Get_Account_Id($sess_id, $account_id, $bd); $membership = Member_Role($group_id, $account_id, $bd); $ch_membership = Member_Role($group_id, $member_id, $bd); // If the user is actually moderator or owner of the group if (!($membership == 'O' || $membership == 'M')) { $error[$num_errors++] = "You are not moderator of this group."; include "groups.php"; exit; } if ($ch_membership == 'O') { $error[$num_errors++] = "The Owner membership may not be changed."; include "groups.php"; exit; } if (!empty($_POST['modify'])) { Group_Change_Membership($group_id, $member_id, $_POST['membership'], $bd); $alert[$num_alerts++] = "Membership Changed Successfully"; include "groups_members.php"; exit; } $groups = List_Groups($group_id, '', '', '', 1, $bd); $groups[0][5] = List_Group_Member($group_id, $member_id, $bd); } else { $error[$num_errors++] = "Invalid Session ID"; include "logout.php"; exit; } $result_xsl = "xsl/" . $default_xsl . "/groups_members_modify.xsl"; $smarty->assign("nrpTransform", $result_xsl); $smarty->assign("nrpSchErrors", $error); $smarty->assign("nrpSchAlerts", $alert);
} elseif (!empty($_GET['group_id'])) { $group_id = $_GET['group_id']; } if (Validate_Session($complete_sess_id, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $bd)) { Get_Account_Id($sess_id, $account_id, $bd); $membership = Member_Role($group_id, $account_id, $bd); // If the user is actually member of the group if ($membership != 'I') { $error[$num_errors++] = "There is no membership confirmation to be done at this group."; include "groups.php"; exit; } else { if (!empty($_POST['submit_conf_yes']) || !empty($_POST['submit_conf_no'])) { if (!empty($_POST['submit_conf_yes'])) { // Make the member to become a common member of the group Group_Change_Membership($group_id, $account_id, 'C', $bd); $alert[$num_alerts++] = 'You were included in the group.'; include "groups_enter.php"; } else { // Removes the invitation Group_Remove_Member($group_id, $account_id, $bd); $alert[$num_alerts++] = 'Your invitation to the group was cancelled.'; include "groups.php"; } exit; } else { $error[$num_errors++] = "Invalid confirmation code."; } $groups = List_Groups($group_id, '', '', '', 1, $bd); } $people = List_People($account_id, '', '', '', '', $bd);