* Gather all of the data that we collect for a single run
* @param mixed $id
* @param mixed $testPath
* @param mixed $run
* @param mixed $cached
function GetSingleRunData($id, $testPath, $run, $cached, &$pageData, $testInfo)
    $ret = null;
    if (array_key_exists($run, $pageData) && is_array($pageData[$run]) && array_key_exists($cached, $pageData[$run]) && is_array($pageData[$run][$cached])) {
        $protocol = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' || isset($_SERVER['HTTP_SSL']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_SSL'] == 'On' ? 'https' : 'http';
        $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
        $uri = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/\\');
        $path = substr($testPath, 1);
        $ret = $pageData[$run][$cached];
        $ret['run'] = $run;
        $cachedText = '';
        if ($cached) {
            $cachedText = '_Cached';
        if (isset($testInfo)) {
            if (array_key_exists('tester', $testInfo)) {
                $ret['tester'] = $testInfo['tester'];
            if (array_key_exists('test_runs', $testInfo) && array_key_exists($run, $testInfo['test_runs']) && array_key_exists('tester', $testInfo['test_runs'][$run])) {
                $ret['tester'] = $testInfo['test_runs'][$run]['tester'];
        $basic_results = false;
        if (array_key_exists('basic', $_REQUEST) && $_REQUEST['basic']) {
            $basic_results = true;
        if (!$basic_results && gz_is_file("{$testPath}/{$run}{$cachedText}_pagespeed.txt")) {
            $ret['PageSpeedScore'] = GetPageSpeedScore("{$testPath}/{$run}{$cachedText}_pagespeed.txt");
            $ret['PageSpeedData'] = "{$protocol}://{$host}{$uri}//getgzip.php?test={$id}&file={$run}{$cachedText}_pagespeed.txt";
        $ret['pages'] = array();
        $ret['pages']['details'] = "{$protocol}://{$host}{$uri}/details.php?test={$id}&run={$run}&cached={$cached}";
        $ret['pages']['checklist'] = "{$protocol}://{$host}{$uri}/performance_optimization.php?test={$id}&run={$run}&cached={$cached}";
        $ret['pages']['breakdown'] = "{$protocol}://{$host}{$uri}/breakdown.php?test={$id}&run={$run}&cached={$cached}";
        $ret['pages']['domains'] = "{$protocol}://{$host}{$uri}/domains.php?test={$id}&run={$run}&cached={$cached}";
        $ret['pages']['screenShot'] = "{$protocol}://{$host}{$uri}/screen_shot.php?test={$id}&run={$run}&cached={$cached}";
        $ret['thumbnails'] = array();
        $ret['thumbnails']['waterfall'] = "{$protocol}://{$host}{$uri}/result/{$id}/{$run}{$cachedText}_waterfall_thumb.png";
        $ret['thumbnails']['checklist'] = "{$protocol}://{$host}{$uri}/result/{$id}/{$run}{$cachedText}_optimization_thumb.png";
        $ret['thumbnails']['screenShot'] = "{$protocol}://{$host}{$uri}/result/{$id}/{$run}{$cachedText}_screen_thumb.png";
        $ret['images'] = array();
        $ret['images']['waterfall'] = "{$protocol}://{$host}{$uri}{$path}/{$run}{$cachedText}_waterfall.png";
        $ret['images']['connectionView'] = "{$protocol}://{$host}{$uri}{$path}/{$run}{$cachedText}_connection.png";
        $ret['images']['checklist'] = "{$protocol}://{$host}{$uri}{$path}/{$run}{$cachedText}_optimization.png";
        $ret['images']['screenShot'] = "{$protocol}://{$host}{$uri}{$path}/{$run}{$cachedText}_screen.jpg";
        if (is_file("{$testPath}/{$run}{$cachedText}_screen.png")) {
            $ret['images']['screenShotPng'] = "{$protocol}://{$host}{$uri}{$path}/{$run}{$cachedText}_screen.png";
        $ret['rawData'] = array();
        $ret['rawData']['headers'] = "{$protocol}://{$host}{$uri}{$path}/{$run}{$cachedText}_report.txt";
        $ret['rawData']['pageData'] = "{$protocol}://{$host}{$uri}{$path}/{$run}{$cachedText}_IEWPG.txt";
        $ret['rawData']['requestsData'] = "{$protocol}://{$host}{$uri}{$path}/{$run}{$cachedText}_IEWTR.txt";
