/** * GetCatidInParent() * * @param mixed $category_id * @param integer $check_inhome * @return */ function GetCatidInParent($category_id, $check_inhome = 0) { global $global_photo_cat, $array_cat; $array_cat[] = $category_id; $subcatid = explode(',', $global_photo_cat[$category_id]['subcatid']); if (!empty($subcatid)) { foreach ($subcatid as $id) { if ($id > 0) { if ($global_photo_cat[$id]['numsubcat'] == 0) { if (!$check_inhome or $check_inhome and $global_photo_cat[$id]['inhome'] == 1) { $array_cat[] = $id; } } else { $array_cat_temp = GetCatidInParent($id, $check_inhome); foreach ($array_cat_temp as $catid_i) { if (!$check_inhome or $check_inhome and $global_photo_cat[$catid_i]['inhome'] == 1) { $array_cat[] = $catid_i; } } } } } } return array_unique($array_cat); }
/** * GetCatidInParent() * * @param mixed $catid * @return */ function GetCatidInParent($catid) { global $list_cats; $array_cat = array(); $array_cat[] = $catid; $subcatid = explode(',', $list_cats[$catid]['subcatid']); if (!empty($subcatid)) { foreach ($subcatid as $id) { if ($id > 0) { if ($list_cats[$id]['numsubcat'] == 0) { $array_cat[] = (int) $id; } else { $array_cat_temp = GetCatidInParent($id); foreach ($array_cat_temp as $catid_i) { $array_cat[] = (int) $catid_i; } } } } } return array_unique($array_cat); }
$alias = $global_array_cat[$catid]['alias']; $description = $global_array_cat[$catid]['description']; $descriptionhtml = $global_array_cat[$catid]['descriptionhtml']; $viewdescription = $global_array_cat[$catid]['viewdescription']; $image = $global_array_cat[$catid]['image']; $keywords = $global_array_cat[$catid]['keywords']; $groups_view = $global_array_cat[$catid]['groups_view']; $featured = $global_array_cat[$catid]['featured']; if (!defined('NV_IS_ADMIN_MODULE')) { if (!(isset($array_cat_admin[$admin_id][$parentid]) and $array_cat_admin[$admin_id][$parentid]['admin'] == 1)) { Header('Location: ' . NV_BASE_ADMINURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name . '&' . NV_OP_VARIABLE . '=' . $op . '&parentid=' . $parentid); die; } } $caption = $lang_module['edit_cat']; $array_in_cat = GetCatidInParent($catid); } else { $caption = $lang_module['add_cat']; $array_in_cat = array(); } $savecat = $nv_Request->get_int('savecat', 'post', 0); if (!empty($savecat)) { $catid = $nv_Request->get_int('catid', 'post', 0); $parentid_old = $nv_Request->get_int('parentid_old', 'post', 0); $parentid = $nv_Request->get_int('parentid', 'post', 0); $title = $nv_Request->get_title('title', 'post', '', 1); $titlesite = $nv_Request->get_title('titlesite', 'post', '', 1); $keywords = $nv_Request->get_title('keywords', 'post', '', 1); $description = $nv_Request->get_string('description', 'post', ''); $description = nv_nl2br(nv_htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($description)), '<br />'); $descriptionhtml = $nv_Request->get_editor('descriptionhtml', '', NV_ALLOWED_HTML_TAGS);
$lang_global['description_suggest_max'] = sprintf($lang_global['length_suggest_max'], 160); $xtpl = new XTemplate('content.tpl', NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/' . $global_config['module_theme'] . '/modules/' . $module_file); $xtpl->assign('LANG', $lang_module); $xtpl->assign('GLANG', $lang_global); $xtpl->assign('rowcontent', $rowcontent); $xtpl->assign('NV_BASE_ADMINURL', NV_BASE_ADMINURL); $xtpl->assign('NV_NAME_VARIABLE', NV_NAME_VARIABLE); $xtpl->assign('NV_OP_VARIABLE', NV_OP_VARIABLE); $xtpl->assign('MODULE_NAME', $module_name); $xtpl->assign('OP', $op); $xtpl->assign('module_name', $module_name); foreach ($global_array_cat as $catid_i => $array_value) { if (defined('NV_IS_ADMIN_MODULE')) { $check_show = 1; } else { $array_cat = GetCatidInParent($catid_i); $check_show = array_intersect($array_cat, $array_cat_check_content); } if (!empty($check_show)) { $space = intval($array_value['lev']) * 30; $xtitle_i = ''; $lev_i = $array_value['lev']; if ($lev_i > 0) { $xtitle_i .