    $sort_sql[1] = " ORDER BY ossim_reliability ASC,timestamp DESC";
} elseif ($sort_order == "oreli_d") {
    $sort_sql[1] = " ORDER BY ossim_reliability DESC,timestamp DESC";
} elseif ($sort_order == "proto_a") {
    $sort_sql[1] = " ORDER BY ip_proto ASC,timestamp DESC";
    $where = preg_replace("/1  AND \\( timestamp/", "ip_proto > 0 AND ( timestamp", $where);
} elseif ($sort_order == "proto_d") {
    $sort_sql[1] = " ORDER BY ip_proto DESC,timestamp DESC";
    $where = preg_replace("/1  AND \\( timestamp/", "ip_proto > 0 AND ( timestamp", $where);
$save_sql = "SELECT acid_event.id " . $sort_sql[0] . $from . $where . $sort_sql[1];
if ($event_cache_auto_update == 1) {
GetNewResultID($submit, $seq, $eid);
/* Verify that have extracted (eid, seq) correctly */
if (empty($eid)) {
    ErrorMessage(_("Invalid row-id pair") . " (" . $seq . "," . $eid . ")");
$tmp_sql = $sort_sql[1];
if (!array_key_exists("minimal_view", $_GET)) {
    echo "<!-- END HEADER TABLE -->\n          </div> </TD>\n           </TR>\n          </TABLE>";
echo "<FORM METHOD=\"GET\" ID='alertform' ACTION=\"base_qry_alert.php\">\n";
/* Make Selected */
echo "\n<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"action_chk_lst[0]\" VALUE=\"{$submit}\">\n";
echo "\n<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"action\" id=\"alertaction\" VALUE=\"\">\n";
$empty = "<span style='color:gray'>" . _("N/A") . "</span>";
function ProcessSelectedAlerts($action, &$action_op, $action_arg, $action_param, $context, $action_lst, &$num_alert, $action_sql, $db, $limit_start = -1, $limit_offset = -1)
    global $debug_mode;
    $action_cnt = 0;
    $dup_cnt = 0;
    $action_desc = "";
    if ($action == "ag_by_id") {
        $action_desc = gettext("ADD to AG (by ID)");
    } else {
        if ($action == "ag_by_name") {
            $action_desc = gettext("ADD to AG (by Name)");
        } else {
            if ($action == "del_alert") {
                $action_desc = gettext("Delete event(s)");
            } else {
                if ($action == "email_alert") {
                    $action_desc = gettext("Email event(s) (full)");
                } else {
                    if ($action == "email_alert2") {
                        $action_desc = gettext("Email event(s) (summary)");
                    } else {
                        if ($action == "csv_alert") {
                            $action_desc = gettext("Email event(s) (csv)");
                        } else {
                            if ($action == "clear_alert") {
                                $action_desc = gettext("Clear from AG");
                            } else {
                                if ($action == "archive_alert") {
                                    $action_desc = gettext("Archive event(s) (copy)");
                                } else {
                                    if ($action == "archive_alert2") {
                                        $action_desc = gettext("Archive event(s) (move)");
                                    } else {
                                        if ($action == "add_new_ag") {
                                            $action_desc = gettext("ADD-New-AG");
    if ($action == "") {
    // if ($debug_mode > 0) {
    // echo "<BR>==== $action_desc Alerts ========<BR>
    // num_alert = $num_alert<BR>
    // action_sql = $action_sql<BR>
    // action_op = $action_op<BR>
    // action_arg = $action_arg<BR>
    // action_param = $action_param<BR>
    // context = $context<BR>
    // limit_start = $limit_start<BR>
    // limit_offset = $limit_offset<BR>";
    // }
    /* Depending from which page/listing the action was spawned,
     * the entities selected may not necessarily be specific
     * alerts.  For example, sensors or alert names may be
     * selected.  Thus, each one of these entities referred to as
     * alert_blobs, the specific alerts associated with them must
     * be explicitly extracted.  This blob structures SQL must be
     * used to extract the list, where the passed selected keyed
     * will be the criteria in this SQL.
     * Note: When acting on any page where gettext("Delete Entire Query") is
     * selected this is also a blob.
    // Main blobs/elements to process (Single events, Unique events, Sensors, Ports...)
