function CUSTOM_userEdit($uid)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES;
    $retval = '';
    $var = "Value from custom table";
    $cookietimeout = DB_getitem($_TABLES['users'], 'cookietimeout', $uid);
    $selection = '<select name="cooktime">' . LB;
    $selection .= COM_optionList($_TABLES['cookiecodes'], 'cc_value,cc_descr', $cookietimeout, 0);
    $selection .= '</select>';
    $retval .= '<tr>
        <td align="right">Remember user for:</td>
        <td>' . $selection . '</td>
    $retval .= '<tr>
        <td align="right"><b>Custom Fields:</b></td>
        <td><input type="text" name="custom1" size="50" value="' . $var . '"' . XHTML . '></td>
    $retval .= '<tr><td colspan="2"><hr' . XHTML . '></td></tr>';
    return $retval;
function updatePage($mode, $type)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_FILES, $_POST, $CONF_SE, $LANG_SE_ERR;
    global $_DB_name, $catid, $pageid;
    include_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/upload.class.php';
    $name = substr(htmlentities($_POST['name']), 0, 32);
    $pid = ppPrepareForDB($_POST['category']);
    $old_sid = ppPrepareForDB($_POST['old_sid']);
    $sid = ppPrepareForDB($_POST['sid'], true, 40);
    $pageorder = COM_applyFilter($_POST['pageorder'], true);
    if ($type == 'link') {
        $menutype = 3;
    } else {
        $menutype = COM_applyFilter($_POST['menu_type'], true);
    $blkformat = ppPrepareForDB($_POST['blk_format']);
    $heading = substr(htmlentities($_POST['heading']), 0, 255);
    $grp_access = ppPrepareForDB($_POST['grp_access']);
    $imgdelete = $_POST['imgdelete'];
    $chkscale = $_POST['chkscale'];
    $submenutype = COM_applyFilter($_POST['rad_submenu'], true);
    $blockmenutype = COM_applyFilter($_POST['rad_blockmenu'], true);
    $is_menu_newpage = $_POST['chknewwindow'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
    $is_draft = $_POST['chkdraft'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
    $show_breadcrumbs = $_POST['chkbreadcrumbs'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
    $owner_id = ppPrepareForDB($_POST['owner_id']);
    $group_id = ppPrepareForDB($_POST['group_id']);
    $perm_owner = $_POST['perm_owner'];
    $perm_group = $_POST['perm_group'];
    $perm_members = $_POST['perm_members'];
    $perm_anon = $_POST['perm_anon'];
    $pagetitle = substr(htmlentities($_POST['pagetitle']), 0, 255);
    $metadesc = ppPrepareForDB($_POST['metadesc']);
    $metakeywords = ppPrepareForDB($_POST['metakeywords']);
    // Convert array values to numeric permission values
    list($perm_owner, $perm_group, $perm_members, $perm_anon) = SEC_getPermissionValues($perm_owner, $perm_group, $perm_members, $perm_anon);
    // Allow full HTML in the introtext field
    if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
        $content = addslashes($_POST['sitecontent']);
        $help = addslashes($_POST['help']);
    } else {
        $content = $_POST['sitecontent'];
        $help = $_POST['help'];
    if ($sid != '') {
        $sid = COM_sanitizeID($sid);
    if ($sid != '' and DB_count($_TABLES['nexcontent_pages'], 'sid', $sid) > 0) {
        if ($sid != $old_sid) {
            $duplicate_sid = true;
            if ($old_sid == '') {
                $sid = "{$sid}_{$pid}";
                $dupmsg = ' - Duplicate Page ID';
            } else {
                $sid = $old_sid;
                $dupmsg = ' - Duplicate Page ID, Page ID not changed.';
    } else {
        $duplicate_sid = false;
    if ($mode == 'add') {
        $gid = uniqid($_DB_name, FALSE);
        $category = COM_applyFilter($category, true);
        if ($type == 'category') {
            // Create a new record - set the category value to 0
            DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['nexcontent_pages']} (pid,gid,type) values ({$category},'{$gid}','category')");
            $pageid = DB_insertID();
            $GLOBALS['statusmsg'] = 'New Category Added';
            $query = DB_query("SELECT max(pageorder) FROM {$_TABLES['nexcontent_pages']} WHERE type='category'");
            list($maxorder) = DB_fetchArray($query);
            $order = $maxorder + 10;
            DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['nexcontent_pages']} SET pageorder='{$order}' WHERE id='{$pageid}'");
        } else {
            // Create a new record - need to get the record id for the category
            DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['nexcontent_pages']} (pid,gid,type) values ('{$category}','{$gid}','{$type}')");
            $pageid = DB_insertID();
            $GLOBALS['statusmsg'] = 'New Page Added';
            $query = DB_query("SELECT max(pageorder) FROM {$_TABLES['nexcontent_pages']} WHERE pid='category'");
            list($maxorder) = DB_fetchArray($query);
            $order = $maxorder + 10;
            DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['nexcontent_pages']} SET pageorder='{$order}' WHERE id='{$pageid}'");
    } else {
        if ($type == 'category') {
            $GLOBALS['statusmsg'] = "{$name} Updated";
        } else {
            $GLOBALS['statusmsg'] = "{$name} Updated";
        if ($duplicate_sid) {
            $GLOBALS['statusmsg'] .= $dupmsg;
    DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['nexcontent_pages']} SET name='{$name}', blockformat='{$blkformat}', pid='{$pid}', sid='{$sid}', heading='{$heading}',content='{$content}', menutype='{$menutype}', is_menu_newpage='{$is_menu_newpage}', show_submenu='{$submenutype}', show_blockmenu='{$blockmenutype}', show_breadcrumbs='{$show_breadcrumbs}', is_draft='{$is_draft}', owner_id='{$owner_id}', group_id='{$group_id}', perm_owner='{$perm_owner}', perm_group='{$perm_group}', perm_members='{$perm_members}', perm_anon='{$perm_anon}' , pagetitle='{$pagetitle}', meta_description='{$metadesc}', meta_keywords='{$metakeywords}' WHERE id='{$pageid}'");
    DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['nexcontent']} SET help='{$help}'");
    //update the page order
    if ($pageorder != '' and $pageid != '') {
        DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['nexcontent_pages']} SET pageorder={$pageorder} WHERE id={$pageid};");
        $porder = DB_query("SELECT id FROM {$_TABLES['nexcontent_pages']} WHERE pid={$pid} ORDER BY pageorder ASC;");
        $i = 0;
        while ($ORDER = DB_fetchArray($porder)) {
            $i += 10;
            DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['nexcontent_pages']} SET pageorder={$i} WHERE id={$ORDER['id']};");
    $pageImageDir = $CONF_SE['uploadpath'] . "/{$pageid}/";
    // Check and see if directories exist
    if (!file_exists($pageImageDir)) {
        $mkdir = @mkdir($pageImageDir);
        $chmod = @chmod($pageImageDir, $CONF_SE['imagedir_perms']);
    // Delete any images if needed
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($imgdelete); $i++) {
        $curimage = DB_getitem($_TABLES['nexcontent_images'], "imagefile", "page_id='{$pageid}' AND imagenum='{$imgdelete[$i]}'");
        $fullimage = $pageImageDir . $curimage;
        if (!is_dir($fullimage) and file_exists($fullimage)) {
            if (!unlink($fullimage)) {
                echo COM_errorLog("Unable to delete image {$fullimage}. Please check file permissions");
                $GLOBALS['statusmsg'] = "Unable to delete image {$fullimage}. Please check file permissions";
        $pos = strrpos($curimage, '.');
        $origimage = strtolower(substr($curimage, 0, $pos));
        $ext = strtolower(substr($curimage, $pos));