= ' |'; for ($i = 1; $i <= $lev_i; ++$i) { $xtitle_i .= '---'; } $xtitle_i .= '> '; } $catiddisplay = (sizeof($array_catid_in_row) > 1 and in_array($catid_i, $array_catid_in_row)) ? '' : ' display: none;'; $temp = array('catid' => $catid_i, 'space' => $space, 'title' => $xtitle_i . $array_value['title'], 'disabled' => !in_array($catid_i, $array_cat_check_content) ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '', 'selected' => in_array($catid_i, $array_catid_in_row) ? ' selected="selected"' : '', 'catidchecked' => $catid_i == $rowcontent['catid'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '', 'catiddisplay' => $catiddisplay);
// List file $page_title = $lang_module['download_filemanager']; $where = array(); $base_url = NV_BASE_ADMINURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name; $array_search = array('q' => $nv_Request->get_title('q', 'get', ''), 'catid' => $nv_Request->get_int('catid', 'get', 0), 'active' => $nv_Request->get_int('active', 'get', '-1'), 'per_page' => $nv_Request->get_int('per_page', 'get', '30')); if (empty($list_cats)) { Header('Location: ' . NV_BASE_ADMINURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name . '&' . NV_OP_VARIABLE . '=cat-content'); exit; } if (!empty($array_search['q'])) { $base_url .= '&q=' . $array_search['q']; $where[] = '(title LIKE "%' . $array_search['q'] . '%" OR description LIKE "%' . $array_search['q'] . '%" OR introtext LIKE "%' . $array_search['q'] . '%" OR author_name LIKE "%' . $array_search['q'] . '%" OR author_email LIKE "%' . $array_search['q'] . '%")'; } if (!empty($array_search['catid'])) { $base_url .= '&catid=' . $array_search['catid']; $where[] = 'catid IN (' . implode(',', GetCatidInParent($array_search['catid'])) . ')'; } if ($array_search['active'] >= 0) { $base_url .= '&active=' . $array_search['active']; $where[] = 'status=' . $array_search['active']; } $db->sqlreset()->select('COUNT(*)')->from(NV_MOD_TABLE); if (!empty($where)) { $db->where(implode(' AND ', $where)); } $num_items = $db->query($db->sql())->fetchColumn(); $page = $nv_Request->get_int('page', 'get', 1); $per_page = $array_search['per_page']; $db->select('*')->order('uploadtime DESC')->limit($per_page)->offset(($page - 1) * $per_page); $result2 = $db->query($db->sql()); $array = array();
} $groups_download = explode(',', $array['groups_download']); $array['groups_download'] = array(); foreach ($groups_list as $key => $title) { $array['groups_download'][] = array('key' => $key, 'title' => $title, 'checked' => in_array($key, $groups_download) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); } $xtpl = new XTemplate('cat_add.tpl', NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/' . $global_config['module_theme'] . '/modules/' . $module_file); $xtpl->assign('FORM_ACTION', $form_action); $xtpl->assign('LANG', $lang_module); $xtpl->assign('DATA', $array); $xtpl->assign('ONCHANGE', $catid ? '' : 'onchange="get_alias();"'); if (!empty($error)) { $xtpl->assign('ERROR', $error); $xtpl->parse('main.error'); } $list_catsubs = GetCatidInParent($catid); foreach ($list_cats as $_catid => $value) { if (!in_array($_catid, $list_catsubs)) { $value['space'] = ''; if ($value['lev'] > 0) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $value['lev']; $i++) { $value['space'] .= ' '; } } $value['selected'] = $_catid == $array['parentid'] ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $xtpl->assign('LISTCATS', $value); $xtpl->parse('main.parentid'); } } foreach ($array['groups_view'] as $group) { $xtpl->assign('GROUPS_VIEW', $group);
