function IAuthVerify($pTmp) { $ip = getAndCheck($pTmp, 'ip'); $sig = getAndCheck($pTmp, 'sig'); $url = getAndCheck($pTmp, 'url'); $client = array('appid' => getAndCheck($pTmp, 'appid'), 'hash' => getAndCheck($pTmp, 'hash'), 'hashmethod' => getAndCheck($pTmp, 'hashmethod'), 'time' => getAndCheck($pTmp, 'time'), 'nonce' => getAndCheck($pTmp, 'nonce'), 'version' => getAndCheck($pTmp, 'version'), 'sigmethod' => getAndCheck($pTmp, 'sigmethod'), 'token' => getAndCheck($pTmp, 'token')); $apiInfo = GetAPI($url); $rpid = $apiInfo['owner_id']; $api_id = $apiInfo['api_id']; $rpSecret = GetAppInfo($rpid, 'app_secret'); $accessInfo = GetAccessInfo($client['appid'], $client['token']); $accessSecret = $accessInfo['access_secret']; $faile_t = $accessInfo['faile_t']; $rights = $accessInfo['rights']; $uid = $accessInfo['user_id']; $appSecret = GetAppInfo($client['appid'], 'app_secret'); $secret = $appSecret . '&' . $accessSecret; $base_str = 'POST&' . $url . '&' . CoString($client); if ($sig != signature($base_str, $secret, $client['sigmethod'])) { throw new IAuthException('sig not match', $base_str); } $client['limit_seconds'] = $apiInfo['limit_seconds']; $client['limit_counts'] = $apiInfo['limit_counts']; CheckReplayAttack($client, 'verify'); VerifyAccessRight($api_id, $rights); newVerifier('verify', $client['appid'], $uid, $client['token'], date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $client['time']), $client['nonce'], $ip, $api_id); $rpRequest = $pTmp; $rpRequest['uid'] = $uid; $rpSig = signature(CoString($rpRequest), $rpid . '&' . $rpSecret, 'MD5'); echo 'uid=' . $uid . '&sig=' . $rpSig; /* echo '<br />'; */ /* echo CoString($rpRequest); */ }
function GetLoginToken($pTmp) { $sig = getAndCheck($pTmp, 'sig'); $params = array('state' => getAndCheck($pTmp, 'state'), 'appid' => getAndCheck($pTmp, 'appid'), 'time' => getAndCheck($pTmp, 'time'), 'sigmethod' => getAndCheck($pTmp, 'sigmethod'), 'version' => getAndCheck($pTmp, 'version'), 'verifier' => getAndCheck($pTmp, 'verifier')); if (GetAppInfo($params['appid'], 'ip_check') == 'enable') { $params['ip'] = getAndCheck($pTmp, 'ip'); } $appSecret = GetAppInfo($params['appid'], 'app_secret'); VerifySignature($params, $appSecret, $sig); /* 确保对参数的签名是有效的 */ $uid = CheckReplayAttack($params, 'login'); /* 检查重放攻击并记录 */ $accessToken = GetAccessToken($params['appid'], $uid); echo 'uid=' . $uid . '&access_token=' . $accessToken; exit; }
function SSOlogin($appid, $state, $uid) { Check($appid, 'appid'); if (!empty($state)) { Check($state, 'state'); Check($uid, 'uid'); $authed = CheckUserAuthed($appid, $uid); $appType = GetAppInfo($appid, 'app_type'); $autoAuth = GetAppInfo($appid, 'auto_auth'); if ($appType == 'WSC') { if ($authed == FALSE && $autoAuth == FALSE) { //用户没有授权,且应用不是自动授权,跳转到应用大厅 if (!empty($_GET['s']) && $_GET['s'] == '1') { /* 加参数跳转到精简版界面 */ return IAUTH_SIMPLE_AUTH_CONFIRM_PAGE . '&appsid=' . $appid . '&state=' . $state; } return URL(IAUTH_APP_INFO_PAGE) . 'appsid=' . $appid . '&state=' . $state . '&showconfirm=yes#confirm'; } if ($authed == FALSE && $autoAuth == TRUE) { //用户没有授权,但是应用是自动授权,直接跳回应用的auth_call_back $authCallBack = GetAppInfo($appid, 'call_back'); $rights = Check('2:3:7:11', 'rights'); /* 由于没有应用大厅,权限被写死 */ $faile_t = '2036-12-31 23:59:59'; $verifier = newVerifier('auth', $appid, $uid, $rights, $faile_t, '', '', $state); accessLog('AUTH ' . $appid . ' ' . $uid . ' 2:3:7:11 ' . $faile_t . ' ' . $state); return URL($authCallBack) . 'verifier=' . $verifier . '&state=' . $state; } if ($authed == TRUE) { /* 用户已经授权,直接跳转回login_call_back */ $loginCallBack = GetAppInfo($appid, 'login_url'); $verifier = newVerifier('login', $appid, $uid, 'FROM_CLIENT', '', '', '', $state); return URL($loginCallBack) . 'verifier=' . $verifier . '&state=' . $state; } } /* END WSC */ } /* END !EMPTY state */ /* 其他情况,跳到应用大厅 */ return URL(IAUTH_APP_INFO_PAGE) . 'appsid=' . $appid; }
