* @deprecated
function aColInfoFromDDColumns(&$table, &$retval)
    $perm_upd = DDUserPerm($table['table_id'], 'upd');
    // ----------------------------------------------
    // BIG DEAL A: Loop through each row
    // ----------------------------------------------
    foreach ($table['flat'] as $colname => $colinfo) {
        if (!isset($colinfo['uino'])) {
            # KFD 6/2/08, this line is required for some older programs
            # that SDS wrote that still use this family of routines.
            # Table constraints appear to be showing up as empty columns!
            if ($colname == '') {
            echo "Column {$colname}";
        // Early return, if there is no UI, don't generate at all
        if ($colinfo['uino'] == 'Y') {
        // Clear out array
        $c = array();
        // Initialize a new array for the column, with some
        // basic info that is useful in all modes
        $c['base'] = array('type_id' => $colinfo['type_id'], 'formshort' => $colinfo['formshort'], 'column_id' => $colname, 'colprec' => $colinfo['colprec'], 'colscale' => $colinfo['colscale'], 'description' => $colinfo['description'], 'tooltip' => arraySafe($colinfo, 'tooltip'), 'pk_change' => ArraySafe($colinfo, 'pk_change', 'N'));
        $c['ins']['sequence'] = 0;
        $c['upd']['sequence'] = 0;
        // Load in any default snippets. As of this writing, 6/22/07, these
        // are not generated at build time, but can be added by
        // custom classes.
        $c['ins']['snippets'] = isset($colinfo['ins']['snippets']) ? $colinfo['ins']['snippets'] : array();
        $c['upd']['snippets'] = isset($colinfo['upd']['snippets']) ? $colinfo['upd']['snippets'] : array();
        // First property, writable.  Work this out for all
        // three modes.
        $c['search']['writable'] = true;
        $c['ins']['writable'] = true;
        $c['upd']['writable'] = $perm_upd;
        if ($colinfo['uiro'] == 'Y') {
            $c['ins']['writable'] = false;
            $c['upd']['writable'] = false;
        } else {
            $autos = array('seqdefault', 'fetchdef', 'default', 'blank', 'none', 'synch', '', 'queuepos', 'dominant');
            $auto = strtolower(trim($colinfo['automation_id']));
            //echo "the auto for $colname is -".$auto."-<br/>";
            if (!in_array($auto, $autos)) {
                $c['ins']['writable'] = false;
                $c['upd']['writable'] = false;
            // override for primary key
            if ($colinfo['primary_key'] == 'Y') {
                $c['upd']['writable'] = false;
        // This is the default size and maxlength.  Notice that
        // we don't seet a maxlength in search mode.
        $size = $colinfo['dispsize'] + 1;
        $maxl = $colinfo['dispsize'];
        if (ArraySafe($colinfo, 'colscale', 0) != 0) {
            $maxl += 1;
        $c['search']['size'] = $size;
        $c['ins']['size'] = $size;
        $c['ins']['maxlength'] = $maxl;
        $c['upd']['size'] = $size;
        $c['upd']['maxlength'] = $maxl;
        // This is a feature that the column should be all
        // caps, currently done only for primary keys
        if ($table['capspk'] == 'Y' && $colinfo['primary_key'] == 'Y') {
            $snippet = 'javascript:this.value=this.value.toUpperCase()';
            $c['ins']['snippets']['onkeyup'][] = $snippet;
            $c['upd']['snippets']['onkeyup'][] = $snippet;
        // set up foreign keys
        $c['search']['table_id_fko'] = '';
        $c['search']['fkdisplay'] = '';
        $c['ins']['table_id_fko'] = $colinfo['table_id_fko'];
        $c['upd']['table_id_fko'] = $colinfo['table_id_fko'];
        $c['ins']['fkdisplay'] = $colinfo['fkdisplay'];
        $c['upd']['fkdisplay'] = $colinfo['fkdisplay'];
        // If the foreign key is compound, give us the whole thing
        if (trim($colinfo['table_id_fko']) != '') {
            $tabfk = dd_TableRef(trim($colinfo['table_id_fko']));
            $c['upd']['fk_pks'] = $tabfk['pks'];
            $c['ins']['fk_pks'] = $tabfk['pks'];
        // If this column forces calculations, set a flag
        $c['upd']['calcs'] = in_array($colname, $table['calcs']);
        $c['ins']['calcs'] = $c['upd']['calcs'];
        $c['search']['calcs'] = false;
        // Give the guy his chain information
        $c['upd']['chaincalc'] = ArraySafe($colinfo, 'chaincalc', array());
        $c['ins']['chaincalc'] = $c['upd']['chaincalc'];
        $c['search']['chaincalc'] = array();
        // Value min and max
        $c['search']['value_min'] = $colinfo['value_min'];
        $c['search']['value_max'] = $colinfo['value_max'];
        $c['upd']['value_min'] = $colinfo['value_min'];
        $c['upd']['value_max'] = $colinfo['value_max'];
        $c['ins']['value_min'] = $colinfo['value_min'];
        $c['ins']['value_max'] = $colinfo['value_max'];
        // uirows and uicols
        $c['upd']['uicols'] = $colinfo['uicols'];
        $c['upd']['uirows'] = $colinfo['uirows'];
        $c['ins']['uicols'] = $colinfo['uicols'];
        $c['ins']['uirows'] = $colinfo['uirows'];
        $c['search']['uicols'] = $colinfo['uicols'];
        $c['search']['uirows'] = $colinfo['uirows'];
        // defaults
        $c['upd']['default'] = null;
        $c['search']['default'] = null;
        $c['ins']['default'] = $colinfo['automation_id'] == 'DEFAULT' && $colinfo['auto_formula'] != '' ? $colinfo['auto_formula'] : null;
        // Add results into final array
        $retval['base'][$colname] = $c['base'];
        $retval['ins'][$colname] = $c['ins'];
        $retval['upd'][$colname] = $c['upd'];
        $retval['search'][$colname] = $c['search'];
    return $retval;
    function hDisplayOnscreen($filters = array(), &$parent_row)
        $parent_pks = $filters;
        // capture for later reference
        // Pull the rows so we know how many we have
        if (count($filters) != 0) {
        $rows = rowsFromUserSearch($this->table, $this->projections['_uisearch'], $filters, true);
        $early_return = $this->hDisplayOnscreenOverride($rows, $filters, $parent_row);
        if ($early_return != '') {
            return $early_return;
        // Pull the nav bar.  Do this after pulling rows so we
        // know how many rows there are, what page we're on, etc.