    $process_list = array();
    if ($action_op == _('Delete Entire Query')) {
        $process_list[] = 1;
        $action_cnt = $num_alert;
    } else {
        // Compact action_lst into process_list
        foreach ($action_lst as $_key => $_value) {
            $process_list[] = $_value;
    /* if only manipulating specific alerts --
     * (in the Query results or AG contents list)
    if ($context == PAGE_QRY_ALERTS || $context == PAGE_QRY_AG || $context == PAGE_ALERT_DISPLAY) {
        $num_alert_blobs = 1;
        $using_blobs = $action_op == gettext("Delete Entire Query") ? TRUE : FALSE;
    } else {
        $num_alert_blobs = $num_alert;
        $using_blobs = TRUE;
    $blob_alert_cnt = $num_alert;
    if (file_exists('/tmp/debug_siem')) {
        file_put_contents("/tmp/siem", "ProcessSelectedAlerts [action={$action} action_op={$action_op} context={$context} num_alert={$num_alert} action_sql={$action_sql} using_blobs={$using_blobs} process_list=" . json_encode($process_list) . "]\n", FILE_APPEND);
    /* ******* SOME PRE ACTION ********* */
    $function_pre = "Action_" . $action . "_Pre";
    $action_ctx = $function_pre($action_arg, $action_param, $db);
    // Background Delete: Create delete temporary file delsql_<TIME>
    if ($action == "del_alert") {
        $block = 50000;
        $del_total = count($process_list);
        $del_total = $del_total > 0 ? $del_total : 1;
        $interval = 100 / $del_total;
        $db_name = $_SESSION["server"][4] != "" ? $_SESSION["server"][4] : "alienvault_siem";
        $rnd = time();
        $_SESSION["deletetask"] = $rnd;
        $deltmp = "/var/tmp/del_{$rnd}";
        $f = fopen($deltmp, "w");
        fputs($f, "/* ****************Background Purge Execution*************** */\n");
        if ($_SESSION["server"][4] != "") {
            fputs($f, "USE " . $db_name . ";\n");
        fputs($f, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `deletetmp` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL,`perc` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`));\n");
        fputs($f, "INSERT INTO deletetmp (id,perc) VALUES ({$rnd},1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE perc=1;\n");
        fputs($f, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS del_{$rnd} ( id binary(16) NOT NULL,timestamp DATETIME NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( id ) );\n");
    // Loop through all the alert blobs
    for ($j = 0; $j < count($process_list); $j++) {
        $perc = round($j * 100 / count($process_list), 0);
        if ($perc > 99) {
            $perc = 99;
        /* If acting on a blob construct, or on the_ENTIREQUERY
         * of a non-blob structure (which is equivalent to 1-blob)
         * run a query to get the results.
         * For each unique blob construct two SQL statement are
         * generated: one to retrieve the alerts ($sql), and another
         * to count the number of actual alerts in this blob
        if ($using_blobs) {
            $sql = $action_sql;
            /* Unique Signature listing */
            if ($context == PAGE_STAT_ALERTS) {
                $tmp = !isset($process_list[$j]) ? array(0, 0) : preg_split("/[\\s;]+/", $process_list[$j]);
                $sql = "SELECT hex(acid_event.id) as id " . $action_sql . " \n                         AND acid_event.plugin_id='" . $tmp[0] . "' AND acid_event.plugin_sid='" . $tmp[1] . "'";
                $sql2 = "SELECT count(acid_event.id) " . $action_sql . " \n                         AND acid_event.plugin_id='" . $tmp[0] . "' AND acid_event.plugin_sid='" . $tmp[1] . "'";
            } else {
                if ($context == PAGE_STAT_SENSOR) {
                    $tmp = !isset($process_list[$j]) ? -1 : $process_list[$j];
                    $sql = "SELECT hex(acid_event.id) as id " . $action_sql . " AND device_id='{$tmp}'";
                    $sql2 = "SELECT count(acid_event.id) " . $action_sql . " AND device_id='{$tmp}'";
                } else {
                    if ($context == PAGE_STAT_CLASS) {
                        $sql = $sql2 = "";
                    } else {
                        if ($context == PAGE_STAT_IPLINK) {
                            $sql = $sql2 = "";
                        } else {
                            if ($context == PAGE_STAT_UADDR) {
                                if (!isset($process_list[$j])) {
                                    $tmp = " AND ip_src=NULL AND ip_dst=NULL";
                                } else {
                                    $aux = explode("_", $process_list[$j]);
                                    $tmp = "";
