function CreateAG($db, $ag_name, $ag_desc) { $sql = "INSERT INTO acid_ag (ag_name, ag_desc) VALUES ('" . $ag_name . "','" . $ag_desc . "');"; $db->baseExecute($sql, -1, -1, false); if ($db->baseErrorMessage() != "") { FatalError(gettext("Error Inserting new AG")); } $ag_id = $db->baseInsertID(); /* The following code is a kludge and can cause errors. Since it is not possible * to determine the last insert ID of the AG, we requery the DB to ascertain the ID * by matching on the ag_name and ag_desc. -- rdd (1/23/2001) * * Modified code to only run the kludge if the dbtype is postgres. Created a function * to use the actual insertid function if available and return -1 if no -- srh (02/01/2001) * * Transaction support is neccessary to get this absolutely correct, because using * an insert_id might break in a multi-user environment. -- rdd (02/07/2001) */ if ($ag_id == -1) { $tmp_sql = "SELECT ag_id FROM acid_ag WHERE ag_name='" . $ag_name . "' AND " . "ag_desc='" . $ag_desc . "'"; if ($db->DB_type == "mssql") { $tmp_sql = "SELECT ag_id FROM acid_ag WHERE ag_name='" . $ag_name . "' AND " . "ag_desc LIKE '" . MssqlKludgeValue($ag_desc) . "'"; } $tmp_result = $db->baseExecute($tmp_sql); $myrow = $tmp_result->baseFetchRow(); $ag_id = $myrow[0]; $tmp_result->baseFreeRows(); } return $ag_id; }
function GetInputData($KeyName, &$Value) { if (!array_key_exists($KeyName, $_POST)) { FatalError("'{$KeyName}' value was not sent thru POST"); } $Value = $_POST[$KeyName]; }
public function Execute() { // the first guess at the file path of the script -- under // /scripts/ $file = './scripts/' . implode('/', Doer::$_PARAMS); // if that doesn't work, try under the current theme if (!file_exists($file)) { $file = './themes/' . $this->theme . '/' . implode('/', Doer::$_PARAMS); } // if the script was found if (file_exists($file)) { // determine whether it is a CSS or JavaScript file if (substr($file, -4) == '.css') { $mimetype = 'text/css'; } elseif (substr($file, -3) == '.js') { $mimetype = 'text/javascript'; } else { FatalError('File <code>' . $file . '</code> not a valid script.'); } // Make the page display as whatever type the script is header('Content-type:' . $mimetype); // Display the contents of the page and then exit die(file_get_contents($file)); } // if the file doesn't exist, a 404 error will be shown }
function form_passwd_post($raw,$data) { global $DBH; checkAccess(); if ($data['f1']!=$data['f2']) return LocalError(WGSL("perr","Password error")); if ($data['uid']==0) FatalError(WGSL("euid","Unknown UID")); $db=dbfirst($DBH,'ewguser','id',$data['uid']); if ($db===false) FatalError(WGSL("euid","Unknown UID")); $x=WGPasswd($db['name'],false,$data['f1']); if ($x) WGToast(WGSL("pokc","Password changed")); else LocalError(WGSL("p2err","Password not changed")); $data['f1']=''; $data['f2']=''; WGSetActivity('main'); return $data; }
function database_connect() { global $config; $resource = @mysql_pconnect($config['db']['hostname'], $config['db']['username'], $config['db']['password']); if ($resource) { if (@mysql_select_db($config['db']['name'])) { return $resource; } else { FatalError("Unable to select database"); } } else { FatalError("Unable to connect to database"); } }
function getLanguageList($par) { $dh=@opendir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/etc/lang'); if ($dh===false) FatalError("Can't open laguages directory"); while($file = readdir($dh)) { if (strpos("$file\n",".json\n")===false) continue; $js = json_decode( @ file_get_contents( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/etc/lang/'.$file) ,true); if (is_array($js)) { list($a)=explode('.',$file,2); $b= isset($js['LANG']) ? $js['LANG'] : $a; $par['v.'.$a] = $b; } } closedir($dh); return $par; }