} die($content); } } } die($lang_module['rating_error1']); } $page_title = $mod_title = $module_info['custom_title']; $key_words = $module_info['keywords']; $viewcat = $download_config['indexfile']; $contents = ''; if ($viewcat == 'viewcat_main_bottom') { $array_cats = array(); foreach ($list_cats as $value) { if (empty($value['parentid'])) { $array_cat = GetCatidInParent($value['id']); $db->sqlreset()->select('COUNT(*)')->from(NV_MOD_TABLE)->where('status=1 AND catid IN (' . implode(',', $array_cat) . ')'); $num_items = $db->query($db->sql())->fetchColumn(); if ($num_items) { $db->select('id, catid, title, alias, introtext , uploadtime, author_name, filesize, fileimage, view_hits, download_hits, comment_hits'); $db->order('uploadtime DESC'); $db->limit($value['numlink']); $result = $db->query($db->sql()); $array_item = array(); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $uploadtime = (int) $row['uploadtime']; if ($uploadtime >= $today) { $uploadtime = $lang_module['today'] . ', ' . date('H:i', $row['uploadtime']); } elseif ($uploadtime >= $yesterday) { $uploadtime = $lang_module['yesterday'] . ', ' . date('H:i', $row['uploadtime']); } else {
$key_words = $module_info['keywords']; $base_url = NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name; $base_url_rewrite = nv_url_rewrite($base_url, true); $page_url_rewrite = $page ? nv_url_rewrite($base_url . '/page-' . $page, true) : $base_url_rewrite; $request_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (!($home or $request_uri == $base_url_rewrite or $request_uri == $page_url_rewrite or NV_MAIN_DOMAIN . $request_uri == $base_url_rewrite or NV_MAIN_DOMAIN . $request_uri == $page_url_rewrite)) { $redirect = '<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="3;URL=' . $base_url_rewrite . '" />'; nv_info_die($lang_global['error_404_title'], $lang_global['error_404_title'], $lang_global['error_404_content'] . $redirect); } if ($module_config[$module_name]['home_view'] == 'home_view_grid_by_cat') { $array_cate = array(); if (!empty($global_photo_cat)) { foreach ($global_photo_cat as $_category_id => $category) { if ($category['parent_id'] == 0 and $category['inhome'] != 0 and $category['status'] != 0) { $array_cat = array(); $array_cat = GetCatidInParent($_category_id, true); // Fetch Limit $db->sqlreset()->select('COUNT(*)')->from(TABLE_PHOTO_NAME . '_album')->where('category_id IN (' . implode(',', $array_cat) . ') AND status =1'); $num_count = $db->query($db->sql())->fetchColumn(); $db->sqlreset()->select('a.album_id, a.category_id, a.name, a.alias, a.capturelocal, a.description, a.num_photo, a.date_added, a.viewed, a.author, r.file, r.thumb')->from(TABLE_PHOTO_NAME . '_album a')->join('LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PHOTO_NAME . '_rows r ON ( a.album_id = r.album_id )')->where(' a.status =1 AND r.defaults = 1 AND a.category_id IN (' . implode(',', $array_cat) . ' )')->order('a.album_id DESC')->limit($category['numlinks']); $result = $db->query($db->sql()); $array_content = array(); while (list($album_id, $category_id, $name, $alias, $capturelocal, $description, $num_photo, $date_added, $viewed, $author_id, $file, $thumb) = $result->fetch(3)) { $sql = 'SELECT userid, username, first_name, last_name, photo FROM ' . NV_USERS_GLOBALTABLE . ' WHERE active=1 AND userid= ' . $author_id; $array_user = nv_db_cache($sql, 'userid', $module_name); if (!empty($array_user)) { foreach ($array_user as $array_user_i) { if (!empty($array_user_i['first_name']) && !empty($array_user_i['last_name'])) { $author_upload = $array_user_i['first_name'] . ' ' . $array_user_i['last_name']; } else { $author_upload = $array_user_i['username'];
} else { $thumb = NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'themes/' . $module_info['template'] . '/images/' . $module_file . '/no-image.jpg'; } $data_content[] = array('id' => $id, 'listcatid' => $listcatid, 'publtime' => $publtime, 'title' => $title, 'alias' => $alias, 'hometext' => $hometext, 'homeimgalt' => $homeimgalt, 'homeimgthumb' => $thumb, 'product_price' => $product_price, 'product_number' => $product_number, 'product_code' => $product_code, 'discount_id' => $discount_id, 'money_unit' => $money_unit, 'showprice' => $showprice, 'newday' => $global_array_shops_cat[$listcatid]['newday'], 'gift_content' => $gift_content, 'gift_from' => $gift_from, 'gift_to' => $gift_to, 'link_pro' => NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name . '&' . NV_OP_VARIABLE . '=' . $global_array_shops_cat[$listcatid]['alias'] . '/' . $alias . $global_config['rewrite_exturl'], 'link_order' => NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name . '&' . NV_OP_VARIABLE . '=setcart&id=' . $id); } if (empty($data_content) and $page > 1) { Header('Location: ' . nv_url_rewrite(NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name, true)); exit; } $base_url = NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name; $html_pages = nv_alias_page($page_title, $base_url, $num_items, $per_page, $page); } elseif ($pro_config['home_view'] == 'view_home_cat') { foreach ($global_array_shops_cat as $catid_i => $array_info_i) { if ($array_info_i['parentid'] == 0 and $array_info_i['inhome'] != 0) { $array_cat = array(); $array_cat = GetCatidInParent($catid_i, true); // Fetch Limit $db->sqlreset()->select('COUNT(*)')->from($db_config['prefix'] . '_' . $module_data . '_rows t1')->where('listcatid IN (' . implode(',', $array_cat) . ') AND inhome=1 AND status =1'); $num_pro = $db->query($db->sql())->fetchColumn(); $db->select('id, listcatid, publtime, ' . NV_LANG_DATA . '_title, ' . NV_LANG_DATA . '_alias, ' . NV_LANG_DATA . '_hometext, homeimgalt, homeimgfile, homeimgthumb, product_code, product_number, product_price, money_unit, discount_id, showprice, ' . NV_LANG_DATA . '_gift_content, gift_from, gift_to')->order('id DESC')->limit($array_info_i['numlinks']); $result = $db->query($db->sql()); $data_pro = array(); while (list($id, $listcatid, $publtime, $title, $alias, $hometext, $homeimgalt, $homeimgfile, $homeimgthumb, $product_code, $product_number, $product_price, $money_unit, $discount_id, $showprice, $gift_content, $gift_from, $gift_to) = $result->fetch(3)) { if ($homeimgthumb == 1) { $thumb = NV_BASE_SITEURL . NV_FILES_DIR . '/' . $module_upload . '/' . $homeimgfile; } elseif ($homeimgthumb == 2) { $thumb = NV_BASE_SITEURL . NV_UPLOADS_DIR . '/' . $module_upload . '/' . $homeimgfile; } elseif ($homeimgthumb == 3) { $thumb = $homeimgfile; } else { $thumb = NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'themes/' . $module_info['template'] . '/images/' . $module_file . '/no-image.jpg';