                                    if (preg_match("/\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+/", $aux[0])) {
                                        $tmp .= " AND ip_src=unhex('" . bin2hex(@inet_pton($aux[0])) . "')";
                                    if (preg_match("/\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+/", $aux[1])) {
                                        $tmp .= " AND ip_dst=unhex('" . bin2hex(@inet_pton($aux[1])) . "')";
                                    if (preg_match("/[0-9a-fA-F]+/", $aux[2])) {
                                        $tmp .= " AND ctx=unhex('" . $aux[2] . "')";
                                $sql = "SELECT hex(acid_event.id) as id " . preg_replace("/.._acid_event (as)?/", '', $action_sql) . $tmp;
                                $cnt = preg_match("/.._acid_event/", $action_sql) ? "sum(acid_event.cnt) " : "count(acid_event.id) ";
                                $sql2 = "SELECT " . $cnt . $action_sql . $tmp;
                            } else {
                                if ($context == PAGE_STAT_PORTS) {
                                    if (!isset($process_list[$j])) {
                                        $tmp = "ip_proto='-1'";
                                    } else {
                                        $tmp = $process_list[$j];
                                        $tmp_proto = strtok($tmp, "_");
                                        $tmp_porttype = strtok("_");
                                        $tmp_ip = strtok("_");
                                        $ctx = strtok("_");
                                        if ($tmp_proto == TCP) {
                                            $tmp = "ip_proto='" . TCP . "'";
                                        } else {
                                            if ($tmp_proto == UDP) {
                                                $tmp = "ip_proto='" . UDP . "'";
                                            } else {
                                                $tmp = "ip_proto IN (" . TCP . ", " . UDP . ")";
                                        $tmp .= $tmp_porttype == SOURCE_PORT ? " AND layer4_sport='" . $tmp_ip . "'" : " AND layer4_dport='" . $tmp_ip . "'";
                                        $tmp .= " AND ctx=unhex('{$ctx}')";
                                    $sql = "SELECT hex(acid_event.id) as id FROM acid_event WHERE " . $tmp;
                                    $sql2 = "SELECT count(acid_event.id) FROM acid_event WHERE " . $tmp;
            if (file_exists('/tmp/debug_siem')) {
                file_put_contents("/tmp/siem", "Delete: {$sql}\n{$sql2}\n", FILE_APPEND);
            // If acting on alerts by signature or sensor, count the number of alerts
            if ($context == PAGE_STAT_ALERTS || $context == PAGE_STAT_SENSOR || $context == PAGE_STAT_CLASS || $context == PAGE_STAT_IPLINK || $context == PAGE_STAT_UADDR || $context == PAGE_STAT_PORTS) {
                $result_blob = $db->baseExecute($sql2);
                $myrow_blob = $result_blob->baseFetchRow();
                $blob_alert_cnt = $myrow_blob[0];
                $action_cnt += $blob_alert_cnt;
            /* Limit the number of alerts acted on if in "top x alerts" */
            if ($limit_start != -1) {
                $blob_alert_cnt = $limit_offset;
            // Call background purge if using blobs (Delete Entire Query, Grouped by...)
            if ($action == 'del_alert') {
                $total_aux = $blob_alert_cnt > 0 ? $blob_alert_cnt : 1;
                $f = fopen($deltmp, "a");
                fputs($f, "INSERT IGNORE INTO del_{$rnd} " . str_replace("hex(acid_event.id) as id", "acid_event.id,DATE_FORMAT(acid_event.timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00')", $sql) . ";\n");
                fputs($f, "SELECT min(timestamp),max(timestamp) FROM del_{$rnd} INTO @date_from,@date_to;\n");
                fputs($f, "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_delete (id binary(16) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MEMORY;\n");
                fputs($f, "SET AUTOCOMMIT=0;\n");
                for ($k = 0; $k < $total_aux; $k += $block) {
                    // Increase percent progress in subintervals
                    if ($total_aux > $block) {
                        $sub_perc = round(($k + $block) * 100 / $total_aux, 0);
                        $sub_perc = $perc + $sub_perc * $interval / 100;
                        if ($sub_perc > 99) {
                            $sub_perc = 99;
                    fputs($f, "UPDATE deletetmp SET perc='{$sub_perc}' WHERE id='{$rnd}';COMMIT;\n");
