文件: grids.php 项目: holandacz/nb4
     $gridfile = 'sr.php?gr=' . $gval['gridid'] . '&f=' . $_GET['gridsearch'] . '&x=' . time();
     $gval['hoverimage'] = $gval['animated'] = false;
 if ($gval['hoverimage'] || $gval['animated']) {
     print '<div id="ihover" style="position:relative;width:' . $gwidth . ';height:' . $gheight . '">';
 print '<table width=' . $gwidth . ' height=' . $gheight . ' style="background:url(' . $designpath . 'loading.gif) no-repeat;background-position:center 10;">';
 print '<tr><td><map name="grid_' . $gval['gridid'] . '">';
 // Jobs: Zufallspixel anzeigen ---------------
 if (is_array($SHOW_JOB[$gval['gridid']])) {
     print '<div id="jobs" style="position:relative;width:' . $gwidth . ';height:' . $gheight . '">';
 // -------------------------------------------
 if ($_GET['gridsearch']) {
     makemap(false, false, $gval['gridid'], true, DB_array("SELECT userid FROM " . $dbprefix . "user WHERE (url LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($_GET['gridsearch'])) . "%' OR title LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($_GET['gridsearch'])) . "%') AND submit IS NOT NULL AND gridid='" . $gval['gridid'] . "'", '+'), true);
 } else {
     @(include 'grids/area_' . $gval['gridid'] . '.htm');
 print '</map>';
 if ($_GET['zoom']) {
     print '<div id="zoom" onmouseover="zoom_on(event,' . $gwidth . ',' . $gheight . ',\'' . $gridfile . '?x=' . @filemtime($gridfile) . '\');" onmousemove="zoom_move(event);" onmouseout="zoom_off();">';
     print '<img src="' . $gridfile . '?x=' . @filemtime($gridfile) . '" style="position:relative;z-index:0;padding:0;margin:0;border:0" width=' . $gwidth . ' height=' . $gheight . ' usemap="#grid_' . $gval['gridid'] . '" /></div>';
 } else {
     print '<img src="' . $gridfile . '?x=' . @filemtime($gridfile) . '" width=' . $gwidth . ' height=' . $gheight . ' usemap="#grid_' . $gval['gridid'] . '" ' . ($gval['buy_on_click'] && !$gval['dontbuy'] ? ' onClick="if(!tooo) location.href=\'getp.php?gr=' . $gval['gridid'] . $trackpage_ . '\'" style="cursor:hand"' : '') . '>';
 // Jobs: Zufallspixel anzeigen ---------------
 if (is_array($SHOW_JOB[$gval['gridid']])) {
     print $SHOW_JOB[$gval['gridid']]['url'] . '<img src="' . $designpath . 'marked_pixel.gif" style="width:' . $gval['blocksize_x'] . ';height:' . $gval['blocksize_y'] . ';position:absolute;left:' . (fsubstr($SHOW_JOB[$gval['gridid']]['field'] - 1, -2) * $gval['blocksize_x'] + $x_plus) . 'px;top:' . ((int) (($SHOW_JOB[$gval['gridid']]['field'] - 1) / 100) * $gval['blocksize_y'] + $y_plus) . 'px;z-index:0"></a></div>';
 // -------------------------------------------
function calculate_costs($f_hidden, $gridid)
    global $dbprefix, $LANG_ACTIVE, $lang;
    if (!$gridid || empty($f_hidden)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $p = array();
        $p = DB_array("SELECT felder,price_private,price_comm FROM " . $dbprefix . "zones t1 LEFT JOIN " . $dbprefix . "prices t2 ON(zonetype=price_id) WHERE t1.gridid='" . (int) $gridid . "' AND zonetype>0", '*');
        $G = DB_query("SELECT blockprice,currency FROM " . $dbprefix . "grids WHERE gridid='" . (int) $gridid . "'", '*');
        $f_hidden = array_unique($f_hidden);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($f_hidden); $i++) {
            $found = false;
            while (list(, $v) = each($p)) {
                if (strpos(',' . $v['felder'] . ',', ',' . $f_hidden[$i] . ',') === false) {
                } else {
                    $found = true;
            $P['summe_private'] += !$found ? $G['blockprice'] : $v['price_private'];
            $P['summe_comm'] += !$found ? $G['blockprice'] : $v['price_comm'];
        $CURR_DEC = (int) DB_query("SELECT `dec` FROM " . $dbprefix . "currency WHERE iso='" . $G['currency'] . "'", 'dec');
        $P['summe_private_formatted'] = number_format($P['summe_private'], $CURR_DEC, $LANG_ACTIVE[$lang]['dec_point'], $LANG_ACTIVE[$lang]['thousands']);
        $P['summe_comm_formatted'] = number_format($P['summe_comm'], $CURR_DEC, $LANG_ACTIVE[$lang]['dec_point'], $LANG_ACTIVE[$lang]['thousands']);
        $P['summe_private_formatted_curr'] = $P['summe_private_formatted'] . ' ' . $G['currency'];
        $P['summe_comm_formatted_curr'] = $P['summe_comm_formatted'] . ' ' . $G['currency'];
        return $P;
文件: blog.php 项目: holandacz/nb4
*   This script code is protected by international Copyright Law.
