			echo "<script src=\"http://api.maps.yahoo.com/ajaxymap?v=3.0&appid=euzuro-openlayers\"></script>";
		} else {
			$AllowedMaps .= "0";
		if (nnull(odbc_result($dsAllMaps,"Satellite"),1)==1) {$AllowedMaps .= "1";} else {$AllowedMaps .= "0";};
	} else {*/
$AllowedMaps = "11111";
//echo $AllowedMaps;
$AllowAddPoi = getPriv("AddPOI", session("user_id"));
$AllowViewPoi = getPriv("ViewPOI", session("user_id"));
$AllowAddZone = getPriv("AddZones", session("user_id"));
$AllowViewZone = getPriv("ViewZones", session("user_id"));
$cntz = dlookup("select count(*) from pointsofinterest where type=2 and clientid=" . session("client_id"));
$TimeZone = DlookUP("select timezone from users where id=" . session("user_id"));
$CurrentTime = DlookUP("select to_char(now() + cast('" . ($TimeZone - 1) . " hour' as interval), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS') DateTime");
	AllowAddPoi = '<?php 
echo $AllowAddPoi;
	AllowViewPoi = '<?php 
echo $AllowViewPoi;
	AllowAddZone = '<?php 
echo $AllowAddZone;
	AllowViewZone = '<?php 
    <div id="div-add" style="display:none" title=""></div>
    <div id="dialog-message" title="<?php 
echo dic("Reports.Message");
" style="display:none">
	        <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-check" style="float:left; margin:0 7px 50px 0;"></span>
	        <div id="div-msgbox" style="font-size:14px"></div>
$id = getQUERY('id');
$code = NNull(DlookUP("select Code from organisation where id=" . $id), "");
$name = NNull(DlookUP("select Name from organisation where id=" . $id), "");
$desc = NNull(DlookUP("select Description from organisation where id=" . $id), "");

             <table style="padding-left:20px;" class="text2_" width=50%>
                  <tr style="height:10px"></tr>
                  <tr >
                      <td width=20% style="font-weight:bold"><?php 
                      <td width=30% style="padding-left:10px"><input id="code" value="<?php 
echo $code;
" type="text" size=22 style="color: #2F5185; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px; height:25px; border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px; width:161px; padding-left:5px"/></td>
$per = getQUERY("per");
$day = getQUERY("day");
$date1 = getQUERY("date1");
$saati = getQUERY("saati");
$email = getQUERY("email");
$uid = getQUERY("uid");
$path = getQUERY("path");
$doctype = getQUERY("doctype");
$Today = DateTimeFormat(now(), "Y-m-d H:i:s");
$vehID = nnull(dlookup("select id from vehicles where registration = '" . $veh . "'"), 0);
$dayInsert = "";
if ($per == "Weekly") {
    $dayInsert = $day;
if ($per == "Daily") {
    $dayInsert = "";
if ($per == "Monthly") {
    $dayInsert = $date1;
$time = $saati . ":00";
/* echo "insert into Scheduler (clientID, userID, report, vehicle, period, day, time, email, 
   subusers, range, vehID, path, CreationDate) values(" . Session("client_id") . "," . $uid . ",
   '" . $rep . "','" . $veh . "','" . $per . "','" . $dayInsert . "','" . $time . "','" . $email . "','', 
   '" . $range . "', '" . $vehID . "', '" . $path . "', '" . $Today . "');";
RunSQL("delete from Scheduler where clientID = " . Session("client_id") . " and userID = " . $uid . " and report = '" . $rep . "' and vehicle = '" . $veh . "' and period = '" . $per . "' and day = '" . $dayInsert . "' and time = '" . $time . "' and email = '" . $email . "'");
$ret = DlookUP("insert into Scheduler (clientID, userID, report, vehicle, period, day, time, email, subusers, range, \r\n    vehID, path, CreationDate, doctype) values(" . Session("client_id") . "," . $uid . ",\r\n    '" . $rep . "','" . $veh . "','" . $per . "','" . $dayInsert . "','" . $time . "','" . $email . "','', \r\n    '" . $range . "', '" . $vehID . "', '" . $path . "', '" . $Today . "', '" . $doctype . "') ");
echo $ret;
if ($DFormat1 == "dd-MM-yyyy") {
    $DFormat = "d-m-Y";
} else {
    if ($DFormat1 == "yyyy-MM-dd") {
        $DFormat = "Y-m-d";
    } else {
        $DFormat = "m-d-Y";
if ($TFormat1 == "24 Hour Time") {
    $TFormat = "H:i:s";
} else {
    $TFormat = "h:i:s A";
$DTFormat = $DFormat . " " . $TFormat;
$dbDatum = DlookUP("select now() DateTime");
$position = "";
$stil = "";
$oldDate = "0";
if (abs(strtotime(pg_fetch_result($dsH, 0, "datetime")) - strtotime($dbDatum)) > 60) {
    $oldDate = "1";
$address = dlookup("select latloninarea(" . $sLat . ", " . $sLon . ", " . session("client_id") . ")");
$alarm = pg_fetch_result($dsH, 0, "text");
if ($ClientTypeID == 2) {
    $pass = "******";
    $tax = "1";
    if ($ignition . "" == "1") {
        $stil = pg_fetch_result($dsStyles, 0, "EngineON");
    if ($ignition . "" == "0") {
//echo $AllowedMaps;
$AllowAddPoi = getPriv("AddPOI", session("user_id"));
$AllowViewPoi = getPriv("ViewPOI", session("user_id"));
$AllowAddZone = getPriv("AddZones", session("user_id"));
$AllowViewZone = getPriv("ViewZones", session("user_id"));
$cntz = dlookup("select count(*) from pointsofinterest where active='1' and type=2 and clientid=" . session("client_id"));
$dsFormats = query("select timezone, datetimeformat from users where id=" . session("user_id"));
