);
                    if ($rs['customaurl'] != '') {
                        $url = $rs['customaurl'];
            } else {
                if ($tableName == 'tablecomment') {
        $abcolorStr = '';
        if (inStr($fieldNameList, ',titlecolor,') > 0) {
            if ($rs['titlecolor'] != '') {
                $abcolorStr = 'color:' . $rs['titlecolor'] . ';';
        if (inStr($fieldNameList, ',flags,') > 0) {
            if (inStr($rs['flags'], '|b|') > 0) {
                $abcolorStr = $abcolorStr . 'font-weight:bold;';
        if ($abcolorStr != '') {
            $abcolorStr = ' style="' . $abcolorStr . '"';
        if (inStr($fieldNameList, ',target,') > 0) {
            $atargetStr = IIF($rs['target'] != '', ' target="' . $rs['target'] . '"', '');
        if (inStr($fieldNameList, ',title,') > 0) {
            $atitleStr = IIF($rs['title'] != '', ' title="' . $rs['title'] . '"', '');
        if (inStr($fieldNameList, ',nofollow,') > 0) {
            $anofollowStr = IIF($rs['nofollow'] != 0, ' rel="nofollow"', '');
        if ($isFocus == true) {
            $startStr = '[list-focus]';
            $endStr = '[/list-focus]';
        } else {
            $startStr = '[list-' . $i . ']';
            $endStr = '[/list-' . $i . ']';
        if ($i == $topNumb && $isFocus == false) {
            $startStr = '[list-end]';
            $endStr = '[/list-end]';
        //例[list-mod2]  [/list-mod2]    20150112
        for ($modI = 6; $modI >= 2; $modI--) {
            if (inStr($defaultStr, $startStr) == false && $i % $modI == 0) {
                $startStr = '[list-mod' . $modI . ']';
                $endStr = '[/list-mod' . $modI . ']';
                if (inStr($defaultStr, $startStr) > 0) {
        if (inStr($defaultStr, $startStr) == false) {
            $startStr = '[list]';
            $endStr = '[/list]';
        if (inStr($defaultStr, $startStr) > 0 && inStr($defaultStr, $endStr) > 0) {
            $s = StrCut($defaultStr, $startStr, $endStr, 2);
            $s = replaceValueParam($s, 'i', $i);
            $s = replaceValueParam($s, '编号', $i);
            $s = replaceValueParam($s, 'id', $rs['id']);
            //id编号 因为获得字段他不获得id
            $s = replaceValueParam($s, 'url', $url);
            $s = replaceValueParam($s, 'aurl', 'href="' . $url . '"');
            $s = replaceValueParam($s, 'abcolor', $abcolorStr);
            $s = replaceValueParam($s, 'atitle', $atitleStr);
            $s = replaceValueParam($s, 'anofollow', $anofollowStr);
            $s = replaceValueParam($s, 'atarget', $atargetStr);
            for ($k = 0; $k <= uBound($splFieldName); $k++) {
                if ($splFieldName[$k] != '') {
                    $fieldName = $splFieldName[$k];
                    $replaceStr = $rs[$fieldName] . '';
                    $s = replaceValueParam($s, $fieldName, $replaceStr);
            $startStr = '[list-' . $i . ' startdialog]';
            $endStr = '[/list-' . $i . ' startdialog]';
            if (inStr($defaultStr, $startStr) > 0 && inStr($defaultStr, $endStr) > 0) {
                $s = StrCut($defaultStr, $startStr, $endStr, 2) . $s;
            $startStr = '[list-' . $i . ' enddialog]';
            $endStr = '[/list-' . $i . ' enddialog]';
            if (inStr($defaultStr, $startStr) > 0 && inStr($defaultStr, $endStr) > 0) {
                $s = $s . StrCut($defaultStr, $startStr, $endStr, 2);
            if ($tableName == 'webcolumn') {
                $url = WEB_ADMINURL . '?act=addEditHandle&actionType=WebColumn&lableTitle=网站栏目&nPageSize=10&page=&id=' . $rs['id'] . '&n=' . getRnd(11);
            } else {
                if ($tableName == 'tablecomment') {
                    $idPage = getThisIdPage($GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . $tableName, $rs['id'], 10);
                    $url = WEB_ADMINURL . '?act=addEditHandle&actionType=TableComment&lableTitle=评论&nPageSize=10&parentid=&searchfield=bodycontent&keyword=&addsql=&page=' . $idPage . '&id=' . $rs['id'] . '&n=' . getRnd(11);
                } else {
                    if ($tableName == 'articledetail') {
                        $idPage = getThisIdPage($GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . $tableName, $rs['id'], 10);
                        $url = WEB_ADMINURL . '?act=addEditHandle&actionType=ArticleDetail&lableTitle=分类信息&nPageSize=10&page=' . $idPage . '&parentid=' . $rs['parentid'] . '&id=' . $rs['id'] . '&n=' . getRnd(11);
                        $s = replaceValueParam($s, 'columnurl', getColumnUrl($rs['parentid'], ''));
                        //文章对应栏目URL 20160304
                        $s = replaceValueParam($s, 'columnname', getColumnName($rs['parentid']));
                        //文章对应栏目名称 20160304
            $s = handleDisplayOnlineEditDialog($url, $s, '', 'div|li|span');
            $c = $c . $s;
    $startStr = '[dialog start]';
    $endStr = '[/dialog start]';
    if (inStr($defaultStr, $startStr) > 0 && inStr($defaultStr, $endStr) > 0) {
        $c = StrCut($defaultStr, $startStr, $endStr, 2) . $c;
    $startStr = '[dialog end]';
    $endStr = '[/dialog end]';
    if (inStr($defaultStr, $startStr) > 0 && inStr($defaultStr, $endStr) > 0) {
        $c = $c . StrCut($defaultStr, $startStr, $endStr, 2);
    $XY_AP_GeneralList = $c;
    return @$XY_AP_GeneralList;

require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/constants.php";
require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/../Common/database/db.php";
require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/../Common/database/db_funcs.php";
require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/../Common/miscellaneous/general.php";
$params = array(":posicion" => $_REQUEST["Seccion"]);
$sql = "SELECT 1\n\t\t FROM tmp.tai_articulosintranet\n\t\tWHERE ai_posicion = :posicion";
if (!ExisteSql($sql, $params)) {
    // Alta..
    $params = array(":cuerpo" => $_REQUEST["Cuerpo"], ":destino" => $_REQUEST["Destino"], ":id" => -1, ":link" => IIF($_REQUEST["Link"] == "-1", NULL, $_REQUEST["Link"]), ":posicion" => $_REQUEST["Seccion"], ":rutaimagen" => IIF($_REQUEST["Imagen"] == "-1", NULL, $_REQUEST["Imagen"]), ":titulo" => $_REQUEST["Titulo"], ":volanta" => $_REQUEST["Volanta"]);
    $sql = "INSERT INTO tmp.tai_articulosintranet (ai_id, ai_titulo, ai_volanta, ai_cuerpo, ai_rutaimagen, ai_link, ai_destino, ai_posicion)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (:id, :titulo, :volanta, SUBSTR(:cuerpo, 1, 512), :rutaimagen, :link, :destino, :posicion)";
    DBExecSql($conn, $sql, $params);
} else {
    // Modificación..
    $params = array(":cuerpo" => $_REQUEST["Cuerpo"], ":destino" => $_REQUEST["Destino"], ":link" => IIF($_REQUEST["Link"] == "-1", NULL, $_REQUEST["Link"]), ":posicion" => $_REQUEST["Seccion"], ":rutaimagen" => IIF($_REQUEST["Imagen"] == "-1", NULL, $_REQUEST["Imagen"]), ":titulo" => $_REQUEST["Titulo"], ":volanta" => $_REQUEST["Volanta"]);
    $sql = "UPDATE tmp.tai_articulosintranet\n\t\t\t\tSET ai_titulo = :titulo,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tai_volanta = :volanta,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tai_cuerpo = SUBSTR(:cuerpo, 1, 512),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tai_rutaimagen = :rutaimagen,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tai_link = :link,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tai_destino = :destino\n\t\t  WHERE ai_posicion = :posicion";
    DBExecSql($conn, $sql, $params);
if ($dbError["offset"]) {
echo $dbError["message"];
else {
function checkDomainName($httpurl)
    $url = getwebsite($httpurl);
    $url2 = $url . "/a/1/b/2/cdefg/";
    return IIF(checkHttpUrlSize($url, $url2) == 1, 0, 1);
function scanCheckDomain()
    $url = '';
    $nSetTime = '';
    $isdomain = '';
    $htmlDir = '';
    $txtFilePath = '';
    $nThis = '';
    $nCount = '';
    $startTime = '';
    $nSetTime = 3;
    $nThis = @$_REQUEST['nThis'];
    if ($nThis == '') {
        $nThis = 0;
    } else {
        $nThis = cint($nThis);
    $GLOBALS['conn='] = OpenConn();
    $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'webdomain where isthrough=true');
    $rs = mysql_fetch_array($rsObj);
    $nCount = @$_REQUEST['nCount'];
    if ($nCount == '') {
        $nCount = @mysql_num_rows($rsObj);
    while ($rs = $GLOBALS['conn']->fetch_array($rsObj)) {
        $nThis = $nThis + 1;
        aspEcho($nThis . '/' . $nCount, $rs['website']);
        $htmlDir = '/../网站UrlScan/域名/';
        $txtFilePath = $htmlDir . '/' . setFileName($rs['website']) . '.txt';
        if (CheckFile($txtFilePath) == true) {
            $isdomain = PHPTrim(getFText($txtFilePath));
            aspEcho('类型', '本地');
            $nSetTime = 1;
        } else {
            $isdomain = IIF(checkDomainName($rs['website']), 1, 0);
            createFile($txtFilePath, $isdomain . ' ');
            //防止PHP版写入不进去 0 这个内容
            aspEcho('类型', '网络' . $txtFilePath . '(' . CheckFile($txtFilePath) . ')=' . $isdomain);
        connexecute('update ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'webdomain  set isthrough=false,isdomain=' . $isdomain . ',updatetime=\'' . now() . '\'  where id=' . $rs['id'] . '');
        $startTime = @$_REQUEST['startTime'];
        if ($startTime == '') {
            $startTime = now();
        Rw(VBRunTimer($startTime) . '<hr>');
        $url = getUrlAddToParam(getThisUrl(), '?nThis=' . $nThis . '&nCount=' . $nCount . '&startTime=' . $startTime . '&N=' . getRnd(11), 'replace');
        Rw(jsTiming($url, $nSetTime));
    aspEcho('操作完成', '<a href=\'?act=dispalyManageHandle&actionType=WebDomain&addsql=order by id desc&lableTitle=网站域名\'>OK,共(' . $nThis . ')条</a>');
	private function SPValidation(&$advertencias, &$errores) {
		global $conn;

