    $result = DB_query($sql, $db);
    if (DB_num_rows($result) > 0) {
        $response = executeSQL("UPDATE fixedassets INNER JOIN stockmaster ON fixedassets.stockid=stockmaster.stockid SET assetcategoryid=stockmaster.categoryid,\nfixedassets.description=stockmaster.description, fixedassets.longdescription=stockmaster.longdescription", $db, False);
        if ($response == 0) {
            OutputResult(_('The fixedassets table has been updated from stockmaster'), 'success');
        } else {
            OutputResult(_('The fixedassets table could not be updated from stockmaster'), 'error');
    } else {
        OutputResult(_('The fixedassets table is already correct'), 'info');
} else {
    $response = executeSQL("UPDATE fixedassets INNER JOIN stockmaster ON fixedassets.stockid=stockmaster.stockid SET assetcategoryid=stockmaster.categoryid,\nfixedassets.description=stockmaster.description, fixedassets.longdescription=stockmaster.longdescription", $db, False);
Createtable('fixedassetcategories', "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `fixedassetcategories` (\n  `categoryid` char(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n  `categorydescription` char(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n  `costact` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n  `depnact` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n  `disposalact` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '80000',\n  `accumdepnact` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n  defaultdepnrate double NOT NULL DEFAULT '.2',\n  defaultdepntype int NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',\n  PRIMARY KEY (`categoryid`)\n) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8", $db);
if (DB_table_exists('fixedassets', $db)) {
    $sql = "SELECT categoryid FROM fixedassetcategories";
    $result = DB_query($sql, $db);
    if (DB_num_rows($result) == 0) {
        $response = executeSQL("INSERT INTO fixedassetcategories (categoryid, categorydescription, costact, depnact, disposalact, accumdepnact)\nSELECT categoryid, categorydescription, stockact, adjglact, materialuseagevarac, wipact FROM stockcategory WHERE stocktype='A'", $db, False);
        if ($response == 0) {
            OutputResult(_('The fixedassetcategories table has been updated from stockcategory'), 'success');
        } else {
            OutputResult(_('The fixedassetcategories table could not be updated from stockcategory'), 'error');
    } else {
        OutputResult(_('The fixedassetcategories table is already correct'), 'info');
} else {
    $response = executeSQL("INSERT INTO fixedassetcategories (categoryid, categorydescription, costact, depnact, disposalact, accumdepnact)\nSELECT categoryid, categorydescription, stockact, adjglact, materialuseagevarac, wipact FROM stockcategory WHERE stocktype='A'", $db, False);
 $ConfigResult = DB_query($sql, $db, $ErrMsg);
 while ($myrow = DB_fetch_row($ConfigResult)) {
     if (is_numeric($myrow[1]) and $myrow[0] != 'DefaultPriceList') {
         //the variable name is given by $myrow[0]
         $_SESSION[$myrow[0]] = (double) $myrow[1];
     } else {
         $_SESSION[$myrow[0]] = $myrow[1];
 //end loop through all config variables
 $_SESSION['CompanyDefaultsLoaded'] = true;
 // no longer needed
 /*Maybe we should check config directories exist and try to create if not */
 /*Load the pagesecurity settings from the database */
 if (DB_table_exists('pagesecurity', $db)) {
     $sql = "SELECT script, security FROM pagesecurity";
     $ErrMsg = _('Could not get the page security details from the database because');
     $result = DB_query($sql, $db);
     while ($myrow = DB_fetch_array($result)) {
         $_SESSION['PageSecurityArray'][$myrow['script']] = $myrow['security'];
 } else {
     header('Location: Z_UpgradeDatabase.php');
     //divert to the db upgrade if the table doesn't exist
 if (!isset($_SESSION['DBUpdateNumber'])) {
     // the config record for VersionNumber is not yet added
     $_SESSION['DBUpdateNumber'] = -1;
     header('Location: Z_UpgradeDatabase.php');
     //divert to the db upgrade if the VersionNumber is not in the config table
InsertRecord('menu', array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(175, 'PC Tabs', 173, 'PcTabs.php?'), array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(175, 'PC Tabs', 173, 'PcTabs.php?'), $db);
InsertRecord('menu', array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(176, 'PC Expenses', 173, 'PcExpenses.php?'), array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(176, 'PC Expenses', 173, 'PcExpenses.php?'), $db);
InsertRecord('menu', array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(177, 'Expenses for Type of PC Tab', 173, 'PcExpensesTypeTab.php?'), array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(177, 'Expenses for Type of PC Tab', 173, 'PcExpensesTypeTab.php?'), $db);
InsertRecord('menu', array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(178, 'Configuration', -1, '#'), array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(178, 'Configuration', -1, '#'), $db);
InsertRecord('menu', array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(179, 'General Settings', 178, '#'), array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(179, 'General Settings', 178, '#'), $db);
InsertRecord('menu', array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(180, 'Company Preferences', 179, 'CompanyPreferences.php?'), array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(180, 'Company Preferences', 179, 'CompanyPreferences.php?'), $db);
InsertRecord('menu', array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(181, 'Configuration Settings', 179, 'SystemParameters.php?'), array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(181, 'Configuration Settings', 179, 'SystemParameters.php?'), $db);
InsertRecord('menu', array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(188, 'Page Security Settings', 179, 'PageSecurity.php?'), array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(188, 'Page Security Settings', 179, 'PageSecurity.php?'), $db);
InsertRecord('menu', array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(182, 'Users', 178, '#'), array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(182, 'Users', 178, '#'), $db);
InsertRecord('menu', array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(183, 'User Maintenance', 182, 'WWW_Users.php?'), array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(183, 'User Maintenance', 182, 'WWW_Users.php?'), $db);
InsertRecord('menu', array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(184, 'Role Permissions', 182, 'WWW_Access.php?'), array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(184, 'Role Permissions', 182, 'WWW_Access.php?'), $db);
InsertRecord('menu', array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(185, 'Menu Access Rights', 182, 'MenuAccess.php?'), array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(185, 'Menu Access Rights', 182, 'MenuAccess.php?'), $db);
InsertRecord('menu', array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(186, 'General Ledger Setup', 178, '#'), array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(186, 'General Ledger Setup', 178, '#'), $db);
InsertRecord('menu', array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(187, 'Bank Accounts', 186, 'BankAccounts.php?'), array('id', 'caption', 'parent', 'href'), array(187, 'Bank Accounts', 186, 'BankAccounts.php?'), $db);
CreateTable('usermenurights', "CREATE TABLE `usermenurights` (\n\t`userid` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n\t`menuid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n\t`access` tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,\n\tPRIMARY KEY  (`userid`, `menuid`)\n) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8", $db);
if (DB_table_exists('usermenurights', $db)) {
    $sql = "select userid FROM usermenurights";
    $result = DB_query($sql, $db);
    if (DB_num_rows($result) == 0) {
        $response = executeSQL("INSERT INTO `usermenurights` (userid,menuid,access) SELECT www_users.userid,  menu.`id`, 1 FROM menu, www_users", $db, False);
        if ($response == 0) {
            OutputResult(_('The usermenurights table has been populated'), 'success');
        } else {
            OutputResult(_('The usermenurights table could not be populated'), 'error');
    } else {
        OutputResult(_('The usermenurights table is already populated'), 'info');
} else {
    $response = executeSQL("INSERT INTO `usermenurights` (userid,menuid,access) SELECT www_users.userid,  menu.`id`, 1 FROM menu, www_users", $db, False);