*   Any violations of copyright will be dealt with seriously,
*   and offenders will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
*   This program is not for free, you have to buy a copy-license for your domain.
*   This copyright notice and the header above have to remain intact.
*   You do not have the permission to sell the code or parts of this code or chanced
*   parts of this code for this program.
*   This program is distributed "as is" and without warranty of any
*   kind, either express or implied.
*   Please check
*   http://www.texmedia.de
*   for Bugfixes, Updates and Support.
@ini_set('include_path', ".");
include 'incs/functions.php';
$VERSIONS[basename(__FILE__)] = "3.01";
#$filenamenr = basename(__FILE__);
include 'header.php';
if (!($blog = DB_array("SELECT * FROM " . $dbprefix . "blog WHERE lang='{$lang}' ORDER by blog_datetime DESC", '*'))) {
    $blog = DB_array("SELECT * FROM " . $dbprefix . "blog WHERE lang='" . mysql_real_escape_string($CONFIG['standard_language']) . "' OR lang IS NULL ORDER by blog_datetime DESC", '*');
if (is_array($blog)) {
    while (list(, $bl) = each($blog)) {
        $blog_content .= '<br><font class="blog_date">' . date($CONFIG['date_format'], strtotime($bl['blog_datetime']) + 3600 * $CONFIG['timezone']) . '</font><h2 class="blog_title">' . $bl['blog_title'] . '</h2>' . nl2br(html_entity_decode($bl['blog_content'])) . '<hr class="blog_line">';
$TMP['%[CONTENT]%'] = $blog_content;
print template($LANGDIR . 'blog.htm', $TMP);
include 'footer.php';
文件: index.php 项目: holandacz/nb4
 function page_text_template($pageid, $renameid = false, $delete = false)
     if (!$pageid) {
         return false;
     global $dbprefix;
     if (!($lgs = DB_array("SELECT * FROM " . $dbprefix . "languages WHERE active=1", '*'))) {
         return false;
     $error = true;
     while (list(, $langua) = each($lgs)) {
         if ($delete === true) {
             if (@unlink('../lang/' . $langua['code'] . '/page_' . $pageid . '_get.htm')) {
                 $error = false;
         } elseif ((int) $renameid > 0) {
             if (@rename('../lang/' . $langua['code'] . '/page_' . $renameid . '_get.htm', '../lang/' . $langua['code'] . '/grid_' . $pageid . '_get.htm')) {
                 $error = false;
         } else {
             if (!@file_exists('../lang/' . $langua['code'] . '/page_' . $pageid . '_get.htm')) {
                 if (@copy('../lang/' . $langua['code'] . '/standard_get.htm', '../lang/' . $langua['code'] . '/page_' . $pageid . '_get.htm')) {
                     $error = false;
     if ($error) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
文件: feedb.php 项目: holandacz/nb4
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    if (empty($_POST['email'])) {
        $Nachricht .= $newpoint . $_SP[4] . "<br>";
    } elseif (!empty($_POST['email']) && !eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@([a-z0-9-]+\\.){1,3}([a-z0-9-]{2,3})\$", $_POST['email'])) {
        $Nachricht .= $newpoint . $_SP[5] . "<br>\n";
    if (empty($_POST['betreff']) && !$pflichtbetreff) {
        $Nachricht .= $newpoint . $_SP[54] . "<br>\n";
    if (empty($_POST['text'])) {
        $Nachricht .= $newpoint . $_SP[55] . "<br>\n";
    if (!$Nachricht) {
        // Geblockte emails checken
        if ($BAN_DATA = DB_array("SELECT ban FROM " . $dbprefix . "ban WHERE ban_feedback=1", '+')) {
            while (list(, $d) = each($BAN_DATA)) {
                if (strpos($d, '%') === false) {
                    if (strtolower($_POST['email']) == strtolower($d)) {
                        $banned = true;
                } else {
                    if (stristr($_POST['email'], str_replace('%', '', $d))) {
                        $banned = true;
        if ($banned) {
文件: pay.php 项目: holandacz/nb4
*   This program is distributed "as is" and without warranty of any
*   kind, either express or implied.
