     <P CLASS="dunkel"><B><font size="-1">Wird verteidigt von:</font></B></P>
   <TD> <font size="-1">
 $SQL_Result = tic_mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `gn4flottenbewegungen` WHERE modus="2" AND verteidiger_galaxie="' . $zeig_galaxie . '" AND verteidiger_planet="' . $zeig_planet . '" ORDER BY eta;', $SQL_DBConn) or $error_code = 4;
 $SQL_Num = mysql_num_rows($SQL_Result);
 if ($SQL_Num == 0) {
     echo '<P CLASS="hell">Er/Sie wird von niemandem verteidigt.</P>';
 } else {
     echo '<CENTER><P CLASS="hell">';
     echo '  Folgende Flotten sind im Anflug:';
     echo '  <TABLE>';
     for ($n = 0; $n < $SQL_Num; $n++) {
         $scan = ' <A HREF="./main.php?modul=showgalascans&displaymode=0&xgala=' . mysql_result($SQL_Result, $n, 'angreifer_galaxie') . '&xplanet=' . mysql_result($SQL_Result, $n, 'angreifer_planet') . '">' . GetScans2($SQL_DBConn, mysql_result($SQL_Result, $n, 'angreifer_galaxie'), mysql_result($SQL_Result, $n, 'angreifer_planet')) . '</A>';
         echo '<TR><TD><font size="-1">Name: </td><td><B>' . mysql_result($SQL_Result, $n, 'angreifer_galaxie') . ':' . mysql_result($SQL_Result, $n, 'angreifer_planet') . '</B></font></TD>';
         $disptime = mysql_result($SQL_Result, $n, 'eta') * $Ticks['lange'] - $tick_abzug;
         $disptime = getime4display($disptime);
         echo '<TD><font size="-1">ETA: </td><td><B>' . $disptime . '</B></font></TD>';
         echo '<TD><font size="-1">Verteidigungslänge: </td><td><B>' . getime4display(mysql_result($SQL_Result, $n, 'flugzeit') * $Ticks['lange']) . '</B></font></TD>';
         echo '<TD><font size="-1">Flotte: </td><td>' . $flottennr[mysql_result($SQL_Result, $n, 'flottennr')] . '</font></TD>';
         echo '<TD><font size="-1">' . $scan . '</font><td>';
         //                            if ($Benutzer['rang'] > $Rang_GC || !($Benutzer['rang'] <= $Rang_GC && $Benutzer['galaxie'] != $zeig_galaxie)) echo ', <A HREF="./main.php?modul=anzeigen&id='.$id.'&action=flotteloeschen&flottenid='.mysql_result($SQL_Result, $n, 'id').'">Löschen</A>, <A HREF="./main.php?modul=flotteaendern&id='.$id.'&flottenid='.mysql_result($SQL_Result, $n, 'id').'">Ändern</A>';
         echo '<FORM ACTION="./main.php" METHOD="POST">';
         echo '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="modul" VALUE="anzeigen">';
         echo '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="id" VALUE="' . $id . '">';
         echo '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="action" VALUE="flotteloeschen">';
         echo '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="flottenid" VALUE="' . mysql_result($SQL_Result, $n, 'id') . '">';
         echo '<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Löschen"> </form></td><td>';
         echo '<FORM ACTION="./main.php" METHOD="POST">';
 for ($n = 0; $n < $SQL_Num; $n++) {
     echo '<TR>';
     $gala = mysql_result($SQL_Result, $n, 'rg');
     $planet = mysql_result($SQL_Result, $n, 'rp');
     echo '<TD><P CLASS="hell"><font size=1>' . $gala . ':' . $planet . ' ';
     echo gnuser($gala, $planet) . '</font></TD>';
     $scanzeit = mysql_result($SQL_Result, $n, 'zeit');
     if (substr($scanzeit, 6, 2) == date('d')) {
         $farbe = $htmlstyle['hell'];
     } else {
