/** * purpose: returns player names from DB in select box * params: default name = vpid, default selected = pid=0 * returns: HTML select box * webservice: snippets/retPlayerSelect.php */ function Select_Player($name_id = 'vpid', $pidsel = 0) { global $dbi, $user; $RS = DB_listPlayers($dbi); # we return -- pid,pfname,plname,pfkey1 -- $SEL = RecordsetToSelectOptionList($RS, array(0, 3, 2, 4), $name_id, $pidsel); return $SEL; }
/** * purpose: list specific players according to searchstring * params: findstring, findpassnr * returns: renders Page with Browsebar+PlayerTable */ function listall($findstr = '', $findpass = '', $firstLetter = '') { # zeigt einen Table mit einer SpielerListe an global $dbi, $realm_id, $playercode, $usertoken; if (sizeof($usertoken['registermap']) < 1) { die_red('Err58:RegisterMap'); } if (strlen($findstr) < 1 && strlen($findpass) < 1 && strlen($firstLetter) < 1) { $findstr = 'A'; } $aTH = array('Aktiv', 'Vorname', 'Nachname', 'Key-1', 'Key-2', 'PLZ', 'Wohnsitz'); $RS = DB_listPlayers($dbi, 0, $findstr, '', $findpass, '', '', $firstLetter); $target = $playercode . '?func=edit&vpid=%P1%'; $ROWS = RecordsetToClickTable($RS, 0, $target, 0); // OUTPUT // echo setPageTitle('<h3>Liste::Spielereinträge ' . $findstr . '</h3>'); echo LastNameBrowseBar($firstLetter); OpenTable('browse'); echo ArrayToTableHead($aTH); echo $ROWS; CloseTable(); debug('Anzahl der gefundenen Spieler = ' . sizeof($RS)); }
} else { $client_action = ''; } if (isset($_POST['pcaption']) && $_POST['pcaption'] != 'undefined') { $client_caption = strip_tags(utf8_decode(urldecode($_POST['pcaption']))); } else { $client_caption = 'Add'; } /* * security check on the length of params ... */ if (strlen($pass_nr) + strlen($last_name) < 4) { die('X'); } $dbi = sql_connect($dbhost, $dbuname, $dbpass, $dbname); $RS = DB_listPlayers($dbi, $player_id, $last_name, '', $pass_nr); if (sizeof($RS) > 15) { debug('Selection returns more than 15 rows ...'); return; } if (sizeof($RS) < 1) { debug('Search criteria returns nothing ...'); return; } if ($team_id > 0) { // this is a lineup manipulation request ... override active field by Team_id into RecordSet $RSOUT = array(); foreach ($RS as $R) { $r_out = $R; $r_out[1] = $team_id; $RSOUT[] = $r_out;