                    fputs($f, "INSERT INTO tmp_delete SELECT id FROM del_{$rnd} LIMIT {$block};\n");
                    fputs($f, "DELETE aux FROM acid_event aux LEFT JOIN tmp_delete t ON aux.id=t.id WHERE t.id IS NOT NULL;\n");
                    fputs($f, "DELETE aux FROM idm_data aux LEFT JOIN tmp_delete t ON aux.event_id=t.id WHERE t.id IS NOT NULL;\n");
                    fputs($f, "DELETE aux FROM reputation_data aux LEFT JOIN tmp_delete t ON aux.event_id=t.id WHERE t.id IS NOT NULL;\n");
                    fputs($f, "DELETE aux FROM otx_data aux LEFT JOIN tmp_delete t ON aux.event_id=t.id WHERE t.id IS NOT NULL;\n");
                    fputs($f, "DELETE aux FROM extra_data aux LEFT JOIN tmp_delete t ON aux.event_id=t.id WHERE t.id IS NOT NULL;\n");
                    fputs($f, "DELETE d FROM del_{$rnd} d, tmp_delete t WHERE t.id=d.id;TRUNCATE TABLE tmp_delete;\n\n");
                    fputs($f, "COMMIT;\n");
                fputs($f, "DELETE aux FROM acid_event aux LEFT JOIN del_{$rnd} t ON aux.id=t.id WHERE t.id IS NOT NULL;\n");
                fputs($f, "DELETE aux FROM idm_data aux LEFT JOIN del_{$rnd} t ON aux.event_id=t.id WHERE t.id IS NOT NULL;\n");
                fputs($f, "DELETE aux FROM reputation_data aux LEFT JOIN del_{$rnd} t ON aux.event_id=t.id WHERE t.id IS NOT NULL;\n");
                fputs($f, "DELETE aux FROM otx_data aux LEFT JOIN del_{$rnd} t ON aux.event_id=t.id WHERE t.id IS NOT NULL;\n");
                fputs($f, "DELETE aux FROM extra_data aux LEFT JOIN del_{$rnd} t ON aux.event_id=t.id WHERE t.id IS NOT NULL;\n");
                fputs($f, "CALL fill_tables(DATE_FORMAT(@date_from, '%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00'),DATE_FORMAT(@date_to, '%Y-%m-%d %H:59:59'));\n");
                fputs($f, "TRUNCATE TABLE del_{$rnd};\nDROP TABLE tmp_delete;\n");
                fputs($f, "COMMIT;\n");
            } else {
                /* Execute the SQL to get the alert listing */
                if ($limit_start == -1) {
                    $result = $db->baseExecute($sql, -1, -1, FALSE);
                } else {
                    $result = $db->baseExecute($sql, $limit_start, $limit_offset, FALSE);
                if ($db->baseErrorMessage() != "") {
                    ErrorMessage("Error retrieving alert list to {$action_desc} " . $db->baseErrorMessage());
                    return -1;
                for ($i = 0; $i < $blob_alert_cnt; $i++) {
                    /* Verify that have a selected alert */
                    if (is_object($result)) {
                        $myrow = $result->baseFetchRow();
                        $id = $myrow[0];
                        if ($id != "") {
                            /* **** SOME ACTION on Event ID ********** */
                            if (file_exists('/tmp/debug_siem')) {
                                file_put_contents("/tmp/siem", "Action [{$action}] on specific event in particular blob ID:{$id}\n", FILE_APPEND);
                            $function_op = "Action_" . $action . "_op";
                            $action_ctx =& $action_ctx;
                            $tmp = $function_op($id, $db, $action_arg, $action_ctx);
                            if ($tmp == 0) {
                            } else {
                                if ($tmp == 1) {
                /* If acting on a blob, free the result set used to get alert list */
                if (is_object($result)) {
        } else {
            GetNewResultID($process_list[$j], $seq, $id);
            if ($id != "") {
                /* **** SOME ACTION on Event ID ********** */
                if (file_exists('/tmp/debug_siem')) {
                    file_put_contents("/tmp/siem", "Action [{$action}] on single event ID:{$id}\n", FILE_APPEND);
                $function_op = "Action_" . $action . "_op";
                $action_ctx =& $action_ctx;
                if ($action == "del_alert") {
                    $tmp = $function_op($id, $db, $deltmp, $action_cnt, $perc, $f);
                } else {
                    $tmp = $function_op($id, $db, $action_arg, $action_ctx);
                if ($tmp == 0) {
                } else {
                    if ($tmp == 1) {
    if ($action == 'del_alert') {
        fputs($f, "DROP TABLE del_{$rnd};\n");
        fputs($f, "UPDATE deletetmp SET perc='100' WHERE id='{$rnd}';\nCOMMIT;\n");
        $cmd = "/usr/share/ossim/scripts/forensics/bg_purge_from_siem.sh ? > /var/tmp/latest_siem_events_purge.log 2>&1 &";
        if (file_exists('/tmp/debug_siem')) {
            file_put_contents("/tmp/siem", "Action [{$action}] background delete ({$action_cnt} events):{$cmd}\n", FILE_APPEND);