        $ret['rawData']['utilization'] = "{$protocol}://{$host}{$uri}{$path}/{$run}{$cachedText}_progress.csv";
        if (is_file("{$testPath}/{$run}{$cachedText}_bodies.zip")) {
            $ret['rawData']['bodies'] = "{$protocol}://{$host}{$uri}{$path}/{$run}{$cachedText}_bodies.zip";
        if (!$basic_results) {
            $startOffset = array_key_exists('testStartOffset', $ret) ? intval(round($ret['testStartOffset'])) : 0;
            $progress = GetVisualProgress($testPath, $run, $cached, null, null, $startOffset);
            if (array_key_exists('frames', $progress) && is_array($progress['frames']) && count($progress['frames'])) {
                $cachedTextLower = strtolower($cachedText);
                $ret['videoFrames'] = array();
                foreach ($progress['frames'] as $ms => $frame) {
                    $videoFrame = array('time' => $ms);
                    $videoFrame['image'] = "http://{$host}{$uri}{$path}/video_{$run}{$cachedTextLower}/{$frame['file']}";
                    $videoFrame['VisuallyComplete'] = $frame['progress'];
                    $ret['videoFrames'][] = $videoFrame;
            $requests = getRequests($id, $testPath, $run, $cached, $secure, $haveLocations, false, true);
            $ret['domains'] = getDomainBreakdown($id, $testPath, $run, $cached, $requests);
            $ret['breakdown'] = getBreakdown($id, $testPath, $run, $cached, $requests);
            // check if removing requests
            $addRequests = 1;
            if (isset($_GET['requests'])) {
                if ($_GET['requests'] == 0) {
                    $addRequests = 0;
            // add requests
            if ($addRequests == 1) {
                $ret['requests'] = $requests;
            $console_log = DevToolsGetConsoleLog($testPath, $run, $cached);
            if (isset($console_log)) {
                $ret['consoleLog'] = $console_log;
            if (gz_is_file("{$testPath}/{$run}{$cachedText}_status.txt")) {
                $ret['status'] = array();
                $lines = gz_file("{$testPath}/{$run}{$cachedText}_status.txt");
                foreach ($lines as $line) {
                    $line = trim($line);
                    if (strlen($line)) {
                        list($time, $message) = explode("\t", $line);
                        if (strlen($time) && strlen($message)) {
                            $ret['status'][] = array('time' => $time, 'message' => $message);
    return $ret;
* Do any aggregation once all of the tests have finished
* @param mixed $state
function CollectResults(&$test, &$data)
    global $logFile;
    $testPath = './' . GetTestPath($test['id']);
    logMsg("Loading page data from {$testPath}", "./log/{$logFile}", true);
    $page_data = loadAllPageData($testPath);
    if (count($page_data)) {
        foreach ($page_data as $run => &$page_run) {
            foreach ($page_run as $cached => &$test_data) {
                $data_row = $test_data;
                // figure out the per-type request info (todo: measure how expensive this is and see if we have a better way)
                $breakdown = getBreakdown($test['id'], $testPath, $run, $cached, $requests);
                foreach ($breakdown as $mime => &$values) {
                    $data_row["{$mime}_requests"] = $values['requests'];
                    $data_row["{$mime}_bytes"] = $values['bytes'];
                // capture the page speed score
                if ($cached) {
                    $data_row['page_speed'] = GetPageSpeedScore("{$testPath}/{$run}_Cached_pagespeed.txt");
                } else {
                    $data_row['page_speed'] = GetPageSpeedScore("{$testPath}/{$run}_pagespeed.txt");
                $data_row['url'] = $test['url'];
                $data_row['label'] = $test['label'];
                $data_row['location'] = $test['location'];
                $data_row['config'] = $test['config'];
                $data_row['cached'] = $cached;