		try {
			$curs = null;
			$params = array(":cbajapordeuda" => "F",
											":ccampanaF931" => "S",
											":cdatoscompetencia" => $this->datosSolicitud["datosCompetencia"],
											":cprestacionesespeciales" => $this->datosSolicitud["prestacionesEspeciales"],
											":csuscribepolizarc" => $this->datosSolicitud["suscribePolizaRC"],
											":naumento" => -1,
											":ncantidadtrabajadores" => $this->datosSolicitud["totalTrabajadores"],
											":ndescuento" => -1,
											":nedadpromedio" => IIF(($this->datosSolicitud["edadPromedio"] == ""), -1, intval($this->datosSolicitud["edadPromedio"])),
											":nestablecimientos" => intval($this->datosSolicitud["cantidadEstablecimientos"]),
											":nidartanterior" => nullIsEmpty($this->datosSolicitud["artAnterior"]),
											":nidcanal" => $this->datosUsuario["CANAL"],
											":nidciiu" => nullIfCero($this->datosSolicitud["ciiu1"]),
											":nidciiu2" => nullIfCero($this->datosSolicitud["ciiu2"]),
											":nidciiu3" => nullIfCero($this->datosSolicitud["ciiu3"]),
											":nidentidad" => $this->datosUsuario["ENTIDAD"],
											":nidholding" => nullIfCero($this->datosSolicitud["holding"]),
											":nidsector" => nullIfCero($this->datosSolicitud["sector"]),
											":nidstatusbcra" => nullIsEmpty($this->datosSolicitud["statusBcra"]),
											":nidstatussrt" => nullIsEmpty($this->datosSolicitud["statusSrt"]),
											":nidvendedor" => $this->datosSolicitud["idVendedor"],
											":nidzonageografica" => $this->datosSolicitud["zonaGeografica"],
											":nmasasalarial" => $this->getMasaSalarialSinSac(),
											":nresultadomensualtrabajador" => $this->getResultadoMensualPorTrabajador(),
											":nsumaaseguradarc" => nullIfCero($this->datosSolicitud["sumaAseguradaRC"]),
											":sactividadreal" => $this->datosSolicitud["actividadReal"],
											":scontacto" => $this->datosSolicitud["contacto"],
											":scuit" => $this->datosSolicitud["cuit"],
											":semail" => $this->datosSolicitud["email"],
											":speriodo" => $this->datosSolicitud["periodo"],
											":srazonsocial" => $this->datosSolicitud["razonSocial"],
											":susualta" => $this->datosUsuario["USUARIO"]);
			$sql = "BEGIN webart.get_validacion_solicitud(:data, :cbajapordeuda, :ccampanaF931, :cdatoscompetencia, :cprestacionesespeciales, :csuscribepolizarc, :naumento, :ncantidadtrabajadores, :ndescuento, :nedadpromedio, :nestablecimientos, :nidartanterior, :nidcanal, :nidciiu, :nidciiu2, :nidciiu3, :nidentidad, :nidholding, :nidsector, :nidstatusbcra, :nidstatussrt, :nidvendedor, :nidzonageografica, :nmasasalarial, :nresultadomensualtrabajador, :nsumaaseguradarc, :sactividadreal, :scontacto, :scuit, :semail, :speriodo, :srazonsocial, :susualta); END;";
			$stmt = DBExecSP($conn, $curs, $sql, $params);
			$row = DBGetSP($curs);

			$this->huboErrores = ((intval($row["NUMEROERROR"]) != 0) and ($row["ADVERTENCIA"] != "A"));
			$this->motivoNoAutocotizacion = $row["MOTIVONOAUTOCOTIZACION"];
			$this->verificaTecnica = (($row["VERIFICATECNICA"] == "S") or ($this->datosUsuario["AUTOCOTIZACION"] == 0));		// Si el query devuelve "S" o si no autocotiza, la mando a técnica..

			if (trim($row["ADVERTENCIA"]) != "") {
				$advertencias.= "<advertencia><mensaje>".$row["ERROR"]."</mensaje></advertencia>";

