static function log_internal($level, $string, $statsLog = false) { if (self::$loggingHandler === NULL) { /* Initialize logging. */ self::createLoggingHandler(); if (!empty(self::$earlyLog)) { error_log('----------------------------------------------------------------------'); /* Output messages which were logged before we initialized to the proper log. */ foreach (self::$earlyLog as $msg) { self::log_internal($msg['level'], $msg['string'], $msg['statsLog']); } } } elseif (self::$loggingHandler === FALSE) { /* Some error occured while initializing logging. */ if (empty(self::$earlyLog)) { /* This is the first message. */ error_log('--- Log message(s) while initializing logging ------------------------'); } error_log($string); self::$earlyLog[] = array('level' => $level, 'string' => $string, 'statsLog' => $statsLog); return; } if (self::$captureLog) { $ts = microtime(TRUE); $msecs = (int) (($ts - (int) $ts) * 1000); $ts = GMdate('H:i:s', $ts) . sprintf('.%03d', $msecs) . 'Z'; self::$capturedLog[] = $ts . ' ' . $string; } if (self::$logLevel >= $level || $statsLog) { if (is_array($string)) { $string = implode(",", $string); } $string = '[' . self::getTrackId() . '] ' . $string; if ($statsLog) { $string = 'STAT ' . $string; } self::$loggingHandler->log_internal($level, $string); } }
private static function log($level, $string, $statsLog = FALSE) { if (self::$loggingHandler === NULL) { /* Initialize logging. */ self::createLoggingHandler(); if (!empty(self::$earlyLog)) { error_log('----------------------------------------------------------------------'); // output messages which were logged before we properly initialized logging foreach (self::$earlyLog as $msg) { self::log($msg['level'], $msg['string'], $msg['statsLog']); } } } elseif (self::$loggingHandler === FALSE) { // some error occurred while initializing logging if (empty(self::$earlyLog)) { // this is the first message error_log('--- Log message(s) while initializing logging ------------------------'); } error_log($string); self::$earlyLog[] = array('level' => $level, 'string' => $string, 'statsLog' => $statsLog); return; } if (self::$captureLog) { $ts = microtime(TRUE); $msecs = (int) (($ts - (int) $ts) * 1000); $ts = GMdate('H:i:s', $ts) . sprintf('.%03d', $msecs) . 'Z'; self::$capturedLog[] = $ts . ' ' . $string; } if (self::$logLevel >= $level || $statsLog) { if (is_array($string)) { $string = implode(",", $string); } $formats = array('%trackid', '%msg', '%srcip', '%stat'); $replacements = array(self::getTrackId(), $string, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $stat = ''; if ($statsLog) { $stat = 'STAT '; } array_push($replacements, $stat); $string = str_replace($formats, $replacements, self::$format); self::$loggingHandler->log($level, $string); } }
private static function log($level, $string, $statsLog = false) { if (php_sapi_name() === 'cli' || defined('STDIN')) { // we are being executed from the CLI, nowhere to log return; } if (self::$loggingHandler === null) { // Initialize logging self::createLoggingHandler(); if (!empty(self::$earlyLog)) { // output messages which were logged before we properly initialized logging foreach (self::$earlyLog as $msg) { self::log($msg['level'], $msg['string'], $msg['statsLog']); } } } elseif (self::$loggingHandler === false) { // some error occurred while initializing logging if (empty(self::$earlyLog)) { // this is the first message error_log('--- Log message(s) while initializing logging ------------------------'); } error_log($string); self::defer($level, $string, $statsLog); return; } if (self::$captureLog) { $ts = microtime(true); $msecs = (int) (($ts - (int) $ts) * 1000); $ts = GMdate('H:i:s', $ts) . sprintf('.%03d', $msecs) . 'Z'; self::$capturedLog[] = $ts . ' ' . $string; } if (self::$logLevel >= $level || $statsLog) { if (is_array($string)) { $string = implode(",", $string); } $formats = array('%trackid', '%msg', '%srcip', '%stat'); $replacements = array(self::$trackid, $string, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $stat = ''; if ($statsLog) { $stat = 'STAT '; } array_push($replacements, $stat); if (self::$trackid === self::NO_TRACKID && !self::$shuttingDown) { // we have a log without track ID and we are not still shutting down, so defer logging self::defer($level, $string, $statsLog); return; } elseif (self::$trackid === self::NO_TRACKID) { // shutting down without a track ID, prettify it array_shift($replacements); array_unshift($replacements, 'N/A'); } // we either have a track ID or we are shutting down, so just log the message $string = str_replace($formats, $replacements, self::$format); self::$loggingHandler->log($level, $string); } }
function DateAdd($v, $d = null, $f = "Ymd") { $d = $d ? $d : GMdate("Y-m-d"); return GMdate($f, strtotime($v . " days", strtotime($d))); }
if ($Zone10 != "") { $time10 = $Z10Offset * 60 + $minutes10; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- $content = '<script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ //------------------------------------------------------------ //-- Time Zone Clock Version 3.9.2 -- //-- The script uses the server time to display the clocks -- //------------------------------------------------------------ var DispDay='; $content .= $displayday . ';var DispSeconds='; $content .= $dispseconds . ';var zonefirst='; $content .= $ZoneFirst . ';var disp_ampm='; $content .= $DispAM_PM; $content .= ";var servertimestr='" . GMdate("F d, Y H:i:s", time()); $content .= '\';var servtime=new Date(servertimestr);'; $content .= "var DispHoriz={$Display};"; if ($Zone1 != "") { $content .= 'var z1text="' . $Zone1 . '";'; $content .= 'var z1time=' . $time1 . ';'; if ($dstrue1) { $content .= 'var z1dst="*";'; } else { $content .= 'var z1dst=0;'; } } if ($Zone2 != "") { $content .= 'var z2text="' . $Zone2 . '";'; $content .= 'var z2time=' . $time2 . ';'; if ($dstrue2) {