*   Please check
*   http://www.texmedia.de
*   for Bugfixes, Updates and Support.
@ini_set('include_path', ".");
$getprocess = true;
include_once 'incs/functions.php';
$VERSIONS[basename(__FILE__)] = "3.3 PRO";
if ($recheck || (int) $_GET['u'] && ($recheck = DB_query("SELECT *,DATE_FORMAT(regdat,'%d.%m.%Y') AS d FROM " . $dbprefix . "user WHERE submit IS NULL AND userid='" . (int) $_GET['u'] . "'", '*'))) {
    // Grid neu laden, da evtl. anders als Startseite sein kann:
    $GRID_TO_PAY = DB_query("SELECT exchange_rate,pay_currency,vat,plugin FROM " . $dbprefix . "grids WHERE gridid='" . (int) $recheck['gridid'] . " LIMIT 1'", '*');
    // Zahlungsmöglichkeiten laden
    $PAYMETHOD = DB_array("SELECT * FROM " . $dbprefix . "currency", '+++');
    // Templates für die Zahlungsintegration
    $AMOUNT = $recheck['amount'];
    $CURR = strtoupper($recheck['currency']);
    $MWST = $recheck['vat'];
    $MWST_ADD = $recheck['vat_add'];
    $PAYTMP['%[CUSTOMER_URL]%'] = $recheck['url'];
    $PAYTMP['%[CUSTOMER_EMAIL]%'] = $recheck['email'];
    $PAYTMP['%[USERID]%'] = $recheck['userid'];
    $PAYTMP['%[PIXELBLOCKS]%'] = (int) $recheck['kaesten'];
    // Betrag
    $PAYTMP['%[B]%'] = $PAYTMP['%[BASE_AMOUNT]%'] = $PAYTMP['%[AMOUNT]%'] = number_format($AMOUNT, (int) $PAYMETHOD[$CURR]['dec'], $LANG_ACTIVE[$lang]['dec_point'], $LANG_ACTIVE[$lang]['thousands']) . ' ' . $CURR;
    // Mit Mehrwertsteuerausweisung
    if ($MWST > 0) {
        // Mwst hinzu
        if ($MWST_ADD) {
    case '3':
        $sa = 'a';
        $sort = 'kaesten';
        $sa = '';
        $sort = 'kaesten DESC';
if ($_GET['f']) {
    $find = "(url LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['f']) . "%' OR title LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['f']) . "%') AND ";
if ($_GET['global']) {
    $IN_GRIDS = '';
$data1 = DB_array("SELECT url,title,bildext,regdat,kaesten,t1.userid,target,new_window,popup,popup_height,popup_width,real_url,blocksize_x,blocksize_y FROM " . $dbprefix . "user t1 LEFT JOIN " . $dbprefix . "grids t2 ON(t1.gridid=t2.gridid) WHERE {$find} submit IS NOT NULL " . str_replace('gridid', 't2.gridid', $IN_GRIDS) . " ORDER BY " . $sort, '*');
$TMP['%[CONTENT]%'] = '';
if (count($data1)) {
    while (list(, $d) = each($data1)) {
        $href = !$d['real_url'] || empty($d['url']) ? 'index.php?u=' . $d['userid'] : $d['url'];
        if (empty($d['target'])) {
            $blank = $d['new_window'] ? ' target="_blank"' : '';
        } else {
            $blank = ' target="' . htmlspecialchars($d['target'], ENT_QUOTES) . '"';
        if ($d['popup'] && empty($d['url'])) {
            $href = 'javascript:P(\'' . $href . '\',\'' . $d['userid'] . '\',\'sr\',' . (int) $d['popup_width'] . ',' . (int) $d['popup_height'] . ')';
            $blank = '';
        $onClick = $d['real_url'] && !empty($d['url']) ? ' onClick="window.open(\'index.php?u=' . $d['userid'] . '\',\'' . htmlspecialchars($d['target'], ENT_QUOTES) . '\')"' : '';
        $d['anzeige'] = $d['title'] != '' ? $d['title'] : $d['url'];
文件: jobs.php 项目: holandacz/nb4
*   This copyright notice and the header above have to remain intact.
*   You do not have the permission to sell the code or parts of this code or chanced
*   parts of this code for this program.
*   This program is distributed "as is" and without warranty of any
*   kind, either express or implied.
*   Please check
*   http://www.texmedia.de
*   for Bugfixes, Updates and Support.