			if ($this->datosSolicitud["origen"] == "W") {		// Si el origen es la Web de Provincia ART..
				if ($row["NUMEROERROR"] == -3) {		// Si el error es -3 indica que se tienen que mostrar los datos de la campaña F931 del año 2012..
					$errores.= "<error><codigo>-3</codigo>";
					$errores.= "<mensaje>setCampanaF931</mensaje></error>";
				elseif ($row["NUMEROERROR"] == -1) {		// Si el error es -1 indica que se le tiene que permitir al usuario cargar un descuento..
					$errores.= "<error><codigo>-1</codigo>";
					$errores.= "<mensaje>mostrarDescuento</mensaje></error>";
				elseif ($row["NUMEROERROR"] == -2) {		// Si el error es -2 indica que se le tiene que permitir al usuario cargar un aumento..
					$errores.= "<error><codigo>-2</codigo>";
					$errores.= "<mensaje>mostrarAumento</mensaje></error>";
				elseif ($row["NUMEROERROR"] == -12) {		// Si el error es -12 indica que se le tiene que permitir al usuario cargar un aumento y un descuento..
					$errores.= "<error><codigo>-12</codigo>";
					$errores.= "<mensaje>mostrarAumentoYDescuento</mensaje></error>";
				elseif (intval($row["NUMEROERROR"]) != "0") {
					if (($row["NUMEROERROR"] >= 1) and ($row["NUMEROERROR"] <= 13))		// Son los números de error de la vieja función get_validacion..
						sendEmailSituacionAfiliatoria($row["NUMEROERROR"]." - ".$row["ERROR"]);
					$errores.= "<error><codigo>".$row["NUMEROERROR"]."</codigo>";
					$errores.= "<mensaje>".$row["ERROR"]."</mensaje></error>";
		catch (Exception $e) {
//			$errores.= "<error>".$e->getMessage()."</error>";
			$errores.= "<error><fecha>".date("d/m/Y")."</fecha><hora>".date("H:i:s")."</hora><mensaje>Ocurrió un error inesperado en la función SPValidation.</mensaje></error>";
  * Unsubscribe Batch of User from MailChimp lists.
  * @author Ruchi Kothari
  * @param string $_listID       List ID to which unsubscribe users
  * @param array  $_emails       Array of user emails
  * @param bool   $_deleteMember Delete a member on unsubscription or not
  * @return array $_subscriptionResult Result from MailChimp on unsubscription
  * @throws SWIFT_Exception If the Class is not Loaded
 public function ListBatchUnsubscribe($_listID, $_emails, $_deleteMember = false)
     if (!$this->GetIsClassLoaded()) {
         throw new SWIFT_Exception(SWIFT_CLASSNOTLOADED);
         return false;
     $_sendbye = IIF($this->Settings->Get('mc_send_goodbye'), true, false);
     $_notify = IIF($this->Settings->Get('mc_send_notify'), true, false);
     $_subscriptionResult = array();
     $_subscriptionResult = $this->MCAPI->listBatchUnsubscribe($_listID, $_emails, $_deleteMember, $_sendbye, $_notify);
     $_subscriptionResult['name'] = $this->_lists[$_listID]['name'];
     $_error = array();
     if ($this->MCAPI->errorCode) {
         $_error['code'] = $this->MCAPI->errorCode;
         $_error['message'] = 'Failed to batch unsubscribe from ' . $this->_lists[$_listID]['name'] . '.  Error Message=' . $this->MCAPI->errorMessage;
         $_subscriptionResult[$_listID]['errors'][] = $_error;
     return $_subscriptionResult;
function showSelectDirList($folderPath, $valueStr)
    $splStr = '';
    $c = '';
    $fileName = '';
    $sel = '';
    $splStr = aspSplit(getDirFileSort($folderPath), vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $fileName) {
        if ($fileName != '') {
            $sel = IIF($valueStr == $fileName, ' selected', '');
            $c = $c . '<option value="' . $folderPath . $fileName . '" ' . $sel . '>' . $fileName . '</option>' . vbCrlf();
    $showSelectDirList = $c;
    return @$showSelectDirList;
									":new_idestablecimientotercero" => nullIfCero($_POST["establecimientoTercero"]),
									":new_prestadorid" => nullIfCero($_POST["idPrestador"]),
									":new_tiposiniestro" => $_POST["tipoSiniestro"],
									":njw_idtrabajador" => nullIfCero($_POST["idTrabajador"]),
									":sew_agente" => $_POST["agenteMaterial"],
									":sew_cuit" => $_SESSION["cuit"],
									":sew_descripcion" => substr($_POST["descripcionHecho"], 0, 250),
									":sew_denunciante" => $_POST["denunciante"],
									":sew_domicilioestable" => $_POST["calleAccidente"]." ".$_POST["numeroAccidente"]." ".$_POST["pisoAccidente"]." ".$_POST["departamentoAccidente"]." ".$_POST["codigoPostalAccidente"]." ".$_POST["localidadAccidente"]." ".$_POST["provinciaAccidente"],
									":sew_establecimiento" => nullIfCero($_POST["establecimientoPropio"]),
									":sew_establepropio" => IIF(($_POST["establecimientoAccidente"] == -1), 0, 1),
									":sew_forma" => $_POST["formaAccidente"],
									":sew_gravedad" => $_POST["gravedadPresunta"],
									":sew_horasin" => IIF((($_POST["horaAccidente"] == -1) or ($_POST["minutoAccidente"] == -1)), NULL ,$_POST["horaAccidente"].":".$_POST["minutoAccidente"]),
									":sew_horjornadadesde" => IIF((($_POST["horaJornadaLaboralDesde"] == -1) or ($_POST["minutoJornadaLaboralDesde"] == -1)), NULL, $_POST["horaJornadaLaboralDesde"].":".$_POST["minutoJornadaLaboralDesde"]),
									":sew_horjornadahasta" => IIF((($_POST["horaJornadaLaboralHasta"] == -1) or ($_POST["minutoJornadaLaboralHasta"] == -1)), NULL, $_POST["horaJornadaLaboralHasta"].":".$_POST["minutoJornadaLaboralHasta"]),
									":sew_lugarcalle" => $_POST["calleAccidente"],
									":sew_lugarcpostal" => $_POST["codigoPostalAccidente"],
									":sew_lugardenuncia" => $_POST["lugar"],
									":sew_lugarlocalidad" => $_POST["localidadAccidente"],
									":sew_lugarnro" => $_POST["numeroAccidente"],
									":sew_lugarocurrencia" => nullIfCero($_POST["lugarOcurrencia"]),
									":sew_lugarprovincia" => $_POST["idProvinciaAccidente"],
									":sew_manohabil" => $_POST["manoHabil"],
									":sew_multiple" => $_POST["siniestroMultiple"],
									":sew_naturaleza" => $_POST["naturalezaLesion"],
									":sew_otrolugar" => substr($_POST["lugarOcurrenciaOtros"], 0, 100),
									":sew_prestadordomicilio" => $_POST["domicilioPrestador"],
									":sew_prestadornombre" => $_POST["razonSocialPrestador"],
									":sew_prestadortelefono" => $_POST["telefonoPrestador"],
									":sew_tareaaccidente" => nullIsEmpty(substr($_POST["tareasAccidente"], 0, 100)),
     * Renders the Issue History Tab
     * @param mixed $_issuesContainer array of issues associated with current ticket
     * @author Abhinav Kumar
     * @return boolean 'true' on success and 'false' otherwise
     * @throws SWIFT_Exception if class is not loaded
    public function RenderHistoryTab($_issuesContainer)
        $_SWIFT = SWIFT::GetInstance();
        $_JIRABridge = SWIFT_JIRABridge::GetInstance();
        if (!$this->GetIsClassLoaded()) {
            throw new SWIFT_Exception(__CLASS__ . ' ' . SWIFT_CLASSNOTLOADED);
        } else {
            if (!is_array($_issuesContainer)) {
                throw new SWIFT_Exception(SWIFT_INVALIDDATA);
        $this->UserInterface->Start(get_class($this), '', SWIFT_UserInterface::MODE_INSERT, false);
        $_IssueHistoryTabObject = new SWIFT_UserInterfaceTab($this->UserInterface, 'history', '', 1, 'history', false, false, 4, '');
        $_columnContainer = array();
        // Issue ID
        $_columnContainer[0]['value'] = $this->Language->Get('jira_issueid');
        $_columnContainer[0]['align'] = 'left';
        $_columnContainer[0]['width'] = '10';
        // Summary
        $_columnContainer[1]['value'] = $this->Language->Get('jira_summary');
        $_columnContainer[1]['align'] = 'left';
        $_columnContainer[1]['width'] = '100';
        // Updated
        $_columnContainer[3]['value'] = $this->Language->Get('jira_updated');
        $_columnContainer[3]['align'] = 'left';
        $_columnContainer[3]['width'] = '10';
        // Priority
        $_columnContainer[4]['value'] = $this->Language->Get('jira_priority');
        $_columnContainer[4]['align'] = 'left';
        $_columnContainer[4]['width'] = '10';
        // Status
        $_columnContainer[5]['value'] = $this->Language->Get('jira_status');
        $_columnContainer[5]['align'] = 'left';
        $_columnContainer[5]['width'] = '10';
        // Assigned To
        $_columnContainer[6]['value'] = $this->Language->Get('jira_assignedto');
        $_columnContainer[6]['align'] = 'left';
        $_columnContainer[6]['width'] = '10';
        // Action
        $_columnContainer[7]['value'] = $this->Language->Get('jira_action');
        $_columnContainer[7]['align'] = 'left';
        $_columnContainer[7]['width'] = '10';
        $_IssueHistoryTabObject->Row($_columnContainer, 'gridtabletitlerow');
        if (empty($_issuesContainer)) {
            $_columnContainer = array();
            $_columnContainer[0]['value'] = $this->Language->Get('jira_noissuefound');
            $_columnContainer[0]['align'] = 'left';
            $_columnContainer[0]['width'] = '100%';
            $_renderHTML = $_IssueHistoryTabObject->GetDisplayHTML(true);
            $_renderHTML .= '<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">';
            $_renderHTML .= 'ClearFunctionQueue();';
            $_renderHTML .= '</script>';
            echo $_renderHTML;
            return true;
        foreach ($_issuesContainer as $_Issue) {
            $_columnContainer = array();
            $_issueURL = $_SWIFT->Settings->Get('bj_jiraurl') . 'browse/' . $_Issue->GetKey();
            // Key
            $_columnContainer[0]['value'] = '<a href="' . $_issueURL . '" target="_blank">' . htmlspecialchars($_Issue->GetKey()) . '</a>';
            $_columnContainer[0]['align'] = 'left';
            $_columnContainer[0]['width'] = '10';
            // Summary
            $_columnContainer[1]['value'] = '<a href="' . $_issueURL . '" target="_blank">' . IIF(strlen($_Issue->GetSummary()) > 100, htmlspecialchars(substr($_Issue->GetSummary(), 0, 100)) . '...', htmlspecialchars($_Issue->GetSummary())) . '</a>';
            $_columnContainer[1]['align'] = 'left';
            $_columnContainer[1]['width'] = '100';
            // Updated
            $_columnContainer[3]['value'] = htmlspecialchars(SWIFT_Date::EasyDate($_Issue->GetUpdated()) . IIF(SWIFT_Date::EasyDate($_Issue->GetUpdated()) == $this->Language->Get('edjustnow'), '', ' ago'));
            $_columnContainer[3]['align'] = 'left';
            $_columnContainer[3]['width'] = '10';
            // Priority
            $_columnContainer[4]['value'] = htmlspecialchars($_Issue->GetPriority());
            $_columnContainer[4]['align'] = 'left';
            $_columnContainer[4]['width'] = '10';
            // Status
            $_columnContainer[5]['value'] = htmlspecialchars($_Issue->GetStatus());
            $_columnContainer[5]['align'] = 'left';
            $_columnContainer[5]['width'] = '10';
            // Comments
            $_columnContainer[6]['value'] = htmlspecialchars($_Issue->GetAssignee());
            $_columnContainer[6]['align'] = 'left';
            $_columnContainer[6]['width'] = '10';
            // Unlink
            $_columnContainer[7]['value'] = '<a title="' . $this->Language->Get('postJIRAComment') . '" href="#" onclick="postJIRAComment(\'' . $_Issue->GetKey() . '\')">
										<img src="' . SWIFT::Get('swiftpath') . SWIFT_APPSDIRECTORY . '/jira/resources/icon-comment.gif' . '"/>
									  </a>' . ' | ' . '<a title="' . $this->Language->Get('jira_unlinkissue') . '" href="#" onclick="unlinkJIRAIssue(\'' . $_Issue->GetKey() . '\')">
										<img src="' . SWIFT::Get('swiftpath') . SWIFT_APPSDIRECTORY . '/jira/resources/edit_delete.png' . '"/>
            $_columnContainer[7]['align'] = 'left';
            $_columnContainer[7]['width'] = '10';
            $_IssueHistoryTabObject->Row($_columnContainer, '', $_Issue->GetKey());
            //Fetch the issue comments now
            if ($_JIRABridge) {
                $_commentsContainer = $_JIRABridge->FetchAllCommentsBy('issuekey', $_Issue->GetKey());
                if (isset($_columnContainer) && _is_array($_commentsContainer)) {
                    $_renderedNotes = array();
                    foreach ($_commentsContainer as $_JIRAComment) {
                        $_renderedNotes[] = '<div class="notebackground">
											<div class="notecontainer">
												<div class="note">' . nl2br($_JIRAComment->GetRawBody(), true) . '</div>
											<cite class="tip">
												<img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="' . SWIFT::Get('themepath') . 'images/icon_user2.png"/> ' . $_JIRAComment->GetAuthor() . ' ' . htmlspecialchars(SWIFT_Date::EasyDate($_JIRAComment->GetUpdated())) . ' ago
												</strong><div style="float: right; padding-right: 4px;"></div>
                    $_renderedNotes = implode('', $_renderedNotes);
                    $_commentContainer[0]['value'] = '<div class="allnotes">' . $_renderedNotes . '</div>';
                    $_commentContainer[0]['width'] = '100';
                    $_commentContainer[0]['align'] = 'left';
                    $_commentContainer[0]['colspan'] = '7';
                    $_commentContainer[0]['style'] = 'background: none repeat scroll 0pt 0pt #F6F1E7; padding: 0px;';
                    $_IssueHistoryTabObject->Row($_commentContainer, '', $_Issue->GetKey());
        $_renderHTML = $_IssueHistoryTabObject->GetDisplayHTML(true);
        echo $_renderHTML;
        return true;
function enviarEmailSituacionAfiliatoria($msgError) {
	global $conn;

