function _HTML_listItemDate($date) { if (!$date) { return false; } return $this->_HTML_inSpan(DoDate($date, '(F, Y)'), 'bodygreystrong') . $this->_HTML_newline(); }
function _HTML_date($date_value) { if (!$date_value) { return false; } return $this->_HTML_in_P(DoDate($date_value, 'F j, Y') . $this->_HTML_newline(), array('class' => $this->_css_class_date)); }
function render_date($source) { if ($source->is_repeating() && ($schedule = $source->getRepeatDescription())) { return $this->_renderer->tag('em', $schedule . $this->_renderer->space() . $source->getData('time'), array('class' => $this->_css_class_byline)); } return $this->_renderer->span(DoDate($source->getItemDate(), 'l, F jS Y') . ($source->getItemDate() ? $this->_renderer->space(2) : '') . $source->getData('time'), array('class' => $this->_css_class_byline)); }
function _HTML_date($date) { if (!$date) { return false; } return $this->_HTML_inSpan("For Immediate Release: ", $this->_css_class_label) . $this->_HTML_inSpan(DoDate($date, AMP_CONTENT_DATE_FORMAT), $this->_css_class_subheading) . $this->_HTML_newline(); }
function render_date(&$source) { $date = $source->getItemDate(); if (!$date) { return 'a whim'; } return $this->_renderer->span(DoDate($date, AMP_CONTENT_DATE_FORMAT), array('class' => AMP_CONTENT_CSS_CLASS_LIST_ARTICLE_DATE)) . $this->_renderer->newline(); }
function render_date(&$source) { $date = $source->getItemDate(); if (!AMP_verifyDateValue($date)) { return false; } return $this->_renderer->span(AMP_TEXT_PR_HEADING . DoDate($date, AMP_CONTENT_DATE_FORMAT), array('class' => $this->_css_class_date)) . $this->_renderer->newline(); }
function render_date(&$source) { $date = $source->getItemDate(); if (!$date) { return false; } return $this->_renderer->span(DoDate($date, AMP_CONTENT_DATE_FORMAT), $this->_css_class_date) . $this->_renderer->newline(); }
function _adjustSetData($data) { if ($start_date = $this->getStartDate()) { $P->petition_started = DoDate($start_date, "M, j Y"); } if ($end_date = $this->getEndDate()) { $P->petition_started = DoDate($end_date, "M, j Y"); } }
function list_header_intro($list_name = NULL, $description = NULL, $date = NULL) { echo "<p class=title>" . $list_name . "</p>"; if ($_GET["nointro"] == NULL) { if ($description != NULL && $description) { echo "<p class=text>" . converttext($description) . '</p>'; } if ($date != "00-00-0000" && isset($date)) { echo "<p class=text>" . DoDate($date, 'F j, Y') . "<br>" . '</p>'; } } }
function renderItem(&$source) { $base_description = $this->_renderer->inSpan($source->getName(), array('class' => $this->_css_class_title)) . $this->_renderer->newline() . $this->_renderer->inSpan(DoDate($source->getItemDate(), 'l, F jS Y') . ($source->getItemDate() ? $this->_renderer->space(2) : '') . $source->getData('time') . $this->_renderer->newline() . $source->getShortLocation(), array('class' => $this->_css_class_details)); $blurb = ($description = $source->getBody()) ? $description : $source->getBlurb(); if ($blurb) { $blurb = $this->_renderer->inSpan(converttext($blurb), array('class' => $this->_css_class_blurb)); } $location = array(); $location_segments = array('location', 'laddress', 'lcity', 'lzip'); foreach ($location_segments as $location_data) { $location_value = $source->getData($location_data); if (!$location_value) { continue; } $location[$location_data] = $location_value; } $location['lcity'] = $source->getShortLocation(); $location_description = isset($location['location']) ? join($this->_renderer->newline(), $location) : ""; if ($location_description) { $location_description = $this->_renderer->bold(AMP_TEXT_LOCATION . ':') . $this->_renderer->newline() . $location_description; } $contact_output = ''; $contact_name = $source->getData('contact1'); $contact_email = $source->getData('email1'); $contact_phone = $source->getData('phone1'); if ($contact_name) { $contact_output .