        Util::execute_command($cmd, array("del_{$rnd}"));
        echo "<script>bgtask();</script>\n";
    /* **** SOME POST-ACTION ******* */
    $function_post = "Action_" . $action . "_post";
    if ($action == "del_alert") {
        $function_post($action_arg, $action_ctx, $db, $num_alert, $action_cnt, $context, $deltmp);
    } else {
        $function_post($action_arg, $action_ctx, $db, $num_alert, $action_cnt);
    if ($dup_cnt > 0) {
        ErrorMessage(gettext("Ignored ") . $dup_cnt . gettext(" duplicate event(s)"));
    if ($action_cnt > 0) {
         *  Print different message if alert action units (e.g. sensor
         *  or signature) are not individual alerts
        //if (($context == PAGE_STAT_ALERTS) || ($context == PAGE_STAT_SENSOR) || ($context == PAGE_STAT_CLASS) || ($context == PAGE_STAT_IPLINK) || ($context == PAGE_STAT_UADDR) || ($context == PAGE_STAT_PORTS)) {
        //    if ($action == "del_alert") ErrorMessage(_("Deleting") . " " . $action_cnt . gettext(" event(s)"));
        //    else ErrorMessage(gettext("Successful") . " $action_desc - " . gettext("on") . " $action_cnt " . gettext(" event(s)") . " (" . gettext("in") . " $num_alert_blobs blobs)");
        //} else {
        //    if ($action == "del_alert") ErrorMessage(_("Deleting") . " " . $action_cnt . gettext(" event(s)"));
        //    else ErrorMessage(gettext("Successful") . " $action_desc - " . $action_cnt . gettext(" event(s)"));
    } else {
        if ($action_cnt == 0) {
            ErrorMessage(gettext("No events were selected or the") . " {$action_desc} " . gettext("was not successful"));
    // if ($debug_mode > 0) {
    // echo "-------------------------------------<BR>
    // action_cnt = $action_cnt<BR>
    // dup_cnt = $dup_cnt<BR>
    // num_alert = $num_alert<BR>
    // ==== $action_desc Alerts END ========<BR>";
    // }
function ProcessSelectedAlerts($action, &$action_op, $action_arg, $action_param, $context, $action_lst, &$num_alert, $action_sql, $db, $limit_start = -1, $limit_offset = -1)
    global $debug_mode;
    $action_cnt = 0;
    $dup_cnt = 0;
    $action_desc = "";
    if ($action == "ag_by_id") {
        $action_desc = gettext("ADD to AG (by ID)");
    } else {
        if ($action == "ag_by_name") {
            $action_desc = gettext("ADD to AG (by Name)");
        } else {
            if ($action == "del_alert") {
                $action_desc = gettext("Delete event(s)");
            } else {
                if ($action == "email_alert") {
                    $action_desc = gettext("Email event(s) (full)");
                } else {
                    if ($action == "email_alert2") {
                        $action_desc = gettext("Email event(s) (summary)");
                    } else {
                        if ($action == "csv_alert") {
                            $action_desc = gettext("Email event(s) (csv)");
                        } else {
                            if ($action == "clear_alert") {
                                $action_desc = gettext("Clear from AG");
                            } else {
                                if ($action == "archive_alert") {
                                    $action_desc = gettext("Archive event(s) (copy)");
                                } else {
                                    if ($action == "archive_alert2") {
                                        $action_desc = gettext("Archive event(s) (move)");
                                    } else {
                                        if ($action == "add_new_ag") {
                                            $action_desc = gettext("ADD-New-AG");
    if ($action == "") {
    // if ($debug_mode > 0) {
    // echo "<BR>==== $action_desc Alerts ========<BR>
    // num_alert = $num_alert<BR>
    // action_sql = $action_sql<BR>
    // action_op = $action_op<BR>
    // action_arg = $action_arg<BR>
    // action_param = $action_param<BR>
    // context = $context<BR>
    // limit_start = $limit_start<BR>
    // limit_offset = $limit_offset<BR>";
    // }
    /* Depending from which page/listing the action was spawned,
     * the entities selected may not necessarily be specific
     * alerts.  For example, sensors or alert names may be
     * selected.  Thus, each one of these entities referred to as
     * alert_blobs, the specific alerts associated with them must
     * be explicitly extracted.  This blob structures SQL must be
     * used to extract the list, where the passed selected keyed
     * will be the criteria in this SQL.
     * Note: When acting on any page where gettext("Delete Entire Query") is
     * selected this is also a blob.