	$emailTo = $_SESSION["emailAvisoArt"];
	$subject = "Empresa con situación afiliatoria complicada";
	$body = getFileContent($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/modules/solicitud_cotizacion/plantillas/email_situacion_afiliatoria.html");

	$params = array(":id" => $_SESSION["canal"]);
	$sql = "SELECT ca_codigo || ' - ' || ca_descripcion FROM aca_canal WHERE ca_id = :id";
	$body = str_replace("@canal@", ValorSql($sql, "", $params, 0), $body);

	$params = array(":id" => $_SESSION["entidad"]);
	$sql = "SELECT en_codbanco || ' - ' || en_nombre FROM xen_entidad WHERE en_id = :id";
	$body = str_replace("@entidad@", ValorSql($sql, "", $params, 0), $body);

	if ($_SESSION["sucursal"] != "") {
		$params = array(":id" => $_SESSION["sucursal"]);
		$sql = "SELECT su_codsucursal || ' - ' || su_descripcion FROM asu_sucursal WHERE su_id = :id";
		$body = str_replace("@sucursal@", ValorSql($sql, "", $params, 0), $body);
		$body = str_replace("@sucursal@", "", $body);

	$params = array(":id" => $_POST["artTmp"]);
	$sql = "SELECT ar_nombre FROM aar_art WHERE ar_id = :id";
	$body = str_replace("@artactual@", ValorSql($sql, "", $params, 0), $body);

	$vendedor = "";
	if (isset($_POST["codigoVendedor"])) {
		$params = array(":vendedor" => IIF(($_POST["codigoVendedor"] == ""), "0", $_POST["codigoVendedor"]));
		$sql = "SELECT ve_vendedor || ' - ' || ve_nombre FROM xve_vendedor WHERE ve_vendedor = :vendedor";
		$vendedor = ValorSql($sql, "", $params, 0);
	elseif ($_SESSION["vendedor"] == "") {
		$params = array(":identidad" => $_SESSION["entidad"]);
		$sql =
			"SELECT ve_vendedor || ' - ' || ve_nombre
				 FROM xev_entidadvendedor, xve_vendedor
				WHERE ve_id = ev_idvendedor
					AND ev_fechabaja IS NULL
					AND ve_fechabaja IS NULL
					AND ve_vendedor = '0'
					AND ev_identidad = :identidad";
		$vendedor = ValorSql($sql, "", $params, 0);
	$body = str_replace("@codigovendedor@", $vendedor, $body);

	$params = array(":codigo" => $_POST["statusBcra"]);
	$sql = "SELECT tb_descripcion FROM ctb_tablas WHERE tb_clave = 'STBCR' AND tb_codigo = :codigo";
	$body = str_replace("@statusbcra@", ValorSql($sql, "", $params, 0), $body);

	$params = array(":codigo" => $_POST["statusSrtTmp"]);
	$sql = "SELECT tb_descripcion FROM ctb_tablas WHERE tb_clave = 'STSRT' AND tb_codigo = :codigo";
	$body = str_replace("@statussrt@", ValorSql($sql, "", $params, 0), $body);

	$body = str_replace("@cantidadestablecimientos@", $_POST["cantidadEstablecimientos"], $body);
	$body = str_replace("@ciiu1@", $_POST["ciiu1"], $body);
	$body = str_replace("@contacto@", $_POST["contacto"], $body);
	$body = str_replace("@cuit@", $_POST["cuit"], $body);
	$body = str_replace("@edadpromedio@", $_POST["edadPromedio"], $body);
	$body = str_replace("@email@", $_POST["email"], $body);
	$body = str_replace("@emailComercializador@", $_SESSION["email"], $body);
	$body = str_replace("@error@", $msgError, $body);
	$body = str_replace("@masasalarial1@", $_POST["masaSalarial1"], $body);
	$body = str_replace("@periodo@", $_POST["periodo"], $body);
	$body = str_replace("@razonsocial@", $_POST["razonSocial"], $body);
	$body = str_replace("@resultadomensualtrabajador@", $_POST["resultadoMensualPorTrabajador"], $body);
	$body = str_replace("@sector@", $_POST["sector"], $body);
	$body = str_replace("@sumafija@", $_POST["calculoSumaFija"], $body);
	$body = str_replace("@telefono@", $_POST["telefono"], $body);
	$body = str_replace("@trabajadores1@", $_POST["totalTrabajadores1"], $body);
	$body = str_replace("@usuario@", $_SESSION["usuario"], $body);
	$body = str_replace("@variable@", $_POST["calculoVariable"], $body);

	// Agrego los datos del CIIU 2..
	$str = "";
	if ($_POST["ciiu2"] != "") {
		$str.= "Cod. CIIU (2): ".$_POST["ciiu2"]."<br />";
		$str.= "Cant. Trabajadores (2): ".$_POST["totalTrabajadores2"]."<br />";
		$str.= "Masa Salarial (2): ".$_POST["masaSalarial2"]."<br />";
	$body = str_replace("@ciiu2@", $str, $body);

	// Agrego los datos del CIIU 3..
	$str = "";
	if ($_POST["ciiu3"] != "") {
		$str.= "Cod. CIIU (3): ".$_POST["ciiu3"]."<br />";
		$str.= "Cant. Trabajadores (3): ".$_POST["totalTrabajadores3"]."<br />";
		$str.= "Masa Salarial (3): ".$_POST["masaSalarial3"]."<br />";
	$body = str_replace("@ciiu3@", $str, $body);

	// Agrego los datos de la competencia..
	$str = "";
	switch ($_POST["rDatosCompetencia"]) {
		case "":
			$str = "Sin Dato<br />";
		case "A":
			$str = "Solo pago total mensual: ".$_POST["soloPagoTotalMensual"]."<br />";
		case "N":
			$str = "Formulario 931 Costo Fijo: ".$_POST["alicuotaCompetenciaSumaFija"]."<br />";
			$str.= "Formulario 931 Costo Variable: ".$_POST["alicuotaCompetenciaVariable"]."<br />";
		case "S":
			$str = "Alícuota Competencia Costo Fijo: ".$_POST["formulario931CostoFijo"]."<br />";
			$str.= "Alícuota Competencia Costo Variable: ".$_POST["formulario931CostoVariable"]."<br />";
	$body = str_replace("@datoscompetencia@", $str, $body);

	// Agrego los datos de los establecimientos..
	$str = "";
	$params = array(":usualta" => $_SESSION["usuario"]);
	$sql =
		"SELECT '= ' || zg_descripcion || ', ' || cp_localidadcap || ', ' || ta_detalle || ', ' || ac_codigo || ', ' || TO_CHAR(eu_trabajadores) establecimiento
			 FROM afi.aeu_establecimientos, afi.azg_zonasgeograficas, art.ccp_codigopostal, afi.ata_tipoactividad, cac_actividad
			WHERE eu_idzonageografica = zg_id(+)
				AND eu_idlocalidad = cp_id(+)
				AND eu_idtipoactividad = ta_id(+)
				AND eu_idactividad = ac_id(+)
				AND eu_idsolicitud = -1
				AND eu_usualta = :usualta
				AND eu_usuarioweb = 'T'
				AND eu_fechabaja IS NULL";
	$stmt = DBExecSql($conn, $sql, $params, OCI_DEFAULT);
	$i = 1;
	while ($row = DBGetQuery($stmt)) {
		$str.= $i.$row["ESTABLECIMIENTO"]."<br />";
	$body = str_replace("@establecimientos@", $str, $body);

