function obtenerArancel($colegio_ID, $curso, $aran_anio) { DBConnect($this->dbh, BD_SIGA); $SQL = "SELECT * FROM arancel WHERE FK_colegios_colegio_ID = '{$colegio_ID}'\r\n AND FK_curso = '{$curso}'\r\n AND aran_anio = '{$aran_anio}'"; $result = DBQuery($SQL, $this->dbh); $row = DBFetchArray($result); DBConnect($dbh); //dpr($_SESSION['colegio']->colegio_ID); if (!$row['aran_monto']) { switch ($_SESSION['colegio']->colegio_ID) { case "abello": $row['aran_monto'] = ArancelColegio::ABELLO; break; case "edupac": $row['aran_monto'] = ArancelColegio::EDUPAC; break; case "dor": if (substr($curso, 0, -1) >= 9) { $row['aran_monto'] = ArancelColegio::DOR_MEDIA; } else { $row['aran_monto'] = ArancelColegio::DOR_BASICA; } break; } //$_SESSION[''] = } return $row; }
public function __construct() { $this->DBHandler = DBConnect(); $this->instance_table = new Table(); $this->FG_QUERY_ADITION_SIP = 'name, accountcode, regexten, amaflags, callgroup, callerid, canreinvite, context, DEFAULTip, dtmfmode, fromuser, fromdomain, host, insecure, language, ' . 'mailbox, md5secret, nat, deny, permit, mask, pickupgroup, port, qualify, restrictcid, rtptimeout, rtpholdtimeout, secret, type, username, disallow, allow, musiconhold, regseconds, ' . 'ipaddr, cancallforward, fullcontact, setvar, lastms, regserver, defaultuser, auth, subscribemwi, vmexten, cid_number, callingpres, usereqphone, incominglimit, subscribecontext, ' . 'musicclass, mohsuggest, allowtransfer, autoframing, maxcallbitrate, outboundproxy, rtpkeepalive'; $this->FG_QUERY_ADITION_IAX = 'name, accountcode, regexten, amaflags, callerid, context, DEFAULTip, host, language, mask, port, qualify, secret, username, disallow, allow, regseconds, ' . 'ipaddr, trunk, dbsecret, regcontext, sourceaddress, mohinterpret, mohsuggest, inkeys, outkey, cid_number, sendani, fullname, auth, maxauthreq, encryption, transfer, jitterbuffer, ' . 'forcejitterbuffer, codecpriority, qualifysmoothing, qualifyfreqok, qualifyfreqnotok, timezone, adsi, setvar, type, deny, permit, requirecalltoken, maxcallnumbers, ' . 'maxcallnumbers_nonvalidated'; }
function actualizarMensualidades($db1, $db2) { // $db1="dorcl_dor2007"; // $db2="dorcl_dor2008"; echo "actualizando {$db2}"; DBConnect($dbh, $db1); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `alumnos`'; $result = mysql_query($sql, $dbh); $barrita = "."; $cont = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $detalle2 = ""; $barrita = $barrita . "."; $rut = $row["rut"]; $apellidop = $row["apellidop"]; $apellidom = $row["apellidom"]; $nombres = $row["nombres"]; $curso = $row["curso"]; $sql3 = 'SELECT * FROM `mensualidades` where `rut` = ' . "'" . $rut . "';"; mysql_select_db($db1); $result3 = mysql_query($sql3, $dbh); $row3 = mysql_fetch_array($result3); $mensualidad = $row3["mensualidad"]; $descuentos = $row3["descuentos"]; $deuda = $row3["deuda"]; $detalle = $row3["detalle"]; $deudaaux = 0; $deuda2 = $deuda; if ($deuda2 > 0) { $detalle2 = $detalle; } //echo "Mensualidad:$mensualidad, Descuento: $descuentos, Deuda : $deuda, Detalles : $detalle<br>"; $c[0] = $row3["c0"]; for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { $c[$i] = $row3["c" . $i]; $deudaaux = $deudaaux + ($mensualidad - $mensualidad * ($descuentos / 100) - $c[$i]); //echo "c$i:$c[$i]"; } $deuda2 = $deuda2 + $deudaaux; if ($deuda2 > 0) { $detalle2 = $detalle2 . " Deuda arancel " . $_SESSION[base_datos]->anio; } mysql_select_db($db2); $sql4 = "INSERT INTO `mensualidades` (rut, deuda, detalle) values('" . $deuda2 . "','" . $detalle2 . "');"; echo "{$sql4}<br>"; mysql_query($sql4, $dbh); //echo"<br><br>"; /* $letra = $curso{strlen($curso)-1}; $curso = $curso = substr ($curso, 0, -1); $curso++; $curso=$curso.$letra; $sql2 = "UPDATE `alumnos` SET `curso` ="."'".$curso."' where `rut` ="."'".$rut."';"; mysql_select_db ($db2);
