} } } } else { $address = ""; //initialize search variables if (isset($_GET['tag'])) { $_SESSION['selection_list'] = UpdateSelectionList($selection_list, $_GET['tag']); } if (isset($_GET['d'])) { $_SESSION['selection_list'] = UpdateSelectionList($selection_list, -$_GET['d']); } } $selection_list = $_SESSION['selection_list']; //get search filter $qWhere = GetFilterMessageList($selection_list, $dbh); $qWhere = GetFilterMapMessageList($qWhere, $dbh); //get list of correlated tags & descriptors if ($qWhere != "") { $correlated = GetCorrelated($qWhere, 1, -3, $dbh); $correlated_tags = $correlated[0]; $correlated_descriptors = $correlated[1]; } else { $correlated_tags = "-1"; $correlated_descriptors = "-1"; } ///////////////////////////// $page_filter = GetTagNames($_SESSION['selection_list'], $dbh, $language); if ($page_filter != "") { $page_filter = $ov_page_filter_prefix[$language] . " " . $page_filter; }
} if ($crono == 1) { $children = GetChildChannels($c, $dbh); } //check for incoming messages if ($crono == 0 && $is_active == 1) { CheckMessages($user, $pass, $c, $folder, $get_tags_from_subject, $mail_server, $dbh, $time_zone, $get_user_from_message_subject, $get_date_from_exif, $convert_to_mp3, $servpath, $sample_rate, $channel_folder, $static_map_width, $static_map_height, $google_maps_api_key, $get_reverse_geocoding, $ffmpeg_path); } else { if ($crono == 1 && $crono_random_check == true) { CheckMessagesRandomChannel($get_tags_from_subject, $mail_server, $dbh, $time_zone, $get_user_from_message_subject, $get_date_from_exif, $convert_to_mp3, $servpath, $sample_rate, $channel_folder, $static_map_width, $static_map_height, $google_maps_api_key, $get_reverse_geocoding, $ffmpeg_path); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //get search filter if ($_SESSION['q'] == "") { $qWhere = GetFilterMessageList($_SESSION['selection_list'], $dbh); } else { $qWhere = GetQMessageList($c, $_SESSION['q'], $dbh); } //TODO: refine for grouped cronos! DONE (check) //if channel is bound to tags, refine filter. thumbnails = false! $channel_filter = RefineChannelFilter($qWhere, $c, $crono, $dbh, $children); if ($channel_filter != "") { $qWhere = $channel_filter; $has_thumbnails = 0; } //TODO: refine for grouped cronos! --> NOT NEEDED (?) //get list of correlated tags & descriptors if ($qWhere != "") { $correlated = GetCorrelated($qWhere, $crono, $c, $dbh); $correlated_tags = $correlated[0];