	SendEmail($body, "Web", $subject, array($emailTo), array(), array(), "H");
function resetAccessData_temp()
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    aspEcho('提示', '恢复数据完成');
    rw('<hr><a href=\'../index.php\' target=\'_blank\'>进入首页</a> | <a href="?" target=\'_blank\'>进入后台</a>');
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            aspEcho('导航', $filePath);
            $content = GetFText($filePath);
            //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10)  20160409
            if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) {
                $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf());
            $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------');
            foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) {
                if (inStr($s, '【webtitle】') > 0) {
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                    $webtitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'webtitle');
                    $webkeywords = newGetStrCut($s, 'webkeywords');
                    $webdescription = newGetStrCut($s, 'webdescription');
                    $customaurl = newGetStrCut($s, 'customaurl');
                    $sortrank = newGetStrCut($s, 'sortrank');
                    if ($sortrank == '') {
                        $sortrank = 0;
                    $fileName = newGetStrCut($s, 'filename');
                    $columnname = newGetStrCut($s, 'columnname');
                    $columnenname = newGetStrCut($s, 'columnenname');
                    $columntype = newGetStrCut($s, 'columntype');
                    $flags = newGetStrCut($s, 'flags');
                    $parentid = newGetStrCut($s, 'parentid');
                    $parentid = phpTrim(getColumnId($parentid));
                    //可根据栏目名称找到对应ID   不存在为-1
                    //call echo("parentid",parentid)
                    $labletitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'labletitle');
                    $npagesize = newGetStrCut($s, 'npagesize');
                    if ($npagesize == '') {
                        $npagesize = 10;
                    $target = newGetStrCut($s, 'target');
                    $smallimage = newGetStrCut($s, 'smallimage');
                    $bigImage = newGetStrCut($s, 'bigImage');
                    $bannerimage = newGetStrCut($s, 'bannerimage');
                    $templatepath = newGetStrCut($s, 'templatepath');
                    $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent');
                    $bodycontent = contentTranscoding($bodycontent);
                    $isonhtml = newGetStrCut($s, 'isonhtml');
                    if ($isonhtml == '0' || lCase($isonhtml) == 'false') {
                        $isonhtml = 0;
                    } else {
                        $isonhtml = 1;
                    $nofollow = newGetStrCut($s, 'nofollow');
                    if ($nofollow == '1' || lCase($nofollow) == 'true') {
                        $nofollow = 1;
                    } else {
                        $nofollow = 0;
                    //call echo(columnname,nofollow)
                    $aboutcontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'aboutcontent');
                    $aboutcontent = contentTranscoding($aboutcontent);
                    $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent');
                    $bodycontent = contentTranscoding($bodycontent);
                    connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'webcolumn (webtitle,webkeywords,webdescription,columnname,columnenname,columntype,sortrank,filename,customaurl,flags,parentid,labletitle,aboutcontent,bodycontent,npagesize,isonhtml,nofollow,target,smallimage,bigImage,bannerimage,templatepath) values(\'' . $webtitle . '\',\'' . $webkeywords . '\',\'' . $webdescription . '\',\'' . $columnname . '\',\'' . $columnenname . '\',\'' . $columntype . '\',' . $sortrank . ',\'' . $fileName . '\',\'' . $customaurl . '\',\'' . $flags . '\',' . $parentid . ',\'' . $labletitle . '\',\'' . $aboutcontent . '\',\'' . $bodycontent . '\',' . $npagesize . ',' . $isonhtml . ',' . $nofollow . ',\'' . $target . '\',\'' . $smallimage . '\',\'' . $bigImage . '\',\'' . $bannerimage . '\',\'' . $templatepath . '\')');
    connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'articledetail');
    $content = getDirAllFileList($webdataDir . '/articledetail/', 'txt');
    $content = contentNameSort($content, '');
    $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) {
        $fileName = getFileName($filePath);
        if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) {
            aspEcho('文章', $filePath);
            $content = GetFText($filePath);
            //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10)  20160409
            if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) {
                $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf());
            $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------');
            foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) {
                if (inStr($s, '【title】') > 0) {
                    $s = $s . vbCrlf();
                    $parentid = newGetStrCut($s, 'parentid');
                    $parentid = getColumnId($parentid);
                    $title = newGetStrCut($s, 'title');
                    $titlecolor = newGetStrCut($s, 'titlecolor');
                    $webtitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'webtitle');
                    $webkeywords = newGetStrCut($s, 'webkeywords');
                    $webdescription = newGetStrCut($s, 'webdescription');
                    $author = newGetStrCut($s, 'author');
                    $sortrank = newGetStrCut($s, 'sortrank');
                    if ($sortrank == '') {
                        $sortrank = 0;
                    $adddatetime = newGetStrCut($s, 'adddatetime');
                    $fileName = newGetStrCut($s, 'filename');
                    $templatepath = newGetStrCut($s, 'templatepath');
                    $flags = newGetStrCut($s, 'flags');
                    $relatedtags = newGetStrCut($s, 'relatedtags');
                    $customaurl = newGetStrCut($s, 'customaurl');
                    $target = newGetStrCut($s, 'target');
                    $smallimage = newGetStrCut($s, 'smallimage');
                    $bigImage = newGetStrCut($s, 'bigImage');
                    $bannerimage = newGetStrCut($s, 'bannerimage');
                    $labletitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'labletitle');
                    $aboutcontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'aboutcontent');
                    $aboutcontent = contentTranscoding($aboutcontent);
                    $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent');
                    $bodycontent = contentTranscoding($bodycontent);
                    $isonhtml = newGetStrCut($s, 'isonhtml');
                    if ($isonhtml == '0' || lCase($isonhtml) == 'false') {
                        $isonhtml = 0;
                    } else {
                        $isonhtml = 1;
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                        $nofollow = 1;
                    } else {
                        $nofollow = 0;
                    $price = getDianNumb(newGetStrCut($s, 'price'));
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                        $price = 0;
                    connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'articledetail (parentid,title,titlecolor,webtitle,webkeywords,webdescription,author,sortrank,adddatetime,filename,flags,relatedtags,aboutcontent,bodycontent,updatetime,isonhtml,customaurl,nofollow,target,smallimage,bigImage,bannerimage,templatepath,labletitle,price) values(' . $parentid . ',\'' . $title . '\',\'' . $titlecolor . '\',\'' . $webtitle . '\',\'' . $webkeywords . '\',\'' . $webdescription . '\',\'' . $author . '\',' . $sortrank . ',\'' . $adddatetime . '\',\'' . $fileName . '\',\'' . $flags . '\',\'' . $relatedtags . '\',\'' . $aboutcontent . '\',\'' . $bodycontent . '\',\'' . now() . '\',' . $isonhtml . ',\'' . $customaurl . '\',' . $nofollow . ',\'' . $target . '\',\'' . $smallimage . '\',\'' . $bigImage . '\',\'' . $bannerimage . '\',\'' . $templatepath . '\',\'' . $labletitle . '\',' . $price . ')');
    connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'OnePage');
    $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/OnePage/');
    $content = contentNameSort($content, '');
    $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) {
        $fileName = getFileName($filePath);
        if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) {
            aspEcho('单页', $filePath);
            $content = GetFText($filePath);
            //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10)  20160409
            if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) {
                $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf());
            $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------');
            foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) {
                if (inStr($s, '【webkeywords】') > 0) {
                    $s = $s . vbCrlf();
                    $title = newGetStrCut($s, 'title');
                    $displaytitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'displaytitle');
                    $webtitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'webtitle');
                    $webkeywords = newGetStrCut($s, 'webkeywords');
                    $webdescription = newGetStrCut($s, 'webdescription');
                    $adddatetime = newGetStrCut($s, 'adddatetime');
                    $fileName = newGetStrCut($s, 'filename');
                    $aboutcontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'aboutcontent');
                    $aboutcontent = contentTranscoding($aboutcontent);
                    $target = newGetStrCut($s, 'target');
                    $templatepath = newGetStrCut($s, 'templatepath');
                    $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent');
                    $bodycontent = contentTranscoding($bodycontent);
                    $isonhtml = newGetStrCut($s, 'isonhtml');
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                        $isonhtml = 0;
                    } else {
                        $isonhtml = 1;
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                        $nofollow = 1;
                    } else {
                        $nofollow = 0;
                    connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'onepage (title,displaytitle,webtitle,webkeywords,webdescription,adddatetime,filename,isonhtml,aboutcontent,bodycontent,nofollow,target,templatepath) values(\'' . $title . '\',\'' . $displaytitle . '\',\'' . $webtitle . '\',\'' . $webkeywords . '\',\'' . $webdescription . '\',\'' . $adddatetime . '\',\'' . $fileName . '\',' . $isonhtml . ',\'' . $aboutcontent . '\',\'' . $bodycontent . '\',' . $nofollow . ',\'' . $target . '\',\'' . $templatepath . '\')');
    connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'Bidding');
    $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/Bidding/');
    $content = contentNameSort($content, '');
    $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) {
        $fileName = getFileName($filePath);
        if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) {
            aspEcho('竞价', $filePath);
            $content = GetFText($filePath);
            //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10)  20160409
            if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) {
                $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf());
            $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------');
            foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) {
                if (inStr($s, '【webkeywords】') > 0) {
                    $s = $s . vbCrlf();
                    $webkeywords = newGetStrCut($s, 'webkeywords');
                    $showreason = newGetStrCut($s, 'showreason');
                    $ncomputersearch = newGetStrCut($s, 'ncomputersearch');
                    $nmobliesearch = newGetStrCut($s, 'nmobliesearch');
                    $ncountsearch = newGetStrCut($s, 'ncountsearch');
                    $ndegree = newGetStrCut($s, 'ndegree');
                    $ndegree = getNumber($ndegree);
                    if ($ndegree == '') {
                        $ndegree = 0;
                    connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'Bidding (webkeywords,showreason,ncomputersearch,nmobliesearch,ndegree) values(\'' . $webkeywords . '\',\'' . $showreason . '\',' . $ncomputersearch . ',' . $nmobliesearch . ',' . $ndegree . ')');
    connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'SearchStat');
    $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/SearchStat/');