        $hNavBar = $this->hBrowse_NavBar();
        // Generate the table header
        $cols1 = asliceValsFromKeys($this->table['flat'], 'description', $this->projections['_uisearch']);
        $cols2 = array('Edit');
        if (DDUserPerm($this->table_id, 'del')) {
            $cols2[] = 'Delete';
        $cols = array_merge($cols1, $cols2);
        if (count($rows) == 0) {
            $hContent = "<tr><td colspan=99 class=\"dlite\">" . "<b>There are no records to display</b>" . "</td></tr>\n";
        } else {
            // Convert last column to hyperlink to that page/row
            foreach ($rows as $index => $row) {
                $slipin1 = hLinkPostFromArray('', 'Edit', array('gp_dd_page' => $this->table_id, 'gp_skey' => $row['skey'], 'gp_mode' => 'upd'));
                $slipin2 = '';
                if (DDUserPerm($this->table_id, 'del')) {
                    $slipin2 = hLinkPostFromArray('', 'Delete', array('gp_delskey_' . $this->table_id => $row['skey'], 'gp_mode' => 'upd', 'gp_skey' => gp('gp_skey')));
                // Get the formatted value
                foreach ($row as $colname => $colvalue) {
                    $value = hFormat($this->table['flat'][$colname]['type_id'], $colvalue);
                    $rows[$index][$colname] = $value;
                if (isset($row['skey'])) {
                $rows[$index][] = $slipin1;
                $rows[$index][] = $slipin2;
            $hContent = hTBodyFromRows('', $rows);
        // Add an empty row for inserting
        $empty_row = '';
        $table_id = $this->table['table_id'];
        foreach($cols1 as $column=>$description){
           $value = '';
           $name_id = 'gp_onscreen_'.$table_id.'_'.$column.'';
           $iname   = 'name="'.$name_id.'" '.'id="'.$name_id.'"';
           $value   = '<input type="text" '.$iname.'></input>';
           $empty_row  .= hTD('',$value,'');
        $empty_row = '';
        $parent_skey = $parent_row['skey'];
        $pkcols = explode(',', $this->table['pks']);
        // KFD 1/11/07, unconditionally copied in all values supplied
        // from parent.
        foreach ($pkcols as $pkcol) {
            if (!isset($parent_row[$pkcol])) {
            $prefilled[$pkcol] = $parent_row[$pkcol];
        $prefilled = $parent_pks;
        $opts = array('drilldownmatches' => $prefilled, 'name_prefix' => 'gp_onscreen_' . $table_id . '_', 'hpsize' => 12);
        // KFD 5/29/07, refactoring code to use new widget generation
        //   routines, no more ahInputsComprehensive.
        //$inputs = ahInputsComprehensive($this->table,'ins',$prefilled,'_uisearch',$opts);
        //foreach($inputs as $column=>$details){
        //   $empty_row  .= hTD('',$details['html'],'');
        $acols = aColsModeProj($this->table, 'ins', '_uisearch');
        $ahcols = aHColsfromACols($acols, $prefilled);
        $name_prefix = 'gp_onscreen_' . $table_id . '_';
        $xh = hDetailFromAHCols($ahcols, $name_prefix, 500, 'tds');
        $xh = jsValues($ahcols, $name_prefix, $prefilled, $xh);
        $empty_row .= $xh;
        // END OF CHANGES 5/29/07 code refactoring
        // Add a save link
        hidden('gp_child_onscreen', '');
        $name_id = 'onscreen_save';
        $iname = 'name="' . $name_id . '" ' . 'id="' . $name_id . '"';
        $value = '<a tabindex="' . hpTabIndexNext(500) . '" href="' . "javascript:SetAction('gp_skey',{$parent_skey},'gp_child_onscreen','{$table_id}')" . '">Save</a>';
        $empty_row .= hTD('', $value, '');
        // Add a <tr></tr>
        $empty_row = '<tr>' . $empty_row . '</tr>';
        // Attatch the empty row
        $hContent .= $empty_row;
        $hNew = hLinkPostFromArray('', $this->table['description'], array('gp_dd_page' => $this->table_id));
        //$hDsc="<span class=\"x2menubar_text\">"
        //   .$this->table['description']
        //   .'</span>';
      <div class="x2menubar" style="text-align: left">
        echo $hNew;
      <div class="andro_space2"></div>
        echo hTRFromArray('dhead', $cols);
        echo $hContent;
				<td colspan=99 class='dhead'>&nbsp;
        return ob_get_clean();