if (isset($_POST['t_submit'])) { $send_url = ''; $rev_params = $_POST; # 測試UI用參數 unset($rev_params['check_mac']); if (isset($_POST['check_mac']) and $_POST['check_mac'] == 'on') { $send_url = 'https://' . ECBANK_IP . '/gateway_v2.php'; if (isset($_POST['mer_id']) and !empty($_POST['mer_id'])) { # 取得 HashKey, HashIV $mer_id = $_POST['mer_id']; $sql = 'SELECT hashkey, hashiv FROM tblMerchants_Key WHERE mer_id = ' . $mer_id . ' LIMIT 1;'; $sql_result = $db->query($sql); $row = $db->fetch_array($sql_result); $hash_key = $row['hashkey']; $hash_iv = $row['hashiv']; $check_mac_value = GenerateCheckMacValue($rev_params, $hash_key, $hash_iv); } else { $error = 'ECBank商店代號 不可為空'; } } else { $send_url = 'https://' . ECBANK_IP . '/gateway.php'; } # 轉導至 gateway.php , gateway_v2.php if (empty($error)) { set_html('<form id="ecbank_form" action="' . $send_url . '" method="POST">', 4); foreach ($rev_params as $param_name => $param_val) { if (gettype($param_val) == 'array') { foreach ($param_val as $p_idx => $p_val) { set_html('<input type="hidden" name="' . $param_name . '[]" value="' . $p_val . '">', 6); } } else {
<?php define('WEB_ROOT', 'C:/wamp/www/dev'); include WEB_ROOT . '/tpl/header.php'; include WEB_ROOT . '/lib/html_common.inc'; include WEB_ROOT . '/lib/misc.inc'; include WEB_ROOT . '/lib/ecbank_security.inc'; $frm_params = array('mer_id' => '9493', 'payment_type' => 'alipay', 'amt' => '100', 'goods_name' => array('A10000', 'A10000'), 'goods_amount' => array('1', '2'), 'od_sob' => 'ali' . date('ymdHis'), 'return_url' => 'http://localhost/dev/web/ecbank_alipay/t_ecbank_returl_url.php', 'ok_url' => 'https://ecbank.com.tw/_payment/test.php', 'buyer_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'buyer_tel' => '0911222333', 'buyer_name' => '消費者'); $hash_key = 'b1e02828a01a08eb'; $hash_iv = '6deabfa3776f4432'; $mac_val_params = $frm_params; $frm_params['checkmacvalue'] = GenerateCheckMacValue($mac_val_params, $hash_key, $hash_iv); if (isset($frm_params['checkmacvalue'])) { $frm_act = 'https://ecbank.com.tw/gateway_v2.php'; } else { $frm_act = 'https://ecbank.com.tw/gateway.php'; } $html = genSimpleForm($frm_act, $frm_params, '_blank'); echo $html; include WEB_ROOT . '/tpl/footer.php';