    $content = contentNameSort($content, '');
    $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) {
        $fileName = getFileName($filePath);
        if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) {
            aspEcho('搜索统计', $filePath);
            $content = GetFText($filePath);
            //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10)  20160409
            if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) {
                $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf());
            $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------');
            foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) {
                if (inStr($s, '【title】') > 0) {
                    $s = $s . vbCrlf();
                    $title = newGetStrCut($s, 'title');
                    $webtitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'webtitle');
                    $webkeywords = newGetStrCut($s, 'webkeywords');
                    $webdescription = newGetStrCut($s, 'webdescription');
                    $customaurl = newGetStrCut($s, 'customaurl');
                    $target = newGetStrCut($s, 'target');
                    $isthrough = newGetStrCut($s, 'isthrough');
                    if ($isthrough == '0' || lCase($isthrough) == 'false') {
                        $isthrough = 0;
                    } else {
                        $isthrough = 1;
                    $sortrank = newGetStrCut($s, 'sortrank');
                    if ($sortrank == '') {
                        $sortrank = 0;
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                        $isonhtml = 0;
                    } else {
                        $isonhtml = 1;
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                    if ($nofollow == '1' || lCase($nofollow) == 'true') {
                        $nofollow = 1;
                    } else {
                        $nofollow = 0;
                    //call echo("title",title)
                    connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'SearchStat (title,webtitle,webkeywords,webdescription,customaurl,target,isthrough,sortrank,isonhtml,nofollow) values(\'' . $title . '\',\'' . $webtitle . '\',\'' . $webkeywords . '\',\'' . $webdescription . '\',\'' . $customaurl . '\',\'' . $target . '\',' . $isthrough . ',' . $sortrank . ',' . $isonhtml . ',' . $nofollow . ')');
    $itemid = '';
    $userName = '';
    $ip = '';
    $reply = '';
    $tableName = '';
    connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'TableComment');
    $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/TableComment/');
    $content = contentNameSort($content, '');
    $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) {
        $fileName = getFileName($filePath);
        if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) {
            aspEcho('评论', $filePath);
            $content = GetFText($filePath);
            //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10)  20160409
            if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) {
                $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf());
            $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------');
            foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) {
                if (inStr($s, '【title】') > 0) {
                    $s = $s . vbCrlf();
                    $tableName = newGetStrCut($s, 'tablename');
                    $title = newGetStrCut($s, 'title');
                    $itemid = getArticleId(newGetStrCut($s, 'itemid'));
                    if ($itemid == '') {
                        $itemid = 0;
                    //call echo("itemID",itemID)
                    $adddatetime = newGetStrCut($s, 'adddatetime');
                    $userName = newGetStrCut($s, 'username');
                    $ip = newGetStrCut($s, 'ip');
                    $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent');
                    $reply = newGetStrCut($s, 'reply');
                    $isthrough = newGetStrCut($s, 'isthrough');
                    if ($isthrough == '0' || lCase($isthrough) == 'false') {
                        $isthrough = 0;
                    } else {
                        $isthrough = 1;
                    //call echo("title",title)
                    connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'TableComment (tablename,title,itemid,adddatetime,username,ip,bodycontent,reply,isthrough) values(\'' . $tableName . '\',\'' . $title . '\',' . $itemid . ',\'' . $adddatetime . '\',\'' . $userName . '\',\'' . $ip . '\',\'' . $bodycontent . '\',\'' . $reply . '\',' . $isthrough . ')');
    connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'FriendLink');
    $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/FriendLink/');
    $content = contentNameSort($content, '');
    $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) {
        $fileName = getFileName($filePath);
        if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) {
            aspEcho('评论', $filePath);
            $content = GetFText($filePath);
            //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10)  20160409
            if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) {
                $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf());
            $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------');
            foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) {
                if (inStr($s, '【title】') > 0) {
                    $s = $s . vbCrlf();
                    $title = newGetStrCut($s, 'title');
                    $httpurl = newGetStrCut($s, 'httpurl');
                    $smallimage = newGetStrCut($s, 'smallimage');
                    $flags = newGetStrCut($s, 'flags');
                    $target = newGetStrCut($s, 'target');
                    $sortrank = newGetStrCut($s, 'sortrank');
                    if ($sortrank == '0' || lCase($sortrank) == 'false') {
                        $sortrank = 0;
                    } else {
                        $sortrank = 1;
                    $isthrough = newGetStrCut($s, 'isthrough');
                    if ($isthrough == '0' || lCase($isthrough) == 'false') {
                        $isthrough = 0;
                    } else {
                        $isthrough = 1;
                    //call echo("title",title)
                    connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'FriendLink (title,httpurl,smallimage,flags,sortrank,isthrough,target) values(\'' . $title . '\',\'' . $httpurl . '\',\'' . $smallimage . '\',\'' . $flags . '\',' . $sortrank . ',' . $isthrough . ',\'' . $target . '\')');
    connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'GuestBook');
    $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/GuestBook/');
    $content = contentNameSort($content, '');
    $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) {
        $fileName = getFileName($filePath);
        if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) {
            aspEcho('留言', $filePath);
            $content = GetFText($filePath);
            //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10)  20160409
            if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) {
                $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf());
            $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------');
            foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) {
                if (inStr($s, '【adddatetime】') > 0) {
                    $s = $s . vbCrlf();
                    $adddatetime = newGetStrCut($s, 'adddatetime');
                    $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent');
                    $reply = newGetStrCut($s, 'reply');
                    $isthrough = newGetStrCut($s, 'isthrough');
                    if ($isthrough == '0' || lCase($isthrough) == 'false') {
                        $isthrough = 0;
                    } else {
                        $isthrough = 1;
                    connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'GuestBook (adddatetime,bodycontent,reply,isthrough) values(\'' . $adddatetime . '\',\'' . $bodycontent . '\',\'' . $reply . '\',' . $isthrough . ')');
    connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'CaiWeb');
    $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/CaiWeb/');
    $content = contentNameSort($content, '');
    $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) {
        $fileName = getFileName($filePath);
        if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) {
            aspEcho('采集网站', $filePath);
            $content = GetFText($filePath);
            //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10)  20160409
            if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) {
                $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf());
            $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------');
            foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) {
                if (inStr($s, '【bigclassname】') > 0) {
                    $s = $s . vbCrlf();
                    $bigClassName = newGetStrCut($s, 'bigclassname');
                    $httpurl = newGetStrCut($s, 'httpurl');
                    $morepageurl = newGetStrCut($s, 'morepageurl');
                    $charset = newGetStrCut($s, 'charset');
                    $adddatetime = newGetStrCut($s, 'adddatetime');
                    $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent');
                    $sortrank = newGetStrCut($s, 'sortrank');
                    if ($sortrank == '') {
                        $sortrank = 0;
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                    if ($thispage == '') {
                        $thispage = 0;
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                    if ($countpage == '') {
                        $thispage = 0;
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                    connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'CaiWeb (adddatetime,bodycontent,httpurl,morepageurl,charset,sortrank,thispage,countpage,bigclassname,columnname) values(\'' . $adddatetime . '\',\'' . $bodycontent . '\',\'' . $httpurl . '\',\'' . $morepageurl . '\',\'' . $charset . '\',' . $sortrank . ',' . $thispage . ',' . $countpage . ',\'' . $bigClassName . '\',\'' . $columnname . '\')');
    connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'CaiConfig');
    $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/CaiConfig/');
    $content = contentNameSort($content, '');
    $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) {
        $fileName = getFileName($filePath);
        if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) {
            aspEcho('采集配置', $filePath);
            $content = GetFText($filePath);
            //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10)  20160409
            if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) {
                $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf());
            $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------');
            foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) {
                if (inStr($s, '【bigclassname】') > 0) {
                    $s = $s . vbCrlf();
                    $bigClassName = newGetStrCut($s, 'bigclassname');
                    $sType = newGetStrCut($s, 'stype');
                    $startStr = newGetStrCut($s, 'startstr');
                    $endStr = newGetStrCut($s, 'endstr');
                    $startaddstr = newGetStrCut($s, 'startaddstr');
                    $endaddstr = newGetStrCut($s, 'endaddstr');
                    $adddatetime = newGetStrCut($s, 'adddatetime');
                    $sortrank = newGetStrCut($s, 'sortrank');
                    if ($sortrank == '') {
                        $sortrank = 0;
                    $saction = newGetStrCut($s, 'saction');
                    $isthrough = newGetStrCut($s, 'isthrough');
                    $isthrough = IIF($isthrough == '0' || lCase($isthrough) == 'false', 0, 1);
                    $fieldName = newGetStrCut($s, 'fieldname');
                    $fieldcheck = newGetStrCut($s, 'fieldcheck');
                    if ($fieldcheck == '') {
                        $fieldcheck = 0;
                    connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'CaiConfig (adddatetime,sortrank,bigclassname,stype,startstr,endstr,startaddstr,endaddstr,saction,isthrough,fieldname,fieldcheck) values(\'' . $adddatetime . '\',' . $sortrank . ',\'' . $bigClassName . '\',\'' . $sType . '\',\'' . $startStr . '\',\'' . $endStr . '\',\'' . $startaddstr . '\',\'' . $endaddstr . '\',\'' . $saction . '\',' . $isthrough . ',\'' . $fieldName . '\',' . $fieldcheck . ')');
    writeSystemLog('', '恢复默认数据' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX']);