    /* if only manipulating specific alerts --
     * (in the Query results or AG contents list)
    if ($context == PAGE_QRY_ALERTS || $context == PAGE_QRY_AG || $context == PAGE_ALERT_DISPLAY) {
        $num_alert_blobs = 1;
        if ($action_op == gettext("Delete Entire Query")) {
            $using_blobs = true;
        } else {
            $using_blobs = false;
    } else {
        $num_alert_blobs = $num_alert;
        $using_blobs = true;
    $blob_alert_cnt = $num_alert;
    if ($debug_mode > 0) {
        echo "using_blobs = {$using_blobs}<BR>";
    /* ******* SOME PRE ACTION ********* */
    $function_pre = "Action_" . $action . "_Pre";
    $action_ctx = $function_pre($action_arg, $action_param, $db);
    //if ($debug_mode > 0) echo "<BR>Gathering elements from " . sizeof($action_lst) . " alert blobs<BR>";
    /* Loop through all the alert blobs */
    $deltmp = "";
    if ($action == "del_alert") {
        $count = count($action_lst);
        $aux_count = $count > 0 ? $count : 1;
        $aux_cnt = $blob_alert_cnt > 0 ? $blob_alert_cnt : 1;
        $interval = $action_op == "Selected" ? 100 / $aux_count : 100 / $aux_cnt;
        $rnd = time();
        $deltmp = "/var/tmp/delsql_{$rnd}";
        $f = fopen($deltmp, "w+");
        //fputs($f, "/* count=$count interval=$interval blob_alert_cnt=$blob_alert_cnt num_alert_blobs=$num_alert_blobs num_alert=$num_alert */\n");
        if ($_SESSION["server"][4] != "") {
            fputs($f, "USE " . $_SESSION["server"][4] . ";\n");
        fputs($f, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `deletetmp` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL,`perc` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`));\n");
        fputs($f, "INSERT INTO deletetmp (id,perc) VALUES ({$rnd},1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE perc=1;\n");
    for ($j = 0; $j < $num_alert_blobs; $j++) {
        /* If acting on a blob construct, or on the_ENTIREQUERY
         * of a non-blob structure (which is equivalent to 1-blob)
         * run a query to get the results.
         * For each unique blob construct two SQL statement are
         * generated: one to retrieve the alerts ($sql), and another
         * to count the number of actual alerts in this blob
        if ($using_blobs) {
            $sql = $action_sql;
            /* Unique Signature listing */
            if ($context == PAGE_STAT_ALERTS) {
                if (!isset($action_lst[$j])) {
                    $tmp = array(0, 0);
                } else {
                    $tmp = preg_split("/[\\s;]+/", $action_lst[$j]);
                $sql = "SELECT hex(acid_event.id) as id " . $action_sql . " AND acid_event.plugin_id='" . $tmp[0] . "' AND acid_event.plugin_sid='" . $tmp[1] . "'";
                $sql2 = "SELECT count(acid_event.id) " . $action_sql . " AND acid_event.plugin_id='" . $tmp[0] . "' AND acid_event.plugin_sid='" . $tmp[1] . "'";
            } else {
                if ($context == PAGE_STAT_SENSOR) {
                    if (!isset($action_lst[$j])) {
                        $tmp = -1;
                    } else {
                        $tmp = $action_lst[$j];
                    $sql = "SELECT hex(acid_event.id) as id FROM acid_event WHERE device_id='{$tmp}'";
                    $sql2 = "SELECT count(acid_event.id) FROM acid_event WHERE device_id='{$tmp}'";
                } else {
                    if ($context == PAGE_STAT_CLASS) {
                        $sql = $sql2 = "";
                    } else {
                        if ($context == PAGE_STAT_IPLINK) {
                            $sql = $sql2 = "";
                        } else {
                            if ($context == PAGE_STAT_UADDR) {
                                if (!isset($action_lst[$j])) {
                                    $tmp = " AND ip_src=NULL AND ip_dst=NULL";
                                } else {
                                    $aux = explode("_", $action_lst[$j]);
                                    $tmp = "";
                                    if (preg_match("/\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+/", $aux[0])) {
                                        $tmp .= " AND ip_src=unhex('" . bin2hex(@inet_pton($aux[0])) . "')";
                                    if (preg_match("/\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+/", $aux[1])) {
                                        $tmp .= " AND ip_dst=unhex('" . bin2hex(@inet_pton($aux[1])) . "')";
                                    if (preg_match("/[0-9a-fA-F]+/", $aux[2])) {
                                        $tmp .= " AND ctx=unhex('" . $aux[2] . "')";
                                $sql = "SELECT hex(acid_event.id) as id " . $action_sql . $tmp;
                                $sql2 = "SELECT count(acid_event.id) " . $action_sql . $tmp;
                            } else {
                                if ($context == PAGE_STAT_PORTS) {
                                    if (!isset($action_lst[$j])) {