$VERSIONS[basename(__FILE__)] = "3.0";
if (eregi(basename(__FILE__), $HTTP_SERVER_VARS[REQUEST_URI])) {
    die("You can't access this file directly! Please go to the startpage!");
$JOB_IN_GRIDS = $IN_GRIDS ? "AND ( job_gridid IN(" . implode(',', $gridids) . ") OR job_gridid=0 )" : '';
if ($ACTIVE_JOBS = DB_array("SELECT * FROM " . $dbprefix . "jobs WHERE (( job_type=1 AND job_laststart IS NOT NULL AND job_fieldhighlight>0 AND ADDDATE(job_laststart, INTERVAL job_fieldhighlight HOUR) >= NOW() )" . " OR ( job_type>1 AND job_active=1 )" . ") {$JOB_IN_GRIDS}", '*')) {
    $SHOW_JOB = $SHOW_POPUP = array();
    $popupcounter = 0;
    while (list(, $job) = each($ACTIVE_JOBS)) {
        // Zufallsfeld anzeigen
        if ($job['job_type'] == 1) {
            $SHOW_JOB[$job['job_selected_gridid']]['field'] = $job['job_selected_field'];
            $SHOW_JOB[$job['job_selected_gridid']]['xy'] = $job['job_selected_position'];
            $SHOW_JOB[$job['job_selected_gridid']]['userid'] = $job['job_selected_userid'];
            $SHOW_JOB[$job['job_selected_gridid']]['selfw'] = $job['job_selfwindow'] ? '' : 'target="_blank"';
            if ($job['job_url']) {
                // Platzhalter
                $job['job_url'] = str_replace('[url]', urlencode($job_userdata['url']), $job['job_url']);
                $job['job_url'] = str_replace('[title]', urlencode($job_userdata['title']), $job['job_url']);
                $job['job_url'] = str_replace('[userid]', urlencode($job_userdata['userid']), $job['job_url']);
                $SHOW_JOB[$job['job_selected_gridid']]['url'] = '<a href="' . $job['job_url'] . '" ' . $SHOW_JOB[$job['job_selected_gridid']]['selfw'] . '>';
文件: getp.php 项目: holandacz/nb4
     $Fehlerfeld['email2'] = true;
 } elseif ($_POST['email'] != $_POST['email2']) {
     $Nachricht .= $newpoint . $_SP[7] . '<br>';
     $Fehlerfeld['email'] = true;
     $Fehlerfeld['email2'] = true;
 $KOSTEN = calculate_costs($f_hidden, (int) $_GET['gr']);
 $BETRAG = $KOSTEN['summe_private'];
 if ($GRID[(int) $_POST['gr']]['unique_url'] && !empty($_POST['url'])) {
     if ($regdat = DB_query("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(regdat,'%d.%m.%Y') AS d FROM " . $dbprefix . "user WHERE gridid='" . (int) $_POST['gr'] . "'AND (email='" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']) . "' OR url='" . mysql_real_escape_string($http[(int) $_POST['host']] . strtolower($_POST['url'])) . "' OR url='" . mysql_real_escape_string(str_replace('www.', '', $http[(int) $_POST['host']] . $_POST['url'])) . "')", 'd')) {
         $Nachricht .= $newpoint . sprintf($_SP[8], $regdat);
         $Fehlerfeld['url'] = true;
         $Fehlerfeld['email'] = true;
 if ($BAN_DATA = DB_array("SELECT ban,ban_url,ban_title,ban_email FROM " . $dbprefix . "ban WHERE ban_url=1 OR ban_title=1 OR ban_email", '*')) {
     while (list(, $d) = each($BAN_DATA)) {
         if (strpos($d['ban'], '%') === false) {
             $checkban = "/\\b" . preg_quote($d['ban'], "/") . "\\b/i";
         } else {
             $checkban = "/\\b" . str_replace('%', '(.*)', preg_quote($d['ban'], "/")) . "\\b/i";
         if ($d['ban_email'] && preg_match($checkban, $_POST['email'])) {
             $Nachricht .= $newpoint . $_SP[122] . '<br>';
         if ($d['ban_url'] && preg_match($checkban, $_POST['url'])) {
             $Nachricht .= $newpoint . $_SP[123] . '<br>';
         if ($d['ban_title'] && preg_match($checkban, $_POST['title'])) {
             $Nachricht .= $newpoint . $_SP[124] . '<br>';
文件: mailing.php 项目: holandacz/nb4
     $Nachricht .= $newpoint . $_SP[4] . '<br>';
     $Fehlerfeld[] = "form[e_email]";
 } elseif (!empty($_POST['e_email']) && !eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@([a-z0-9-]+\\.){1,3}([a-z0-9-]{2,3})\$", $_POST['e_email'])) {
     $Nachricht .= $newpoint . $_SP[5] . '<br>';
     $Fehlerfeld[] = "form[e_email]";
 } elseif ($_POST['a'] == 2 && !DB_query("DELETE FROM " . $dbprefix . "mailinglist WHERE email='" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['e_email']) . "'", '#')) {
     $Nachricht .= $newpoint . $_SP[46] . '<br>';
 } elseif ($_POST['a'] == 1 && DB_query("SELECT email FROM " . $dbprefix . "mailinglist WHERE email='" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['e_email']) . "'", '#')) {
     $Nachricht .= $newpoint . $_SP[47] . '<br>';
 if (!$Nachricht) {
     if ($_POST['a'] == 2) {
         $entfernt = true;
     } else {
         // Geblockte emails checken
         if ($BAN_DATA = DB_array("SELECT ban FROM " . $dbprefix . "ban WHERE ban_newsletter=1", '+')) {
             while (list(, $d) = each($BAN_DATA)) {
                 if (strpos($d, '%') === false) {
                     if (strtolower($_POST['e_email']) == strtolower($d)) {
                         $banned = true;
                 } else {
                     if (stristr($_POST['e_email'], str_replace('%', '', $d))) {
                         $banned = true;
         if ($banned) {
*   This copyright notice and the header above have to remain intact.