function getThemeList($par) { $dh=@opendir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/img/'); if ($dh===false) FatalError("Can't open theme directory"); while($file = readdir($dh)) { if ($file[0]=='.') continue; if (is_dir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/img/'.$file)) { $js = json_decode( @ file_get_contents( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/img/'.$file.'/procset.json') , true); if (!is_array($js)) continue; $a = $file; $b = isset($js['themeInfo']['title']) ? $js['themeInfo']['title'] : $a; $par['v.'.$a] = $b; } } closedir($dh); return $par; }
public function IncludeTemplates() { global $_CONFIG; $t_arr = array(); $main = ''; foreach ($this->templates as $t) { if (file_exists('./templates/' . $t . '.html')) { $t_arr[] = './templates/' . $t . '.html'; } elseif (file_exists('./themes/' . $this->theme . '/templates/' . $t . '.html')) { $t_arr[] = './themes/' . $this->theme . '/templates/' . $t . '.html'; } else { FatalError('Could not find template file ' . $t); } $main .= Mocha::Parse(file_get_contents($t_arr[count($t_arr) - 1])); } Mocha::AddVariable('page_contents', $main); }
function form_access_post($dta) { global $OUTJSON; global $CMD; global $WEBGUI; global $APPL; $usr = WGSessionUser(); if ($usr===false) FatalError("Access denied"); if ($dta['f2']!=$dta['f3']) { WGSetActivity("error"); return; } $x = WGPasswd($usr['name'],$dta['f1'],$dta['f2']); if ($x==false) { WGSetActivity("error"); return; } WGSetActivity("accessok"); }
<? $usr = WGSessionUser(); if ($usr===false) FatalError("Access denied"); WGSetTitle(WGSL("chg","Change password").": {$usr['name']}"); ?><div class="WGWActivity" data-wgid="access"> <br><img src="<%<APPPATH>%>/icon.png" alt=""><br>Loading...<br> </div> <div class="WGWActivity" data-wgid="accessok"> <br><img src="<%<APPPATH>%>/icon.png" alt=""><br> <%<chgd_h>%>.<br> <a href="#_close()" class="WGButton" data-wgpox="-8,-8">Ok</a> </div> <div class="WGWActivity SysAppLogonErr" data-wgid="error"> <br><img src="<%<APPPATH>%>/icon.png" alt=""><br> <%<error_h>%>:<br> <%<perr_h>%>. <a href="#main" class="WGButton" data-wgpox="-8,-8"><%<retry_h>%></a> </div>
function MakeLibDir() { global $fbcmdPrefs; global $isWindows; global $isSudo; global $sudoUser; $dir = $fbcmdPrefs['install_lib_dir']; if (!file_exists($dir)) { if (mkdir($dir, octdec($fbcmdPrefs['install_lib_mkdir_mode']), true)) { Trace("creating directory [{$dir}]"); } else { print "Error: cound not create directory: [{$dir}]\n"; FatalError(); } } if (!$isWindows) { if ($isSudo) { if (isset($sudoUser)) { if (chown($dir, $sudoUser)) { Trace("chown [{$dir}] [{$sudoUser}]"); } else { print "error chown: [{$dir}] [{$sudoUser}] (non-fatal)\n"; } } if (chmod($dir, octdec($fbcmdPrefs['install_lib_mkdir_mode']))) { Trace("chmod [{$dir}]"); } else { print "error chmod: [{$dir}] (non-fatal)\n"; } } } }
FatalError(sprintf(errArgCountNotMatch, $argc)); } $Action = $argv[1]; if (!in_array($Action, array('block', 'unblock'))) { FatalError(sprintf(errInvalidInputData, "action = '{$Action}'")); } // Get nickname and extract vBulletin user ID $Nickname = $argv[2]; $arrUser = $db->query_first("SELECT userid\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE username = '******'"); if (!$arrUser) { FatalError(sprintf(errInvalidInputData, "user '{$Nickname}' is not registered in vBulletin")); } $UserID = (int) $arrUser['userid']; if ($Action == 'block') { if ($argc < 5) { FatalError(sprintf(errArgCountNotMatch, $argc)); } $ReasonMessage = $argv[3]; $BannedUserTitle = $argv[4]; } /* Manage vBulletin */ $arrUser = $db->query_first("SELECT *\t\t \t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE userid = {$UserID}"); $objUser =& datamanager_init('User', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_SILENT); $objUser->set_existing($arrUser); if ($Action == 'block') { $BanPeriod = 0; // Ban forever, until we explicitly unblock the user // check to see if there is already a ban record for this user in the userban table if ($check = $db->query_first("SELECT userid \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "userban \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t WHERE userid = {$UserID}")) { $db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "userban \n\t\t\t\t\t\t SET bandate = " . TIMENOW . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t liftdate = 0,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t adminid = 0,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t reason = '{$ReasonMessage}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE userid = {$UserID}"); } else {
// Save the data $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] = $UserID = $UserData->save(); if (!$UserID) { FatalError("Error: \$UserData->save() returned [{$UserID}]\n"); } unset($UserData); if ($IsAdmin) { // Set administrator permissions $User = $db->query_first("\n\t\tSELECT user.userid, \n\t\t\t user.username, administrator.*,\n\t\t\t IF(administrator.userid IS NULL, 0, 1) AS isadministrator\n\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "administrator AS administrator ON(administrator.userid = user.userid)\n\t\tWHERE user.userid = " . $UserID); if (!$User) { FatalError("Cannot set administrator permissions: no user with ID [{$UserID}]"); } $admindm =& datamanager_init('Admin', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_CP); $admindm->set_existing($User); // Set permissions array (grant all priviledges) $AdminPermissions = array("canadminsettings" => 1, "canadminstyles" => 1, "canadminlanguages" => 1, "canadminforums" => 1, "canadminthreads" => 1, "canadmincalendars" => 1, "canadminusers" => 1, "canadminpermissions" => 1, "canadminfaq" => 1, "canadminimages" => 1, "canadminbbcodes" => 1, "canadmincron" => 1, "canadminmaintain" => 1, "canadminplugins" => 1); foreach ($AdminPermissions as $key => $value) { $admindm->set_bitfield('adminpermissions', $key, $value); } $admindm->set('cssprefs', ''); // set default admin panel skin $admindm->pre_save(); if (!empty($admindm->errors)) { $errorlist = ''; foreach ($admindm->errors as $index => $error) { $errorlist .= "<li>{$error}</li>\n"; } FatalError($errorlist); } $admindm->save(); }
if ($db->baseErrorMessage() != "") { FatalError(gettext("Error deleting packet list for the AG:") . " " . $sql); } /* Delete the AG */ $sql = "DELETE FROM acid_ag WHERE ag_id='" . $ag_id . "'"; $db->baseExecute($sql, -1, -1, false); if ($db->baseErrorMessage() != "") { FatalError(gettext("Error deleting the AG") . $sql); } } else { if ($ag_action == "clear_confirm") { /* Delete the packet list associated with the AG */ $sql = "DELETE FROM acid_ag_alert WHERE ag_id='" . $ag_id . "'"; $db->baseExecute($sql, -1, -1, false); if ($db->baseErrorMessage() != "") { FatalError(gettext("Error deleting packet list for the AG:") . " " . $sql); } $ag_action = "view"; } } } } if ($ag_action == "delete_confirm") { ErrorMessage("<strong>" . gettext("DELETED successfully") . "</strong>"); $ag_action = "view"; $ag_name = $ag_desc = "<em>" . gettext("information deleted") . "</em>"; } else { /* Re-Query the information to print the AG info out */ if ($ag_id > 0) { $sql = "SELECT ag_id, ag_name, ag_desc FROM acid_ag WHERE ag_id='" . $ag_id . "'"; } else {
<? $po = WGParseFile($APPL['file']['path']); if (!$po['D'] and !$po['F']) return; if (!WGisAllowed($po['w'])) FatalError("Access denied"); $js=@file_get_contents($po['f']); if ($js===false) FatalError("Invalid Link"); $js=trim($js,"\t\r\n "); if ($js=='') FatalError("Invalid Link"); $CMD[] = array( 'api' => 'shell', 'data' => $js) ; ?>