$search .= " AND product_price BETWEEN " . $price1 . " AND " . $price2 . " "; } elseif ($price2 == -1 and $price1 >= 0) { $search .= " AND product_price >= " . $price1 . " "; } elseif ($price1 == -1 and $price2 > 0) { $search .= " AND product_price < " . $price2 . " "; } if (!empty($typemoney)) { $search .= " AND money_unit = " . $db->quote($typemoney); } $sql_i = ", if(t1.money_unit ='" . $pro_config['money_unit'] . "', t1.product_price , t1.product_price * t2.exchange ) AS product_saleproduct "; $order_by = " product_saleproduct DESC "; if (!empty($typemoney)) { $search .= " AND money_unit = " . $db->quote($typemoney); } if ($cataid != 0) { $array_cat = GetCatidInParent($cataid); $search .= " AND listcatid IN (" . implode(",", $array_cat) . ") "; } if ($sid != 0) { $search .= " AND source_id =" . $sid . " "; } if (empty($search)) { $contents = "<div align =\"center\">" . $lang_module['notresult'] . "</div>"; include NV_ROOTDIR . '/includes/header.php'; echo nv_site_theme($contents); include NV_ROOTDIR . '/includes/footer.php'; exit; } $show_price = ""; if ($pro_config['active_price']) { if (!empty($price1_temp) or !empty($price2_temp)) {
$i = 0; while ($row = $result->fetch()) { ++$i; $uploadtime = nv_date('d/m/Y H:i', $row['uploadtime']); $array_item[] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'title' => $row['title'], 'introtext' => $row['introtext'], 'uploadtime' => $uploadtime, 'author_name' => !empty($row['author_name']) ? $row['author_name'] : $lang_module['unknown'], 'filesize' => !empty($row['filesize']) ? nv_convertfromBytes($row['filesize']) : '', 'imagesrc' => !empty($row['fileimage']) ? NV_BASE_SITEURL . NV_FILES_DIR . $row['fileimage'] : '', 'view_hits' => $row['view_hits'], 'download_hits' => (int) $row['download_hits'], 'comment_hits' => (int) $row['comment_hits'], 'more_link' => NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name . '&' . NV_OP_VARIABLE . '=' . $list_cats[$row['catid']]['alias'] . '/' . $row['alias'] . $global_config['rewrite_exturl'], 'edit_link' => NV_BASE_ADMINURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name . '&edit=1&id=' . (int) $row['id'], 'del_link' => NV_BASE_ADMINURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name); } $numfile = $db->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . NV_MOD_TABLE . ' WHERE catid IN ( ' . implode(',', $array_cat) . ' )')->fetchColumn(); if ($i) { $subs[] = array('catid' => $sub, 'title' => $list_cats[$sub]['title'], 'link' => NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name . '&' . NV_OP_VARIABLE . '=' . $list_cats[$sub]['alias'], 'description' => $list_cats[$sub]['description'], 'subcats' => $list_cats[$sub]['subcatid'], 'numfile' => $numfile, 'items' => $array_item); } unset($array_item); } } $contents = theme_viewcat_main($cat_data['viewcat'], $subs, $array, $cat_data, $generate_page); } elseif ($cat_data['viewcat'] == 'viewcat_list_new') { $array_cat = GetCatidInParent($cat_data['id']); $db->sqlreset()->select('COUNT(*)')->from(NV_MOD_TABLE)->where('catid IN (' . implode(',', $array_cat) . ') AND status=1'); $num_items = $db->query($db->sql())->fetchColumn(); $cat_data['numfile'] = $num_items; $db->select('id, catid, title, alias, introtext , uploadtime, author_name, filesize, fileimage, view_hits, download_hits, comment_hits')->order('uploadtime