function MCGetHouse($house, $key = 'ts') { global $memcache; static $houseKeys = array(); if ($key == 'ts') { if (isset($houseKeys[$house])) { return $houseKeys[$house]; } $houseKeys[$house] = $memcache->get('h' . $house . '_ts'); if ($houseKeys[$house] === false) { $houseKeys[$house] = 1; MCSetHouse($house, $key, $houseKeys[$house]); // so we don't query a billion times on this key $altDb = DBConnect(true); if ($altDb) { $stmt = $altDb->prepare('SELECT max(unix_timestamp(updated)) FROM tblSnapshot WHERE house = ?'); $stmt->bind_param('i', $house); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($houseKeys[$house]); $gotHouse = $stmt->fetch() === true; $stmt->close(); if ($gotHouse) { MCSetHouse($house, $key, $houseKeys[$house]); } else { $houseKeys[$house] = 1; } $altDb->close(); } } return $houseKeys[$house]; } return MCGet('h' . $house . '_' . MCGetHouse($house) . '_' . $key); }
/** * Взять информацию по найденным результатам * * @return array массив с пользователями */ function getRecords($order_by = NULL) { if ($this->matches) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM search_users_simple WHERE id IN (" . implode(', ', $this->matches) . ')'; if ($order_by) { $sql .= " ORDER BY {$order_by}"; } else { if ($this->_sortby && (($desc = $this->_sort == SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC) || $this->_sort == SPH_SORT_ATTR_ASC)) { $sql .= " ORDER BY {$this->_sortby}" . ($desc ? ' DESC' : ''); } } if ($res = pg_query(DBConnect(), $sql)) { if (!$order_by && ($this->_sort == SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE || $this->_sort == SPH_SORT_EXTENDED)) { $links = array(); $rows = array(); while ($row = pg_fetch_assoc($res)) { $links[$row['id']] = $row; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->matches); $i++) { $rows[] = $links[$this->matches[$i]]; } } else { $rows = pg_fetch_all($res); } return $rows; } } return array(); }
function __construct() { if (intval(EXPIRES) > 0) { $expiryTime = intval(EXPIRES); } $this->db = DBConnect(); $this->tbUser = $this->db->tbPrefix . 'user'; $this->tbField = $this->db->tbPrefix . 'field'; $this->tbUserField = $this->db->tbPrefix . 'user_field'; $this->tbSession = $this->db->tbPrefix . 'session'; $this->ocKey = Val('ocKey', 'COOKIE'); if (!empty($this->ocKey)) { $row = $this->db->FirstRow("SELECT userId,token,data FROM " . $this->tbSession . " WHERE ocKey='" . $this->ocKey . "' AND expires>" . time()); $this->userId = intval($row['userId']); $this->token = $row['token']; $data = $row['data']; if (!empty($data)) { $data = unserialize($data); $this->adminLevel = intval($data['adminLevel']); $this->userName = $data['userName']; $avatarDir = URL_ROOT . '/upload/avatar/'; $this->avatarImg = empty($data['avatarImg']) ? $avatarDir . 'avatar_50_50.gif' : $avatarDir . $data['avatarImg']; $this->avatarImg_s = empty($data['avatarImg_s']) ? $avatarDir . 'avatar_30_30.gif' : $avatarDir . $data['avatarImg_s']; $this->signature = $data['signature']; $this->db->Execute("UPDATE " . $this->tbSession . " SET updateTime='" . time() . "',expires=expires+" . $this->expiryTime . " WHERE ocKey='" . $this->ocKey . "'"); } } }