*   You do not have the permission to sell the code or parts of this code or chanced
*   parts of this code for this program.
*   This program is distributed "as is" and without warranty of any
*   kind, either express or implied.
*   Please check
*   http://www.texmedia.de
*   for Bugfixes, Updates and Support.
@ini_set('include_path', ".");
include_once 'incs/functions.php';
$VERSIONS[basename(__FILE__)] = "3.01 PRO";
$filenamenr = basename(__FILE__);
include_once 'header.php';
$USED_CURR = DB_array("SELECT iso,`dec` FROM " . $dbprefix . "currency", '++');
// Featured Ads
if ($pixel_used) {
    $biggest_ad = DB_query("SELECT url,title,hits,bild,userid,gridid,kaesten FROM " . $dbprefix . "user WHERE submit IS NOT NULL {$IN_GRIDS} ORDER BY kaesten DESC LIMIT 1", '*');
    if ($GRID[$biggest_ad['gridid']]['featured_ads']) {
        $temp_href = $GRID[$biggest_ad['gridid']]['track_clicks'] ? 'index.php?u=' . $biggest_ad['userid'] : $biggest_ad['url'];
        $temp_hits = $GRID[$biggest_ad['gridid']]['track_clicks'] && $GRID[$biggest_ad['gridid']]['show_clicks'] ? ' (' . $biggest_ad['hits'] . ')' : '';
        $temp_title = $GRID[$biggest_ad['gridid']]['show_box'] ? ' onmouseover="return escape(\'' . htmlspecialchars(addslashes($biggest_ad['title'])) . $temp_hits . '\')"' : ' title="' . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($biggest_ad['title'])) . $temp_hits . '"';
        $TEMP['%[MIN_BLOCKS]%'] = $biggest_ad['kaesten'] + 1;
        $TEMP['%[BIGGEST_AD]%'] = '<a href="' . $temp_href . '" target="_blank"' . $temp_title . '><img src="sp.php?u=' . $biggest_ad['userid'] . '"></a>';
        $latest_ad = DB_query("SELECT url,title,hits,bild,userid,gridid FROM " . $dbprefix . "user WHERE submit IS NOT NULL {$IN_GRIDS} ORDER BY submit DESC LIMIT 1", '*');
        $temp_href = $GRID[$latest_ad['gridid']]['track_clicks'] ? 'index.php?u=' . $latest_ad['userid'] : $latest_ad['url'];
        $temp_hits = $GRID[$latest_ad['gridid']]['track_clicks'] && $GRID[$latest_ad['gridid']]['show_clicks'] ? ' (' . $latest_ad['hits'] . ')' : '';
        $temp_title = $GRID[$latest_ad['gridid']]['show_box'] ? ' onmouseover="return escape(\'' . htmlspecialchars(addslashes($latest_ad['title'])) . $temp_hits . '\')"' : 'title="' . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($latest_ad['title'])) . $temp_hits;
        $TEMP['%[LATEST_AD]%'] = '<a href="' . $temp_href . '" target="_blank"' . $temp_title . '><img src="sp.php?u=' . $latest_ad['userid'] . '"></a>';
        $featured_ads = template($LANGDIR . 'featured_ads.htm', $TEMP);
#$filenamenr = basename(__FILE__);
include_once 'header.php';
if ($BAN_DATA = DB_array("SELECT ban FROM " . $dbprefix . "ban WHERE ban_referrer=1", '+')) {
    $bans = array();
    while (list(, $d) = each($BAN_DATA)) {
        if (strpos($d, '%') === false) {
            $bans[] = "referrer<>'" . mysql_real_escape_string($d) . "'";
        } else {
            $bans[] = "referrer NOT LIKE '" . mysql_real_escape_string($d) . "'";
    $BAN = implode(' AND ', $bans);
    $andBAN = 'AND ' . $BAN;
$data1 = DB_array("SELECT referrer,COUNT(*) AS hits FROM " . $dbprefix . "ip t1 LEFT JOIN " . $dbprefix . "referrer t2 USING(refid) WHERE dailydatum=SUBDATE(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) AND referrer<>'' {$andBAN} GROUP BY t1.refid ORDER BY hits DESC LIMIT " . (int) $CONFIG['referrer_value'], '*');