require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/constants.php";
require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/../Common/database/db.php";
require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/../Common/database/db_funcs.php";
require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/../Common/miscellaneous/general.php";
if ($_REQUEST["TipoOp"] == "A") {
    // Alta..
    $params = array(":id" => -1, ":idsectordesde" => IIF($_REQUEST["SectorDesde"] == "-1", NULL, $_REQUEST["SectorDesde"]), ":idsectorhasta" => IIF($_REQUEST["SectorHasta"] == "-1", NULL, $_REQUEST["SectorHasta"]), ":idusuario" => $_REQUEST["Usuario"], ":tipomovimiento" => $_REQUEST["TipoMovimiento"], ":usualta" => GetWindowsLoginName(true));
    $sql = "INSERT INTO rrhh.rhn_novedades (hn_id, hn_idusuario, hn_tipomovimiento, hn_idsectordesde, hn_idsectorhasta, hn_fechaalta, hn_usualta)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t VALUES (:id, :idusuario, :tipomovimiento, :idsectordesde, :idsectorhasta, SYSDATE, :usualta)";
    DBExecSql($conn, $sql, $params);
if ($_REQUEST["TipoOp"] == "M") {
    // Modificación..
    $params = array(":id" => $_REQUEST["id"], ":idsectordesde" => IIF($_REQUEST["SectorDesde"] == "-1", NULL, $_REQUEST["SectorDesde"]), ":idsectorhasta" => IIF($_REQUEST["SectorHasta"] == "-1", NULL, $_REQUEST["SectorHasta"]), ":tipomovimiento" => $_REQUEST["TipoMovimiento"], ":usumodif" => GetWindowsLoginName(true));
    $sql = "UPDATE rrhh.rhn_novedades\n\t\t\t\tSET hn_tipomovimiento = :tipomovimiento,\n\t\t\t\t\t\thn_idsectordesde = :idsectordesde,\n\t\t\t\t\t\thn_idsectorhasta = :idsectorhasta,\n\t\t\t\t\t\thn_fechamodif = SYSDATE,\n\t\t\t\t\t\thn_usumodif = :usumodif\n\t\t  WHERE hn_id = :id";
    DBExecSql($conn, $sql, $params);
if ($_REQUEST["TipoOp"] == "B") {
    // Baja..
    $params = array(":id" => $_REQUEST["id"], ":usubaja" => GetWindowsLoginName(true));
    $sql = "UPDATE rrhh.rhn_novedades\n\t\t\t\tSET hn_fechabaja = SYSDATE,\n\t\t\t\t\t\thn_usubaja = :usubaja\n\t\t  WHERE hn_id = :id";
    DBExecSql($conn, $sql, $params);
if ($dbError["offset"]) {
echo $dbError["message"];
 public function _b2($tag, $content)
     $tag['type'] = IIF($tag['type'], 'submit');
     return $this->btn($tag, $content, 'btn-primary');
function editTXT($content, $jsId)
    $content = IIF($content == '', '&nbsp;', $content);
    $editTXT = '<span id=\'' . $jsId . '\' onClick="TestInput(\'' . $jsId . '\');" title=\'点击可编辑\'>' . $content . '</span>';
    return @$editTXT;