function Init() { session_start(); // chama config $configFile = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/painel/system/config.php'; if (!file_exists($configFile)) { die('Erro arquivo config.php não existe!'); } else { require_once $configFile; } //chama helpers if (!file_exists(FILE_HELP)) { die('Erro arquivo helpers.php não existe!'); } else { require_once FILE_HELP; } //chama database if (!file_exists(FILE_DATABASE)) { die('Erro arquivo database.php não existe!'); } else { require_once FILE_DATABASE; } DBConnect(); DoLogout(); }
function DBExecute($query) { $link = DBConnect(); $result = mysqli_query($link, $query) or die(mysqli_error($link)); DBClose($link); return $result; }
public function DBCambioPermanente($anio) { DBConnect($dbh); mysql_select_db(BD_SIGA); $SQL = "UPDATE db SET anio = '{$anio}'\r\n WHERE db_ID ='" . $_SESSION['base_datos']->db_ID . "'"; $this->DBQuery($SQL, $dbh); mysql_select_db($_SESSION['base_datos']->nombrebd); }
function DBExec($sql) { DBConnect(); $res = mysql_query($sql); if (false === $res) { return false; } return true; }
function DBQueryOne($sql) { DBConnect(); $res = mysql_query($sql); if (!$res) { return []; } $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); return $row; }
function DBQuery($sql) { DBConnect(); $res = mysqli_query($sql); $ret = []; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) { $ret = $row; } return $ret; }
function DataIntervalsData() { $cacheKey = 'dataintervalstable'; if (($tr = MCGet($cacheKey)) !== false) { return $tr; } $db = DBConnect(); $sql = <<<'EOF' select, t.lastupdate, t.mindelta, as modedelta, t.avgdelta, t.maxdelta, r.region, group_concat( order by 1 separator ', ') nms from ( select, max(deltas.updated) lastupdate, round(min(delta)/5)*5 mindelta, round(avg(delta)/5)*5 avgdelta, round(max(delta)/5)*5 maxdelta from ( select sn.updated, if(@prevhouse = and sn.updated > timestampadd(hour, -48, now()), unix_timestamp(sn.updated) - @prevdate, null) delta, @prevdate := unix_timestamp(sn.updated) updated_ts, @prevhouse := house from (select @prevhouse := null, @prevdate := null) setup, tblSnapshot sn order by, sn.updated) deltas group by t left join ( select house, delta from ( select if(@prev = house, @rownum := @rownum + 1, @rownum := 0) o, delta, (@prev := house) as house, c from ( select house, delta, count(*) c from ( select sn.updated, round(if(@prevh =, unix_timestamp(sn.updated) - @prevd, null)/5)*5 delta, @prevd := unix_timestamp(sn.updated) updated_ts, @prevh := house from (select @prevh := null, @prevd := null) setup, tblSnapshot sn where sn.updated > timestampadd(hour, -48, now()) order by, sn.updated) deltas where delta is not null group by house, delta order by house, c desc ) tosort, (select @rownum := 0, @prev := null) setup) filtered where o=0 ) modes on = join tblRealm r on = and r.locale is not null group by order by 4 asc, 3 asc, region asc, nms asc EOF; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); $tr = DBMapArray($result, null); $stmt->close(); MCSet($cacheKey, $tr, 60); return $tr; }
public function currencies() { $this->currencies = array(); $currenciesTable = new Table("cc_currencies", " * "); $DBHandle = DBConnect(); $return = $currenciesTable->Get_list($DBHandle, "", 0); $this->currencies = array(); foreach ($return as $value) { $this->currencies[$value['currency']] = array('currency' => $value['currency'], 'name' => $value['name'], 'value' => $value['value'], 'decimal_point' => $value['decimal_point'], 'basecurrency' => $value['basecurrency'], 'decimal_places' => 2); } }
function DBSearch_ByCpf($cpf) { $link = DBConnect(); $query_list = "SELECT * FROM candidato WHERE cpf='{$cpf}'"; if ($result = $link->query($query_list)) { while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) { $candidato = array('id' => $row[0], 'nome' => $row[1], 'cpf' => $row[2], 'rua' => $row[3], 'num' => $row[4], 'bairro' => $row[5], 'cidade' => $row[6], 'cep' => $row[7], 'fixo' => $row[8], 'cel' => $row[9], 'email' => $row[10], 'opc1' => $row[11], 'opc2' => $row[12], 'datahora' => $row[13]); return $candidato; } } return 0; }
