文件: 12.php 项目: rrsc/KwaMoja
CreateTable("pcashdetails", "CREATE TABLE `pcashdetails` (\n  `counterindex` int(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n  `tabcode` varchar(20) NOT NULL,\n  `date` date NOT NULL,\n  `codeexpense` varchar(20) NOT NULL,\n  `amount` double NOT NULL,\n  `authorized` date NOT NULL COMMENT 'date cash assigment was revised and authorized by authorizer from tabs table',\n  `posted` tinyint(4) NOT NULL COMMENT 'has (or has not) been posted into gltrans',\n  `notes` text NOT NULL,\n  `receipt` text COMMENT 'filename or path to scanned receipt or code of receipt to find physical receipt if tax guys or auditors show up',\n  PRIMARY KEY (`counterindex`)\n)", $db);
CreateTable("pcexpenses", "CREATE TABLE `pcexpenses` (\n  `codeexpense` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'code for the group',\n  `description` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT 'text description, e.g. meals, train tickets, fuel, etc',\n  `glaccount` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'GL related account',\n  PRIMARY KEY (`codeexpense`),\n  KEY (`glaccount`)\n)", $db);
CreateTable("pctabexpenses", "CREATE TABLE `pctabexpenses` (\n  `typetabcode` varchar(20) NOT NULL,\n  `codeexpense` varchar(20) NOT NULL,\n  KEY (`typetabcode`),\n  KEY (`codeexpense`)\n)", $db);
CreateTable("pctabs", "CREATE TABLE `pctabs` (\n  `tabcode` varchar(20) NOT NULL,\n  `usercode` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'code of user employee from www_users',\n  `typetabcode` varchar(20) NOT NULL,\n  `currency` char(3) NOT NULL,\n  `tablimit` double NOT NULL,\n  `authorizer` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'code of user from www_users',\n  `glaccountassignment` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'gl account where the money comes from',\n  `glaccountpcash` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  PRIMARY KEY (`tabcode`),\n  KEY (`usercode`),\n  KEY (`typetabcode`),\n  KEY (`currency`),\n  KEY (`authorizer`),\n  KEY (`glaccountassignment`)\n)", $db);
CreateTable("pctypetabs", "CREATE TABLE `pctypetabs` (\n  `typetabcode` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'code for the type of petty cash tab',\n  `typetabdescription` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT 'text description, e.g. tab for CEO',\n  PRIMARY KEY (`typetabcode`)\n)", $db);
AddConstraint('pcexpenses', 'pcexpenses_ibfk_1', 'glaccount', 'chartmaster', 'accountcode', $db);
AddConstraint('pctabexpenses', 'pctabexpenses_ibfk_1', 'typetabcode', 'pctypetabs', 'typetabcode', $db);
AddConstraint('pctabexpenses', 'pctabexpenses_ibfk_2', 'codeexpense', 'pcexpenses', 'codeexpense', $db);
AddConstraint('pctabs', 'pctabs_ibfk_1', 'usercode', 'www_users', 'userid', $db);
AddConstraint('pctabs', 'pctabs_ibfk_2', 'typetabcode', 'pctypetabs', 'typetabcode', $db);
AddConstraint('pctabs', 'pctabs_ibfk_3', 'currency', 'currencies', 'currabrev', $db);
AddConstraint('pctabs', 'pctabs_ibfk_4', 'authorizer', 'www_users', 'userid', $db);
AddConstraint('pctabs', 'pctabs_ibfk_5', 'glaccountassignment', 'chartmaster', 'accountcode', $db);
DropConstraint('suppliers', 'suppliers_ibfk_4', $db);
UpdateField('suppliers', 'factorcompanyid', 0, '`factorcompanyid`=1', $db);
DeleteRecords('factorcompanies', "coyname='None'", $db);
/* New security token for petty cash usage */
UpdateField('securitytokens', 'tokenname', 'Petty Cash', 'tokenid=6', $db);
/* Add input date to transaction tables so that transactions can be
 * reported on by their input date
AddColumn('inputdate', 'supptrans', 'datetime', 'NOT NULL', '0000-00-00', 'duedate', $db);
AddColumn('inputdate', 'debtortrans', 'datetime', 'NOT NULL', '0000-00-00', 'trandate', $db);
/* Change the size of the fieldname field in the report writer as
 * the previous size was not big enough to hold all field names
ChangeColumnSize('fieldname', 'reportfields', 'varchar(60)', 'NOT NULL', '', 60, $db);
/* Database changes needed for the picking list functionality
NewConfigValue('RequirePickingNote', 0, $db);
CreateTable("pickinglists", "CREATE TABLE `pickinglists` (\n  `pickinglistno` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n  `orderno` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n  `pickinglistdate` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',\n  `dateprinted` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',\n  `deliverynotedate` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',\n  CONSTRAINT `pickinglists_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`orderno`) REFERENCES `salesorders` (`orderno`),\n  PRIMARY KEY (`pickinglistno`)\n)", $db);
文件: 22.php 项目: rrsc/KwaMoja

NewConfigValue('ExchangeRateFeed', 'ECB', $db);
AddColumn('salesperson', 'salesorders', 'VARCHAR(4)', 'NOT NULL', '', 'poplaced', $db);
ChangeColumnType('salesmancode', 'salesman', 'VARCHAR(4)', 'NOT NULL', '', $db);
DropColumn('commissionrate', 'salesorderdetails', $db);
DropColumn('commissionearned', 'salesorderdetails', $db);
NewScript('CounterReturns.php', '5', $db);
ChangeColumnType('initiator', 'purchorders', 'VARCHAR(20)', 'NOT NULL', '', $db);
CreateTable('jobcards', "CREATE TABLE `jobcards` (\n  `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n  `debtorno` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `description` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `task1` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `task2` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `task3` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `task4` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `task5` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `task6` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `createdate` date DEFAULT NULL,\n  `completedate` date DEFAULT NULL,\n  `invoice` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)\n)", $db);
InsertRecord('securitytokens', array('tokenid', 'tokenname'), array('1000', 'User can view and alter sales prices'), array('tokenid', 'tokenname'), array('1000', 'User can view and alter sales prices'), $db);
InsertRecord('securitytokens', array('tokenid', 'tokenname'), array('1001', 'User can bypass purchasing security and go straight from order to invoice'), array('tokenid', 'tokenname'), array('1001', 'User can bypass purchasing security and go straight from order to invoice'), $db);
UpdateField('securitytokens', 'tokenname', 'Unknown', 'tokenid=12', $db);
AddColumn('fontsize', 'www_users', 'TINYINT(2)', 'NOT NULL', '0', 'department', $db);
NewScript('CustomerPurchases.php', '5', $db);
NewScript('GoodsReceivedButNotInvoiced.php', '15', $db);
NewScript('ItemsWithoutPicture.php', '15', $db);
UpdateField('scripts', 'pagesecurity', '2', "script='GoodsReceivedButNotInvoiced.php'", $db);
DeleteRecords('scripts', "script='Z_ItemsWithoutPicture.php'", $db);
UpdateField('scripts', 'script', 'Z_ItemsWithoutPicture.php', "script='ItemsWithoutPicture.php'", $db);
ChangeColumnType('description', 'taxauthorities', 'VARCHAR(40)', 'NOT NULL', '', $db);
NewScript('MaterialsNotUsed.php', '4', $db);
ChangeConfigValue('VersionNumber', '4.10', $db);
UpdateDBNo(basename(__FILE__, '.php'), $db);