        $origimage .= "_original{$ext}";
        $fullimage = $pageImageDir . $origimage;
        if (!is_dir($fullimage) and file_exists($fullimage)) {
            if (!unlink($fullimage)) {
                echo COM_errorLog("Unable to delete image {$fullimage}. Please check file permissions");
                $GLOBALS['statusmsg'] = "Unable to delete image {$fullimage}. Please check file permissions";
        $curthumbnail = $pageImageDir . 'tn' . $curimage;
        if (!is_dir($curthumbnail) and file_exists($curthumbnail)) {
            if (!unlink($curthumbnail)) {
                echo COM_errorLog("Unable to delete thumbnail for {$curthumbnail}. Please check file permissions");
                $GLOBALS['statusmsg'] = "Unable to delete thumbnail for {$curthumbnail}. Please check file permissions";
        DB_query("DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['nexcontent_images']} WHERE page_id='{$pageid}' and imagenum='{$imgdelete[$i]}'");
    $upload = new upload();
    $upload->setLogFile($_CONF['path_log'] . 'error.log');
    if ($_CONF['image_lib'] == 'imagemagick') {
    } else {
    $upload->setMaxDimensions($CONF_SE['max_upload_width'], $CONF_SE['max_upload_height']);
    if (!$upload->setPath($pageImageDir)) {
        $GLOBALS['statusmsg'] = $LANG_SE_ERR['upload1'] . ':&nbsp;' . $upload->printErrors(false);
    // OK, let's upload any pictures with this page
    if (DB_count($_TABLES['nexcontent_images'], 'page_id', $pageid) > 0) {
        $index_start = DB_getItem($_TABLES['nexcontent_images'], 'max(imagenum)', "page_id = '{$pageid}'") + 1;
    } else {
        $index_start = 1;
    $index_start = 1;
    $uniquename = time();
    $filenames = array();
    $imagenum = array();
    for ($z = 1; $z <= $CONF_SE['max_num_images']; $z++) {
        $curfile = current($_FILES);
        if (!empty($curfile['name'])) {
            $filenames[] = $uniquename . $z . '.jpg';
            $imagenum[] = substr(key($_FILES), 9, 1);
    if ($upload->areErrors()) {
        $GLOBALS['statusmsg'] = $LANG_SE_ERR['upload1'] . ':&nbsp;' . $upload->printErrors(false);
        return false;
    if (DB_count($_TABLES['nexcontent_pages'], "id", $pageid) > 0) {
        foreach ($filenames as $pageImage) {
            $index = current($imagenum);
            if (file_exists($pageImageDir . $pageImage)) {
                $src = $pageImageDir . $pageImage;
                $dest = $pageImageDir . 'tn' . $pageImage;
                makethumbnail($pageImage, $src, $dest);
                $iquery = DB_query("SELECT imagefile from {$_TABLES['nexcontent_images']} WHERE page_id='{$pageid}' AND imagenum='{$index}'");
                if (DB_numRows($iquery) == 0) {
                    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['nexcontent_images']} (page_id,imagenum,imagefile) values ('{$pageid}', '{$index}','{$pageImage}')");
                } elseif (DB_numRows($iquery) == 1) {
                    DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['nexcontent_images']} SET imagefile='{$pageImage}' WHERE page_id='{$pageid}' and imagenum='{$index}'");
    } else {
        $GLOBALS['statusmsg'] = 'Error saving category';
    // Update the image autoscale option for any images
    $query = DB_query("SELECT id,imagenum from {$_TABLES['nexcontent_images']} WHERE page_id='{$pageid}'");
    while (list($imageid, $imagenum) = DB_fetchArray($query)) {
        if ($chkscale[$imagenum] == '1') {
            DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['nexcontent_images']} SET autoscale = '1' WHERE id='{$imageid}' AND imagenum='{$imagenum}'");
        } else {
            DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['nexcontent_images']} SET autoscale = '0' WHERE id='{$imageid}' AND imagenum='{$imagenum}'");