 * =======================================
 * ###################################
 * SWIFT Framework
 * @package	SWIFT
 * @author	Kayako Infotech Ltd.
 * @copyright	Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Kayako Infotech Ltd.
 * @license	http://www.kayako.com/license
 * @link		http://www.kayako.com
 * @filesource
 * ###################################
 * =======================================
$__LANG = array('dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'preferences' => 'Preferences', 'privatemessages' => 'Private Messages', 'timezonephp' => 'Time Zone', 'desc_timezonephp' => 'Select the time zone that you reside in.  If you choose a time zone here, it will override the default time zone.', 'defaulttimezone' => '-- Use the default time zone --', 'staffdetails' => 'Staff Details', 'requiredfields' => 'Required Fields', 'staffgroup' => 'Team', 'updatedetails' => 'Update Details', 'stafffullname' => 'Full Name', 'desc_stafffullname' => 'Enter your full name. This will be publicly visible to your users and also used as the from name in all outgoing emails.', 'changepassword' => 'Change Password', 'staffpassword' => 'Reset Password', 'desc_staffpassword' => 'If you wish to change your current password, enter the new password you wish to use here.', 'staffpasswordconfirm' => 'Password (Confirm)', 'desc_staffpasswordconfirm' => 'Re-enter your new password.', 'staffemail' => 'Email', 'optionalfields' => 'Optional Fields', 'staffmobilenumber' => 'Mobile Number', 'desc_staffmobilenumber' => 'If you wish to receive SMS alerts, enter your mobile telephone number.<br/><i>Note: Enter only your telephone number without spaces, dashes or other symbols.<br/>Example: \'18005551212\'</i> ', 'staffsignature' => 'Signature', 'desc_staffsignature' => 'Enter the signature that you would like to be appended to all outoging emails.<br/><i>Example:<br/>\'John Smith<br/>My Company<br/>http://mycompany.com/\'</i>', 'timezoneoffset' => 'Time Zone', 'desc_timezoneoffset' => 'Select your Time Zone. If set, this time zone will override the default setting.', 'enabledst' => 'Enable Daylight Savings', 'desc_enabledst' => 'Select whether or not you wish to enable Daylight Savings Time.', 'passworddontmatch' => 'ERROR: Passwords do not match', 'informationupdated' => 'Information successfully updated', 'enablepmalerts' => 'Enable Private Message Email Alerts', 'enablepmjsalerts' => 'Enable Private Message JavaScript Alerts', 'desc_enablepmalerts' => 'Select whether or not you wish to receive email alerts when a private message is sent to you.', 'desc_enablepmjsalerts' => 'Select whether or not you wish to be prompted by an on-screen message when a private message is sent to you.', 'generalsettings' => 'General Settings', 'desc_staffemail' => 'Enter your personal email address here. All alerts assigned to your account will be sent to this address.' . IIF(SWIFT_Module::IsRegistered(MODULE_PARSER), ' Make sure that this address has not been associated with an email queue.  If there is an already existing email queue with the same address, it may create bounce-back loops, causing performance problems.'), 'time_99' => '-- Default Time Zone Setting --', 'time_-12' => 'GMT -12:00 hours : Enitwetok, Kwajalien', 'time_-11' => 'GMT -11:00 hours : Midway Island, Samoa', 'time_-10' => 'GMT -10:00 hours : Hawaii', 'time_-9' => 'GMT -9:00 hours : Alaska', 'time_-8' => 'GMT -8:00 hours : Pacific Time (US & Canada)', 'time_-7' => 'GMT -7:00 hours : Mountain Time (US & Canada)', 'time_-6' => 'GMT -6:00 hours : Central Time (US & Canada), Mexico City', 'time_-5' => 'GMT -5:00 hours : Eastern Time (US & Canada), Bogota, Lima, Quito', 'time_-4' => 'GMT -4:00 hours : Atlantic Time (Canada), Caracas, La Paz', 'time_-3.5' => 'GMT -3:30 hours : Newfoundland', 'time_-3' => 'GMT -3:00 hours : Brazil, Buenos Aires, Georgetown, Falkland Is.', 'time_-2' => 'GMT -2:00 hours : Mid-Atlantic, Ascention Is., St Helena', 'time_-1' => 'GMT -1:00 hours : Azores, Cape Verde Islands', 'time_0' => 'GMT : Casablanca, Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Lisbon, Monrovia', 'time_1' => 'GMT +1:00 hours : Berlin, Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris, Rome', 'time_2' => 'GMT +2:00 hours : Kaliningrad, South Africa, Warsaw', 'time_3' => 'GMT +3:00 hours : Baghdad, Riyadh, Moscow, Nairobi', 'time_3.5' => 'GMT +3:30 hours : Tehran', 'time_4' => 'GMT +4:00 hours : Abu Dhabi, Baku, Muscat, Tbilisi', 'time_4.5' => 'GMT +4:30 hours : Kabul', 'time_5' => 'GMT +5:00 hours : Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent', 'time_5.5' => 'GMT +5:30 hours : Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi', 'time_6' => 'GMT +6:00 hours : Almaty, Colomba, Dhaka', 'time_7' => 'GMT +7:00 hours : Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta', 'time_8' => 'GMT +8:00 hours : Beijing, Hong Kong, Perth, Singapore, Taipei', 'time_9' => 'GMT +9:00 hours : Osaka, Sapporo, Seoul, Tokyo, Yakutsk', 'time_9.5' => 'GMT +9:30 hours : Adelaide, Darwin', 'time_10' => 'GMT +10:00 hours : Melbourne, Papua New Guinea, Sydney, Vladivostok', 'time_11' => 'GMT +11:00 hours : Magadan, New Caledonia, Solomon Islands', 'time_12' => 'GMT +12:00 hours : Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Marshall Island', 'workschedule' => 'Work Schedule', 'closed' => 'Not Working', 'invalidschedule' => 'Invalid staff schedule specified', 'hourrangeerror' => 'ERROR: An interval for one of the days is incorrect', 'workscheduleconfirm' => 'Work Schedule updated successfully');
  * 分页列表
  * @param  array  $options 配置
 protected function page(array $options)
     $result = array();
     if ($options['where']) {
     $result['status'] = true;
     $result['count'] = $this->model->count();
     $result['size'] = IIF($options['size'], 10);
     $result['page'] = IIF($options['page'], 1);
     // $result['url']      = IIF($options['url'],'#');
     if ($options['rel']) {
     if ($options['alias']) {
     if ($options['field']) {
     if ($options['orderby']) {
     if ($options['where']) {
     //      file_put_contents('log.txt',$this->model->_sql()."\r\n".$this->model->buildSql());
     $result['items'] = $this->model->page($result['page'], $result['size'])->select();
     if (method_exists($this, $options['after_select'])) {
     // echo $this->model->_sql();
     // file_put_contents('log.txt',$value."\r\n".$this->model->_sql()."\r\n".json_encode($options['where']));
     // $value  = file_get_contents('log.txt');
     //$result['count']    = sizeof($result['items']);
function getDetailList($action, $content, $actionName, $lableTitle, $fieldNameList, $nPageSize, $nPage, $addSql)
    $GLOBALS['conn='] = OpenConn();
    $defaultStr = '';
    $i = '';
    $s = '';
    $c = '';
    $tableName = '';
    $j = '';
    $splxx = '';
    $sql = '';
    $x = '';
    $url = '';
    $nCount = '';
    $pageInfo = '';
    $modI = '';
    $startStr = '';
    $endStr = '';
    $fieldName = '';
    $splFieldName = '';
    $replaceStr = '';
    $tableName = lCase($actionName);
    $listFileName = '';
    $listFileName = RParam($action, 'listFileName');
    $abcolorStr = '';
    $atargetStr = '';
    $atitleStr = '';
    $anofollowStr = '';
    $id = '';
    $idPage = '';
    $id = rq('id');
    if ($fieldNameList == '*') {
        $fieldNameList = getHandleFieldList($GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . $tableName, '字段列表');
    $fieldNameList = specialStrReplace($fieldNameList);
    $splFieldName = aspSplit($fieldNameList, ',');
    $defaultStr = getStrCut($content, '<!--#body start#-->', '<!--#body end#-->', 2);
    $pageInfo = getStrCut($content, '[page]', '[/page]', 1);
    if ($pageInfo != '') {
        $content = replace($content, $pageInfo, '');
    //call eerr("pageInfo",pageInfo)
    $sql = 'select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . $tableName . ' ' . $addSql;
    if (checkSql($sql) == false) {
        errorLog('出错提示:<br>sql=' . $sql . '<br>');
        return '';
    $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query($sql);
    $rs = mysql_fetch_array($rsObj);
    $nCount = @mysql_num_rows($rsObj);
    if ($GLOBALS['isMakeHtml'] == true) {
        $url = '';
        if (len($listFileName) > 5) {
            $url = mid($listFileName, 1, len($listFileName) - 5) . '[id].html';
            $url = urlAddHttpUrl($GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'], $url);
    } else {
        $url = getUrlAddToParam(getUrl(), '?page=[id]', 'replace');
    $content = replace($content, '[$pageInfo$]', webPageControl($nCount, $nPageSize, $nPage, $url, $pageInfo));
    if (EDITORTYPE == 'asp') {
        $x = getRsPageNumber($rs, $nCount, $nPageSize, $nPage);
        //获得Rs页数                                                  '记录总数
    } else {
        if ($nPage != '') {
            $nPage = $nPage - 1;
        $sql = 'select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . '' . $tableName . ' ' . $addSql . ' limit ' . $nPageSize * $nPage . ',' . $nPageSize;
        $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query($sql);
        $rs = mysql_fetch_array($rsObj);
        $x = @mysql_num_rows($rsObj);
    //call echo("sql",sql)
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $x; $i++) {
        $rs = mysql_fetch_array($rsObj);
        //给PHP用,因为在 asptophp转换不完善
        $startStr = '[list-' . $i . ']';
        $endStr = '[/list-' . $i . ']';
        if ($i == $x) {
            $startStr = '[list-end]';
            $endStr = '[/list-end]';
        //例[list-mod2]  [/list-mod2]    20150112
        for ($modI = 6; $modI >= 2; $modI--) {
            if (inStr($defaultStr, $startStr) == false && $i % $modI == 0) {
                $startStr = '[list-mod' . $modI . ']';
                $endStr = '[/list-mod' . $modI . ']';
                if (inStr($defaultStr, $startStr) > 0) {
        if (inStr($defaultStr, $startStr) == false || $startStr == '') {
            $startStr = '[list]';
            $endStr = '[/list]';
        if (inStr($defaultStr, $startStr) > 0 && inStr($defaultStr, $endStr) > 0) {
            $s = StrCut($defaultStr, $startStr, $endStr, 2);
            //s = defaultStr
            $s = replace($s, '[$id$]', $rs['id']);
            for ($j = 0; $j <= uBound($splFieldName); $j++) {
                if ($splFieldName[$j] != '') {
                    $splxx = aspSplit($splFieldName[$j] . '|||', '|');
                    $fieldName = $splxx[0];
                    $replaceStr = $rs[$fieldName] . '';
                    $s = replaceValueParam($s, $fieldName, $replaceStr);
                if ($GLOBALS['isMakeHtml'] == true) {
                    $url = getHandleRsUrl($rs['filename'], $rs['customaurl'], '/detail/detail' . $rs['id']);
                } else {
                    $url = handleWebUrl('?act=detail&id=' . $rs['id']);
                    if ($rs['customaurl'] != '') {
                        $url = $rs['customaurl'];
                $abcolorStr = '';
                if (inStr($fieldNameList, ',titlecolor,') > 0) {
                    if ($rs['titlecolor'] != '') {
                        $abcolorStr = 'color:' . $rs['titlecolor'] . ';';
                if (inStr($fieldNameList, ',flags,') > 0) {
                    if (inStr($rs['flags'], '|b|') > 0) {
                        $abcolorStr = $abcolorStr . 'font-weight:bold;';
                if ($abcolorStr != '') {
                    $abcolorStr = ' style="' . $abcolorStr . '"';
                if (inStr($fieldNameList, ',target,') > 0) {
                    $atargetStr = IIF($rs['target'] != '', ' target="' . $rs['target'] . '"', '');
                if (inStr($fieldNameList, ',title,') > 0) {
                    $atitleStr = IIF($rs['title'] != '', ' title="' . $rs['title'] . '"', '');
                if (inStr($fieldNameList, ',nofollow,') > 0) {
                    $anofollowStr = IIF($rs['nofollow'] != 0, ' rel="nofollow"', '');
                $s = replaceValueParam($s, 'url', $url);
                $s = replaceValueParam($s, 'abcolor', $abcolorStr);
                $s = replaceValueParam($s, 'atitle', $atitleStr);
                $s = replaceValueParam($s, 'anofollow', $anofollowStr);
                $s = replaceValueParam($s, 'atarget', $atargetStr);
        //call echo("tableName",tableName)
        $idPage = getThisIdPage($GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . $tableName, $rs['id'], 10);
        if ($tableName == 'guestbook') {
            $url = WEB_ADMINURL . '?act=addEditHandle&actionType=GuestBook&lableTitle=留言&nPageSize=10&parentid=&searchfield=bodycontent&keyword=&addsql=&page=' . $idPage . '&id=' . $rs['id'] . '&n=' . getRnd(11);
        } else {
            $url = WEB_ADMINURL . '?act=addEditHandle&actionType=ArticleDetail&lableTitle=分类信息&nPageSize=10&page=' . $idPage . '&parentid=' . $rs['parentid'] . '&id=' . $rs['id'] . '&n=' . getRnd(11);
        $s = handleDisplayOnlineEditDialog($url, $s, '', 'div|li|span');
        $c = $c . $s;
    $content = replace($content, '<!--#body start#-->' . $defaultStr . '<!--#body end#-->', $c);
    if ($GLOBALS['isMakeHtml'] == true) {
        $url = '';
        if (len($listFileName) > 5) {
            $url = mid($listFileName, 1, len($listFileName) - 5) . '[id].html';
            $url = urlAddHttpUrl($GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'], $url);
    } else {
        $url = getUrlAddToParam(getUrl(), '?page=[id]', 'replace');
    $getDetailList = $content;
    return @$getDetailList;
function handleRParam($action, $LableStr, $typeStr)
    $LalbeName = '';
    $endTypeStr = '';
    $isTrue = '';
    $s = '';
    $isTrue = false;
    $endTypeStr = IIF($typeStr != '', $typeStr, ' ');
    $action = vbCrlf() . ' ' . $action;
    $LalbeName = ' ' . $LableStr;
    //不存在  前面加点
    if (inStr($action, $LalbeName . '=' . $typeStr) == false && $isTrue == false) {
        $LalbeName = '\'' . $LableStr;
    } else {
        $isTrue = true;
    //不存在 前面加双引号
    if (inStr($action, $LalbeName . '=' . $typeStr) == false && $isTrue == false) {
        $LalbeName = '"' . $LableStr;
    } else {
        $isTrue = true;
    //不存在    前面加TAB
    if (inStr($action, $LalbeName . '=' . $typeStr) == false && $isTrue == false) {
        $LalbeName = vbTab() . $LableStr;
    } else {
        $isTrue = true;
    //不存在    前面加换行
    if (inStr($action, $LalbeName . '=' . $typeStr) == false && $isTrue == false) {
        $LalbeName = vbCrlf() . $LableStr;
    } else {
        $isTrue = true;
    if (inStr($action, $LalbeName . '=' . $typeStr) > 0 && inStr($action, $endTypeStr) > 0) {
        $s = StrCut($action, $LalbeName . '=' . $typeStr, $endTypeStr, 2);
        $s = handleInModule($s, 'end');
        //处理里面参数 追加于20141031            还原内容值
        if ($s == '') {
            $s = '[#空*值_#]';
        if (inStr($s, '{$') > 0 && inStr($s, '$}') > 0) {
            //handleRParam=HandleTemplateAction(handleRParam,true)        '处理动作
            //handleRParam = handleModuleReplaceArray(handleRParam)'给AddSqL处理一下动作 这是处理替换,不需要,因为在 HandleTemplateAction有替换了(20151021)
        //if handleRParam="" then
        //end if
    $handleRParam = $s;
    return @$handleRParam;
function saveAddEdit($actionName, $lableTitle, $fieldNameList)
    $tableName = '';
    $url = '';
    $listUrl = '';
    $id = '';
    $addOrEdit = '';
    $sql = '';
    $id = @$_REQUEST['id'];
    $addOrEdit = IIF($id == '', '添加', '修改');
    handlePower($addOrEdit . $lableTitle);
    $GLOBALS['conn='] = OpenConn();
    $fieldNameList = ',' . specialStrReplace($fieldNameList) . ',';
    //特殊字符处理 自定义字段列表
    $tableName = lCase($actionName);
    $sql = getPostSql($id, $tableName, $fieldNameList);
    //call eerr("sql",sql)												'调试用
    if (checkSql($sql) == false) {
        errorLog('出错提示:<hr>sql=' . $sql . '<br>');
        return '';
    //conn.Execute(sql)                 '检测SQL时已经处理了,不需要再执行了
    //对网站配置单独处理,为动态运行时删除,index.html     动,静,切换20160216
    if (lCase($actionName) == 'website') {
        if (inStr(@$_REQUEST['flags'], 'htmlrun') == false) {
    $listUrl = getUrlAddToParam(getThisUrl(), '?act=dispalyManageHandle', 'replace');
    $listUrl = getUrlAddToParam($listUrl, '?focusid=' . $id, 'replace');
    if ($id == '') {
        $url = getUrlAddToParam(getThisUrl(), '?act=addEditHandle', 'replace');
        $url = getUrlAddToParam($url, '?focusid=' . $id, 'replace');
        Rw(getMsg1('数据添加成功,返回继续添加' . $lableTitle . '...<br><a href=\'' . $listUrl . '\'>返回' . $lableTitle . '列表</a>', $url));
    } else {
        $url = getUrlAddToParam(getThisUrl(), '?act=addEditHandle&switchId=' . @$_POST['switchId'], 'replace');
        $url = getUrlAddToParam($url, '?focusid=' . $id, 'replace');
        if (inStr('|WebSite|', '|' . $actionName . '|') > 0) {
            Rw(getMsg1('数据修改成功', $url));
        } else {
            Rw(getMsg1('数据修改成功,正在进入' . $lableTitle . '列表...<br><a href=\'' . $url . '\'>继续编辑</a>', $listUrl));
    writeSystemLog($tableName, $addOrEdit . $lableTitle);
文件: Tag.class.php 项目: Orchild/mt
 public function _submit($tag)
     $tag['type'] = IIF($tag['type'], 'submit');
     return $this->btn($tag, $tag['text'], 'btn-primary');
function checkTime($DateTime)
    $checkTime = IIF(isDate($DateTime) == false, false, true);
    return @$checkTime;