<? if (!setWindowDialog()) FatalError("This program cannot be run in window mode"); $ff=array(); $fnt= EWGGetFonts(); foreach($fnt['font'] as $li) { $ff[] = $li['face']; } foreach(array( 'Verdana', 'Helvetica, sans-serif', 'sans-serif', 'Times, serif', 'Times New Roman, serif', 'serif', 'Courier New, monospace', 'Courier, monospace', 'Fixed, monospace', 'monospace', 'cursive', 'fantasy') as $li) $ff[] = $li; ?> <!--@COORD text 8 8 sel 76 8 tsize 65 20 ssize 100 20 -->
<? $po = WGParseFile($APPL['file']['path']); if (!$po['F']) return; $st=@file_get_contents($po['f']); $st=json_decode($st,true); if (!is_array($st)) FatalError("Invalid stream info file"); $t=str_replace(array(".youtube\n","\n"),'',$APPL['file']['filename']."\n"); if (isset($st['t'])) $t=$st['t']; Window($t,"/bin/mime/ico/youtube.png",580,360); ?><div style="width: 561px; height: 316px; margin: auto; padding-top: 4px;"> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($st['v'], ENT_QUOTES); ?> " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> <? endWin(); ?>
<?php // The configuration for the site // The config array, with all of the config values. They are all turned // into template variables by /index.php. They can be edited by your // page, since that doesn't happen until after the page is executed. $_CONFIG = array('default_theme' => 'basic', 'site_title' => 'Testing SMS', 'site_subtitle' => 'Where we test the SMS!', 'copyright' => '© You, ' . date('Y', time())); // if the includes directory doesn't exist, show a Fatal Error message if (!file_exists('./include/')) { FatalError('Necessary directory <code>./include/</code> does not exist'); } // get all of the include files $s = scandir('./include/'); foreach ($s as $f) { if (!is_dir($f) && substr($f, -8) == '.inc.php') { require_once './include/' . $f; } } // the class containing stuff about the file being included, // plus the text that is going to be written class Doer { // the actual URL of the file you're including public static $_FILE = ''; // the parameters from the URL public static $_PARAMS = array(); // an array of the filepath public static $_LINK = array(); // append this to the beginning of links to make sure they // lead to the right place public static $_BACKUP = '';
function form_running_post($rawData,$data) { global $ini; global $DBERROR; global $DBH; global $WEBGUI; if (@$ini['webgui']['cansetup']!='webgui') FatalError("Setup Bloccato"); $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$WEBGUI['rvar']['APPPATH']; $DBERROR=catchDBError; if ($data['dbp1']!=$data['dbp2']) return LocalError("Le password del database non coincidono."); if ($data['rp1']!=$data['rp2']) return LocalError("Le password di root non coincidono."); $x = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/etc/InstallHash'; if (file_exists($x)) { $x = @file_get_contents($x); if ($x===false) FatalError("Non riesco a leggere `InstallHash`"); list($a,$b)=@explode(' ',$x,2); $x = $a.' '.$data['root'].':'.$data['rp1']; $x = md5($x); $b=strtolower($b); if ($b!=$x) return LocalError("La login e la password di root non coincidono con quelle precedentemente segnalate nel file `InstallHash`\nRimuovere il file oppure usare le credenziali corrette."); } $ini['db'] = array( 'mysql'=> ($data['mysql'] ? $data['mysql'] : '') , 'db' => $data['db'], 'dblog'=> $data['dbl'], 'dbpas'=> $data['dbp1']) ; $ini['db']['ok'] = true; dbopen($DBH); if ($ini['db']['ok']==false) return LocalError("Errore accesso database: {$ini['db']['err']}"); unset($ini['db']['ok']); unset($ini['db']['err']); if (!isset($ini['webgui'])) $ini['webgui']=array(); $ini['webgui']['title'] = $data['title']; unset($ini['webgui']['autoexec']); if (isset($ini['webgui']['install-autoexec'])) { $ini['webgui']['autoexec']=$ini['webgui']['install-autoexec']; unset($ini['webgui']['install-autoexec']); } unset($ini['allowdir']); $a = array( 'etc', 'etc/conf.d', 'etc/desktop.json', 'etc/start.json', 'etc/mime.json', 'etc/mimehome.json', 'etc/server.php', 'tmp', 'var/cache', 'var/cache/font.json', 'var/cache/font.css', 'home', 'usr', 'bin/app/grp', 'bin/usr', 'bin/dlg', 'bin/dll', 'bin/font', 'bin/mod', 'bin/php', 'bin/theme', 'bin/wgx', 'bin/mime', 'bin/mime/ico') ; foreach($a as $b) { $c=$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.