function GetDBLink($authority) { if ($authority == "cm") { $authority = "geni-cm"; } if ($authority == "sa" || $authority == "geni-sa") { $authority = "geni"; } if ($authority == "ch") { $authority = "geni-ch"; } return DBConnect($authority); }
function DBInsert_Curso(array $curso, $foto1, $foto2, $foto3) { $link = DBConnect(); $query_curso = "INSERT INTO curso (idcurso, cod, nome, duracao, periodo, mensalidade, descricao, foto1, foto2, foto3) VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; $stmt = $link->prepare($query_curso) or die(mysqli_error($link)); if ($stmt) { $stmt->bind_param("ssissssss", $curso["cod"], $curso["nome"], $curso["duracao"], $curso["periodo"], $curso["mensalidade"], $curso["descricao"], $foto1, $foto2, $foto3); $resultado = $stmt->execute() ? 1 : 0; $stmt->store_result(); $stmt->close(); } DBClose($link); return $resultado; }
function TransmogGenericItemList($house, $params) { global $db, $canCache; $key = 'transmog_gi2_' . md5(json_encode($params)); if ($canCache && ($tr = MCGetHouse($house, $key)) !== false) { return $tr; } DBConnect(); if (is_array($params)) { $joins = isset($params['joins']) ? $params['joins'] : ''; $where = isset($params['where']) ? ' and ' . $params['where'] : ''; $group = isset($params['group']) ? array_merge($params['group'], [false]) : null; } else { $joins = ''; $group = null; $where = $params == '' ? '' : ' and ' . $params; } $sql = <<<EOF select, ab.display,, ab.class, ab.subclass, ifnull(ab.type, -1 & ab.subclass) `type`, ab.subclassname from ( select aa.*, if(@previd = aa.display, 0, @previd := aa.display) previd from (select @previd := 0) aasetup, ( SELECT, i.display,, i.class, i.subclass, i.type, concat_ws('-', i.class, i.subclass) subclassname FROM `tblDBCItem` i join tblAuction a on {$joins} WHERE i.auctionable=1 and i.quality > 1 {$where} and i.display is not null and i.flags & 2 = 0 and = ? and > 0 order by i.display, aa ) ab where ab.previd > 0 EOF; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); if (!$stmt) { DebugMessage("Bad SQL: \n" . $sql, E_USER_ERROR); } $stmt->bind_param('i', $house); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); $tr = DBMapArray($result, $group); $stmt->close(); MCSetHouse($house, $key, $tr); return $tr; }
function AddToCurrentSubs($seconds, $message) { $allGood = true; $db = DBConnect(true); $stmt = $db->prepare('select id from tblUser where paiduntil > now()'); $stmt->execute(); $user = null; $stmt->bind_result($user); while ($stmt->fetch()) { $allGood &= AddTheTime($user, $seconds, $message); } $stmt->close(); $db->close(); return $allGood; }
function DBEscape($dados) { $link = DBConnect(); if (!is_array($dados)) { $dados = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $dados); } else { $arr = $dados; foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { $key = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $key); $value = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $value); $dados[$key] = $value; } } DBClose($link); }
/** * Взять информацию по найденным результатам. * * @return array */ public function getRecords($order_by = null) { if ($this->matches && $this->active_search) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM search_projects WHERE id IN (' . implode(', ', $this->matches) . ')'; if ($order_by) { $sql .= " ORDER BY {$order_by}"; } elseif ($this->_sortby && (($desc = $this->_sort == SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC) || $this->_sort == SPH_SORT_ATTR_ASC)) { $sql .= " ORDER BY {$this->_sortby}" . ($desc ? ' DESC' : ''); } if ($res = pg_query(DBConnect(), $sql)) { return pg_fetch_all($res); } } return; }