$TimeZone = pg_fetch_result($dsFormats, 0, 'timezone');
$FormatDT = pg_fetch_result($dsFormats, 0, 'datetimeformat');
$FormatDT1 = explode(" ", $FormatDT);
if ($FormatDT1[1] == 'h:i:s') {
    $timeformat = 'HH12:MI:SS AM';
} else {
    $timeformat = 'HH24:MI:SS';
$CurrentTime = DlookUP("select to_char(now() + cast('" . ($TimeZone - 1) . " hour' as interval), 'YYYY-MM-DD " . $timeformat . "') DateTime");
$ua = getBrowser();
$yourbrowser = (bool) strpos($ua['userAgent'], "iPad");
//echo $yourbrowser;
$bojanakola = query("SELECT c1.name engineon, c2.name engineoff, c3.name engineoffpassengeron, c4.name satelliteoff, \r\n\tc5.name taximeteron, c6.name taximeteroffpassengeron, c7.name passiveon, c8.name activeoff\r\n\tfrom users us \r\n\tleft outer join statuscolors c1 on c1.id=us.engineon \r\n\tleft outer join statuscolors c2 on c2.id=us.engineoff \r\n\tleft outer join statuscolors c3 on c3.id=us.engineoffpassengeron \r\n\tleft outer join statuscolors c4 on c4.id=us.satelliteoff \r\n\tleft outer join statuscolors c5 on c5.id=us.taximeteron \r\n\tleft outer join statuscolors c6 on c6.id=us.taximeteroffpassengeron \r\n\tleft outer join statuscolors c7 on c7.id=us.passiveon \r\n\tleft outer join statuscolors c8 on c8.id=us.activeoff \r\n\twhere us.id = " . session("user_id"));
$engineon = pg_fetch_result($bojanakola, 0, "engineon");
$engineoff = pg_fetch_result($bojanakola, 0, "engineoff");
$engineoffpassengeron = pg_fetch_result($bojanakola, 0, "engineoffpassengeron");
$satelliteoff = pg_fetch_result($bojanakola, 0, "satelliteoff");
$taximeteron = pg_fetch_result($bojanakola, 0, "taximeteron");
$taximeteroffpassengeron = pg_fetch_result($bojanakola, 0, "taximeteroffpassengeron");
$passiveon = pg_fetch_result($bojanakola, 0, "passiveon");
$activeoff = pg_fetch_result($bojanakola, 0, "activeoff");
$pass = dlookup("select md5(password) from users where clientid=" . session("client_id") . " and roleid=2 order by id asc limit 1");
      <td width=200px style="padding-left:10px">
          <select id="cbVehicles" onchange="changeKm('', '')" style="margin-top:4px; width: 180px; font-size: 11px; position: relative; top: 0px; z-index: 0; visibility: visible;" class="combobox text2">
            $vehicles = "select registration, id from vehicles where clientid =" . Session("client_id") . " order by code asc";
            $dsVehicles = query($vehicles);
            $first = pg_fetch_result($dsVehicles, 0, "id");
            $proKm = 0;
            $lastDateKm = dlookup("select datetime from currkm where vehicleid=" . $first);
            $pastKm = 0;
            $Km = 0;
            if ($lastDateKm != "") {
                $pastKm = nnull(dlookup("select SUM(distance)/1000 from rshortreport where vehicleid=" . $first . " and Datetime >= '" . DateTimeFormat($lastDateKm, "Y-m-d 23:59:59") . "' and Datetime <= '" . DateTimeFormat($dt, "Y-m-d" . " 23:59:59") . "'"), 0);
                $Km = nnull(dlookup("select km from currkm where vehicleid=" . $first), 0);
                $proKm = $pastKm + $Km;
            } else {
                $proKm = NNull(DlookUP("select SUM(distance)/1000 from rshortreport where vehicleid=" . $first), 0);
            while ($drVehicles = pg_fetch_array($dsVehicles)) {
                                        <option id="<?php 
                echo $drVehicles["id"];
" value="<?php 
                echo $drVehicles["id"];
                echo $drVehicles["registration"];
            //end while
                <option value="19:00" <?php echo $ttx19?>>19:00</option>
                <option value="20:00" <?php echo $ttx20?>>20:00</option>
                <option value="21:00" <?php echo $ttx21?>>21:00</option>
                <option value="22:00" <?php echo $ttx22?>>22:00</option>
                <option value="23:00" <?php echo $ttx23?>>23:00</option>
                <option value="24:00" <?php echo $ttx24?>>24:00</option>
        <td align="right" class="text5" style="font-size:12; vertical-align:top" ><div style="position:relative; top:5px"><?php dic("Reports.Email")?>:</div> </td>
        <td align="left" class="text5" style="width:200px; font-size:12;" colspan="3">
            <div id="div-email">
            	$role = $_SESSION['role_id'];
            	$email = DlookUP("select email from scheduler where id=" . $idto);
            <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" id="cb_<?php echo $_SESSION['user_id']?>" alt="<?php echo $_SESSION['user_id']?>" style="display:none" />
            <input type="text" style="width:235;" id="email" class="textboxcalender corner5 text3" value="<?php echo nnull($email, "/") ?>" /></p>
            <script>$('#email_<?php echo $_SESSION['user_id'] ?>').text();</script>

      		<div id="sNote" style="position:relative; top:-10px; color:red; width:235px; font-size:10px">
         		  <?php dic("Reports.SchNote")?>
		<td align="right" class="text5" style="font-size:12; vertical-align:top" ><div style="position:relative; top:5px"><?php echo dic("Settings.DocumentType")?>:</div> </td>
		<td class="text5">