$b; if (@file_exists($c) and @chmod($c,0770)==false ) return LocalError("Non riesco ad impostare i permessi su $b"); } $dh=@opendir($path.'etc'); if ($dh===false) FatalError("Non trovo la directory skel file di installazione {$path}etc"); while($f=readdir($dh)) { if (is_dir( $path.'etc/'.$f ) or $f[0]=='.') continue; $dt = @file_get_contents($path.'etc/'.$f); if ($dt===false) return LocalError("Non riesco a leggere `$f`"); if (@file_put_contents( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/etc/'.$f , $dt ) == false ) return LocalError("No riesco a copiare: $f"); } closedir($dh); $dh=@opendir($path.'setup'); if ($dh===false) FatalError("Non trovo la directory skel file di installazione {$path}setup"); $lst=array(); while($f=readdir($dh)) { $tf=$path.'setup/'.$f; if (is_dir( $tf ) or $f[0]=='.') continue; if (preg_match('/\.sql$/',$f)!=0) { $a = intval($f); $lst[$a]=@file_get_contents($tf); if ($lst[$a]===false) return LocalError("Non riesco a leggere `$tf`"); } } closedir($dh); ksort($lst); $ini['db']['ok']=true; $ini['db']['err']=''; foreach($lst as $db) { dbquery($DBH,$db); if ($ini['db']['ok']==false) return LocalError("Errore Query SQL: ".$ini['db']['err']); } $x=WGCreateUser($data['root'],$data['rp1'],'root',array('root' => true)); if ($x==false) LocalError("Non riesco a creare l'utente root."); unset($ini['db']['ok']); unset($ini['db']['err']); unset($ini['logon']); unset($ini['auth']); if ($data['accesmode']==1) { $ini['auth'] = array( 'realm' => $data['title']!='' ? $data['title'] : 'WebGui8') ; } if ($data['accesmode']==2) { $ini['logon']=array('enabled'=>1); } $t0 = str_pad($data['debug'],4,'0'); $ini['debug'] = array( 'debug' => $t0[0], 'log' => $t0[1], 'showid'=> $t0[2], 'args' => $t0[3]) ; $ini['webgui']['cookie'] = $data['cookie']!=0 ? '1' : '0'; $fs =$path.'setup/server.conf'; if (file_exists($fs)) { $i = @parse_ini_file($fs,true); if ($i===false) return LoaclError("Non riesco a leggere correttamente il file di installazione `$fs`"); foreach($i as $k => $st) { if (!isset($ini[$k])) $ini[$k]=array(); foreach($st as $k1 => $v1) { $ini[$k][$k1]=$v1; } } } $fs=$path.'setup/install.php'; if (file_exists($fs)) WGRequirePHP($fs,$data); unset($ini['webgui']['cansetup']); $i=';) <'.'? exit; ?'.'>'; $i.="\n"; foreach($ini as $k => $li) { $i.="[{$k}]\n"; foreach($li as $vk => $vv) { if (!is_numeric($vv)) $vv='"'.addcslashes($vv,"\t\r\n\\\"`'").'"'; $i.="{$vk}={$vv}\n"; } $i.="\n"; } $fs=$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/etc/server.php'; if ( file_put_contents($fs,$i)==false) return LocalError("Non riesco a scrivere su `$fs`"); EWGCacheFont(); WGSetActivity('setup'); }
if (!$f) FatalError("Invalid executor file name"); if (!$f['F'] and !$f['D']) FatalError("Executor not found `".print_r($APPL['executor'],true)."`"); $APPL['bin'] = $f; if ($f['F']) { if ($f['extension']=='php') { WGRequirePHP($f['f']); } else if ($f['extension']=='json') { $js=@file_get_contents($f); $js=json_decode($f,true); if (!is_array($js)) FatalError("Invalid executor json `".$APPL['executor']."`"); Window($f['filename']); $WEBGUI['win']=array_merge($WEBGUI['win'],$js); $js=null; unset($js['hdc']); endWin(); } else FatalError("Unknown executor type `".$APPL['executor']."`"); } else if ($f['D']) execApp($f['w'],$JSON['t']); } if (is_array($ini['db']) && !$DBH) dbclose($DBH); retGUI(); } /// GET $startFile=false; if (@$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']=='/logout.php' or @$_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']=='/logout.php') { header("HTTP/1.1 200 Ok",true,200); header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8",true,200); @session_destroy(); exit("Logout");