function DBEscape($data) { $link = DBConnect(); if (!is_array($data)) { $data = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $data); } else { $arr = $data; foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { $key = DBEscape($key); $value = DBEscape($value); $data[$key] = $value; } } DBClose($link); return $data; }
function calc_salida_dia($dia, $mes, $anio) { DBConnect($dbh); $fechadia = $dia . "/" . $mes . "/" . $anio; $totaldia = 0; $aux = 1; $abono = 0; $sql = 'select * from salidas where `fecha` =' . "'" . $fechadia . "';"; //dpr($sql); $result = mysql_query($sql, $dbh); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $abono = $row["cantidad"]; $totaldia = $totaldia + $abono; } return $totaldia; }
function guardarMatricula($datos) { $matricula = $this->obtenerMatricula($datos); DBConnect($this->dbh, BD_SIGA); if ($matricula['matric_ID'] > 0) { $array_ID = array("matric_ID" => $matricula['matric_ID']); $sql = "UPDATE matriculas\n SET FK_colegios_colegio_ID='" . $datos['FK_colegios_colegio_ID'] . "',\n matric_monto='" . $datos['matric_monto'] . "',\n matric_anio='" . $datos['matric_anio'] . "',\n matric_estado='" . $datos['matric_estado'] . "',\n matric_observaciones='" . $datos['matric_observaciones'] . "',\n matric_fecha='" . $datos['matric_fecha'] . "',\n FK_rut='" . $datos['FK_rut'] . "' \n WHERE matric_ID='" . $matricula['matric_ID'] . "' "; DBQuery($sql, $this->dbh); $matric_ID = $matricula['matric_ID']; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO matriculas (\n FK_colegios_colegio_ID,\n matric_monto,\n matric_anio,\n matric_estado,\n matric_observaciones,\n FK_rut,\n matric_fecha\n ) VALUES (\n '" . $datos['FK_colegios_colegio_ID'] . "',\n '" . $datos['matric_monto'] . "',\n '" . $datos['matric_anio'] . "',\n '" . $datos['matric_estado'] . "',\n '" . $datos['matric_observaciones'] . "',\n '" . $datos['FK_rut'] . "',\n '" . $datos['matric_fecha'] . "'\n )"; DBQuery($sql, $this->dbh); $matric_ID = mysql_insert_id($this->dbh); } mysql_select_db($_SESSION['base_datos']->nombrebd); return $matric_ID; }
function DBProtect($dados) { //Protege contra SQL Inject $link = DBConnect(); if (!is_array($dados)) { $dados = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $dados); } else { $arr = $dados; foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { $key = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $key); $value = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $value); $dados[$key] = $value; } } DBClose($link); return $dados; }
function GetSellerList() { $cacheKey = 'extra:multirealm:sellers'; $sellers = MCGet($cacheKey); if ($sellers !== false) { return $sellers; } $sellers = []; $sql = <<<'EOF' select z2.sscnt, z2.itemcnt, sellername, realmname, s.firstseen, s.lastseen,, r.slug from ( select seller, count(distinct `snapshot`) sscnt, count(distinct item) itemcnt from ( SELECT seller, item, `snapshot` FROM `tblSellerItemHistory` where item in (128159, 127736, 127738, 127732, 127731, 127737, 127735, 127730, 127734, 127733, 127718, 128158, 127720, 127714, 127713, 127719, 127717, 127712, 127716, 127715) ) z1 group by seller having (count(distinct item) = 2 or count(distinct item) > 3) ) z2 left join tblSellerItemHistory h on h.seller = z2.seller and h.item not in (128159, 127736, 127738, 127732, 127731, 127737, 