$data2 = DB_array("SELECT referrer,hits FROM " . $dbprefix . "referrer WHERE referrer<>'' {$andBAN} ORDER BY hits DESC LIMIT " . (int) $CONFIG['referrer_value'], '*');
        <table cellspacing=5>
if (count($data1)) {
    print '<tr><td colspan=5><br><br><b>' . sprintf($_SP[77], (int) $CONFIG['referrer_value']) . '</b><br><br></td>';
    while (list(, $d) = each($data1)) {
        print '<tr><td align=center><b>' . ++$i . '.&nbsp;&nbsp;</b></td><td style="padding-right:20"><b><a href="http://' . $d['referrer'] . '" target=_blank>' . htmlspecialchars($d['referrer']) . '</a></b></td><td><b>' . $d['hits'] . '</b></td></tr>';
$i = 0;
if (count($data2)) {
    print '<tr><td colspan=5><br><br><br><b>' . sprintf($_SP[78], (int) $CONFIG['referrer_value']) . '</b><br><br></td>';
    while (list(, $d) = each($data2)) {
        print '<tr><td align=center><b>' . ++$i . '.&nbsp;&nbsp;</b></td><td style="padding-right:20"><b><a href="http://' . $d['referrer'] . '" target=_blank>' . htmlspecialchars($d['referrer']) . '</a></b></td><td><b>' . $d['hits'] . '</b></td></tr>';
文件: mail.php 项目: holandacz/nb4
     while (list(, $evalue) = each($emailempfs)) {
         if (!empty($evalue)) {
             if (!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@([a-z0-9-]+\\.){1,3}([a-z0-9-]{2,4})\$", $evalue)) {
                 $Nachricht .= $newpoint . $_SP[56] . "<br>";
             } else {
                 // ok!
                 $emails[][0] = $evalue;
 } elseif ($_POST['an'] == 1) {
     // Rundmail an alle
     $emails = DB_array("SELECT email FROM " . $dbprefix . "user WHERE submit IS NOT NULL GROUP BY email", '#');
 } elseif ($_POST['an'] == 2) {
     // Rundmail nur an alle Newsletterempfänger
     $emails = DB_array("SELECT email FROM " . $dbprefix . "mailinglist GROUP BY email", '#');
 if (empty($_POST['betreff'])) {
     $Nachricht .= $newpoint . $_SP[57] . "<br>";
 if (empty($_POST['text'])) {
     $Nachricht .= $newpoint . $_SP[58] . "<br>";
 if (empty($_POST['absender'])) {
     $Nachricht .= $newpoint . $_SP[59] . "<br>";
 // Mail schreiben
 if (!$Nachricht && $emails) {
     while (list($k, $v) = each($emails)) {
         $bcc .= "Bcc: " . $v[0] . "\n";
         $_bcc[] = $v[0];
文件: sr.php 项目: holandacz/nb4
*   Million Pixel Script (R)
*   (C) 2005-2006 by texmedia.de, all rights reserved.
*   "Million Pixel Script" and "Pixel Script" is a registered Trademark of texmedia.
*   This script code is protected by international Copyright Law.
*   Any violations of copyright will be dealt with seriously,
*   and offenders will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
*   This program is not for free, you have to buy a copy-license for your domain.
*   This copyright notice and the header above have to remain intact.
*   You do not have the permission to sell the code or parts of this code or chanced
*   parts of this code for this program.
*   This program is distributed "as is" and without warranty of any
*   kind, either express or implied.
*   Please check
*   http://www.texmedia.de
*   for Bugfixes, Updates and Support.