function FatalError($ErrorMessage) { echo "<br /><p>Fatal error: <b>{$ErrorMessage}</b></p><br />"; exit($ErrorMessage); } if ($argc < 3) { FatalError(sprintf(errArgCountNotMatch, $argc)); } $isAdmin = $argv[1]; for ($argIndex = 2; $argIndex <= $argc - 1; $argIndex++) { $userID = $argv[$argIndex]; if ($isAdmin) { modules_update($userID, '', '', 1); } else { if ($userID != (int) $userID) { FatalError(sprintf(errInvalidInputData, " invalid member ID: [{$userID}]")); } modules_update($userID); // User will be added if he does not exist $resCheckAction = checkAction($userID, ACTION_ID_USE_CHAT); if ($resCheckAction[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] != CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED) { modules_block($userID, 'chat'); } else { modules_unblock($userID, 'chat'); } $resCheckAction = checkAction($userID, ACTION_ID_USE_FORUM); if ($resCheckAction[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] != CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED) { modules_block($userID, 'forum'); } else { modules_unblock($userID, 'forum'); }
function execApp($ex,$action=AJ_SHELL) { global $CMD; global $OUTJSON; global $APPL; global $DBH; global $JSON; global $WEBGUI; global $WGData; if (!is_array($ex)) $ex = WGParseFile($ex); if ($ex===false) FatalError("Invalid file"); if (!$ex['D']) FatalError("E5 Invalid application"); $lang=$_SESSION['WGLang'] ? $_SESSION['WGLang'] : '_D_'; $rvar = array( 'FILE' => $ex['w'], 'PATH' => pathinfo($ex['w'],PATHINFO_DIRNAME), 'URL' => @$JSON['url']) ; if ($ex['D']) $rvar['APPPATH']=rtrim($ex['w'],'/').'/'; else $rvar['APPPATH']=rtrim($rvar['PATH'],'/').'/'; $mf = json_decode( @file_get_contents($ex['f'].'/manifest.json') , true); if (!is_array($mf)) FatalError("Invalid Manifest"); $x = $ex['f'].'/lang'; if (file_exists($x) and is_dir($x)) { list($y)=explode('-',$lang,2); foreach(array($lang,$y,'_D_') as $kf) { $y = $x . '/'. $kf.'.json'; if (file_exists($y)) { $x = @file_get_contents($y); $x = json_decode($x,true); if (!is_array($x)) FatalError("Can't load lang `$kf`"); $rvar=array_merge($rvar,$x); $x=null; break; } } } $WEBGUI['rvar']=$rvar; $x = $ex['f'].'/'.$mf['ico']; if (file_exists($x)) $x=$ex['w'].'/'.$mf['ico']; else $x=null; //--form endWin(); Window( $mf['title'], $x, $mf['w'] ? $mf['w'] : 320 , $mf['h'] ? $mf['h'] : 240 ) ; if (@$mf['autoResize']) WGAutoResizeWin(); if (isset($mf['winType'])) { if (is_numeric($mf['winType'])) $WEBGUI['win']['winType']=$mf['winType']; else { if ($mf['winType']=='nosize') $WEBGUI['win']['winType'] = WIN_NOSIZE; if ($mf['winType']=='dialog') $WEBGUI['win']['winType'] = WIN_DIALOG; if ($mf['winType']=='normal') $WEBGUI['win']['winType'] = WIN_NORMAL; if ($mf['winType']=='popup') $WEBGUI['win']['winType'] = WIN_POPUP; } } if (isset($mf['pox'])) { if (!is_numeric($mf['pox'])) { if ($mf['pox']=='center') $mf['pox']=POX_CENTER; else if ($mf['pox']=='rev') $mf['pox']=POX_RB; else $mf['pox']=POX_NORMAL; } setWindowPox( $mf['pox'], isset($mf['x']) ? $mf['x'] : false, isset($mf['y']) ? $mf['y'] : false) ; } if ($action == AJ_SHELL or $action == AJ_DIALOG) { $hdc=WGSNew($ex['w'], isset($mf['name']) ? $mf['name'] : false); $APPL['hdc']=$hdc; $APPL['asNew']=true; $APPL['url']=$ex['w']; } else $hdc=$APPL['hdc']; setWindowContext($hdc,$mf['name'] ? $mf['name'] : false,$ex['w']); $WEBGUI['win']['data'] = WGSLoad($hdc,$ex['w'],isset($mf['name']) ? $mf['name'] : false); if (is_array($rvar) and ($action==AJ_SHELL or $action==AJ_DIALOG)) { if (isset($rvar['win']) and is_array($rvar['win'])) $WEBGUI['win']['winLang'] = $rvar['win']; if (file_exists($ex['f'].'