127735, 127730, 127734, 127733, 127718, 128158, 127720, 127714, 127713, 127719, 127717, 127712, 127716, 127715) join tblSeller s on = z2.seller join tblRealm r on s.realm = where h.seller is null and r.region = 'US' and s.firstseen > timestampadd(day, -14, now()) and s.lastseen > timestampadd(hour, -36, now()) order by, s.firstseen, z2.sscnt desc, s.lastseen desc EOF; $db = DBConnect(); $db->query('set transaction isolation level read uncommitted, read only'); $db->begin_transaction(); $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $sellers[$row['house']][] = $row; } $result->close(); $stmt->close(); $db->commit(); // end transaction MCSet($cacheKey, $sellers); return $sellers; }
function obtenerStyle($colegio_ID) { DBConnect($this->dbh, BD_SIGA); if (!$colegio_ID) { throw new Exception("Se requiere el colegio ID, para obtener el style"); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM style WHERE FK_colegios_colegio_ID = '" . $colegio_ID . "'"; $result = DBQuery($sql, $this->dbh); $row = DBFetchArray($result); mysql_select_db($_SESSION['base_datos']->nombrebd); if (!$row) { $row['style_ID'] = "0"; $row['FK_colegios_colegio_ID'] = $colegio_ID; $row['style_css'] = "style.css"; $row['style_path'] = "default"; } return $row; }
/** * Обработка пачки событий (вызывается демоном). * * @param int $batch_id * * @return bool */ public function process_batch($batch_id) { $events = $this->preprocess_batch($batch_id); if ($events === false) { $this->log->verbose('PGQDaemonBanners.preprocess_batch got not events (False).'); return false; } /* * Event processing loop! */ $abort_batch = false; $sql = "PREPARE updBanners (int, int, int) AS \n \t\tUPDATE ban_stats1 set views = views + \$2, clicks = clicks + \$3 WHERE banner_id = \$1;\n"; foreach ($events as $event) { if ($abort_batch) { break; } $id = $event->data['id']; $type = $event->type; if ($type == 'click') { ++$bans[$id]['click']; } elseif ($type == 'view') { ++$bans[$id]['view']; } $this->log->verbose('PGQDaemonBanners.process_batch type %s event %d of batch %d ', $type, $event->id, $batch_id); $this->log->verbose('PGQDaemonBanners.process_batch processed event %d of batch %d', $event->id, $batch_id); } if ($bans) { foreach ($bans as $ikey => $ban) { $sql .= "EXECUTE updBanners({$ikey}, " . zin($ban['view']) . ', ' . zin($ban['click']) . ");\n"; } $sql .= 'DEALLOCATE updBanners;'; $result = pg_query(DBConnect(), $sql); $this->log->debug('UPDATE : %s ', $sql); if ($result === false) { $this->log->error('Unable to update : %s ', $sql); $abort_batch = true; } } else { $this->log->verbose('PGQDaemonBanners.process_batch has no banners'); } return $this->postprocess_batch($batch_id, $abort_batch); }
/** * Взять информацию по найденным результатам. * * @return array */ public function getRecords() { if ($this->matches && $this->active_search) { $where = array(); foreach ($this->matches as $id => $match) { $where[$match['attrs']['type']][] = $id; } $_where = ''; $i = 0; $cnt = count($where) - 1; foreach ($where as $key => $value) { $_in = implode(', ', $value); $_where .= "(type = {$key} AND id IN({$_in})) " . ($i < $cnt ? 'OR' : ''); ++$i; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM search_{$this->_indexes[0]} WHERE {$_where}"; if (!($res = pg_query(DBConnect(), $sql))) { return; } $rows = pg_fetch_all($res); if (!$rows) { return; } $data = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $data[$row['id']] = $row; } $ids = array_keys($this->matches); $result = array(); foreach ($ids as $id) { if (!isset($data[$id])) { continue; } $result[] = $data[$id]; } return $result; } return; }