                $data_row['run'] = $run;
                $data_row['id'] = $test['id'];
                $data[] = $data_row;
                $test['has_data'] = 1;
    } else {
        $data_row = array();
        $data_row['url'] = $test['url'];
        $data_row['label'] = $test['label'];
        $data_row['location'] = $test['location'];
        $data_row['config'] = $test['config'];
        $data_row['id'] = $test['id'];
        $data[] = $data_row;
         $tester = $test['testinfo']['tester'];
     if (array_key_exists('test_runs', $test['testinfo']) && array_key_exists($i, $test['testinfo']['test_runs']) && array_key_exists('tester', $test['testinfo']['test_runs'][$i])) {
         $tester = $test['testinfo']['test_runs'][$i]['tester'] . '<br>';
     if (isset($tester)) {
         echo "<tester>" . xml_entities($tester) . "</tester>\n";
 echo "<results>\n";
 foreach ($pageData[$i][1] as $key => $val) {
     $key = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\-_]/', '_', $key);
     echo "<{$key}>" . xml_entities($val) . "</{$key}>\n";
 if ($pagespeed) {
     $score = GetPageSpeedScore("{$testPath}/{$i}_Cached_pagespeed.txt");
     if (strlen($score)) {
         echo "<PageSpeedScore>{$score}</PageSpeedScore>\n";
 echo "</results>\n";
 // links to the relevant pages
 echo "<pages>\n";
 echo "<details>http://{$host}{$uri}/result/{$id}/{$i}/details/cached/</details>\n";
 echo "<checklist>http://{$host}{$uri}/result/{$id}/{$i}/performance_optimization/cached/</checklist>\n";
 echo "<report>http://{$host}{$uri}/result/{$id}/{$i}/optimization_report/cached/</report>\n";
 echo "<breakdown>http://{$host}{$uri}/result/{$id}/{$i}/breakdown/</breakdown>\n";
 echo "<domains>http://{$host}{$uri}/result/{$id}/{$i}/domains/</domains>\n";
 echo "<screenShot>http://{$host}{$uri}/result/{$id}/{$i}/screen_shot/cached/</screenShot>\n";
 echo "</pages>\n";
 // urls for the relevant images
function CollectTestResult($test, &$data)
    global $benchmark;
    $id = $test['id'];
    $count = 0;
    echo "Reprocessing Test {$id}...";
    logMsg("Reprocessing Test {$id}", "./log/reprocess-{$benchmark}.log", true);
    $testPath = './' . GetTestPath($id);
    $page_data = loadAllPageData($testPath);
    if (count($page_data)) {
        foreach ($page_data as $run => &$page_run) {
            foreach ($page_run as $cached => &$test_data) {
                $data_row = $test_data;
                // figure out the per-type request info (todo: measure how expensive this is and see if we have a better way)
                $breakdown = getBreakdown($test['id'], $testPath, $run, $cached, $requests);
                foreach ($breakdown as $mime => &$values) {
                    $data_row["{$mime}_requests"] = $values['requests'];
                    $data_row["{$mime}_bytes"] = $values['bytes'];
                // capture the page speed score
                if ($cached) {
                    $data_row['page_speed'] = GetPageSpeedScore("{$testPath}/{$run}_Cached_pagespeed.txt");
                } else {
                    $data_row['page_speed'] = GetPageSpeedScore("{$testPath}/{$run}_pagespeed.txt");
                $data_row['url'] = $test['url'];
                $data_row['label'] = $test['label'];
                $data_row['location'] = $test['location'];
                $data_row['config'] = $test['config'];
                $data_row['cached'] = $cached;
                $data_row['run'] = $run;
                $data_row['id'] = $test['id'];
                $data[] = $data_row;
    } else {
        $data_row = array();
        $data_row['url'] = $test['url'];
        $data_row['label'] = $test['label'];
        $data_row['location'] = $test['location'];
        $data_row['config'] = $test['config'];
        $data_row['id'] = $test['id'];
        $data[] = $data_row;
    // If the test was already archived, re-archive it.