                                        $tmp = "ip_proto='-1'";
                                    } else {
                                        $tmp = $action_lst[$j];
                                        $tmp_proto = strtok($tmp, "_");
                                        $tmp_porttype = strtok("_");
                                        $tmp_ip = strtok("_");
                                        $ctx = strtok("_");
                                        if ($tmp_proto == TCP) {
                                            $tmp = "ip_proto='" . TCP . "'";
                                        } else {
                                            if ($tmp_proto == UDP) {
                                                $tmp = "ip_proto='" . UDP . "'";
                                            } else {
                                                $tmp = "ip_proto IN (" . TCP . ", " . UDP . ")";
                                        $tmp_porttype == SOURCE_PORT ? $tmp .= " AND layer4_sport='" . $tmp_ip . "'" : ($tmp .= " AND layer4_dport='" . $tmp_ip . "'");
                                        $tmp .= " AND ctx=unhex('{$ctx}')";
                                    $sql = "SELECT hex(acid_event.id) as id FROM acid_event WHERE " . $tmp;
                                    $sql2 = "SELECT count(acid_event.id) FROM acid_event WHERE " . $tmp;
            /* if acting on alerts by signature or sensor, count the
             * the number of alerts
            if ($context == PAGE_STAT_ALERTS || $context == PAGE_STAT_SENSOR || $context == PAGE_STAT_CLASS || $context == PAGE_STAT_IPLINK || $context == PAGE_STAT_UADDR || $context == PAGE_STAT_PORTS) {
                $result2 = $db->baseExecute($sql2);
                $myrow2 = $result2->baseFetchRow();
                $blob_alert_cnt = $myrow2[0];
            //if ($debug_mode > 0) echo "$j = [using SQL $num_alert for blob " . (isset($action_lst[$j]) ? $action_lst[$j] : "") . "]: $sql<BR>";
            /* Execute the SQL to get the alert listing */
            if ($action != "del_alert" || $blob_alert_cnt <= 10000) {
                // only if not is a raw delete
                if ($limit_start == -1) {
                    $result = $db->baseExecute($sql, -1, -1, false);
                } else {
                    $result = $db->baseExecute($sql, $limit_start, $limit_offset, false);
                if ($db->baseErrorMessage() != "") {
                    ErrorMessage("Error retrieving alert list to {$action_desc} " . $db->baseErrorMessage());
                    return -1;
        /* Limit the number of alerts acted on if in "top x alerts" */
        if ($limit_start != -1) {
            $blob_alert_cnt = $limit_offset;
        $interval2 = $blob_alert_cnt > 0 ? 100 / $blob_alert_cnt : 100;
        /* Call background purge if num of alerts is too high */
        if ($action == "del_alert" && $blob_alert_cnt > 10000) {
            $total_aux = 0;
            // Create table with uuids to delete
            $db->baseExecute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS del_{$rnd} ( id binary(16) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( id ) )");
            if ($using_blobs) {
                $total_aux = $blob_alert_cnt;
                /*for ($i = 0; $i < $blob_alert_cnt; $i++) {
                            $myrow = $result->baseFetchRow();
                            $id = $myrow[0];
                            if ($id != "") {	
                            	$db->baseExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO del_$rnd VALUES (UNHEX('$id'))");
            } elseif (is_array($action_lst)) {
                foreach ($action_lst as $action_lst_element) {
                    GetNewResultID($action_lst_element, $seq, $id);
                    $db->baseExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO del_{$rnd} VALUES (UNHEX('{$id}'))");
            if ($total_aux < 1) {
                $total_aux = 1;
            $block = 5000;
            $_SESSION["deletetask"] = $rnd;
            $deltmp = "del_{$rnd}";
            $db_name = $_SESSION["server"][4] != "" ? $_SESSION["server"][4] : "alienvault_siem";
            $f = fopen("/var/tmp/{$deltmp}", "w+");
            fputs($f, "/* ****************Background Purge Execution*************** */\n");
            fputs($f, "USE " . $db_name . ";\n");
            if ($using_blobs) {
                fputs($f, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS del_{$rnd} ( id binary(16) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( id ) );\n");
                fputs($f, "INSERT IGNORE INTO del_{$rnd} " . str_replace("hex(acid_event.id) as id", "acid_event.id", $sql) . ";\n");
            fputs($f, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `deletetmp` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL,`perc` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`));\n");
            fputs($f, "INSERT INTO deletetmp (id,perc) VALUES ({$rnd},1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE perc=1;\n");