= $this->_renderer->newline() . $contact_name; } if ($contact_email) { $rendered_contact_email = AMP_protect_email($contact_email); $contact_output .= $this->_renderer->newline() . $rendered_contact_email; } if ($contact_phone) { $contact_output .= $this->_renderer->newline() . $contact_phone; } if ($contact_output) { $contact_output = $this->_renderer->bold(AMP_TEXT_CONTACT . ':') . $this->_renderer->newline() . $contact_output; } $sponsor_output = ''; if ($sponsor = $source->getData('org')) { $sponsor_output = $this->_renderer->bold(AMP_TEXT_SPONSORED . ':') . $this->_renderer->newline() . $sponsor; } $output_segments = array('base_description', 'blurb', 'location_description', 'contact_output', 'sponsor_output'); foreach ($output_segments as $block_name) { if (!${$block_name}) { continue; } $output_value[$block_name] = ${$block_name}; } return join($this->_renderer->newline(2), $output_value); }
<br><a href="calendar.php?calid=<?php echo $event->Fields("id"); ?> " class="eventtitle"><?php echo $event->Fields("lcity"); ?> , <?php echo $region_description; ?> : <?php echo $event->Fields("event"); ?> </a><br> </b> <span class="eventsubtitle"><?php echo DoDate($event->Fields("date"), 'l, F jS Y'); ?> <?php echo $event->Fields("time"); ?> </span> <span class="text"> <?php if ($event->Fields("shortdesc") != NULL) { ?> <br> <?php echo converttext($event->Fields("shortdesc")); } ?> </span><br>
function _HTML_authorDate($author, $date) { return $this->_HTML_inSpan(sprintf(AMP_TEXT_POSTED_BY, $author, DoDate($date, AMP_CONTENT_DATE_FORMAT)), $this->_css_class_date); }
echo $list->Fields("type"); ?> </a> <span class="text"> <?php if ($list->Fields("description") != NULL) { echo "<br>"; //echo " - "; $aspace = " "; $ttext = $list->Fields("description"); if (strlen($ttext) > $maxTextLenght) { $ttext = substr(trim($ttext), 0, $maxTextLenght); $ttext = substr($ttext, 0, strlen($ttext) - strpos(strrev($ttext), $aspace)); $ttext = $ttext . '...'; } echo converttext($ttext); } echo ' '; //date if ($list->Fields("date2") != "0000-00-00") { echo DoDate($list->Fields("date2"), '(F, Y)'); } ?> </td> </tr> </table> <br> <?php $list->MoveNext(); }
function _renderItem(&$source) { return $this->_renderer->link($source->getURL(), $source->getShortLocation() . ': ' . $source->getName(), array('class' => $this->_css_class_title)) . $this->_renderer->newline() . $this->_renderer->inSpan(DoDate($source->getItemDate(), 'l, F jS Y') . ($source->getItemDate() ? $this->_renderer->space(2) : '') . $source->getData('time'), array('class' => $this->_css_class_byline)) . $this->_renderer->in_P($source->getBlurb(), array('class' => $this->_css_class_blurb)); }
images/s.gif" width="7" height="20" border="0"></td> <td class=newsbody> <?php while (!$newsfeed->EOF) { if ($newsfeed->Fields("linktext")) { $title = $newsfeed->Fields("linktext"); } else { $title = $newsfeed->Fields("title"); } ?> <a href="article.php?id=<?php echo $newsfeed->Fields("id"); ?> " class="newsbody"><?php echo DoDate($newsfeed->Fields("date"), "n/j/y") . " - " . $title; ?> </a> <br> <br> <?php $newsfeed->MoveNext(); } ?> </td> <td><img src="<?php echo $MM_website_name; ?> images/s.gif" width="7" height="8" border="0"></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#006699">
echo " - "; $aspace = " "; $ttext = $list->Fields("description"); if (strlen($ttext) > $maxTextLenght) { $ttext = substr(trim($ttext), 0, $maxTextLenght); $ttext = substr($ttext, 0, strlen($ttext) - strpos(strrev($ttext), $aspace)); $ttext = $ttext . '...'; } echo converttext($ttext); } ?> <?php if ($list->Fields("date2") != "0000-00-00") { ?> (<?php echo DoDate($list->Fields("date2"), 'F, Y'); ?> )<?php } ?> </td> </tr> </table> <br> <?php $list->MoveNext(); } $lists->MoveNext(); }