/style.css')) WGWinCss($ex['w'].'/style.css',$rvar); if (isset($rvar['_title'])) $WEBGUI['win']['title'] = $rvar['_title']; } $f = $ex['f'].'/event.php'; if (file_exists($f)) { WGRequirePHP($f,$rvar); $fn=false; if ($action==AJ_POST) { $fn='form_'.@$JSON['frm'].'_post'; if (!function_exists($fn)) $fn='form_'.$APPL['act'].'_post'; $WEBGUI['win']['data'][$APPL['act']]=$JSON['par']; } if ($action==AJ_WINAJAX) $fn='ajax_'.$APPL['api']; if ($action==AJ_EVENT) $fn='event_'.$APPL['api']; if (($action==AJ_SHELL || $action==AJ_DIALOG) && $APPL['act']!='') $fn='load_'.$APPL['act']; if (($action==AJ_SHELL || $action==AJ_DIALOG) && $APPL['act']=='') $fn='winMain'; if ($fn and function_exists($fn)) { if (isset($WEBGUI['form']) and isset($JSON['frm']) and $JSON['frm']!='') { if (!isset($WEBGUI['form'][ $JSON['frm'] ])) FatalError("Unknown form `".$JSON['frm']."`"); $formData=$JSON['par']; $err = WGFormCheck($WEBGUI['form'][ $JSON['frm'] ], $formData); if ($err) { foreach($WEBGUI['form'][ $JSON['frm']]['obj'] as $t0) { if ($t0['n']==$err) { FatalError( isset($t0['par']['err']) ? $t0['par']['err'] : "Invalid value for `".$t0['c']."`"); } } FatalError("Invalid value for `$err`"); } WGDestroyCaptcha($WEBGUI['form'][ $JSON['frm'] ]); } else { $formData=@$JSON['par']; } $pr=$fn(@$JSON['par'],$formData); if ($action==AJ_POST and $pr) $OUTJSON['postReply']=$pr; if ($action==AJ_WINAJAX and $pr) $OUTJSON['ajaxReturn'] = $pr; } } $formFile=$ex['f'].'/form.conf'; if (file_exists($formFile)) { $X = @file_get_contents($formFile); if ($X===false) FatalError("Can't read form.conf"); $X = WGReplacer($X,$rvar); $WEBGUI['form'] = WGFormParser($X,$action); $X=null; $formFile=true; } else $formFile=false; if ($action == AJ_SHELL || $action == AJ_DIALOG) { $f = $ex['f'].'/app.js'; if (file_exists($f)) winJS( @file_get_contents($f) ); $f = $ex['f'].'/data.json'; if (file_exists($f)) { $WEBGUI['win']['data'] = json_decode(@file_get_contents($f),true); if (!is_array($WEBGUI['win']['data'])) FatalError("Invalid `data.json` structure/syntax"); } $f = $ex['f'].'/layout.php'; if (file_exists($f)) WGRequirePHP($f,$rvar); if (isset($WEBGUI['form'])) { foreach($WEBGUI['form'] as $X) WGFormActivity($X); $X=null; } $f = $ex['f'].'/app.ejs'; if (file_exists($f)) { $f = @file_get_contents($f); if ($f===false) FatalError("Can't load EJS"); $f = WGReplacer($f,$rvar); $f=explode("\n",$f); WGParseEJSTag($f); } else { $f = $ex['f'].'/event.json'; if (file_exists($f)) { $js=@file_get_contents($f); $js=json_decode($js,true); if (!is_array($js)) FatalError("Can't load application.\nBad JSON sctructure in event.json"); $WEBGUI['win']['event']=$js; $js=null; } } if (function_exists('layout_create')) layout_create(); } endWin(); }
<? $ini=WGGetIni(); if (@$ini['webgui']['cansetup']!='webgui') FatalError("Setup locked"); ?> <div class="WGWActivity" data-wgid="error"> <div class="setupLoader setupError"> <div> <img src="<%<APPPATH_H>%>img/error.png" alt=""><br> <b>Errore:</b><br> Qualcosa è andato storto.<br> <span data-wgid="erro"></span><br> </div> </div> <a href="#main" class="WGButton" data-wgpox="-8,-8">Riprova</a> </div> <div class="WGWActivity" data-wgid="running"> <div class="setupLoader"> <div> <img src="<%<APPPATH_H>%>img/wgloading.gif" alt=""><br> Istallazione in corso<br> Attendere... </div> </div> </div> <div class="WGWActivity" data-wgid="setup"> <div class="setupLoader"> <div> <img src="<%<APPPATH_H>%>img/setup.png" alt=""><br>