            fputs($f, "SET AUTOCOMMIT=0;\n");
            for ($j = 0; $j < $total_aux; $j += $block) {
                fputs($f, "DELETE FROM acid_event WHERE id in (select id from {$deltmp}) limit {$block};\n");
                fputs($f, "DELETE FROM idm_data WHERE event_id in (select id from {$deltmp}) limit {$block};\n");
                fputs($f, "DELETE FROM reputation_data WHERE event_id in (select id from {$deltmp}) limit {$block};\n");
                fputs($f, "DELETE FROM extra_data WHERE event_id in (select id from {$deltmp}) limit {$block};\n");
                fputs($f, "DELETE FROM {$deltmp} limit {$block};\n");
                fputs($f, "COMMIT;\n");
                $perc = round(($j + $block) * 100 / $total_aux, 0);
                if ($perc > 99) {
                    $perc = 99;
                fputs($f, "UPDATE deletetmp SET perc={$perc} WHERE id={$rnd};\n");
            fputs($f, "DELETE FROM acid_event WHERE id in (select id from {$deltmp}) limit {$block};\n");
            fputs($f, "DELETE FROM idm_data WHERE event_id in (select id from {$deltmp}) limit {$block};\n");
            fputs($f, "DELETE FROM reputation_data WHERE event_id in (select id from {$deltmp}) limit {$block};\n");
            fputs($f, "DELETE FROM extra_data WHERE event_id in (select id from {$deltmp}) limit {$block};\n");
            fputs($f, "DELETE FROM {$deltmp} limit {$block};\n");
            fputs($f, "UPDATE deletetmp SET perc=100 WHERE id={$rnd};\nCOMMIT;\n");
            fputs($f, "DROP TABLE {$deltmp};\n");
            fputs($f, "COMMIT;\n");
            shell_exec("/usr/share/ossim/scripts/forensics/bg_purge_from_siem.sh {$deltmp} > /var/tmp/latest_siem_events_purge.log 2>&1 &");
            echo "<script>bgtask();</script>\n";
        echo "<script>bgtask();</script>\n";
        /* Loop through the specific alerts in a particular blob */
        for ($i = 0; $i < $blob_alert_cnt; $i++) {
            /* Verify that have a selected alert */
            if (isset($action_lst[$i]) || $using_blobs) {
                /* If acting on a blob */
                if ($using_blobs) {
                    $myrow = $result->baseFetchRow();
                    $id = $myrow[0];
                } else {
                    GetNewResultID($action_lst[$i], $seq, $id);
                if ($id != "") {
                    //if ($debug_mode > 0) echo $id . '<BR>';
                    /* **** SOME ACTION on (sid, cid) ********** */
                    $function_op = "Action_" . $action . "_op";
                    $action_ctx =& $action_ctx;
                    if ($action == "del_alert") {
                        $tmp = $function_op($id, $db, $deltmp, $action_cnt, $interval2 < $interval ? $interval2 : $interval, $f);
                    } else {
                        $tmp = $function_op($sid, $cid, $db, $action_arg, $action_ctx);
                    if ($tmp == 0) {
                    } else {
                        if ($tmp == 1) {
        /* If acting on a blob, free the result set used to get alert list */
        if ($using_blobs) {
    if ($action == "del_alert") {
        fputs($f, "UPDATE deletetmp SET perc=100 WHERE id={$rnd};\nCOMMIT;\n");
    /* **** SOME POST-ACTION ******* */
    $function_post = "Action_" . $action . "_post";
    if ($action == "del_alert") {
        $function_post($action_arg, $action_ctx, $db, $num_alert, $action_cnt, $context, $deltmp);
    } else {
        $function_post($action_arg, $action_ctx, $db, $num_alert, $action_cnt);
    if ($dup_cnt > 0) {
        ErrorMessage(gettext("Ignored ") . $dup_cnt . gettext(" duplicate event(s)"));
    if ($action_cnt > 0) {
         *  Print different message if alert action units (e.g. sensor
         *  or signature) are not individual alerts
        //if (($context == PAGE_STAT_ALERTS) || ($context == PAGE_STAT_SENSOR) || ($context == PAGE_STAT_CLASS) || ($context == PAGE_STAT_IPLINK) || ($context == PAGE_STAT_UADDR) || ($context == PAGE_STAT_PORTS)) {
        //    if ($action == "del_alert") ErrorMessage(_("Deleting") . " " . $action_cnt . gettext(" event(s)"));
        //    else ErrorMessage(gettext("Successful") . " $action_desc - " . gettext("on") . " $action_cnt " . gettext(" event(s)") . " (" . gettext("in") . " $num_alert_blobs blobs)");
        //} else {
        //    if ($action == "del_alert") ErrorMessage(_("Deleting") . " " . $action_cnt . gettext(" event(s)"));
        //    else ErrorMessage(gettext("Successful") . " $action_desc - " . $action_cnt . gettext(" event(s)"));
    } else {
        if ($action_cnt == 0) {
            ErrorMessage(gettext("No events were selected or the") . " {$action_desc} " . gettext("was not successful"));
    // if ($debug_mode > 0) {
    // echo "-------------------------------------<BR>
    // action_cnt = $action_cnt<BR>
    // dup_cnt = $dup_cnt<BR>
    // num_alert = $num_alert<BR>
    // ==== $action_desc Alerts END ========<BR>";
    // }