    $testInfo = GetTestInfo($id);
    if (array_key_exists('archived', $testInfo) && $testInfo['archived']) {
        $lock = LockTest($id);
        if (isset($lock)) {
            $testInfo = GetTestInfo($id);
            $testInfo['archived'] = false;
            SaveTestInfo($id, $testInfo);
    echo "{$count} results\n";
* Build the data set
* @param mixed $pageData
function BuildHAR(&$pageData, $id, $testPath, $options)
    $result = array();
    $entries = array();
    $result['log'] = array();
    $result['log']['version'] = '1.1';
    $result['log']['creator'] = array('name' => 'WebPagetest', 'version' => VER_WEBPAGETEST);
    $result['log']['pages'] = array();
    foreach ($pageData as $run => $pageRun) {
        foreach ($pageRun as $cached => $data) {
            $cached_text = '';
            if ($cached) {
                $cached_text = '_Cached';
            if (!array_key_exists('browser', $result['log'])) {
                $result['log']['browser'] = array('name' => $data['browser_name'], 'version' => $data['browser_version']);
            $pd = array();
            $pd['startedDateTime'] = msdate($data['date']);
            $pd['title'] = "Run {$run}, ";
            if ($cached) {
                $pd['title'] .= "Repeat View";
            } else {
                $pd['title'] .= "First View";
            $pd['title'] .= " for " . $data['URL'];
            $pd['id'] = "page_{$run}_{$cached}";
            $pd['pageTimings'] = array('onLoad' => $data['docTime'], 'onContentLoad' => -1, '_startRender' => $data['render']);
            // add the pagespeed score
            if (gz_is_file("{$testPath}/{$run}{$cached_text}_pagespeed.txt")) {
                $pagespeed_data = LoadPageSpeedData("{$testPath}/{$run}{$cached_text}_pagespeed.txt");
                if ($pagespeed_data) {
                    $score = GetPageSpeedScore(null, $pagespeed_data);
                    if (strlen($score)) {
                        $pd['_pageSpeed'] = array('score' => $score, 'result' => $pagespeed_data);
            // dump all of our metrics into the har data as custom fields
            foreach ($data as $name => $value) {
                if (!is_array($value)) {
                    $pd["_{$name}"] = $value;
            // add the page-level ldata to the result
            $result['log']['pages'][] = $pd;
            // now add the object-level data to the result
            $secure = false;
            $haveLocations = false;
            $requests = getRequests($id, $testPath, $run, $cached, $secure, $haveLocations, false, true);
            foreach ($requests as &$r) {
                $entry = array();
                $entry['pageref'] = $pd['id'];
                $entry['startedDateTime'] = msdate((double) $data['date'] + $r['load_start'] / 1000.0);
                $entry['time'] = $r['all_ms'];
                $request = array();
                $request['method'] = $r['method'];
                $protocol = $r['is_secure'] ? 'https://' : 'http://';
                $request['url'] = $protocol . $r['host'] . $r['url'];
                $request['headersSize'] = -1;
                $request['bodySize'] = -1;
                $request['cookies'] = array();
                $request['headers'] = array();
                $ver = '';
                $headersSize = 0;
                if (isset($r['headers']) && isset($r['headers']['request'])) {
                    foreach ($r['headers']['request'] as &$header) {
                        $headersSize += strlen($header) + 2;
                        // add 2 for the \r\n that is on the raw headers
                        $pos = strpos($header, ':');
                        if ($pos > 0) {
                            $name = trim(substr($header, 0, $pos));
                            $val = trim(substr($header, $pos + 1));
                            if (strlen($name)) {
                                $request['headers'][] = array('name' => $name, 'value' => $val);
                            // parse out any cookies
                            if (!strcasecmp($name, 'cookie')) {
                                $cookies = explode(';', $val);
                                foreach ($cookies as &$cookie) {
                                    $pos = strpos($cookie, '=');
                                    if ($pos > 0) {
                                        $name = (string) trim(substr($cookie, 0, $pos));
                                        $val = (string) trim(substr($cookie, $pos + 1));
                                        if (strlen($name)) {
                                            $request['cookies'][] = array('name' => $name, 'value' => $val);
                        } else {
                            $pos = strpos($header, 'HTTP/');
                            if ($pos >= 0) {
                                $ver = (string) trim(substr($header, $pos + 5, 3));
                if ($headersSize) {
                    $request['headersSize'] = $headersSize;
                $request['httpVersion'] = $ver;
                $request['queryString'] = array();
                $parts = parse_url($request['url']);
                if (isset($parts['query'])) {
                    $qs = array();
                    parse_str($parts['query'], $qs);
                    foreach ($qs as $name => $val) {
                        $request['queryString'][] = array('name' => (string) $name, 'value' => (string) $val);
                if (!strcasecmp(trim($request['method']), 'post')) {
                    $request['postData'] = array();
                    $request['postData']['mimeType'] = '';
                    $request['postData']['text'] = '';
                $entry['request'] = $request;
                $response = array();
                $response['status'] = (int) $r['responseCode'];