function calendar_output_detail_rsvp_mapped($dbcon, $id) { $q = "select calendar.* from calendar where = {$id}"; $event = $dbcon->CacheGetAll($q); foreach ($event as $e) { if (isset($e['dia_key']) && $e['dia_key']) { $meat .= '<a href="' . DIA_API::getEventIndex() . '?event_KEY=' . $e['dia_key'] . '">RSVP</a> '; } elseif ($e['registration_modin'] > 0) { $meat .= "<br><a href=\"modinput4.php?modin=" . $e['registration_modin'] . "&calid={$id}\">RSVP</a>"; } $meat .= "<p><span class=title>" . $e['event'] . '</span>'; if ($e['recurring_options'] == 1) { $meat .= "<br/><i>Multi-Day Event</i>"; } if ($e['recurring_options'] == 2) { $meat .= "<br/><i>Weekly Event </i>"; } if ($e['recurring_options'] == 3) { $meat .= "<br/><i>Monthly Event </i>"; } if ($e['recurring_options'] == 4) { $meat .= "<br/><i>Annual Event</i>"; } if ($e['recurring_options'] > 0 && $e['recurring_description'] != NULL) { $meat .= ", " . $e['recurring_description']; } if ($e['date'] != '0000-00-00' || $e['time'] != '') { $meat .= '<br> <span class="eventsubtitle">' . DoDate($e['date'], 'l, F jS Y') . ' '; if ($e['time'] != '00:00 ') { $meat .= $e['time']; } } $meat .= '<br>' . $e['lcity'] . ', ' . $e['lstate'] . ' ' . $e['lcountry'] . '</span><br><br> <span class="text">'; if ($e['shortdesc'] != '' && $e['fulldesc'] == '') { $meat .= converttext(trim($e['shortdesc'])) . '<br>'; } $meat .= converttext(trim($e['fulldesc'])) . '<br>'; if ($e['location'] != $null) { $meat .= '<br><br> <b>Location: </b><br>' . $e['location'] . ' ' . $e['laddress'] . ' ' . $e['lcity'] . ' ' . $e['lstate'] . ' ' . $e['lzip'] . ' '; } if ($e['contact1'] != '' or $e['phone1'] != '' or $e['email1'] != '') { $meat .= '<br><br><b>Contact:</b>'; } if ($e['contact1'] != '') { $meat .= '<br>' . $e['contact1']; } if ($e['email1'] != '') { $meat .= '<br><a href="mailto:' . $e['email1'] . '">' . $e['email1'] . '</a>'; } if ($e['phone1'] != '') { $meat .= '<br>' . $e['phone1']; } if ($e['org'] != '') { $meat .= '<br><br><b>Sponsored By:</b><br>' . $e['org']; } if ($e['url'] != '' and $e['url'] != 'http://') { $meat .= ' <a href="' . $e['url'] . '">' . $e['url'] . '</a>'; } $meat .= '</span></p>'; // //insert map //var_dump($event); /* broken and not always valid: buh-bye if ($e['lat']&&$e['lon']) { $map_lat=$e['lat'];$map_long=$e['lon']; $mapcode = "mapgen?lon=" . $map_long . "&lat=" . $map_lat . "&wid=0.035&ht=0.035&iht=320&iwd=320&mark=" . $map_long . "," . $map_lat . ",redpin"; $meat .= str_replace('$map_long',$map_long,str_replace('$map_lat',$map_lat,file_get_contents('http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'/scripts/geocode.js'))); $meat .= str_replace('$mapcode',$mapcode,file_get_contents('includes/')); } $meat .= '<p class="eventsubtitle">Event followups and comments:</p>'; // read in results for this calendar id here if (!$resultspresent) {$meat .= '<p class="text">No results entered yet for this event.</p>';}; $meat .= '<p class="eventsubtitle">Event photos:</p>'; // read in photos for this calendar id here if (!$photospresent) {$meat .= '<p class="text">No photos entered yet for this event.</p>';}; */ } return $meat; }