DESC')->limit($per_page)->offset(($page - 1) * $per_page); $result = $db->query($db->sql()); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $cattitle = '<a href="' . NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name . '&' . NV_OP_VARIABLE . '=' . $list_cats[$row['catid']]['alias'] . '">' . $list_cats[$row['catid']]['title'] . '</a>'; $uploadtime = (int) $row['uploadtime']; if ($uploadtime >= $today) { $uploadtime = $lang_module['today'] . ', ' . date('H:i', $row['uploadtime']); } elseif ($uploadtime >= $yesterday) { $uploadtime = $lang_module['yesterday'] . ', ' . date('H:i', $row['uploadtime']); } else { $uploadtime = nv_date('d/m/Y H:i', $row['uploadtime']); }
/** * nv_filter_product_cat() * * @return */ function nv_filter_product_cat($block_config) { global $module_name, $lang_module, $module_info, $site_mods, $module_file, $module_upload, $db, $module_data, $db_config, $id, $catid, $pro_config, $global_config, $global_array_group, $global_array_shops_cat, $nv_Request, $array_id_group, $catid, $op; if ($op != 'viewcat') { return ''; } $module = $block_config['module']; $array_cat = GetCatidInParent($catid); $group_style = $block_config['group_style']; $xtpl = new XTemplate('block.filter_product_cat.tpl', NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/' . $module_info['template'] . '/modules/' . $module_file); $xtpl->assign('LANG', $lang_module); $xtpl->assign('CATID', $catid); $xtpl->assign('MODULE_URL', nv_url_rewrite(NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name, true)); $xtpl->assign('CAT_ALIAS', $global_array_shops_cat[$catid]['alias']); $catid = GetParentCatFilter($catid); $result = $db->query('SELECT groupid FROM ' . $db_config['prefix'] . '_' . $site_mods[$module]['module_data'] . '_group_cateid WHERE cateid = ' . $catid); $i = 0; while (list($groupid) = $result->fetch(3)) { $groupinfo = $global_array_group[$groupid]; $groupinfo['key'] = str_replace('-', '_', $groupinfo['alias']); $groupinfo['class'] = strtolower($groupinfo['alias']); $xtpl->assign('MAIN_GROUP', $groupinfo); $subgroup = GetGroupidInParent($groupid, 0, 1); if (!empty($subgroup)) { foreach ($subgroup as $subgroup_id) { if (!empty($global_array_group[$subgroup_id]['image'])) { $global_array_group[$subgroup_id]['image'] = NV_BASE_SITEURL . NV_UPLOADS_DIR . '/' . $module_upload . '/' . $global_array_group[$subgroup_id]['image']; } $global_array_group[$subgroup_id]['checked'] = ''; if ($group_style[$groupid] == 'label') { if (in_array($subgroup_id, $array_id_group)) { $global_array_group[$subgroup_id]['checked'] = 'checked="checked"'; } } elseif ($group_style[$groupid] == 'image') { if (in_array($subgroup_id, $array_id_group)) { $global_array_group[$subgroup_id]['checked'] = 'checked="checked"'; } } $xtpl->assign('SUB_GROUP', $global_array_group[$subgroup_id]); if ($group_style[$groupid] == 'label') { if (in_array($subgroup_id, $array_id_group)) { $xtpl->parse('main.group.sub_group.loop.label.active'); } $xtpl->parse('main.group.sub_group.loop.label'); } elseif ($group_style[$groupid] == 'image') { if (in_array($subgroup_id, $array_id_group)) { $xtpl->parse('main.group.sub_group.loop.image.active'); } $xtpl->parse('main.group.sub_group.loop.image'); } else { $xtpl->parse('main.group.sub_group.loop.checkbox'); } $xtpl->parse('main.group.sub_group.loop'); } $xtpl->parse('main.group.sub_group'); } if ($i == 0) { $xtpl->parse('main.group.border_top'); } $xtpl->parse('main.group'); $i++; } $xtpl->parse('main'); return $xtpl->text('main'); }