@ini_set('include_path', ".");
$VERSIONS[basename(__FILE__)] = "3.0";
$showpicprocess = true;
include_once 'incs/functions.php';
if ($_GET['f']) {
    $find = "(url LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($_GET['f'])) . "%' OR title LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($_GET['f'])) . "%') AND ";
$data = DB_array("SELECT userid FROM " . $dbprefix . "user WHERE {$find} submit IS NOT NULL AND gridid='" . (int) $_GET['gr'] . "'", '+');
print makemap(false, false, (int) $_GET['gr'], true, $data);
文件: faq.php 项目: holandacz/nb4
*   This program is not for free, you have to buy a copy-license for your domain.
*   This copyright notice and the header above have to remain intact.
*   You do not have the permission to sell the code or parts of this code or chanced
*   parts of this code for this program.
*   This program is distributed "as is" and without warranty of any
*   kind, either express or implied.
*   Please check
*   http://www.texmedia.de
*   for Bugfixes, Updates and Support.
@ini_set('include_path', ".");
include 'incs/functions.php';
$VERSIONS[basename(__FILE__)] = "3.03";
#$filenamenr = basename(__FILE__);
include 'header.php';
$TMP['%[CONTENT]%'] = '';
if (!($faq = DB_array("SELECT * FROM " . $dbprefix . "faq WHERE lang='{$lang}' ORDER by faq_nr,faq_id", '*'))) {
    $faq = DB_array("SELECT * FROM " . $dbprefix . "faq WHERE lang='" . mysql_real_escape_string($CONFIG['standard_language']) . "' OR lang IS NULL ORDER by faq_nr,faq_id", '*');
if (is_array($faq)) {
    while (list(, $fq) = each($faq)) {
        $TMP['%[CONTENT]%'] .= '<br><a name="' . $fq['faq_id'] . '"></a><h2 class="faq_question">' . $fq['faq_question'] . '</h2>' . nl2br(html_entity_decode($fq['faq_answer'])) . '<hr class="faq_line">';
        $TMP['%[FAQ_INDEX]%'] .= '<li class="faq_line"><a href="faq.php?pa=' . $PAGE_ID . '#' . $fq['faq_id'] . '"><h2 class="faq_question">' . $fq['faq_question'] . '</h2></a></li>';
$TMP['%[CONTENT]%'] = '<ul class="faq_line">' . $TMP['%[FAQ_INDEX]%'] . '</ul><hr class="faq_line">' . $TMP['%[CONTENT]%'];
print template($LANGDIR . 'faq.htm', $TMP);
include 'footer.php';
             $jobs_posx = (int) (($jobs_random_fieldnr - 1) / 100) * $jobs_random_blocksize_x + $jobs_random_x_plus;
             $jobs_posy = fsubstr($jobs_random_fieldnr - 1, -2) * $jobs_random_blocksize_y + $jobs_random_y_plus;
             $jobs_positions = $jobs_posx . "/" . $jobs_posy;
         $job_inactive_now = $job['job_date'] ? 'job_active=0,' : '';
         DB_query("UPDATE " . $dbprefix . "jobs SET " . $job_inactive_now . "job_laststart=NOW(),job_selected_userid='" . $jobs_random_field['userid'] . "',job_selected_field=" . (int) $jobs_random_fieldnr . ",job_selected_gridid='" . $jobs_random_gridid . "',job_selected_position='" . $jobs_positions . "' WHERE job_id='" . $job['job_id'] . "'", '#');
         $tmp['%[GRIDID]%'] = $jobs_random_gridid;
         $tmp['%[FIELD]%'] = $jobs_random_fieldnr;
         $tmp['%[POS_X]%'] = $jobs_posx;
         $tmp['%[POS_Y]%'] = $jobs_posy;
         // Mail an User
         if ($job['job_email_user'] && $jobs_random_field['email']) {
             // Sprache checken
             if ($jobs_random_field['lang'] != $CONFIG['standard_language']) {
                 if (!$active_languages) {
                     $active_languages = DB_array("SELECT code FROM " . $dbprefix . "languages WHERE active=1", '+');
                 $jobs_random_field['lang'] = in_array($jobs_random_field['lang'], $active_languages) ? $jobs_random_field['lang'] : $CONFIG['standard_language'];
             sendmail($jobs_random_field['email'], template('lang/' . $jobs_random_field['lang'] . '/' . $job['job_email_user'] . '', $tmp), '', '"' . $CONFIG['domainname'] . '" <' . $CONFIG['email_webmaster'] . '>');
         // Mail an Admin
         if ($job['job_email_admin']) {