if ($Recordset1->Fields("sourceurl") != NULL) { echo "</a>"; } echo '</span>'; } if ($Recordset1->Fields("author") != NULL or $Recordset1->Fields("source") != NULL) { echo '<br>'; } #contact if ($Recordset1->Fields("contact") != NULL) { echo '<span class="author">Contact: ' . converttext($Recordset1->Fields("contact")) . '</span><br>'; } #date if ($Recordset1->Fields("usedate") != 1) { if ($Recordset1->Fields("date") != "0000-00-00") { echo '<span class="date">' . DoDate($Recordset1->Fields("date"), 'F jS, Y') . '</span><br>'; } } echo '</td></tr><td></td><tr><td class="text"><br>'; #image if ($Recordset1->Fields("picuse") == 1) { $pselection = $Recordset1->Fields("pselection") ? $Recordset1->Fields("pselection") : 'pic'; $fpathtoimg = AMP_LOCAL_PATH . '/' . $NAV_IMG_PATH . $pselection . "/" . $Recordset1->Fields("picture"); $pathtoimg = $NAV_IMG_PATH . $Recordset1->Fields("pselection") . "/" . $Recordset1->Fields("picture"); $pathtoimg2 = AMP_SITE_URL . $NAV_IMG_PATH . "original/" . $Recordset1->Fields("picture"); $imageInfo = getimagesize($fpathtoimg); $pwidth = $imageInfo[0]; $pheight = $imageInfo[1]; #set table echo '<table width="' . $pwidth . '" border="0" align="'; echo $Recordset1->Fields("alignment") == "left" ? "left" : "right";
function render_byline($source) { $author = $source->getAuthor(); $date = $source->getItemDate(); return $this->_renderer->span(sprintf(AMP_TEXT_POSTED_BY, $author, DoDate($date, AMP_CONTENT_DATE_FORMAT)), $this->_css_class_date); }
header("Location: {$goodbye}"); } $Recordset1_numRows = 0; $Recordset1__totalRows = $Recordset1->RecordCount(); ?> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="text"><tr><td> <?php ########## HEADER ########## ?> <?php if ($Recordset1->Fields("date") != NULL) { ?> <span class="bodygreystrong">For Immediate Release:</span> <span class="bodygrey"><?php echo DoDate($Recordset1->Fields("date"), 'F jS, Y'); ?> </span><br><?php } if ($Recordset1->Fields("contact") != NULL) { ?> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td valign="top"><span class="bodygreystrong">Contact: </span></td> <td valign="top"> </td> <td valign="top"><span class="bodygrey"><?php echo converttext($Recordset1->Fields("contact")); ?> </span><br></td> </tr> </table>
function _photoCredit(&$source) { $image_desc = ''; if ($image_source = $source->getSource()) { $image_desc .= $image_source; } if ($image_date = $source->getItemDate()) { $nice_date = str_replace(' ', ' ', DoDate($image_date, AMP_CONTENT_DATE_FORMAT)); if ($image_source && $nice_date) { $image_desc .= ' / ' . $nice_date; } } return $this->_renderer->div($image_desc, array('class' => AMP_CONTENT_CSS_CLASS_GALLERY_IMAGE_CREDIT_TEXT)); }
function hcal_dtstart($e) { if ($e['date'] != '0000-00-00' || $e['time'] != '') { $formatted_date = DoDate($e['date'], 'l, F jS Y'); } if (!$formatted_date) { return ''; } return '<abbr class="dtstart" title="' . $e['date'] . '">' . $formatted_date . '</abbr>'; }
function _HTML_date($date) { if (!$date) { return false; } return $this->_HTML_inSpan(DoDate($date, AMP_CONTENT_DATE_FORMAT), $this->_css_class_date) . $this->_HTML_newline(); }
<?php /********************* 01-14-2003 v3.01 Module: Template Include Description: include file for tagged calendar events on front page CSS: homeeventname, homeeventname, homebody To Do: write better sql replace more image with text or include image in library *********************/ $event = $dbcon->CacheExecute("SELECT calendar.*, states.statename FROM calendar Inner Join states on WHERE fpevent = 1 and publish=1 and >= CURDATE() ORDER BY fporder, id asc") or die($dbcon->ErrorMsg()); while (!$event->EOF) { echo '<span class="homeeventname"><a href="calendar.php?calid=' . $event->Fields("id") . '">' . $event->Fields("event") . '</a></span><br>'; echo '<span class="homeeventdate">' . $event->Fields("lcity") . ', ' . $event->Fields("statename") . ', ' . DoDate($event->Fields("date"), 'F, j'); if ($event->Fields("time") != NULL) { echo ", " . $event->Fields("time"); } echo '</span><br>'; echo '<span class="homebody">' . converttext($event->Fields("shortdesc")) . ' <a href="calendar.php?calid=' . $event->Fields("id") . '">More<b>»</b></a><br><br>'; $event->MoveNext(); } echo '<a href="calendar.php"><img src="img/more_events.gif" alt="more events" border="0"></a><br><br><br>';