function NewAuthToken($pTmp) { $sig = getAndCheck($pTmp, 'sig'); $params = array('state' => getAndCheck($pTmp, 'state'), 'appid' => getAndCheck($pTmp, 'appid'), 'time' => getAndCheck($pTmp, 'time'), 'sigmethod' => getAndCheck($pTmp, 'sigmethod'), 'version' => getAndCheck($pTmp, 'version'), 'verifier' => getAndCheck($pTmp, 'verifier')); if (GetAppInfo($params['appid'], 'ip_check') == 'enable') { $params['ip'] = getAndCheck($pTmp, 'ip'); } /* print_r($params); */ /* echo $params['appid'];exit(); */ $appSecret = GetAppInfo($params['appid'], 'app_secret'); VerifySignature($params, $appSecret, $sig); /* 确保对参数的签名是有效的 */ $authInfo = CheckReplayAttack($params, 'auth'); /* 检查重放攻击并记录 */ /* print_r($pTmp); */ $uid = $authInfo['uid']; $rights = $authInfo['rights']; $faile_t = $authInfo['faile_t']; $accessInfo = newAccessToken($uid, $params['appid'], $rights, $faile_t); echo 'uid=' . $uid . '&access_token=' . $accessInfo['accessToken'] . '&' . 'access_secret=' . $accessInfo['accessSecret']; exit; }
function autoAuth($iauth_id) { define("IAUTH_DB_USER", "root"); define("IAUTH_DB_HOST", ""); define("IAUTH_DB_PASSWD", "devihome"); define("IAUTH_DB_DB", "iauthServer2"); define("IAUTH_VERSION", 2.0); define("IAUTH_TIME_OFFSET", 120); define("IAUTH_UAC_AUTH_DELAY_TIME", 120); define("IAUTH_WSC_AUTH_DELAY_TIME", 60); define("IAUTH_WSC_LOGIN_DELAY_TIME", 60); define("IAUTH_ERROR_LOG_FILE", dirname(__FILE__) . "/debug/IAuthErrorLog"); define("IAUTH_ACCESS_LOG_FILE", dirname(__FILE__) . "/debug/IAuthAccessLog"); //define("IAUTH_APP_INFO_PAGE",''); define("IAUTH_APP_INFO_PAGE", ''); define("IAUTH_SIMPLE_AUTH_CONFIRM_PAGE", ''); if (!@(include_once S_ROOT . './plugin/iauth/IAuthCommon.php')) { header("Location:plugin.php?pluginid=apps&ac=detail&appsid={$appsid}"); exit; } $autoAuth = 0; if ($iauth_id) { try { $autoAuth = GetAppInfo($iauth_id . '', 'auto_auth'); // showmessage($autoAuth); } catch (IAuthException $e) { $autoAuth = 0; // echo $e->getMessage(); // exit(); } } return $autoAuth; }
function IAUTH_new_API($rpid, $name, $url) { Check($rpid, 'appid'); Check($url, 'url'); Check($name, 'name'); if (GetAppInfo($rpid, 'app_type') != 'RP') { throw new IAuthException('only RP can add API!'); } $hash = sha1($url); $sql = mysql_fetch_assoc(SQL("SELECT api_url,api_id FROM api_info WHERE owner_id='{$rpid}' AND hash='{$hash}'")); if (!$sql) { $status = 'disable'; SQL("INSERT INTO api_info (hash,api_url,owner_id,status,api_name)\n values ('{$hash}','{$url}','{$rpid}','disable','{$name}')"); accessLog('API(new) ' . $rpid . ' ' . $url . ' ' . $status); return mysql_insert_id(); } else { if ($sql['api_url'] == $url) { throw new IAuthException('already has a same API as ' . $sql['api_name']); } if ($sql['api_name'] == $name) { throw new IAuthException('api name conflict'); } else { throw new IAuthException('FATAL! hash conflict!!!'); } } }
function CheckReplayAttack($params, $type = 'verify') { switch ($type) { case 'verify': /* 这个是正常数据访问校验使用 */ $time = $params['time']; $appid = $params['appid']; $verifier = $params['nonce']; $accessToken = $params['token']; if ($params['limit_counts'] > 0 && $params['limit_seconds'] > 0) { $limit_counts = $params['limit_counts']; $last_access_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $params['time'] - $params['limit_seconds']); $sqlResult = mysql_fetch_assoc(SQL("SELECT count(target_id) FROM request_nonce WHERE client_id='{$appid}' AND rtype='verify' AND faile_t>'{$last_access_time}' AND content='{$accessToken}'")); if (!empty($sqlResult) && $sqlResult['count(target_id)'] >= $limit_counts) { throw new IAuthException('too frequently, please wait ' . $params['limit_seconds'] . ' seconds', $appid, $accessToken); } } $sqlTmp = SQL("SELECT target_id FROM request_nonce WHERE client_id='{$appid}' AND rtype='verify' AND nonce='{$verifier}'AND faile_t='{$time}' AND content='{$accessToken}'"); $sqlResult = mysql_fetch_assoc($sqlTmp); if ($sqlResult == '') { return true; } else { throw new IAuthException('replay request', $appid, $accessToken, $verifier, $time); } break; case 'auth': /* 这个是授权时使用的 */ $appid = $params['appid']; if (GetAppInfo($appid, 'app_type') == 'WSC') { $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $params['time'] - IAUTH_WSC_AUTH_DELAY_TIME); } else { $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $params['time'] - IAUTH_UAC_AUTH_DELAY_TIME); } $verifier = $params['verifier']; $sqlTmp = SQL("SELECT id,content,status,create_t,target_id,faile_t,ip FROM request_nonce WHERE client_id='{$appid}' AND rtype='auth' AND nonce='{$verifier}' LIMIT 1"); $sqlResult = mysql_fetch_assoc($sqlTmp); if ($sqlResult == '') { throw new IAuthException('verifier not exist', $verifier); } if ($sqlResult['create_t'] < $time || strstr($sqlResult['content'], 'forbidden')) { throw new IAuthException('verifier expired', $verifier, 'create_t=', $sqlResult['create_t']); } if (GetAppInfo($appid, 'ip_check') == 'enable') { if ($sqlResult['ip'] != $params['ip']) { throw new IAuthException('ip not match', $sqlResult['ip'], $params['ip']); } } if ($sqlResult['status'] == 'exchanged') { throw new IAuthException('replay request', $appid, $verifier, $time); } if ($sqlResult['status'] == 'failed') { throw new IAuthException('verifier failed', $appid, $verifier, $rqTime); } else { $uid = $sqlResult['target_id']; $rights = $sqlResult['content']; $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $params['time']); SQL("UPDATE request_nonce SET status='exchanged',faile_t='{$time}' WHERE id=" . $sqlResult['id']); /* $content = substr('exchanged='.$rights,0,255); */ /* SQL("UPDATE request_nonce SET content='$content' WHERE client_id='$appid' AND rtype='auth' AND nonce='$verifier'"); */ return array('uid' => $uid, 'rights' => $rights, 'faile_t' => $sqlResult['faile_t']); } break; case 'login': /* 这个是登录时使用的 */ $appid = $params['appid']; $verifier = $params['verifier']; $sqlTmp = SQL("SELECT id,status,create_t,ip,target_id FROM request_nonce WHERE client_id='{$appid}' AND rtype='login' AND nonce='{$verifier}' LIMIT 1"); $sqlResult = mysql_fetch_assoc($sqlTmp); if ($sqlResult == '') { throw new IAuthException('verifier not exist ', $verifier); } $rqTime = $params['time']; $faileTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $rqTime - IAUTH_WSC_LOGIN_DELAY_TIME); if ($sqlResult['create_t'] < $faileTime) { throw new IAuthException('verifier expired', $verifier, 'create_t=', $sqlResult['create_t']); } if (GetAppInfo($appid, 'ip_check') == 'enable') { if ($sqlResult['ip'] != $params['ip']) { throw new IAuthException('ip not match', $sqlResult['ip'], $params['ip']); } } if ($sqlResult['status'] == 'exchanged') { throw new IAuthException('replay request', $appid, $verifier, $rqTime); } if ($sqlResult['status'] == 'failed') { throw new IAuthException('verifier failed', $appid, $verifier, $rqTime); } else { $uid = $sqlResult['target_id']; $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $rqTime); /* SQL("UPDATE request_nonce SET content='$content',faile_t='$time' WHERE client_id='$appid' AND rtype='login' AND nonce='$verifier'"); */ SQL("UPDATE request_nonce SET status='exchanged',faile_t='{$time}' WHERE id=" . $sqlResult['id']); return $uid; } break; default: throw new IAuthException('invalid type'); } }