                $response['statusText'] = '';
                $response['headersSize'] = -1;
                $response['bodySize'] = (int) $r['objectSize'];
                $response['headers'] = array();
                $ver = '';
                $loc = '';
                $headersSize = 0;
                if (isset($r['headers']) && isset($r['headers']['response'])) {
                    foreach ($r['headers']['response'] as &$header) {
                        $headersSize += strlen($header) + 2;
                        // add 2 for the \r\n that is on the raw headers
                        $pos = strpos($header, ':');
                        if ($pos > 0) {
                            $name = (string) trim(substr($header, 0, $pos));
                            $val = (string) trim(substr($header, $pos + 1));
                            if (strlen($name)) {
                                $response['headers'][] = array('name' => $name, 'value' => $val);
                            if (!strcasecmp($name, 'location')) {
                                $loc = (string) $val;
                        } else {
                            $pos = strpos($header, 'HTTP/');
                            if ($pos >= 0) {
                                $ver = (string) trim(substr($header, $pos + 5, 3));
                if ($headersSize) {
                    $response['headersSize'] = $headersSize;
                $response['httpVersion'] = $ver;
                $response['redirectURL'] = $loc;
                $response['content'] = array();
                $response['content']['size'] = (int) $r['objectSize'];
                if (isset($r['contentType']) && strlen($r['contentType'])) {
                    $response['content']['mimeType'] = (string) $r['contentType'];
                } else {
                    $response['content']['mimeType'] = '';
                // unsupported fields that are required
                $response['cookies'] = array();
                $entry['response'] = $response;
                $entry['cache'] = (object) array();
                $timings = array();
                $timings['blocked'] = -1;
                $timings['dns'] = (int) $r['dns_ms'];
                if (!$timings['dns']) {
                    $timings['dns'] = -1;
                // HAR did not have an ssl time until version 1.2 .  For
                // backward compatibility, "connect" includes "ssl" time.
                // WepbageTest's internal representation does not assume any
                // overlap, so we must add our connect and ssl time to get the
                // connect time expected by HAR.
                $timings['connect'] = durationOfInterval($r['connect_ms']) + durationOfInterval($r['ssl_ms']);
                if (!$timings['connect']) {
                    $timings['connect'] = -1;
                $timings['ssl'] = (int) $r['ssl_ms'];
                if (!$timings['ssl']) {
                    $timings['ssl'] = -1;
                // TODO(skerner): WebpageTest's data model has no way to
                // represent the difference between the states HAR calls
                // send (time required to send HTTP request to the server)
                // and wait (time spent waiting for a response from the server).
                // We lump both into "wait".  Issue 24* tracks this work.  When
                // it is resolved, read the real values for send and wait
                // instead of using the request's TTFB.
                // *: http://code.google.com/p/webpagetest/issues/detail?id=24
                $timings['send'] = 0;
                $timings['wait'] = (int) $r['ttfb_ms'];
                $timings['receive'] = (int) $r['download_ms'];
                $entry['timings'] = $timings;
                // The HAR spec defines time as the sum of the times in the
                // timings object, excluding any unknown (-1) values and ssl
                // time (which is included in "connect", for backward
                // compatibility with tools written before "ssl" was defined
                // in HAR version 1.2).
                $entry['time'] = 0;
                foreach ($timings as $timingKey => $duration) {
                    if ($timingKey != 'ssl' && $duration != UNKNOWN_TIME) {
                        $entry['time'] += $duration;
                if (array_key_exists('custom_rules', $r)) {
                    $entry['_custom_rules'] = $r['custom_rules'];
                // dump all of our metrics into the har data as custom fields
                foreach ($r as $name => $value) {
                    if (!is_array($value)) {
                        $entry["_{$name}"] = $value;
                // add it to the list of entries
                $entries[] = $entry;
            // add the bodies to the requests
            if (isset($options['bodies']) && $options['bodies']) {
                $bodies_file = $testPath . '/' . $run . $cached_text . '_bodies.zip';
                if (is_file($bodies_file)) {
                    $zip = new ZipArchive();
                    if ($zip->open($bodies_file) === TRUE) {
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $zip->numFiles; $i++) {
                            $index = intval($zip->getNameIndex($i), 10) - 1;
                            if (array_key_exists($index, $entries)) {
                                $entries[$index]['response']['content']['text'] = utf8_encode($zip->getFromIndex($i));
    $result['log']['entries'] = $entries;
    return $result;
  * @return string The score
 public function getPageSpeedScore()
     // TODO: move implementation to this method
     if ($this->fileHandler->gzFileExists($this->localPaths->pageSpeedFile())) {
         return GetPageSpeedScore($this->localPaths->pageSpeedFile());
     return null;