$assPdf = $_COOKIE["assPdfSolution"]; } if (isset($_COOKIE["assNoSolution"])) { $assNo = $_COOKIE["assNoSolution"]; } if (isset($_COOKIE["email"])) { $email = $_COOKIE["email"]; } if (isset($_COOKIE["id"])) { $id = $_COOKIE["id"]; } if ($assId == "-1" || $assCourse == "-1" || $assPdf == "-1" || $assNo == "-1") { die("Oops! We encountered an error while submitting your solution. Please go back and try again."); } else { if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['fileAssignmentSolution']['tmp_name'], $UploadDirectory . $NewFileName)) { // save the link to the database. $mentorId = GetMentorIDOfMentee($email, $id); // there are 2 cases here. if the $assNo is 1, then insert into the LastSubmittedAssignment table. Otherwise, upate the LastSubmittedAssignment table entry. $resp = RegisterSubmission($email, $id, $mentorId, $assId, $UploadDirectory . $NewFileName, $assCourse, $assNo); if ($resp == "-1") { echo "Oops! We encountered an error while submitting your assignment solution. Please try again."; } else { echo "Assignment Solution submitted successfully. Thank You."; } } else { die('error uploading File!'); } } } else { die('Something wrong with upload! Is "upload_max_filesize" set correctly?'); }
function GetMentorDetailsOfMentee($email, $id) { $resp = "-1"; $mentor = array(); $mentorID = "0"; try { $mentorID = GetMentorIDOfMentee($email, $id); if ($mentorID == "0") { $resp = "-2"; } else { if ($mentorID == "-1") { $resp = "-1"; } else { $mentor = GetMentorDetails($mentorID); header('Content-Type: application/json'); $resp = json_encode($mentor); } } echo $resp; } catch (Exception $e) { $resp = "-1"; echo $resp; } }