             $tmp['%[USERID]%'] = $jobs_random_field['userid'];
             $tmp['%[EMAIL]%'] = $jobs_random_field['email'];
             $tmp['%[URL]%'] = $jobs_random_field['url'];
             $tmp['%[JOBNAME]%'] = $job['job_name'];
             sendmail($CONFIG['email_webmaster'], template('control/lang/mail_admin_jobinfo_field_' . $CONFIG['admin_language'] . '.txt', $tmp), '', '"' . $CONFIG['domainname'] . '" <' . $CONFIG['email_webmaster'] . '>');
     $Fehlerfeld[] = "form[e_email]";
 } elseif (!empty($_POST['e_email']) && !eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@([a-z0-9-]+\\.){1,3}([a-z0-9-]{2,3})\$", $_POST['e_email'])) {
     $Nachricht .= $newpoint . $_SP[5] . '<br>';
     $Fehlerfeld[] = "form[e_email]";
 // Email Empfänger
 if (empty($_POST['e_email_e'])) {
     $Nachricht .= $newpoint . $_SP[31] . '<br>';
     $Fehlerfeld[] = "form[e_email_e]";
 } elseif (!empty($_POST['e_email_e']) && !eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@([a-z0-9-]+\\.){1,3}([a-z0-9-]{2,3})\$", $_POST['e_email_e'])) {
     $Nachricht .= $newpoint . $_SP[32] . '<br>';
     $Fehlerfeld[] = "form[e_email_e]";
 if (!$Nachricht) {
     // Geblockte emails checken
     if ($BAN_DATA = DB_array("SELECT ban FROM " . $dbprefix . "ban WHERE ban_recommend=1", '+')) {
         while (list(, $d) = each($BAN_DATA)) {
             if (strpos($d, '%') === false) {
                 if (strtolower($_POST['e_email']) == strtolower($d) || strtolower($_POST['e_email_e']) == strtolower($d)) {
                     $banned = true;
             } else {
                 if (stristr($_POST['e_email'], str_replace('%', '', $d)) || stristr($_POST['e_email_e'], str_replace('%', '', $d))) {
                     $banned = true;
     if ($banned) {
文件: ranking.php 项目: holandacz/nb4
$VERSIONS[basename(__FILE__)] = "3.0 PRO";
$filenamenr = basename(__FILE__);
include_once 'header.php';
if ($BAN_DATA = DB_array("SELECT ban FROM " . $dbprefix . "ban WHERE ban_top=1", '+')) {
    $bans = array();
    while (list(, $d) = each($BAN_DATA)) {
        if (strpos($d, '%') === false) {
            $bans[] = "url<>'" . mysql_real_escape_string($d) . "' AND title<>'" . mysql_real_escape_string($d) . "'";
        } else {
            $bans[] = "url NOT LIKE '" . mysql_real_escape_string($d) . "' AND title NOT LIKE '" . mysql_real_escape_string($d) . "'";
    $andBAN = 'AND (' . implode(' AND ', $bans) . ')';
$data1 = DB_array("SELECT url,title,hits,t2.userid,COUNT(*) AS hits FROM " . $dbprefix . "ip t1 LEFT JOIN " . $dbprefix . "user t2 USING(userid) WHERE submit IS NOT NULL AND dailydatum=SUBDATE(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) {$andBAN} {$IN_GRIDS} GROUP BY t1.userid ORDER BY hits DESC LIMIT " . (int) $CONFIG['ranking_value'], '*');
$data2 = DB_array("SELECT url,title,hits,userid FROM " . $dbprefix . "user WHERE submit IS NOT NULL AND hits>0 {$andBAN} {$IN_GRIDS} ORDER BY hits DESC LIMIT " . (int) $CONFIG['ranking_value'], '*');
        <table cellspacing=5>
if (count($data1)) {
    print '<tr><td colspan=5><b>' . sprintf($_SP[29], (int) $CONFIG['ranking_value']) . '</b><br><br></td>';
    while (list(, $d) = each($data1)) {
        $url = parse_url($d['url']);
        $urldomain = str_replace('www.', '', $url['host']);
        print '<tr><td align=center' . $col . '><b>' . ++$i . '.&nbsp;&nbsp;</b></td><td style="padding-right:20"><img src="sp.php?u=' . $d['userid'] . '"></td><td style="padding-right:20"' . $col . '><b><a href="' . $d['url'] . '" target=_blank>' . $urldomain . '</a></b></td><td style="padding-right:20;"' . $col . '>' . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($d['title'])) . '</td></tr>';
$i = 0;
if (count($data2)) {
    print '<tr><td colspan=5><br><br><br><b>' . sprintf($_SP[30], (int) $CONFIG['ranking_value']) . '</b><br><br></td>';