         $farbe = $htmlstyle['hell_rot'];
     echo '	<TD BGCOLOR=#' . $farbe . '><font size=1>' . $scanzeit . '</font></TD>';
     $stypes = GetScans2($SQL_DBConn, mysql_result($SQL_Result, $n, 'rg'), mysql_result($SQL_Result, $n, 'rp'));
     $output = OnMouseFlotte($gala, $planet, $Benutzer['punkte'], "");
     echo "<TD onmouseover=\"return overlib('" . $output . "');\"\n             onmouseout=\"return nd();\">";
     echo '<P CLASS="hell">';
     echo '<A HREF="./main.php?modul=showgalascans&displaytype=0&xgala=' . $gala . '&xplanet=' . $planet . '">';
     echo '<font size=2>' . $stypes . '</font></A></p></TD>';
     // Sektor gescannt
     // Genauigkeit
     $gen = mysql_result($SQL_Result, $n, 'gen');
     if ($gen == 100 or $gen == 99) {
         $farbe = $htmlstyle['hell'];
     if ($gen < 99) {
         $farbe = $htmlstyle['hell_rot'];
     echo '	<TD BGCOLOR=#' . $farbe . '><font size=1>' . $gen . '%</font></TD>';
function Get_ScanID($id, $help, $punkte)
    global $SQL_DBConn;
    $SQL = 'SELECT * FROM `gn4accounts` WHERE id ="' . $id . '";';
    $SQL_Result = tic_mysql_query($SQL) or die(tic_mysql_error(__FILE__, __LINE__));
    $SQL_Num = mysql_num_rows($SQL_Result);
    if ($SQL_Num == 0) {
        return '???';
    } else {
        $v_gala = mysql_result($SQL_Result, 0, 'galaxie');
        $v_plan = mysql_result($SQL_Result, 0, 'planet');
        $tmp_result = $v_gala . ':' . $v_plan . ' ' . mysql_result($SQL_Result, 0, 'name');
        $output = OnMouseFlotte($v_gala, $v_plan, $punkte, "");
        $refa = '<a href="./main.php?modul=showgalascans&xgala=' . $v_gala . '&xplanet=' . $v_plan . '" ';
        $output = $refa . InfoText($output) . ">" . GetScans2($SQL_DBConn, $v_gala, $v_plan) . "</a>";
        return $tmp_result . $output;
     if ($testdate >= $attdate2 or $AttStatus != 0) {
         $attcolor = $ATTSTATUSHTML[$AttStatus];
     } else {
         $attcolor = "DDDDDD";
 $output = OnMouseFlotte($rg, $rp, $Benutzer['punkte'], "");
 echo '<TR>';
 echo '<TD bgcolor="#' . $attcolor . '"><b>';
 $output2 = InfoText("Ziel wurde erfasst durch Spieler:<br><b>" . GetUserInfos(mysql_result($SQL_Result, $i, "id")) . " von " . GetAllianzName(mysql_result($SQL_Result, $i, "id")));
 echo '<a href="./main.php?modul=showgalascans&xgala=' . $rg . '&xplanet=' . $rp . '" ' . $output2 . '>';
 echo $rg . ":" . $rp . " " . gnuser($rg, $rp);
 echo '</a>';
 echo " <font color=#0000FF>";
 echo "<a href=\"./main.php?modul=showgalascans&xgala=" . $rg . "&xplanet=" . $rp . "\"" . ($Benutzer['help'] ? " onmouseover=\"return overlib('" . $output . "');\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\"" : "") . ">";
 echo GetScans2($SQL_DBConn, $rg, $rp) . "</a></B></font><br>";
 echo 'Exxen M: ' . $me . "<br>Exxen K: " . $ke . "<br>";
 echo 'Pkt: ' . ZahlZuText(intval($pts / 1000)) . "K<br>";
 echo 'Def: ' . $d . '<br>Ships: ' . $s . "<br>";
 echo '</TD>';
 // Planung
 echo '<TD bgcolor="#' . $attcolor . '">';
 echo '<b><center>';
 echo $attdate2;
 echo "<br>" . substr(mysql_result($SQL_Result, $i, "attzeit"), 0, 5) . "<BR>";
 // Status
 echo $ATTSTATUSINFO[$AttStatus];
 echo '<br>';
 if (mysql_result($SQL_Result, $i, "forall") == 1) {
     echo '</b><font size=1>[ATT_for_all]</font>';
 } elseif (mysql_result($SQL_Result, $i, "formeta") == $Meta) {